Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1925: There's nothing a BBQ can't fix

Needless to say Olivia, Jiang Nan has already read her brainwaves through psychic power!

Everything foreseen in the whispers of his gods is presented in his mind!

(●??~??) "I knock~ You found me so quickly, isn't the news pretty well-informed?"

"Do you want so many people here?"

I saw Jiangnan's eyes turn and he clenched his fists towards Watt:

(●?°.??°) "Thank you, brother! I will withdraw first, and we will talk about cooperation matters when we have time!"

As he spoke, the Void Chain was thrown out, already entangling Xingcheng Momo and the others!

Niobium Titanium Magnesium Rapid Road:

[┐'mouth'┌]? "Hey, hey~ hold back? Our boss won't be able to watt after a while, you wait!"

"Why are you in such a hurry? The business hasn't finished yet? What's your name? How can I contact you?"

Jiang Nan grinned, revealing his big white teeth!

(¬?¬?) "I live in Noah Manor, don't ask me who I am, soon the whole city will know who I am!"

As he spoke, his body suddenly disappeared, replaced by a blooming blue rose!

It is no more than one million meters away from Noah's Manor, and it is still within the replacement range of Jiangnan!

Through replacement, you can return to the city at any time, which is why Jiangnan has no fear!

30 seconds of foreknowledge was enough to help Jiangnan avoid the attack!

Return to the city with one click!

Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium's eyes widened: "Isn't the money transferred to you? But... live in Noah Manor?"

What the **** did this guy do?

Jiangnan just walked away!

I saw a flurry of chickens jumping in the flea market, far into the sky! The 30,000 Canglan elite troops were killed under the leadership of Wenger!


There are also You Lulu, Roentgen, and the order-keeping troops of the Hild union, the number of which also exceeds 10,000!

Even Shaye, the vice president of the Starlight Alliance, was with him!

In this battle, it is more than enough to destroy a low-level civilization and destroy a planet!

They're all big guys, what's going on?

The people haven't arrived yet, the stench has arrived!

Wenger slammed to the ground, his eyes full of hideous:

(?°?Yi°?)? "Where's Jiangnan? Just the **** on the wanted list! I just received the news, he shipped it from your side, right?"

"What about the others?"

Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium's eyes were filled with tears by the stench, and was about to speak:

[┐???┌] "vomit~"

I spit out a mouthful of molten iron!

Wenger was furious: "You vomit? You still dare to vomit? Is I so disgusting?"

"I'm afraid you're not courting death!"

While speaking, his big hand went straight to his neck and pinched it, but at this moment, Watt, who was crawling on the ground, was stunned!

The mechanical eye instantly turned red!

(*?'~?') "Hostile is detected, the self-defense mode is activated, the enemy Apocalypse clan, the anti-Apocalypse clan mode is generated!"

"The antimatter bomb is loaded!"

I saw Watt get up abruptly, take a horse step, and the mechanical parts on his body deformed wildly!

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred pitch-black muzzles appeared on the chest, arms, shoulders, back and other parts, and they fired at the same time!

"Boom boom boom..."

Between the tongues of fire, the metal **** shot out at high speed and went straight to the Canglan army to blast!

The thrusters on the metal ball change direction randomly to prevent the explosion from being predicted in advance by the whispers of the gods!

Wenger stared: "Damn silicon base! Spread out!"

The sudden fire caught everyone off guard!

The antimatter bomb developed by silicon can wipe out the Apocalypse atoms!

Even if it is able to reorganize atoms, it will be injured by antimatter bombs!

The most annoying thing about Si-based is that they have developed anti-life weapons for all races, as well as a dedicated anti-battle mode!

In order to deal with disputes with any race to ensure that you do not fall behind!

The antimatter bomb exploded violently in the second-hand market, and the field was in chaos in an instant!

Shaye is very angry:

??(.?ˇ~ˇ?.)??"There is no place for you to interfere! Melt it into molten iron for me!"

"Flaming Fire Feather!"

In an instant, Shaye's body ignited a raging fire, and the wings were flapped, and flame feathers shot out at an astonishing speed!

At this moment, the Watt mechanical prosthesis is completely taken over by the battle AI, as if a person has changed!

"Enemy Seraph! Generate anti-seraph mode, energy shield is turned on! The arctic jet is charged!"


One after another fire feathers exploded on Watt's energy shield, and he couldn't stop backing away!

One of its mechanical arms was violently transformed into a jet, and the extreme cold enough to freeze the particles shot out and went straight to Shaye!

Shaye glared: "Guardian of the Seraphim!"

In an instant, an angel phantom formed, blocking the extreme cold jet!

Three more rosary beads appeared on Ke Watt's chest, and the divine release burst into bloom!


Shaye was instantly swept up by an extremely strong mental shock, the feeling that the angel's phantom was about to dissipate, and the headache was splitting!

"Death Light Cannon Charges!"

Extremely strong energy fluctuations converged on Watt's chest, and even aimed at Shaye!

At this moment, a furious Wenger shouted:

(?°? dish °?) "Enough! The realm expands? The Creator!"

