Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1706: twists and turns

Ring Wei's heart suddenly had a bad premonition!

I saw Xiong Er turned around and gave Ring Wei a look:

(¬?¬#) "Smelly Wei, I'm doing you a favor. You can't get involved in the battle, but you have to work hard, right?"

Ring Wei's face twitched together!

('?Yi.?) I knew it!

Why are you Jiangnan talking about all the teams in the team, each and everyone is so bamboo shoots!

I'm afraid it's not bad luck that the time hasn't passed me?

God's special meow's stinky Wei! I'm Ring Wei's!

Ring Wei, who was clenching her teeth, stomped her foot and came to An Xiaoqi!

Several people were shocked to see her dressed as a Minion, and they covered their noses!

I saw Ring Wei took out a paralysis ring from the wall-mounted backpack and put it on her middle finger!

And on the battlefield, Xiong Er and Xiao Zhen are fighting fiercely with Wave Wei!

The rocks on the ground escaped under Xiong Er's soil, as if they had turned into a swamp, restricting the movement of the Balrog!

The Stone Man Legion also launched a besiege against the Balrog!

I saw Ring Wei's expression sullen, she lifted her clothes, and stabbed her belly fiercely!

Wave Wei: ! !

('?mouth.?)σ"You traitor, you... ah!"

There were two screams at the same time on the battlefield, Ring Wei lay on the ground and twitched, her facial features twisted!


Immediately began to paralyze itself!

Now she seems to understand why she is called Ring Wei, woo~

At the same time, this feeling was also passed on to all Wei!

Wave Wei, who was still in the form of the flame demon a moment ago, shivered, and then she broke away from the elemental state, and her body twitched uncontrollably!

Xiong Er's eyes brightened, it was now!

?(???????)? "Go! Xiao Shengxian! Tu Dun? Rock flow catapult!"

Xiao Zhen, who was deeply immersed in the ground, was bounced into the air by Xiong Er at an astonishing speed, like a tomahawk missile!

I saw that his face was extremely black!

?(???benefit???)?? "Don't call me Lao Tzu! Molecules are broken!"

The two fists hit the paralyzed wave Wei on the waist!

His body was instantly shattered into two pieces, and he vomited blood!

In a paralyzed state, she even had an extravagant hope of self-destruction!

Xiao Zhen even made up the knife on the spot and punched him in the heart, shattering his heart!

An Xiaoqi and Qi Delong Dongqiang are even more excited, they are bullshit!

Xingyao Qi's fire method has been cleaned up like this?

As for Ring Wei, it took a lot of effort to pull the twitching fingers off her body!

With an excited face, Dian Dian'er ran to the side of Wei Wei who was only breathing, and her big hand directly covered her face and began to fuse!

I saw Lang Wei vomited blood, and her eyes were full of sarcasm: "I really don't know if it's bad luck or luck! See you later..."

Ring Wei didn't care about so much, and immediately sucked Wave Wei, the level rose, and sucked the big with a small, that's called a supplement!

Start closing your eyes and sorting through the information you get from her!

The rest of the mercenaries are already out of tune, and the herd alone is enough to devour them all!

─=≡Σ(((つ???.????)つ“Bear bear~”

I saw that An Xiaoqi flew directly into Xiong Er's arms, hugged her tightly, and looked happy!

Qi Delong laughed even more, punching Xiong Er's chest with a punch: "Okay, Xiong Er! Haven't seen you stand up for so long?"

"By the way, why are you here? Didn't you still in the academy before?"

Xiong Er grinned: "I came here with Brother Nan, and I have been worried about Qiqi, and Sister Mo Tian, ​​you don't have to worry, she is with Brother Nan!"

"In the end, I still found you, it's really love to meet you for thousands of miles!"

As he spoke, he patted An Xiaoqi on the back!

Qi Dongqiang was full of excitement:

(????) "Fuck? Isn't it? Nanshen has entered the rain forest labyrinth? What's the situation?"

Xiong Er's expression was straight, and he immediately explained to everyone about the formation of the Spirit Sealing Curse Array and the three spikes!

Everyone gasped for breath, so dangerous? Everyone's guess is right, this nail is really right!

As soon as I heard that Mo Tian was fine, everyone's heart fell!

Xiao Zhen said with emotion: "If you didn't come here, this nail would not be able to be held by the few of us alone. Xing Yaoqi's fire technique would have been killed, bullshit!"

Xiong Er scratched his head and looked shy:

?(??????) "Don't talk about it, it's shameful, a spicy chicken Xing Yaoqi took so long to win!"

"If Brother Nan was present, this wave Wei would not have survived for three seconds!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva!

Depend on! Isn't this bullshit? Do you want to be so exaggerated!

Take a look at that bear of yours!

Having said that I haven't seen each other for so long, Xiong Er is such a beast, so how strong is the Nanshen?

Xiong Er was thinking about helping the herd to clear a wave of soldiers, just at this moment, Ring Wei's face suddenly turned pale!

(#?﹏.?#) "Damn it! I knew it was okay, Bracelet Wei just entered this spiritual market! With a lot of people!"

"Wave Wei just told Bracelet Wei the location here!"

Xiong Er's expression changed suddenly: "What? Bracelet Wei? Isn't she from Lei Daotian? She..."

Xiao Zhen's eyes twitched:

(??﹏??|||) "Is that what you are talking about?"

I saw a dazzling thunder light on the sky flying towards this side at high speed!

