Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1544: Did you find the difference?

Today’s Sun Islands is home to mainstream media from all over the world!

At this moment, they are all piled up in front of the Peace Square of the International Lingwu Alliance!

With long guns and short cannons, the momentum is extremely magnificent!

After all, what the Blue Star Roundtable is discussing is how the nations unite and how to start a counterattack on the moon!

It has received the attention of countless people, and it can be said that the eyes of the whole world are focused here!

Moreover, the Daotian-level powerhouses I have seen with my own eyes in this life are not necessarily as many as this time!

There is the Sun Peace Corps of the Lingwu Alliance to maintain order on the scene!

That's right, the International Lingwu Alliance also supports troops, but the Sun Peace Force is selected by the major participating countries!

Mainly participate in world peacekeeping missions, do not favor any aspect!

Today's Freya wears a light green long dress with a wreath on her head, making her look very gentle and charming!

With a gentle smile on Qiao's face, she generously received the members of the panel!


It's just like a spring breeze that makes people just look at it!

Many members of the panel who were spoken to by Freya scratched their heads, a little shy!

Cooper in the distance cast his eyes at Freya in disgust!

(? Yi??) "Just pretend, stubborn girl, drink~ Bah!"

In front of Cooper, Big and Nicole both looked at Cooper dumbfounded!

Nicole swallowed even more!

(???﹏??) "Although I don't know who you are talking about! But... can you really do spitting while wearing a mask?"


"I... I didn't really vomit, so I just said something, I..."

However, Nicole took two steps back in disgust, and was unwilling to talk to Cooper!

Cooper: ()?...

Can't help but tilt his head and give Freya a fierce look!

But without looking back, Freya secretly held her hands behind her back and raised her **** towards Cooper!

Cooper: (???益????)

At this moment, Freya had a smile on her face, and received the Sea King Senna and Merlin who were present!

(??????????) "Gluck~ Master Aquaman, you are really funny!"

"If I am a few years younger, I might not help marrying you~"

Sena laughed: (?'?`?) "It's not too late! It's not too late now!"

Freya's pretty face rose with two blushes, and her beautiful eyes were shy!

(︶.?︶?) "You hate it! But at this point, I have a merciless please! I don't know..."

Senna waved his hand!

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "Say! Say it! It's an honor for Senna to help you!"

I saw Freya's expression a bit twisted, and looked around!

(??????) "There are so many people, it's not convenient for me to say, I don't know if I can take a step to speak?"

Seeing Freya's attitude, Senna couldn't help it?

I was pulled directly by Freyal to the edge of the sparsely populated square!

The two whispered with their backs to everyone, Senna scratched his hair from time to time and smiled, with a shy expression on his face!


Merlin in the distance was stunned for a while!

After a short while, Senna came back, walking all the way!

Merlin was stunned: "What did Freya tell you? What's the matter?"

Senna shook his head with a mysterious look!

(?︶.?︶?) "Confidentiality! Don't talk about it~"

At this moment, Freya put the pos machine back into the treasure bag with a dark expression on her face.

(?°?д°?) "Tsk~ Just lend me such a little! It's not generous at all, it's not enough for my old lady!"

As soon as I turned my head, I saw Bombardier bringing Alpha Omega to the scene!

Cooper was just about to greet him, but Freya's eyes were already shining!

This rich, this rich!

So he rushed over like a small whirlwind, and directly flew Cooper, who was about to shake hands with Bombardier!

Quickly shook Bombardier's hand!

(???*) "Gluck~ Boss Pang, it's been a long time since I saw you. The last time I heard that you were so powerful that you fell, unfortunately, I don't know how long I was sad, and I even sent a message of condolences!"

"It's okay to see you, don't mention how happy I am!"

Bombardier was at a loss for a while!

(???????)? "Ahaha~ Really?"

So can you not mention it?

Cooper: (??? 益???) Fuck

However, Freya didn’t say a few words, and used the same excuse to pull Bombardier aside to talk...

Cooper had no choice but to receive the newly arrived Seagod Bruce and Black King Kong Andy!

