Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1543: She must be heartache to tears, right?

Looking at the two nails on the small cupping jar, Jiangnan was stunned!

Before Jiang Nan wanted to understand, the nightingale in the bedroom had already begun to rush!

(???????) "Have you pulled it out? I can't wait!"

At this moment, Nightingale is looking forward to it. From today, will she become a real woman?

At this moment, Jiangnan couldn't care about the spiciness anymore, so he pulled out two small cupping pots and made two "pops"!

Nightingale, who was afraid of being seen by Jiangnan, turned around at the speed of light, and looked down expectantly!

In the next instant, Nightingale had a satisfied expression!


There were even tears in the corners of his eyes!

Woo~ I'm dead without regrets!

I finally have what others have!

Although it is cupping, the color is a little bit wrong! But it’s better than before?

Nightingale, who seemed to have gotten a new baby, was full of excitement and admired it!

At this moment, Jiang Nan was sitting on the sofa, holding two small cups in his hands, and fell into deep thought!

(??ˇ?ˇ?) Hmm~

What did you pull out?

However, the nightingale who was admiring it was stunned and her expression froze!


Why do you always feel something is not right?

After careful observation, Nightingale's eyes widened fiercely, with a look of horror!

o口o* Yeah! there is none left! Nothing! Wow! "

(??????)? "Jiangnan! I killed you! You pay!"

Just listen to the "boom"!

The entire wall of the bedroom was directly knocked out of a personal-shaped hole, and concrete scum flew around!

Jiang Nan hadn't realized what was going on, Nightingale had already turned into an evil spirit and rushed forward!

Pinching Jiangnan's neck and shaking!

(°?? 絲??°?)? "No! No more! You pay me! I strangle you to death!"

Jiang Nan was pinched and rolled his eyes, what's the thing gone?

Can't help but glance at Nightingale!

(??????) "Puff~hahaha! Divine nails! Is there a board left? Ahahahahaha~"

[The grievance value from Nightingale is +1007! ]

At this moment, the Nightingale is almost crying!

(*?? 紅??) "You said it! You said it! Damn it! Get it back for me soon! This looks very strange, isn't it?"

Jiang Nan was laughing and angry. If the swelling disappears, I really can't tell the front and back!

(′???)Σ "You choose it yourself, and you are willing to say anything. This is beyond my control?"

nightingale:! !

(;'??口??`) "I don't care! Hurry up and pay me! I am like a child, I can't be a mother anymore!"

"If I bring a baby, I will starve the child to death? What use do I want it? No matter! You hurry up and pay!"

Jiang Nan was already running out, tremblingly took out two Toot pacifiers from his pocket and stuffed them to Nightingale...

('?Ж?)? "Hey~ here you are! Let's deal with it first!"

The moment Nightingale saw the two toot pacifiers, her eyes blushed!

Use it first! Can this be the same?

Then he turned around and held Jiang Nan's back, and a close naked twist came!

But before Jiangnan begged for mercy, the nightingale, who was suppressed by the big red envelope, screamed and burst into tears on the spot!

??o·(??????口?????)?o·? "Ahhh~"

[The grievance value from Nightingale is +1007! ]

"I'm not alive anymore! Ooooo~"

Seeing Nightingale's face of collapse, Jiang Nan quickly comforted!

(.???)? "Don't be afraid, you can go back, I'll go back for you!"

Nightingale wiped her tears: (???~???) "Really...really? You don't lie to me?"

Jiang Nan patted his chest: (?ˇ.?ˇ?) "When did Jiang Cheng cheat someone!"

Speaking of taking out the two small cupping pots with nails, he was about to rush Nightingale back!

Nightingale was nervous::;(∩′﹏`∩);: "Spicy...spicy, okay? You aimed at Ann, don’t give me peace, that’s even stranger!"

Jiangnan:! !

???(°?????°) "Puff ha ha ha ha! I beg you, don't make me laugh, my hands are shaking!"

At this moment, Jiangnan made up for what it would look like if An's crooked...

Nightingale's nervous expression is too funny!

In order not to be crooked, Nightingale also thoughtfully marked the original position with a marker, and drew two ×s on it!

Jiang Nan held back his smile, and settled back for Nightingale!

But it echoed with a scream of Nightingale, just a "boom"!

Jiang Nan was smashed out of the room with a punch by Nightingale, wiped off the dirt on his face, and shook his head and ran away with a smile!

After a while, I saw Nightingale, wearing short sleeves, clenched fists and bowed waist, rushed out of the broken wall!

Because the big red envelope hurts as long as it is touched, Nightingale can only bow her waist and dare not be touched by the short sleeve!

At this moment, the Nightingale is acting like an angry gorilla!

╭(?°Fo°?)╮ "Jiangnan! You dare to run away! You will die for me, you!"

[The grievance value from Nightingale is +1001! ]

You didn’t say that it hurts if you touch it, and you can’t touch it. Why do I want it...

Li Bing in the corridor watched Jiangnan rushing by with a dazed expression, and the Nightingale chasing after the gorilla!

(?°??°) "Huh? Sister Ying is 27, she can still develop? This is unscientific! Go back and study it carefully..."

Jiang Nan rushed into Yang Jian's office to take refuge, and then Nightingale left angrily, not daring to chase in!

Yang Jian looked at Jiangnan's humiliated face, and he didn't know what he was tossing about, so he greeted him!