There are also a large number of mercenaries behind them, and there are even many muscle beast groups!

Due to the cooperation between the thugs and Rhea, the Muscle Beasts naturally united with Bracelet Wei!

No one would have imagined that after coming out of the Yanshan Spiritual Market, the single Bracelet Wei ran here by accident!

"Is my clone delicious? This time none of you can escape!"

"How did Jiangnan harm me! How can I harm me back!"


The dark clouds above the sky cover the top, and the bright thunder light gathers!

Ring Wei anxiously turned around:

?(?﹏?.)? "What should I do? I blew myself up, can't it fall into her hands?"

"Faced with Daotian-level powerhouses, we have no chance at all!"

The expressions of Xiong Er and several others also sank completely, this time things are really tricky!

No matter how strong everyone is, they still don't have the strength to defend the road spike under Daotian's attack?

I saw Xiong Er's expression ruthless: "Don't explode first, if it explodes, you will lose contact. You have to try it anyway!"

"The Spirit Sealing Curse Formation must not be opened, even if it is death, it must be guarded!"

Everyone quickly retreated into the besieged city, Xiong Er pressed his hands against the wall, and the rock wall grew wildly, and finally capped it!

A rocky protective cover is formed, which protects the entire altar, making it indestructible crazy!

And the beast group also launched an attack on the muscle beast group and mercenaries brought by Bracelet Wei!

The thunder outside is getting louder and louder!

Xiong Er was sweating profusely on his forehead: (????) "Hurry up and paralyze yourself? Don't stop, it can affect her a little bit!"

Ring Wei covered her face, so she poked her **** on herself again!

Two screams sounded at the same time!

Bracelet Wei's angry voice came from outside:

(?'?Yi.?)? "Again? Isn't it over?"

With her trembling, most of the Heavenly Punishment collapsed, but there were still a few blasts on the besieged city!

The sturdy besieged city was completely shattered under the dazzling thunder light, and the thunder light that sputtered ruthlessly destroyed the curse array!

The attack power of the Daotian-level thunder system is no joke, and Xiong Er's defense can't stop it no matter how abnormal it is!

And a terrifying scene happened. I originally thought that the army of spirit beasts could block the rushing muscle beasts and buy everyone some time!

But who knew that as soon as the two sides touched, they were assimilated by the muscle beast group!

The parasitic species splashed and spread like a virus!

In the blink of an eye, there are two or three thousand-meter-high muscle beasts in the Kung Fu beast group, which is full of oppression!

Like a tide, it is pressing towards everyone!

Poor little brothers, they were absorbed by the thugs not long after they were with Xiong Er!

At this moment, Xiong Er and the others are really helpless!

Ring Wei paralyzed herself while communicating with Fa Kawei, and she filed a complaint at that time!

In the Prairie Spirit Ruins, several people from Jiangnan still have nothing to gain!

At this moment, they are all curiously squatting next to Fa Kawei, watching her lying on the ground and twitching!

Jiang Nan looked contemplative: (?°??°) "I don't know which Wei was poked again? Even with the hair card Wei was paralyzed together?"

[The resentment value from Vivian +1000! ]

You still have the face to say that you haven't had a good day since you messed with you!

All the bamboo shoots in the team have arrived home, okay?

I saw Fa Kawei twitching, and said electronically: "Xiong Er found Xiao Zhen and the others, found a road stud there, solved a wave Wei, and guarded the road stud!"

"But Bracelet Wei and the Muscle Beasts also bumped into them, what should I do now?"

Jiang Nan's expression sank, what the hell, is the situation so critical?

According to the configuration over there, the highest level is estimated to be Xiong Er, and it is impossible to deal with Bracelet Wei and the muscle beast group!

Even if it is to replace yourself, it is not so easy!

Bracelet Wei's paralysis ring can be controlled, but the muscle beast group is the real trouble!

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Nan!

What to do?

Jiang Nan's expression sank: "Tell Xiong Er not to be stupid, they can't keep it, they will only lose their lives in vain, and the nail will still be pulled out!"

"Tell him to pull out the nails and leave. Anyway, after pulling out his one, there are still two left, and the Spirit Sealing Spell Formation can't be unraveled, so there is no need to put one's life there!"

"Take the Fengling Dao Pins away and save them! None of them are allowed to die. Bring them all out alive! Otherwise, beat him to death!"

Fa Kawei was startled, nodded and replied!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan's eyes were flickering, and it was really helpless to choose to let Xiong Er pull this nail!

Three nails become two, and the success rate of preventing unsealing will be greatly reduced!

But Jiangnan can't do anything about it, he can't make it by himself, even with Lucky Cherry, it's uncertain whether he can go to Xiong Er's side, and it's probably too late to go!

And bad luck in hindsight can lead to even worse outcomes!

At this time, if a decision is slow, an accident may occur. Where is the time for Jiangnan to find a way to make it?

On Xiong Er's side, Ring Wei said electronically: "Nan Shen asked you to pull the nails and leave, and leave with everyone alive, none of them are allowed to die! Otherwise, you will be hammered to death!"

Xiong Er's forehead was sweating profusely, and the corners of his eyes were twitching. He looked at the muscle beasts that were rolling in, and looked back at Dao Dao with unwilling eyes! He clenched his fists and smiled bitterly:

(??ˇ?ˇ??????) "Brother Nan is afraid that he is a bit Nan in this task!"

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