And at this moment, I saw a few silver rays across the sky!

Accompanied by the exclamation of the reporters!

I saw the Huaxia mission headed by Yang Jian falling from the sky with flying swords, and entered the arena gorgeously!

As soon as he entered the venue, he received the attention of the audience!

Especially Jiangnan in a black suit, his upright figure suddenly became the most dazzling presence in the audience!

The shutter sound became one piece, countless flashes hit Jiangnan's body!

Even the Sun Peace Corps, which maintains order on the scene, cannot stop the enthusiastic reporters!

Breaking through the protection directly, the Jiangnan surrounded by water!

Yang Jian on the side took a lot of effort to get out of the reporters coming up!

Chen Daoyi landed on one foot and held Ye Zhenguo's arm in one hand!

(?`益?'?) "Who stepped on a horse and trampled on one of Laozi's shoes?"

Ye Zhenguo covered his face: "Iron Juice, can you be more embarrassed?"

Originally, Jiang Nan didn't want to be interviewed, but among a large group of reporters crowded in by reporters, one of them was Sister Hu Shuo!

The glasses were squeezed out and almost fell...

Can't help but hurriedly stepped forward to give a hand to the gentleman!

(??????) "Sister Shuo? Why are you here? Move faster than us?"

Then he took the microphone in Hu Shuo's hand naturally and helped her straighten her glasses!

This scene fell in the eyes of other reporters, directly astonished, looking at Hu Shuo's eyes full of respect!

Isn't it? She knows Nanshen so well?

At this moment, even Hu Shuo's face turned red, my God? Nanshen gives face so much?

Not only accepted my interview, but also helped me?

Feeling the respect and envy of other reporters, Hu Shuo felt more satisfied in his heart, he was so excited!

(?????w????) "Xi Xie Nan Shen, can I ask you some questions?"

Jiang Nan smiled gently: "Just ask!"

On the night of his feign death, when Xuexue hugged him out of the gate of the North house, Jiang Nan remembered what Hu Shuo said and did!

Even if he is so kind to himself, Jiangnan can remember it for a lifetime!

Hu Shuo's eyes were full of excitement: "On the eve of the Dawn War, you have already acted to curb each other's actions!"

"In the wartime, we saved China's station with the smallest loss, and extended a helping hand to the Ice Castle!"

"As the person who has opened up the joint situation and performed the most brilliantly, will he continue to lead the parties to fight the counter-offensive?"

Jiang Nan shook his head: "Actually, I don't want to mention more about the Dawn War, because it is a shame, and defeating the war is never something to celebrate!"

"Did Huaxia lose the least? We killed 14,531 people! Bai Kou killed nearly 100,000 people!"

"I'm not the most dazzling one, those who fell are..."

"As for leading the counter-offensive battle, my Jiangnan ability is limited. It still depends on the wishes of each family!"

Hu Shuo quickly asked, "Do you have any opinions about Nanshen regarding this counterattack plan?"

"Or in what way will you fight back? Are you sure of victory?"

Jiang Nan's expression remained unchanged: "I'm not sure about the other things, but I can be sure, as long as the various families start to unite, it will be a good thing for mankind!"

"As for the result, what will happen? I don't know! I won the drink and canned the ashes, everyone relax!"

Hu Shuo almost didn't spit out the old blood. Would you like to be so free and easy, you?

At this moment, Jiangnan, faced with some sharp questions prepared by Hu Shuo, answered fluently, and made reporters laugh from time to time!

Regarding all the details of the counter-offensive, no details have been disclosed.

Yang Jian stood on the square and looked at Jiangnan from a distance, with the kind smiles of an old father on their faces!

My own doll has grown up and can take care of it!

Don't mention too much satisfaction in my heart!

At this moment, in the square, a girl with a beret and short hair looked at Jiangnan with an idiot!

Wearing a black uniform, with a goblin mask on his face, he can't see his appearance, except that there is a crossed **** fork sign on the beret!

Affiliated to the Lingwu Alliance Cooper's banner, the position is extremely special!

It's a disciplinary officer!

