Hair and feathers are more important than life to an angel who has evolved into a woman!

The prisoner birds are all bald, don't you want to become that ghost?

It makes Shaye want to go home now!

Jiang Nan was about to attack, but how could Ye Yuan hold back? Can't miss such a fun thing?

So I hurriedly came over and slapped Jiangnan with my elbow!

(????) "I'll come, I'll come, you just rest, there is such a fun thing, why didn't you take it out earlier?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "Then you come, pay attention to the wording!"

"This chewing gum, it is best to eat two together!"

As he spoke, he slapped two Yanling chewing gums on Ye Yuan's palm!

And this also attracted the attention of all the residents, all eyes were bright, Jiangnan just because he ate this baby, did he follow the law?

Ye Yuan even more impatiently put the chewing gum into his mouth and chewed it, the smile on his face gradually deformed!

Wenger sweated profusely on his forehead: (?? Yi???) "You... don't be too aggressive! What you put on me today, I will return it to you tenfold sooner or later!"

Ye Yuan laughed:

(????) "You fart! You're going to pay back ten times? You're really a jerk?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wenger was very nervous, and sure enough, a madness struck, but fortunately he was well prepared in advance!

Rearrange the atomic structure of madness, and blow out bursts of floral fragrance!

Just breathed a sigh of relief, but the extreme nuclear explosion fluctuations came from Wenger's key parts, and even a dazzling light had already lit up!

Direct nuclear fusion!

(???????) "Nima! You Lulu! Quick, absorb the energy of the nuclear explosion, I can't control it!"

You Lulu: ? ? ?

(¬~¬〃) "I... I bah! I don't absorb such strange nuclear energy!"

Wenger said urgently: (???mouth???)? "No! Once it explodes, the entire Noah Manor will be wiped out! It will be judged as an attack, and you will get into big trouble!"

Jiangnan: ('?ж?)σpoof~

You are so dreadful, are you? Ye Yuan is cruel enough, better than me?

Ye Yuan: (???︶??‵)


The nuclear fusion of the hanging bomb suddenly took shape, and You Lulu clenched her teeth tightly, with a reluctant expression on her face, but she still absorbed the energy shock of the nuclear explosion!

Minimize the power!

Wenger is already going crazy, can this ability be any more perverted?

Shaye's face turned pale with fright, and she got up and went back to the room without a word!

But where is Ye Yuan willing to let her go:

(???.?.???‵) "Isn't it pretty crazy just now? Why are you cowardly now? You even said that you will kill us all? I think you are just bragging!"

Shaye froze directly, her eyes locked on the body of a female barbarian who was eating!

The eyes of the two collided in the air, intertwined!


The faces of the barbarians turned white:

╰(???????)╯ "No no no... No! It has nothing to do with me?"

However, Shaye couldn't suppress the urge in his chest at all, and rushed straight to the barbarian bull race!

The barbarian girl got up in shock and ran:

?(???????)?=З=З=З "Don't come over on a horse! I'm still a big girl, you... you can't treat me like this!"

Shaye ran in tears, desperately chasing her, her eyes were already shark-like!

?(??yi??;)?=З=З=З "Hurry up! If you dare to be caught up by me today, I will kill you first and then commit suicide!"

The two rushed out of the hall as soon as they chased and fled!

Then Ye Yuan's eyes fell on You Lulu again!

I saw You Lulu said nothing, turned her head and ran:

(づ?>﹏<?ど) "I... I went back to my room to sleep, let's talk!"

Ye Yuan raised his head and laughed:

(??ˇ?ˇ??) "Have you seen it? Just clear the field, my level has improved, right?"

"The way the angel was crying just now really made me laugh out loud, ahahaha~"

Laughing and laughing, the smile on Ye Yuan's face froze, only to hear the voice of "Ding Lingdang"!


Ye Yuan's mouth was full of 32 large white teeth, none of which was spared, all fell off the gums and fell on the table and the ground, but they were everywhere!

Ye Yuan: ? ? ?

(????ж???) "Is it okay? I'm so smug, wow? I just didn't think so! Cancel cancel!"

Annoyed, he hurriedly lay on the ground and picked up the big tooth he had laughed at!

Really? Looking for teeth all over the place!

Olivia: (′???)σ puff hahahaha~

She feels that she is about to exercise eight-pack abs these days?

God special meow laughed out his teeth!

I saw Ye Yuan looking at Jiangnan with a look of help, tears streaming down his face!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead:

(??w???) "It's all said, let you pay attention to the wording, this thing can't distinguish between enemy and mine!"

Wenger didn't dare to stay any longer, the ghost knows what unreliable things he can say!

I can only hold back my anger and go back to the room!

And at this moment, looking at the interested guests in the restaurant, the smile on Jiang Nan's face grew stronger!

A teleport came to the Zerg brothers who were staring at each other at the same dining table!

(????) "Old iron? Do you want Yanling chewing gum? It's so easy to use, you can kill the enemy in front of you without touching it! Just open your mouth!"

The Zerg brother couldn't wait for a long time: "Yes! Tell me how much money you want!"

Jiangnan: (??????‵)

"A piece of 10 million star origin points!"

Zerg brother: ? ? ?

∑(????) "What? It's so expensive? Is it inlaid with gold?"

