Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1705: Xiaoqi's unparalleled bear

The big bear who suddenly appeared in the field stunned everyone!

With one palm, the Balrog was swept away, and Qiqi was rescued, even with a level of star brilliance?

Oh my God!

Xiao Zhen vomited old blood, and his eyes were full of excitement!

∑(°口°#) "Xiong Er?"

This figure is too familiar to him, right?

How did he come here?

Is this the legendary British bear to save the beauty?

At this moment, An Xiaoqi's tears couldn't help pouring out!


She didn't know how Xiong Er came to the rain forest labyrinth, and how did she find herself in the labyrinth!

She only knew that when she needed Xiong Er the most, he appeared in front of her eyes from the sky like a big bear!

"Bear! You..."

I saw Er Xiong didn't turn his head back, and instantly swept the battlefield, his eyes were scarlet, and he threw the wall-mounted backpack directly to An Xiaoqi!

"Don't be stunned! Go and save people! Come back and talk about it!"

While speaking, the two bear paws slapped the ground fiercely!

"Tu Dun? Siege!"

In an instant, the earth trembled wildly, and a rock wall with a thickness of tens of meters and a height of hundreds of meters rose up!

A huge bear head relief appeared on the siege!


The khaki light on the besieged city flashed and hardened directly to protect the curse array!

An Xiaoqi carried her backpack, wiped away her tears, nodded heavily, and rushed straight to Qi Delong Dongqiang!

The flame demon that was slapped up just got up from the ground, and was shocked and angry. Seeing that it was almost done, where did this big bear come from?

"Whoever you are! Flame advances!"

Flames burst into flames, pushing its huge body towards Xiong Er!

But Xiong Er roared: "Bullying my family Qiqi? Have you asked me? Get out of here!"

"The Pillar of Inadequacy!"

Between the hands clapping the ground, the earth trembled, and a sturdy rock pillar suddenly rose from the ground!

It was slanted against the body of the flame demon, and the speed was extremely fast!

It is as majestic as the Buzhou Mountain standing between heaven and earth!

Even if the top of the mountain pillar is burned into magma by the fire, it still extends out crazily!

He literally flew far away with the flame demon!

I saw Xiong Er roaring angrily, he broke the Pillar of Inadequacy, hugged it in his arms, and walked across the battlefield!

One swept thousands of troops, and I don't know how many people were smashed like baseballs!

Immediately he slashed down, like a great general across the battlefield!

"The earth is shaking!"

The earth trembled violently, the earth and rocks burst, and the mercenaries were shaken unsteadily!

I saw the ill-conceived pillars rising from the ground, sending the mercenaries screaming and flying, and in a blink of an eye, a spectacular forest of rock pillars was formed!

The scene is shocking!

Xiao Zhen was shocked, wow! When did Xiong Er become so fierce? This lethality is too terrifying, isn't it?

And An Xiaoqi also quickly took out the little ginseng from the wall-mounted backpack!

Qi Dongqiang's face was bloodless at this moment, and the blood that flowed out had gathered into a small pool!

His throat was cut, and he would lose his breath when he saw it!

The little ginseng couldn't be eaten at all, so An Xiaoqi was anxious to open the wound on Qi Dongqiang's neck, and frantically stuffed the little ginseng into it along the broken throat!

Roll your eyes at Qi Dongqiang!

Depend on! If you can't eat it, you really cut your neck and slap it in there?

However, the small ginseng alone is not enough. Qi Dongqiang's injury is too serious, and he won't be able to pull it back later!

An Xiaoqi went crazy:

(#??????yi???????) "Qianzi! You swallow it! Hold on! Don't die, if you survive, I'll introduce you to a girlfriend later!"

Qi Dongqiang's eyes widened, if you say that, I won't die!



"Xiong Er! The strong son is dead! The little ginseng is not enough, he..."

I saw Xiong Er spread his arms directly: "Mother of the Earth!"

Infinite yellow light burst out from Xiong Er. At this moment, Qi Dongqiang An Xiaoqi and the others felt a warm force pouring into their body from the earth!

Not only is it helping everyone to recover from their injuries, but even their spiritual energy has been restored together!

Qi Dongqiang's injury was restored to its original state with the help of the little ginseng and the mother of the earth!

The first sentence I was able to speak was:

(?°???°)? "Introduce female friends, you've agreed?"

When An Xiaoqi went up, he slapped him with a loli bang bang. What time has he been thinking about his girlfriend?

Qi Delong hugged his brother excitedly, tears rolled down his cheeks, just now he really thought his brother was going to die!

Looking at Xiong Er's figure is also full of shock!

"This... is really Xiong Er? Too fierce, isn't he? Is he melee combat, or is he a native method? How can he still recover his skills?"

As everyone knows, if Yang Jian deducts again, he will use the best ones for Jiangnan and the others. Xiong Er's spiritual skills are all rare, and none of them are bad!

And they have all been carefully considered and proportioned!

At this moment, An Xiaoqi's face was full of happy smiles!

(??????) "My bear is so good? He is my heroic bear!"

Even Xiao Zhen was shocked. He even had recovery skills?

if it is like this? Maybe you can win this battle, huh?

I saw the flame demon get up from the ground angrily!

(?°?yi.°?) "Tsk~ I'm so annoying! I want to pull a nail, but you can't stop it! Don't look at how many people there are! It's not too many to kill you one more!"

"All for me! Cluster bombardment!"

