Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1860: Knowing the truth, my tears fall

Among the old scumbags present, who has no family background? One by one, they took out the ceiling-level spiritual beads and stuffed them into Jiangnan’s arms!

No, go directly to Xiao Chuhuihuo Miye and the others to borrow it!

Old things like Craig Merlin, Pierce, and Miyazaki were all sold by Jiangnan!

This time Jiangnan is bleeding a lot!

Holding the incense beads in the palms of their hands like a treasure, they put them under the nose and inhale!

Even Odin couldn't stand the temptation, so he approached Jiangnan with a flattering look and flew straight to the eye!

(????) "Good big brother! Blue Star is good big brother! Can you sell me one too? I also want to live an extra three to five hundred years!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??~???) "You? Forget it, how old are you? You are in your prime, yet extraordinary, with infinite possibilities. You will be blinded by the use of Xiangzhu!"

"These are the wealth of human beings. I use them to exchange for treasures, so I can't waste them!"

Odin teased:

(??.??) "Oh~ what's the use of talking so much, I still don't understand you?"

"Add money! I'll add money!"

While speaking, he took out three top-level spirit beads from his schoolbag and stuffed them into Jiangnan's arms!

Jiang Nan coughed twice, and quietly stuffed the Spirit Orb into his alien dimension!

Righteousness said sternly: (?????) "Who do you take me for? This is a major event related to the future of mankind. Can it be sold with extra money? This is a matter of principle!"

"Go, let's go, and the first one in stock will think of you later! Next time I'll be sure!"

He pushed Odin aside while he was talking!

Odin: ? ? ?

What's up next time? You don't sell me, give me back my three spirit beads?

Just swallow it for me?

That's what I've worked so hard to beat!

"not me…"

Jiang Nan said impatiently:

(︶~︶*)? "What are you? Can I bring you some souvenirs? Hey! You can keep these two shorts as a souvenir!"

"Don't delay my business here!"

Odin looked at the two cool shorts in his hand and his face was dark, so I bought two shorts for three top spirit beads?

Also riding a horse is women's?

[The resentment value from Odin +777! ]

On the other side, I saw Merlin and Craig, both of them chattering there!

Bigger put it in his mouth, and then spit it out to see if it became smaller, and then put it in his mouth and then contained it!

Pierce was holding the incense beads with his fingers, sticking out his tongue and licking wildly!

No matter how you eat, there is a chill in Jiangnan!

(? ̄yi ̄) "Damn! It's not used like this, the effect will be reduced, and it must be used in conjunction with a special aromatherapy ball!"

"One aromatherapy ball only sells for 10 tons of small money~"

While speaking, he quickly took out the aromatherapy ball, and then looked at everyone expectantly!


Wang Zong's eyes were red, he took a dumb sack and ran away without a trace!

?(?yi??;)?=З=З=З "Wait for me, I'll go to the bank and grab a few tons for you!"

(??mouth?)?"Hey, Old Wang, help me bring ten tons!"

Jiangnan Hehe Zhile, I used a floor spread in the Void Sea before, and I owe the floor spread again. This time I just made a few tons of money and paid it back!

By the way, if you accumulate skill points, who knows if you will use them when you go to the City of Thousand Stars in the future?

In the current situation, is petty money not just doing it casually?

However, Pierce and the others didn't mean to move at all!

Jiangnan frowned: (???~??) "Why don't you go?"

Pierce looked proud:

(????) "I believe you, you just want to sell aromatherapy balls, and you want us to run errands for you?"

"I'm not going, I shouldn't say it, I licked the incense beads, and my thoughts became clear. I'm really an old and clever ghost!"

Jiang Nan rubbed his brows, you are a smart ass, are you? Isn't this thing really meant to be eaten by licking?

Lan's face was stunned:

?(?っ???c)? "If they knew the real source of the incense beads was... uh~"

Before he could finish speaking, Mila covered her mouth directly:

(?﹏??) "Shh~ be a person and give them a happy and complete old age!"

"There are some truths, it's better not to know!"

And at this moment, I heard a violent vibration from the earth, and the shadows shrouded the sky!

I saw Xing Cheng squirming and rushing back with his huge body, his eyes were straight!

She opened her mouth and rushed straight towards this side, she couldn't control herself at all, and smashed the newly built city wall!

Cheng Baoer wants to eat too!

Everyone looked at Xing Cheng who was charging, and their faces turned pale with fright!

But Jiangnan looked distressed:

(.???)? "Look at this child who is thin, he is malnourished, it's the brother who is useless, he can't even let you eat a full meal!"

"Come on~ I'll give you one too!"

As he spoke, he threw a fragrance bead into Xingcheng's mouth!

She hasn't become a human since returning to her original form in the Rainforest Labyrinth, because she won't…

Xingcheng's wisdom should also be improved, and it's not good to be stupid all the time?

Everyone's mouth is pumping?

You call this thin? Malnourished? I bah me!

There is a kind of thinness, Nanshen thinks you are thin?

Little did they know that they had never seen how big Xingcheng's brother was, otherwise they would definitely think that Xingcheng was skinny.

