Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1861: serene appearance

The night sinks like water, the boudoir of the Palace Master of the Star Palace!

Jiang Nan sat happily on the bed, checking his gains!

In the alien space, the money on the material racket is piled up like a mountain, and the various colored spiritual beads in the dumb sack are also shining!

Jiangnan's eyes are full of confusion, why is there so much money? Isn't the system baby automatically deducting the owed booth fee on weekdays?

The system interface clearly shows that it has been returned?

Moreover, a lot of skill points have been converted, and Jiangnan is too lazy to check that long list of numbers!

(?????) "System baby? Did you see that I worked so hard to make money, so my conscience found my **** change?"

"You left me so many treasures?"

[After testing by this baby, the currency no longer has its original value purchasing power, and it cannot offset the arrears of the arrears! ]

[Automatically choose to deduct the spirit beads obtained from the transaction! ]

[And the proceeds from the transaction have been automatically deducted according to the ratio of 9.99:0.01! ]


Jiangnan: ! !

Hey, your brother-in-law!

Quan Te Meow arrived with Lingzhu? Then I need so many tons of paper to come here for a fart!

I couldn't help but go forward and grab the dumb sack containing the Spirit Orb, and I fell madly to the ground!

Sure enough, there are less than 100 catties left, and Quan Te Miao was deducted by the local appraiser!

?(???mouth??)? "Aah!!"

A groundhog's scream echoed through the Star Palace!

Before Te Miao himself said that the extraordinary is enough, and he turned his head and deducted it for himself?

System stinky treasure, you have a leg!

How to be evolutionarily smart? Small money can't satisfy you?

"This is all my blood and sweat! I keep it for reserve food, how can you bear it!"

[(??????) All the good ones are left to provoke~]

[Go out and then pit... Bah! Earn more! ]

Only then did Jiangnan discover that the deducted ones were all those with low grades, such as Xingyao, Daotian, and the ceiling spirit beads that were earned, all of which were kept!

Just a little bit of balance!

(?`~'?) "Hmph, Shit-smelling treasure, you still have a little conscience!"

However, he was still very angry, and he ran to the ultra-luxurious Jacuzzi in the bathroom, soaking vigorously!

While soaking, shake the jiojio and **** up the spirit beads!

Although he had plans to go to the City of Thousand Stars, Jiangnan didn't want to go now!

The situation on Blue Star's side has not been completely stabilized, and if the Creation Beast is not obtained, Jiangnan is not at ease!

If it falls into the hands of Saint Star, it is not easy to grab it back. Who knows what other means they have?

Take a look at the follow-up into the dimension crack, let Wu Liang eat a small cherry and hit the big luck to find it, he is quite harmful!

Thinking about it, Jiangnan's thoughts gradually drifted away!

I don't know what I remembered, the corners of my mouth evoked a radian, and a goose box laughter came out!

Immediately in my mind, I started to replay the pictures recorded with the soul rubbing during the blood-burning transformation, as well as Bo Bo in broad daylight, all of which can be clearly remembered!

Thinking about it, Jiangnan blushed!

But at this moment, under Jiangnan's calf, a purple laser burst out from under the bathtub, and the vigorous water boiled under the burning of the laser!

In Jiangnan's terrified eyes, a round hole was cut out of the bathtub, and the bath water leaked all the way down the round hole!

(?????|||) "Cough cough cough... Gulu Gulu ~ cough puff wow ~"

Suddenly there was a choking sound from the bottom of the round hole!

(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Meow! Did you cut the water pipe? Where is this? What kind of ghost structure is it~ There is light? Did you find the exit?"

I saw Li Bing's head snapped out of the round hole, holding the bathtub with both hands!

His face was black and gray with motor oil, and he was wearing a tooling and anti-cutting glasses.

At this moment, he is facing Jiangnan, who is sitting in the bathtub with his face raised in all directions, with a terrified look on his face!

Li Bing couldn't help widening his eyes, took in a breath of cold air, and then laughed all over his face!

(???#) "Oh huh~ Young people are full of energy, have you forgotten the lessons taught in the Physiological Hygiene class?"

"That won't do, come on! Sister will help you review it again!"

The blue rattan branches behind the conversation came out and stretched out straight towards Jiangnan!

Jiangnan: ! !

Teach your sister!

Don't just cut people's bathtubs, and then burrow out of it as if nothing had happened!

And while I'm replaying the rubbings?

I don't want face, ah me?

"What are you doing in the Star Palace? Why are you appearing in my bathtub? Damn!"

When talking, the source material armor covers the whole body, covering it tightly!

Li Bing scratched his head, with a look of course:

?(??ˇ~ˇ?) "Oh~ I didn't want to understand the structure of the next star palace, so I came all the way?"

"I got lost while walking, so... hehe~ Don't change the subject, you just... giggling~"

"You're still shy? It's normal for a boy your age, I..."

Jiangnan's mouth is drawn straight:

( ̄??) "What's inside, don't you think you're missing something?"

Li Bing was confused: (??~??) "Huh? What's missing? You must be talking about shame, right? How could I have such a useless thing?"

Li Bing, who was scratching his head, made a screeching sound!

The brilliant bald head ruthlessly reflects the lights in the room...