With the cover of Wave Wei, Xiong Er can only passively defend, after all, Xingyao Qixing's fire attack power is definitely not covered!

And the mercenaries also launched the charge again!

Xiong Er narrowed his eyes: (????) "Is there more than people? Don't open your eyes to see clearly, whose territory is this!"

"Little ones! It's time for dinner!"

With the roar of Xiong Er, the beasts in the distance have already been killed!

It's a pity that it didn't help Wave Wei and the others, but all of them were the little brothers that Xiong Er received along the way!

All the harassers are about to be thrown into the sky, their eyes are full of excitement, all the hungry wolves!

Big brothers and sisters fool us, follow the big brother, can you really drive meat?

The number of beasts has reached tens of thousands of heads. In comparison, those mercenaries are not enough!

One by one, their eyes widened, their eyes full of horror!


Who is this riding horse surrounded by?

Even Wave Wei's complexion is also difficult to look at!

Depend on!

Can this bear still command the herd?

The situation suddenly reversed!

But this is far from over!

I saw Xiong Er sneered: "I don't have much else, just a lot of spiritual skills!"

"Stone Army!"

The sound of rumbling sounded, and I saw 10 giant stone bears of 80 meters in the shape of bears rising from the ground!

Holding a huge stone axe and stone shield, wearing stone armor, and even being made indestructible by Xiong Er!

As long as Xiong Er is not dead and the supply of spiritual energy is constant, even if these stone men are broken, they can quickly regroup and fight again!

Tens of thousands of beasts and 10 stone bears launched a fierce siege against the mercenaries!

The battle suddenly entered a state of white-hot!

As soon as he entered the spirit market, Xiong Er heard the scolding of Qi Delong and Dongqiang brothers!

I followed the sound all the way to find it, and I really caught up!

Ring Wei is also among the beasts at the moment, all golden, but no beasts eat her at all!

After all, they watched Xiong Er indigestion with their own eyes and excreted her!

Just thinking about it makes me lose my appetite, let alone eating it, it’s too bad to hate it!

I saw Ring Wei excitedly said:

(????.??)? "That one? That's just Wei of the bracelet Wei! Kill her and **** it for me!"

Xiong Er's eyes were full of ferocious eyes: "I don't need you to say that I will kill her!"

"Brother Zhen! Fuck her?"

Xiao Zhen twisted his neck and grinned, his eyes full of killing intent!

"She must die today!"

The two looked at each other and said nothing!

Recalling the past, the two fought when they first saw each other. Xiao Zhen was bitten to death by a spirit beast because his parents died of a spiritual disaster!

He hated all spirit beasts to the core, but he also changed his attitude because of some things!

From the very beginning of meeting and fighting each other, and being disliked by each other, to now fighting side by side and fighting the enemy together!

Everything in the past seems to have happened yesterday!

I saw Xiong Er raised his hand and grabbed it, and put Xiao Zhen directly on his shoulder!

"I help create opportunities! You are the main attack! Let's go!"


The Pillar of Inadequacy rose, and the two of them went straight to the flame demon to kill Xiong Er and Xiao Zhen!

Wave Wei naturally also noticed the existence of Ring Wei!

"You traitor, wait for me to deal with them before killing you!"

"Big Fire Cannon!"

The Flame Demon folded his hands together, and a fiery pillar of fire spewed out of his palm, and shot straight at Xiong Er and the two of them!

Xiong Er roared: "Dismiss!"

Xiao Zhen dodged fiercely, while Xiong Er continued to move forward with the pillar of inadequacy in his arms!


In an instant, the Pillar of Uncertainty collided with the Great Flame Cannon, and the magma splashed everywhere!

And Xiong Er then rushed forward and jumped directly over!

Yu in the air roared: "Bear's blood is boiling!"

Xiong Er's muscles were bursting with red light all over his body, and the whole bear had grown stronger, as if he had started a frenzy!

A shoulder slam on the body of the flame demon!


At this moment, with the two of them at the center, the yellow light spreads, and countless earth and rocks gather here!

Crazy bombardment compression!

In the blink of an eye, a large rock ball with a diameter of over 500 meters appeared in the sky!

Sealed Xiong Er and the Balrog inside!

The Balrog madly generated flames, and the blazing flames spewed through the cracks in the rocks. In the blink of an eye, the rock **** would be melted and turned into magma waterfalls!

"It's now!"

I saw the rock ball violently smashed towards the ground, and an ill-conceived pillar on the ground rose from the ground!

At the top is Xiao Zhen who has pushed his ultimate to the limit!

"Shock wave? Molecular shattering!"


The Boundless Pillar was against Xiao Zhen, and with a single blow, it stabbed into the rock ball, hitting the sealed flame demon body in the middle!

The shock wave even annihilated the flames, and the entire Balrog was instantly penetrated!

It exploded into flames in the sky!

Xiao Zhen hurriedly said: "Not dead! Elementalization! Be careful!"

I saw that the disintegrating flames turned into human figures again in the air, and the endless fire erupted!

"Flaming explosion!"


The rock ball was instantly blown up, Xiao Zhen and Xiong Er were both blown away, and smashed to the ground, the Mother Earth activated, and the injuries of the two were repaired quickly!

Xiong Er's eyes are full of bad luck: "The fire method that can be elementalized is not easy to kill?"

Xiong Er, who suddenly remembered something, fell on Ring Wei's body!

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