Jiangnan dialect said:

(︶~︶?) "You can't bear this? You know, if you stay here for one more day, it will cost you 30 million more!"

"If you solve the enemy of life and death, you don't have to live. Instead, you will earn 20 million. Round it up. Is your brother making money for you?"

The Zerg brother tilted his head and thought: "That's right? Come on!"

Jiangnan just showed his source core, and the Zerg brothers on the opposite side are anxious!

If I sell him, won't I be finished?

(??????)? "11 million! Sell me! I'll add money!"

Jiangnan's eyes are bright:

(????) "Hey? Brother has a good eye! I'm sorry, Lao Tie, he gave too much!"

So a teleport came to the opposite side, and he was about to sell him!

But the Zerg brother is in a hurry, where can I ride a horse?

If I sell him, won't I be blown up?

"Sell me! Don't sell him! I'll pay 12 million!"

"What the hell? 1300!"


Jiangnan teleported back and forth, and the joy blossomed, so he pressed his hand!

?(?ˇ~ˇ??)? "It's alright, alright! Don't rob it! Sell it all! It's only 30 million! I don't want any more!"

The two Zerg brothers almost didn't vomit blood on the spot, is this also saving money by riding a horse?

Thirty million is thirty million!

That's more ruthless than whoever scolded it!

In the blink of an eye, 60 million was credited, and the two Zerg brothers stared at each other and began to greet each other!

The mother content is very high!

So Jiangnan hummed a little song again to find the next pair of injustices!

This Noah Manor is full of rich people, and there are many people who hate each other and live together!

This kind of better sells at a high price!

Of course, Jiangnan will never sell too many, one person will sell one piece, and you must watch them eat them on the spot and start scolding them.

Otherwise, I am afraid that they will be bought by Wenger!

In a blink of an eye, the whole restaurant became lively, like a large-scale dance scene!

There was no one in the audience who started, but the fight was extremely fierce, and the bang bang!

Jiang Nan clapped his hands contentedly:

(??ˇ?ˇ)? "Go ba~ Xiaoshi'er is over, go back to the room to sleep!"

Olivia looked at the messy restaurant and couldn't help swallowing!

(??﹏??) "Do you usually do this business?"

Jiangnan spread his hands: ?(?'??')? "Walking in the rivers and lakes, you must have a skill to make money, not shabby!"

Noah's Manor is so expensive, and in the current situation, he is obviously going to fight a long-term battle here!

It's better to draw a little more money~

Jiangnan booked a total of two rooms, one for boys and one for girls!

Although it is a professional to recycle second-hand daughters-in-law, they can't really sleep with Momo, so they should avoid suspicion!

Momo Ai Sauce Olivia and the others greeted Jiang Nan and entered the room!

And when Jiangnan swiped his hand, the door of the room opened!

The smile on his face suddenly froze:

=????(????) "Really... Really standard room?"

The house is pitifully small, with a single bed and a bathroom!

Noah's Manor, which is 30 million per night, is just decorated. No one will believe it, right?

When I turned around, I saw more than 100 Teletubbies looking curiously into the room with their necks stretched!

Jiangnan: (???????)…

"Hey! You really don't think about going to sleep on the street? You are free..."

It's not fat, shaking his head like a rattle, outside a hundred thousand troops besieging the city, going out is a dead man!

So more than 100 Teletubbies, plus Jiangnan and Ye Yuan, slammed into a small standard room!

Even if the Teletubbies are already stacking Arhats, Ye Yuan and Jiang Nan can't fit on the bed!

The space barriers unfolded, and a good single bed was used as a bunk by Jiangnan!

The night is sinking like water, the lights are gradually extinguished, Jiangnan did not intend to break his sleep, but lay on the space barrier to practice!

On the contrary, the Teletubbies slept soundly!

And since Ye Yuan laughed off his big teeth, he didn't dare to speak casually!

Just as Jiangnan's cultivation was going deep, a splitting headache came, and the numb feeling couldn't even make Jiangnan run his spiritual power well!

It seems that all the atoms are shaking uneasy!

Jiang Nan's face turned black. He failed several times to enter the cultivation state. He felt a little mentally weakened!

what's the situation?

Did Wenger and the others do it? I remember he booked 10 standard rooms and surrounded the two rooms in Jiangnan, up and down, left and right!

I saw the Jiangnan space wormhole opened, and half of the body directly penetrated into the next room!

Momo Xingcheng Olivia three girls huddled together on the bed and slept Zhengxiang!

Ai-chan was used as a pillow, lying on the bed with a loveless face!

Olivia radiated blue light and seemed to be completely unaffected!

Jiang Nan's face was black, and he reached out and poked Olivia!

? "Hey~ wake up! Don't sleep! What's going on?"

"Hey, hey! Wake up!"

After all, Olivia was woken up by Jiang Nan, and she rubbed her sleepy eyes!

(???~???) Hmm~

When I looked back, I saw a dark figure poking out half of the body from the wall!

The figure is completely integrated with the night, and only a pair of widened eyes and a white tooth floating in the air can be seen!

Olivia's eyes widened sharply, her hair stood on end, and her pretty face was full of horror!

?(|||?mouth?)? "Aah!!"

A screeching scream resounded throughout the manor!

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