Swallowing the fragrant beads in one mouthful, Xingcheng's eyes are full of enjoyment, and it's still a long-term meal ticket!

It's just that the smell is wrong, the mouth is soft, and the throat is a line, uh~ It's not produced by yourself?

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Xing Cheng's eyes widened, scales all over his body, and a violent roar suddenly came from his stomach!

The refining port at the tail opened, and the turbulent orange fragrance burst out from the tail vent!

In an instant, the one-eyed species let out a thunderous cheer, and they all buckled their nostrils and rushed towards the tail vent!

Zhao Dezhu and the others even roared and launched a sprint!

?(?? dishes???)? "A horse-riding! Fresh? Who is robbing me, who am I in a hurry!"

While running and doing nose dilation exercises, Wang Zong came back with a sack of money, and when he saw this scene, he immediately exploded!

∑(°mouth°?) "Damn! Why didn't you call me when I had such a good thing? I almost missed it?"

A sprint plunges into the fragrance and sucks, turning into a human-shaped fart sucker!

Xingcheng is also in a hurry, and they are not allowed to rob! This is mine, I just broke!

So I turned back in a hurry and wanted to suck, but the huge figure was too slow to move at all, and it was not flexible at all!

In such a hurry, the body began to emit a little starlight, and began to transform into a human form?

Jiang Nan was stunned, good guy, didn't Xiangzhu give her food for nothing? Will this change?

Sure enough, eating is the first driving force!

It's just that this wisdom doesn't seem to have improved to where?

At this moment, Piersbig and several people were all terrified!

(*?mouth?) "Fuck? Isn't it? Are these Chinese pioneers so heavy-mouthed? What's the point of sucking farts?"

"That's it? You even grabbed it on a horse? It's disgusting. You don't even have fragrance beads. What the **** are you robbing?"

While complaining, he continued to lick the incense beads as if nothing had happened!

The next moment, at the tail spout, an orange-yellow fragrance bead was expelled!

Xingcheng also completely transformed into a human body, with Xingguang added to his body, he grabbed the fragrance beads and ran away!

(??????????) "This is my ba, not for you to eat, mine!"

Xing Cheng had just come back from a full meal at Ying Country, and he hadn't been in line for a long time, and he just came back just in time!

Zhao Dezhu Wang Zong they quickly absorbed the fragrance of the place, and they were in high spirits and had endless aftertastes!

(???????) "Hey~ it's a pity, I didn't get it!"

However, at this moment, Pierce, who was facing the fragrance beads, had a stiff expression, his tongue froze on the fragrance beads, and the cold sweat on his forehead burst out!

(What? What????) Amount~

Merlin's face turned pale, and Bigger even chewed it like bubble gum...

=????(???????) "The inner one... Why do I feel that the fragrance beads are a bit similar to the one that Xing Cheng expelled? Did she just say that this is my ba?"

Craig continued to snarl, with a look of course:

(????) "Get rid of the feeling! That's it?"

Pierce knelt down and vomited. He licked for half a minute. Hey, why has no one ever told him?

Merlin knelt down on the ground with a sullen face, I was so afraid that I wouldn't be able to taste it in one breath, and I was eating it!

Bigger's black face has been petrified in place...

This bubble gum is too strong, ah, it's deceiving my love and carrying a debt of conscience! Tears fell from me knowing the truth!

[The resentment value from Pierce +666! ]

[From Bigg…]

For a while, the grievance value went crazy, and everyone looked at Jiangnan with red eyes!

(?°? Yi°?)??’Dish?’)

Jiangnan coughed twice:

(??ˇ?ˇ??:) "Cough cough~ No one in here has told you that this fragrant bead is the extract of the star-devouring giant insect?"

Pierce burst into tears, when did you say that?

But as long as you know the source, I can't blah blah blah?

I saw Pierce silently stepped forward, took out a ten-ton knife from the alien space and placed it in front of Jiangnan!

(???????) "Let's come... let's have an aromatherapy ball!"

Even if you know the source, you can't use it, after all, the effect of incense beads is real!

Today, this old man, I am really determined!

So they paid money and bought aromatherapy balls, smelling and using it is better than eating directly from the psychological pressure...

Mila rubbed her brows, in the end let them know the truth!

Fortunately, I still don't know how the rabbit vomit pills came from, otherwise the psychological shadow area should be difficult to ask for!

And Martin in the sack was in a hurry!

('? Yi?) "Hey hey hey! What's so delicious? What good things are you stealing behind my back?"

"Let me out! I want to eat too?"

Martin didn't know, everyone was secretly eating Shet behind his back...

(*?????) "Woo~ let me out, if you don't let me out, I'll pull it!"

There was already a cry in his voice, but no one heard it at all!

In the blink of an eye, the goods on the stalls were almost sold out, and Jiangnan made a big profit again!

Similar to the strategic materials such as ginseng and durian, everyone has also bought a lot of goods!

Jiang Nan can't remember how many spirit beads he has pulled in this wave, but it should be enough to support himself in the last extraordinary, right?

goose box~

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