Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1926: civilized politeness

The aroma of mutton skewers wafts in Noah's Manor, and both sides of the roast are golden, and Xingcheng next door is crying!

Tears are streaming from the corners of my mouth!

It even attracted a lot of residents walking around the manor, and some looking out of the window!

At this moment, a ray of blood gathered behind Jiangnan!

Looking at Jiangnan, who was grilling skewers at Noah's Manor, the prisoner's face turned black!

??(???????)?? "What are you doing?"

Jiangnan grabbed a steaming mutton skewer and shoved it into his mouth!

(????????) "What about the skewers? Are there any rules for different types of skewers?"

The corner of the prisoner's beak is drawn straight:

??(???benefits???)?? "There is no such rule, Noah Manor will not interfere excessively with the residents' actions, but..."

It really damages the image of my Noah Manor. Hey, you spend 30 million yuan to live in, such a high-end place, and you are barbecuing in the courtyard?

"Forget it! Just wanted to ask you, is this you?"

Then he took out the wanted list and showed it to Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan tilted his head to look, his eyes brightened:

(●???????) "My dear! It has risen to 1 billion? They are really rich, and this billion is enough for me to live for many days!"

Prisoner: ? ? ?

This special meow is your bounty? Why are you still thinking about using the bounty?

"I'm more curious about what you have done to be rewarded so much, so that we can prepare in advance!"

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva:

(?'???`) "Inner ~ things are very complicated, I said you won't drive me away, right?"

The prisoner bird straightened up and sneered:

??(︶.?︶〃)?? "Do you underestimate Noah's Manor? Since it is open for business, it is natural to attract visitors from the stars!"

"Since the opening of this manor, there has never been a precedent for refusing guests!"

"As long as you can afford the room fee, Noah's Manor welcomes any guest to come!"

Jiang Nan breathed a sigh of relief, patted the prisoner bird on the shoulder, and grinned:

(??°???°)っ "That's good... As for what? You should know right away!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the noise on the black street!

Headed by Wenger Yoululu, nearly 40,000 troops are rolling in!

There are also a lot of people watching the fun behind the butt!

Wenger roared: (?▼mouth▼) "Jiangnan! Get out of here!"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ╮(??w???)╭ "Hey~ the Lord of Bitterness is here?"

The prisoner bird's expression froze, why are there so many people?

Shaye, the vice president of the Starlight Alliance, and You Lulu, the vice president of the Hild Union!

There is also Wenger, a high-level executive of the Wen family of the Apocalypse!

All of them are familiar, and all the troops have been transferred?

??(???w????)?? "To offend the three parties at once? Brother Jiangnan is very good! In contrast, killing a holy angel is really not a problem, right?"

[The resentment value from the prisoner bird +666! ]

Tsk~ Why do I always feel a little bit of a loss for this room fee?

I saw more than 40,000 troops gathered at the door, extending into the street!

The people watching the excitement even had no place to stand, hanging on the street lamps, on the rooftop, and even people with ladders everywhere, stretched their necks and looked in wow!

But even so, Wengershaye and the others still abide by the rules and have never entered the killing line!

But they are all standing outside the red line!

Wenger's eyes locked on Jiangnan for the first time, and his eyes were full of killing intent:

(?'Yi') "I've heard the name for a long time, I finally saw it!"

[The resentment value from Wenger +1007! ]

Lao Tzu is struggling to find you here. Are you riding a horse here for a picnic?

Olivia looked nervous and her palms were sweating!

Jiang Nan grabbed a handful of mutton skewers and walked leisurely towards the killing line!

As soon as he left, Fat Bu La Ji hurriedly took over the business of kebabs!

I saw Jiang Nan casually smashing a bunch, grinning at Wenger, and his face was polite!

Politely: (?⌒?⌒) "First meeting! I RNM sells twist P!~%?…;#*’☆&℃$︿Beep*****! Drink~!”

A burst of violent output muted the entire audience, and everyone looked at Jiangnan in amazement!


Olivia choked her throat with a mouthful of mutton skewers, coughing like crazy!

Nanshen, are you too polite?

Greet Wenger's family without saying a word at the start?

Spit stars are almost sprayed on his face!

[The resentment value from Wenger +1007! ]

Wenger's face turned green, did he expect Jiangnan to be so direct?

Hearing bursts of laughter from the crowd in the distance, it was obviously hard to endure!

Wenger stared: ?(???)? "You dare to scold me! Do you know that I only need a single thought to kill you? When I was given the title of planetary destroyer for nothing?"

The breath on his body became more and more terrifying, and the surrounding air was constantly annihilated, making bursts of explosions!

Jiangnan: (?????) "Oops~ Planet Destroyer! What a bullshit~ I just scold you, what's the matter? Come! Fuck me! Fuck me, you?"

(?°?д°?)? "Dry the seeds on the head! Are you here?"

While talking, he put his head in front of Wenger!

Looking at the prisoner bird, the forehead was sweating!

Wenger's eyes were blood red, where did he get this?

Raise your hand subconsciously!

But in an instant, Jiang Nan's figure disappeared and suddenly appeared beside the skewer stove!

The prisoner bird was replaced!

Just listen to Jiangnan shouting:

?(?????mouth????)? "Ah! It's beating! It's unreasonable~ The Apocalypse family is going to beat people in Noah's manor, it's a bad rule, don't take Noah seriously !"