"You are here just right. This is your invitation. Go back and prepare. The Chinese Mission is about to leave Sun Island to attend the round table meeting!"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright: (?¥?¥) "I will leave soon?"

This is about to set off to earn grievances.

Yang Jian nodded: "After all, the members of the panel are from all over the Blue Star, so I am afraid that there will be an uneven number of people when I go there that day, so I usually go to the island one day in advance!"

The Jiangnan mad dog tore open the invitation letter, revealing a card with a yellow sun printed on the back, representing the logo of the International Lingwu Alliance!

A beautiful line of handwriting on the card:

Nanshen is sincerely invited to attend the Blue Star Roundtable!


The card is crumpled and there are several obvious dry watermarks...

Jiang Nan studied for a long time: (???.??)???? "Why is this wet? Freya? Is it the goddess of life?"

Even Jiang Nan has heard of her name, after all, she is the vice president of the Lingwu Alliance, very famous!

Yang Jian nodded: "She became famous very early. In the chaos of spiritual disaster, she traveled around the world and saved countless lives with her powers!"

"Everywhere you go is dead wood and spring, full of vitality. The title of the goddess of life was not created by her herself, but the honorific name given to her by people, a very powerful character!"

In an instant, Jiang Nan made up a look like a goddess in his mind!

Is it holy and selfless, saves the world in the sea of ​​suffering with supernatural powers, and sprinkles the fire of hope?

The watermark on the invitation letter must be that she couldn't help seeing so many lives on the moon, she couldn't help but tears from her heartache, right?

The goddess was lying in front of the case, and the scene of beautiful eyes writing the invitation letter with tears came to mind!

Jiang Nan is in awe!

(o?????) "I will go back and prepare!"

Yang Jian lightly coughed: "Don't have big shorts and short sleeves! A little more formal, after all, it represents my image of China!"

Jiang Nan patted his chest and promised: "Don't worry!"

Until ten noon, at the passage of the Star Gate!

Yang Jian and Wang Dalei are ready to go!

Even Chen Daoyi and Ye Zhenguo both put on a Tang costume, with white hair combed meticulously behind their heads, looking full of energy!

I can't see that I was a member of the Daotian Clashing Group!

Craig changed into a housekeeper's suit, planning to go with Huaxia, and then join the sea king!

As for Nicole after being interrogated enough, she has already returned to China with Bige and the others...

At this moment, Jiangnan Teleport appeared in the field!

Suddenly drew a burst of exclamation!

Jiang Nan in a black suit is so handsome that he has no friends!

A black shirt and tie, Jiangnan looks very stable and capable in a black suit! But it has the unique vigor of young people!

Mysterious and irritating!

I even scratched my hair!

?*? (???????)?*?

At this moment, Jiangnan is a little looking left and right, and has just been entangled for a long time, do you want to change to Jianglan's number!

But after thinking about it, so many people are watching, in front of the world's bigwigs, Jiangnan really can't do this thing!

I can only destroy my sister with his compelling handsomeness!

Zhong Yingxue's big eyes are full of pride at the moment, helping Jiangnan to straighten his tie!

(??????) "My Xiaonan, seems to have grown up in an instant~"

Jiangnan was stunned, with a mysterious face!

(?)?3?) "Hiss~how do you know that I just...poof~"

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Yingxue elbowed him to his stomach!

Although I don’t know what Xiaonan is going to say, it’s definitely not a serious thing anyway!

"Pay attention to the image!"

Xia Yao pouted her little mouth: (?? 3?) "I can't accompany you. After the beating, remember to heal the injury before going to the meeting. That way, you won't be ashamed!"

Jiang Nan's face turned black: "Could you not mention this?"

[The grievance value from Nightingale is +1001! ]

[From Nightingale...]

Jiang Nan slapped his spirits fiercely, staring at the crowd, and saw that Ye Ape was arching his body at the moment, gritting his teeth aggressively!

Can't wait to eat Jiangnan raw!

Jiangnan's forehead was sweating: (Ah? Ah?) "Aha~Ahaha~ I should go, you guys, be careful, the one-eyed species have actions to contact at any time!"

While talking, he quickly entered the Star Gate with Yang Jian and the others, and returned to the Tianchen Bureau!

As soon as Yang Jian and the others left, the defensive power of the City of Silver Moon was empty!

However, Beiqiu and Luo Jiaoyang are on standby in the country to support Silvermoon City at any time!

But this time, Fat Orange and Ziyuan didn't move either, but they stayed on the side of Xijiang!

Yang Jian Jiangnan and his party are enough to represent China!

As a few people returned to Blue Star, the God Killing Curse was opened!

The few people did not take any means of transportation, but stepped on a flying sword skateboard and went straight to the flat ocean sun island!

During the flight, Jiang Nan frowned slightly: "Do you think that the concentration of Blue Star's aura is higher?"

This is the southern part of China. It stands to reason that no matter how high the aura overflowing from the west, it can't flow to the south so far!

Now Jiangnan once felt that the aura content in the country was almost the same as in Lingxu!

Yang Jian frowned: "Yes? I didn't pay much attention to it!"

Chen Dao stretched his hands:? (?'??`?)? "You have been on the moon for too long, lack of spiritual energy, and haven't come back for a long time, so you don't get used to it. You have this feeling, right?"

Jiang Nan frowned, a little worried: "Maybe..."

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