Li Bing's expression froze suddenly, his voice suddenly became an octave higher, and he touched his head with a look of horror!

?('?mouth?`)? "Hi~ Vigorously? You took a bath with Vigorously? You…"

(? Mouth?.) "Aah~"

The scream of a groundhog echoed the Star Palace again, and Li Bing jumped out of the bathtub with a swoosh, put on his helmet and ran!

"Mira save me! It's too late! It must be too late!"

There was even a cry in her voice. Do you know how much harm a bath tub can do to a leftover girl in her thirties who hasn't married yet?

[The resentment value from Li Bing +777! ]

Jiang Nan's heart ached when he saw the cut-off bathtub, so he welded it with a star pupil gun, and polished it with a cracking saw blade angle grinder, but there were no traces at all, so he was satisfied!

You have to cherish your own home!

Outside the Star Palace, in an inconspicuous garbage recycling station in the station, only a "scoff" sound was heard, and a broken sack buried in the garbage was violently shattered!

I saw Martin wearing a big trousers, clenching his fists and standing there with a gloomy face, exuding a charming fragrance!

The shirt on my body and the socks on my feet are gone!

Hmm~ Don't ask where it went, just ask when the tree leaves...

(艹菜艹#) "Laopi! I~%?...;#*'☆&! Laozi will kill you!"

Do you know how I got here in these 24 hours? Lao Tzu spent a whole day in the sack with his reincarnation of grains!

You eat delicious and spicy food outside, while Lao Tzu smells bad clothes and wipes them in the sack?

You are waiting for Lao Tzu!

Since the end of the battle, the holy star seems to have completely disappeared from the blue star, without any movement!

Humans also took this opportunity to madly return to blood, but the war is far from over. At this moment, the two sides are more like fighting a silent war!

These days, all countries in the world are acting according to the original plan.

It has even begun to intervene in the herds of the oceans!

As for Xingcheng, she traveled around the world, eating in the east, dazzling in the west, and the whole Blue Star seemed to have become her dinner plate!

Countries follow Xingcheng to build city fortresses and regain lost ground!

On the Huaxia side, the progress is even more gratifying!

Beast Martial Legion, Eye Clan, Sentinel Mechanical Legion, each newly grown powerhouse!

The number of Daotian also reached an astonishing number!

The bad beast group is even more invincible in the land of China, and dealing with the beast group is like chopping melons and vegetables, and the space-type spirit beasts have an absolute advantage!

What's more, with the help of a group of bad beasts, Huaxia quickly conquered the lost ground!

Along the ancient Great Wall line, it spreads to the south, and resources are supplied frantically with ivy in the sky!

Its level has surpassed the strength of the ten peaks of Daotian, but it has not yet reached the star level, but it is a matter of time!

It's almost there!

And the students of the former Pioneer Academy also began to emerge on the battlefield, and gradually became famous, like a rising star!

Jiangnan, who should have been the same generation as them, has already stood at the top of the pyramid and overlooked it!

The city fortress built by Huaxia gradually spread and blossomed everywhere. One day, it will ignite this fertile soil with the momentum of a prairie fire!

Some of the residents who took refuge in the Lingxu have already relocated to live in the city fortress!

Of course, the first batch of people who came back were all spirit warriors. The current situation is not safe enough for ordinary people to live on this land without worry!

But I have to admit that the control of this planet is gradually returning to the hands of human beings!

But after all, it is just an appearance, and the real crisis has not been solved at all!

More than a month has passed in the blink of an eye!

There are wars everywhere on the Blue Star, but it seems calm!

In the golden ancient city of the Eagle Kingdom, the beast groups below are densely packed, rushing and roaring!

Zhong Yingxue, Xia Yao and the others surrounded the herd with powerful firepower below!

Don't let the herd leave and flee, and the center of the herd is responsible for the main attack is Qin Shu, Ye Xinghe, Hua Ling and their group of students!

Jiang Nan was sitting on the space barrier in the sky, holding the fat orange in his arms and licking, watching the battle below with interest, while still sucking the spirit beads!

Today's Jiangnan has nine stars!

Do you think Jiangnan only gained one star this month? No no no, how is this possible!

Jiangnan rose to three stars, and the other two stars were pulled out and stored in the cup!

Well, Jiangnan, who hasn't slept for more than a month, is still full of energy, and he even believes that Wang Gang's theory is right!

The purple kite on the side is numb:

(??﹏??????) "You are more beasts than Qin Shuo? You let Qin Shuo's gang of small diamonds attack the super-large beasts headed by the Daotian Eight-Star Suppression Golem?"

"I really think they have a long life, don't they?"

Jiangnan laughed wickedly: "Fuck the wool? It's nothing but Xue Xue and the others, but they can't kill anyone. Besides, I'm watching!"

"It's not good if the knife is not sharpened, people are forced out!"

Ziyuan's mouth twitched: (??w???) "Literally?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: "Is it true that you are dreaming? I have come to this golden ancient city! Will something really happen here?"

Ziyuan crossed her waist and looked proud:

(︶.?︶〃) "Is this a girl's daydream doing random things? Just wait and it's over!"

"But ask for good things, don't ask about the future!"

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