"Atomic annihilation!"

A azure blue ripple exploded in an instant, directly hitting Watt's mechanical prosthesis!

All the mechanical parts on it are disintegrating, and all that is left is the torso!

(*?_?*) "It was detected that the mechanical prosthesis was seriously damaged, the self-destruction program was started, and the star power furnace was detonated!"

The power furnace on Watt's chest burst into an extremely dazzling brilliance and exploded!

Wenger:! !

I'm sorry!

If you blow up Noah's black street, you will be in big trouble again!

"The creator? Destroy the star! You Lulu! Come and help!"

All the matter produced by the explosion of the stellar power furnace was all destroyed in Wenger's domain!

And those violent energies all converged towards You Lulu's body!

At this moment, she is comparable to an energy black hole, the body of the soft Q bomb devours all the energy generated by the explosion of the stellar power furnace!

(.?????????.) "Hiccup~ that's why you don't like to fight with Siji? If you don't agree, you blow yourself up!"

After absorbing the energy, You Lulu is a lot plumper than before!

The explosion of a stellar power furnace caused a few people to be swallowed up in a very small range!

After all, whether it is Wenger, You Lulu, or Shaye, they are all extremely powerful beings, and even higher-ups!

Although it is a broken star, it has the title of planet destroyer!

Heijie experienced a mess in the battle just now, Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium squatted on the ground holding his head and shivered!

I saw Wenger waved his hand: "Creation? Atomic remodeling!"

In an instant, the atoms of the flea market that had been smashed into tatters were reorganized and arranged frantically, as if going back in time!

It has returned to the state it was before the war!

As for Watt's mechanical prosthesis, it no longer exists!

This is a black street, and the face that should be given should still be given!

But Wenger is full of fire!

"I'll ask you one more thing! What about Jiangnan?"

While talking, he took out his portable brain and showed him the **** on the wanted list!

Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium's pupils shrink, what the fuck?


Jiangnan? Is there a billion-dollar reward for the most wanted criminals?

good guy! Now I know who he is, but the boss's mechanical prosthesis is gone!

"He... He said he lives in Noah's Manor and just left..."

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Yoululushaye or Wenger, the expressions on their faces all froze!


Damn! Going to live at Noah Manor?

You Lulu gritted her teeth and said: (?`~'?) "Noah's Manor can also afford to live? Where did Jiangnan get so much money?"

Wenger went mad:

(?Yi??:) "Where did you come from? You gave it! Where else did it come from? Wipe it!"

"To live at Noah's Manor with the cheated bounty? Does he really know him?"

You Lulu shrank her neck, not knowing what to say anymore!


Shaye rubbed her eyebrows: "This is difficult, in Noah's Manor..."

Wenger said angrily: "It's hard to do it! At least you know where he is! Everyone follow me!"

During the conversation, he brought the Canglan troops and the maintenance troops, and rushed towards the Noah Manor aggressively!

At this moment, the people in the black street are not calm, such a big lively is rarely seen on weekdays?

What is the situation?

I heard that there was a **** living in Noah's Manor before. I knew there would be trouble, but I didn't expect it to be such a big mess?

There are three planet destroyers alone!

And they are all the high-level executives of the Starlight Alliance, the Hild union!

The Apocalypse clan is the one taking the lead. If you don't eat this melon, you will be blind?

The crowd who eat melons behind Wenger's **** is even more than the troops that come!

In the courtyard of Noah's Manor at the moment!

A charcoal grill was set up, the red charcoal was burning, and the green smoke curled up.

A row of mutton skewers was grilled and oily, and there were a lot of ham sausages, chicken feet and scallops, spicy strips and so on!

Jiangnan is turning the mutton skewers over, and sprinkle chili noodles and cumin on top!

With Xing Cheng on the side, the saliva is about to flow into a waterfall!

?(o﹃o?) "Nan Baoer! When will it be baked? Can you eat it?"

Jiangnan: (?_?)

"Cheng Bao'er, this is the 17th time you've asked. It'll be fine later!"

Ye Yuan, on the other hand, was learning Jiangnan's skewering techniques, and couldn't help swallowing!

(?ˇ﹃ˇ??) "This...what is this for? It's delicious?"

Jiangnan Heihei laughed:

(??°???°) "This is called barbecue! On our side, there is nothing that one barbecue can't solve. If there is, then two!"

Momo: (??w???)

"So why did the Nanshen suddenly get skewered? Hey, it's still on an alien planet..."

Is the cultural export started now?

Olivia leaned her chin:

(?°??°) "There is nothing that can't be solved by a barbecue? So you want to use barbecue to solve the problem of us being hunted down?"

Jiangnan shrugged: ?(??~???)? "No? I'm just hungry, I miss the taste of my hometown, and I want to eat a skewer!"

Olivia: (???3??) Pfft~

Everyone was chasing and killing them, oh shit, but you replaced it and just put it on the barbecue and started grilling skewers?

Do you want to be so leisurely?

A little bit nervous, okay? Respect the people who came all the way to kill us!

Hmm~ But the fragrance is really fragrant!


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