The disciplinary officer is specifically responsible for punishing some countries that violate the alliance agreement. It can be said that they are the last thing they want to see!

At this moment, the evil ghost girl held her shoulders and twisted!

(???w?) "Ahhhhh~ I really want to take a photo with Nanshen? This is the first time I saw a real person! I'm so handsome, okay?"

The disciplinary officer, who also wears a ghost mask, sneered!

(¬_¬) "Are you as for? Even if Jiangnan is famous, it is just a diamond. You are a star, and you look like a star?"

Devil girl: "You know a big ghost! What happened to diamonds? Have you ever seen such a strong diamond? Xingyao can't beat my Southern God!"

"You count! How many Xing Yao lost in his hands? I can't find it with one hand!"

The man with the stick and knife curled his mouth: "I can't bear the way you blow him, nympho! Do people know who you are?"

The evil ghost girl rolled her eyes: (????) "Yoyoyo~Look at you sour~"

The man with the stick and knife stared: "I'm not sour!"

While speaking, walked straight towards Jiangnan!

The evil ghost girl is anxious: (? mouth?)? "Hey hey! What are you doing? Don't mess around, that's Southern God!"

The stick knife man didn't turn his head: "Routine!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan had finished answering the reporter's question, and then he was out of the crowd!

They waved at Yang Jian from afar, and they were going to pass!

However, a stick knife was directly in front of Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan's steps stopped immediately, and his face was full of doubts!

(???~??)???? "What are you doing?"

The man with the stick knife stretched out his hand: "Check the invitation letter, do a routine, and please cooperate with our work!"

Jiangnan: "Oh~ I'm sorry..."

After speaking, I found out the invitation letter and handed it over!

The man with the stick and knife took it over and flipped it a few times, frowning when he looked at the watermark on it!

"what 's wrong?"

Jiangnan Tanshou:? (?'~?`)? "I don't know, that's what you sent me!"

The man with the stick and knife said with a cold voice: "I hope you can keep the invitation letter. This is also a respect for my International Lingwu Alliance!"

"Get the ID cards of the members of the council, and I will verify my identity!"

Jiang Nan frowned slightly, turned his head and searched for a while in the alien space!

The stick knife man said impatiently: "Hurry up!"

Jiangnan turned over after a long time and passed it to him!

The stickman took out the portable scanner and swept it down!

"It doesn't show your information. There is no problem with your card, right? Please wait here and wait for my verification..."

(? ̄?~ ̄?) "So I can understand that you are looking for me on purpose?"

Before the man with the sword was finished, he was pushed back by Jiangnan!

[The grievance value from Naif +1000! ]

"Where do I dare? You are the famous Southern God!"

Jiang Nan slowly eased the buttons on his suit, and casually replied: "You know who I am, so what are you still investigating?"

"The official announcement also invites me, and everyone can enter directly. Why can't I?"

Naif's expression remained unchanged: "I'm sorry, spot check! This is a rule! I must make sure that you are Jiang Nan himself, and not some other stubborn person who pretends..."

The words were not finished yet, but Jiang Nan had already unlocked the last button of the suit!

Staring at Naif with blade-like eyes, a teleport appeared in front of him, and Shura opened with a thought!

He lifted his foot forward and kicked Neff's chest fiercely!

"Boom boom boom!"

Five consecutive sounds burst out, and Neff's chest sank directly, vomiting blood, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball!

Across the entire Heping Square, the Blue Star stone sculpture in the center of the square was smashed, and it smashed into the Alliance Headquarters building, and the walls were smashed into big holes!

Under the strong wind, Jiangnan's black tie was flying, and his face was cold!

"Sorry for Lao Tzu? I gave you a face, right?"

"Can you prove that I am Jiang Nan himself? Huh?"

"Take a horse! Any star will come to make me, what's going on on the moon, why are you here to break the rules with me?"

At this moment, everyone on Heping Square looked at Jiangnan in amazement and opened their mouths wide!

Yang Jian covers his face! Since the completion of Heping Square, it is estimated that Jiangnan was the first to move here?

With this kick, the Peace Square is no longer peaceful!

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