"Don't come to take care of it personally!"

Before the fight, Jiangnan was already shouting there!

Wenger's forehead collapsed with a dozen blue veins:

(???benefit???) "I haven't hit the horse yet!"

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

The prisoner bird has a dark face, when did you leave a mark on me?

If Wenger really did something just now, wouldn't it be me who would suffer?

[The resentment value from the prisoner bird +666! ]

I saw Wenger's fist squeezing: "Prisoner bird! I don't want to trouble you! I know the rules here!"

"Hand over Jiangnan to me, I'll give you ten times as much as he gives you!"

"This kid is so bad, can you bear it?"

Prisoner said lightly:

??(???~???)?? "I really want to beat him, I really want to beat him!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

Hey, hey, I didn't take you like this, but I paid for it!

The prisoner continued: "But since you know the rules here, you should know that it's not about money!"

"Out of the killing line of this Noah Manor, the life and death of the resident has nothing to do with me! But as long as I stay within the killing line for one second, I will be responsible for the safety of the resident!"

"Ten times? Ha~ Do you think my Noah Manor is short of that money? Rules are rules!"

"And here! My rules are rules!"

Jiang Nan kept nodding, and a teleport came to the prisoner bird:

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "That's it! Hurry up and get out of the way, don't delay Lao Tzu's Yaxing!"

(?What is beneficial?) "Ah~ stinky, it makes me lose my appetite, okay?"

While talking, he also handed the prisoner a skewer to eat!

The prisoner bird wanted to refuse, but after smelling it, he felt that it was not bad, so he took the string and slapped it!

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

[From You Lulu…]

Are you too embarrassed to mention stinky things? Who the **** do you think it's because of?

Roentgen bit his staff, his eyes could kill someone!

(*??Yi??) "You liar! Big liar, you!"

Wenger narrowed his eyes and said, "Is there no room for negotiation?"

At this moment, Shaye's face was very gloomy: "You are also an angel after all. He has the mourning of an angel and the fate of your family!"

"Did you just cover up the murderer who murdered your fellow clan?"

The prisoner bird sneered: "Angel? Ha~ How do you think the blood angel halo above my head is broken?"

"If you want, you can come in and catch him in person! And I don't mind having another angel's mourning on my body!"

As he spoke, there was a flash of blood on his body, and the imprints of angels' mourning appeared on his skin, thousands of them!

Jiangnan was stunned, I am a mother!

The prisoner bird is killing crazy, right? Kill so many angels? What resentment what?

No wonder he felt inexplicably close to him after he knew that he had killed an angel?

Shaye's face was extremely ugly, and she couldn't say a word that was blocked!

The prisoner said: "If there is nothing else, get out with your people and don't delay my business at Noah Manor!"

Wenger squinted: "I'll leave it here today! If I can't catch Jiangnan, I can't get Chuya, I can't leave!"

"I do want to give the face of Lord Noah, but the face of my Apocalypse family can't be denied!"

"Jiangnan! Don't think this Noah Manor can protect you for a lifetime! How long can you live here?"

Jiang Nan snapped his fingers: (●???)? "A week should be about the same, right? I made more than 300 million before, and just made another 100 million!"

"Otherwise, there is really no money to live in, hehe~ I haven't told you about crabs yet!"

So he shyly scratched his head and said:

?(??????) "What's inside~ Knock on mud and stuffy frogs!"

Olivia: (′?ж?) Pfft~


This southerner is so arrogant!

You call this a thank you? Thank you for the whole family?

Nanshen's mouth skills are simply incredible!

The prisoner bird has a dark face, but Jiang Nan is not welcome, is he really scolding him?

Typical is not too big of a problem, right?

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]


I saw Wenger stepped into the killing line and went straight to Jiangnan, his eyes were full of coldness!

"It seems that you still don't know what kind of existence you have provoked yourself!"

"My Apocalypse clan has three star-level powerhouses, and the industry is all over the starry sky! The fourth starry sky sequence, the clan's people are more than hundreds of millions!"

"What qualifications do you have to challenge me? If I want to! You can be wiped from this world in the blink of an eye. The reason why you are still alive! It's just because you are standing in this killing line!"

"I haven't reached the star level yet, a little rookie with some skills. Killing you is just a matter of thought. There is still a way to survive if you cooperate! Otherwise, you will not be able to walk out of this dark street alive!"

Jiang Nan said coldly: "Really? I'm just a rookie who has not yet reached the star level. Now I'm standing in front of you, but you can't kill me!"

"A reward of 100 million is offered, but I am still living very freely now!"

"You can kill me! But can you do it? Dare to do it? Chuya doesn't want it anymore? I'm dead, you don't want to find her in your life!"

Wenger stared: "You..."

Jiang Nan sneered: "What are you? The initiative is in my hands! Hold back with anger and hold back with shit!"

"I admit it! In this starry sky, strength is everything, and fists are the last word!"

"Your fists are bigger than mine! My fists are not as big as yours, so I have to use my brain, so I'm still alive!"

"When my fist is bigger than yours, you won't even have a chance to use your brain!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Wenger's collar and wiped the oil stain on the corner of his mouth!

Turning around and adding:

(What~ What?) "Knock on mud frogs!"

Wenger: (?? benefit??) σ! !

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

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