Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1935: Please close your eyes

Not only was Olivia terrified, but even Momo woke up from her sleep, her eyes full of terror!

Who would wake up in the middle of the night and see such a black shadow sticking out from the wall?

Is it scary to scare people to death?

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(???~??) "As for you? Although I'm handsome, you don't have to be so excited to scream, right?"

Olivia: ! !

(?﹏?.) "Bah! I'm scared to death. Next time, please knock on the door first?"

Subconsciously pull the quilt over tightly!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva:

(??w???) "You...why are you covering up so tightly? Could it be that you were scared to pee by me?"

Olivia was about to speak, but her body shuddered, and the quilt was even tighter!

Even at night, you can see her pretty face turning red at a speed visible to the naked eye!

(??﹏??) "Originally not! Pay attention to the wording, the wording is you!"

Aaaah~ This is simply embarrassing!

Jiangnan: (?????) Huh?

Did it not exist before?

But I forgot about this, the effect of Yanling chewing gum is too long!

Olivia said angrily, "Why did you come to me in the middle of the night?"

Momo's heartbeat accelerated, Nanshen didn't come here to collect the second-hand daughter-in-law, right?

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "There are still children, don't do it!"

"I came to ask you, what's going on? I was shaken and couldn't sleep, and the energy in my body was faintly uncontrolled!"

Olivia: ? ? ?

God special meow, wow, who... who asked you that?

After feeling it carefully, he was stunned: "It is an extremely clever atomic oscillation, which controls the oscillation of atoms in a very small range, thereby affecting the surrounding things!"

"It's hard to detect, the impact on the body is not ordinary! A shock force field has been formed around here!"

"I...I can't resist this shock!"

Jiangnan Grinding: (???Dish??)? "Is it really Wenger's fault? Then why aren't you affected?"

Olivia explained: "I am the Apocalypse family, and the atomic fluctuations emitted by myself can offset this shock wave!"

('???`) "So you can stay unaffected. If you can't fall asleep, do you want to... come over and sleep with me? That way you won't be affected, I... I don't mind!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "No, no! It's true that for a quarter of an hour, you don't intend to make me feel better, do you?"

"If you don't drive these annoying spirits away, I don't think your days will stop!"

Pooh! Who still sleeps with you after you pee on the kang?

Olivia lowered her head and pinched her fingers:

(??~?) "Will... or I'll go with Wenger tomorrow, he's right!"

"I know how terrifying the Apocalypse family is, and I don't want to hurt you anymore!"

"It seems that no matter how hard I struggle, the result will be the same, it might as well be from the beginning..."

Jiang Nan looked directly into Olivia's eyes: "Do you want to give up? Don't you want to resist?"

"What about your pride? Isn't it the genius and beautiful girl? Isn't it about surpassing the ancestors?"

"Isn't it enough to shout about this little difficulty? The original rhetoric was just casually said?"

Olivia hurriedly jumped up from the bed:

(???﹏??)? "No! I'm serious, I just…"

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's fine, you don't need to explain it to anyone, just tell it to yourself!"

"Life is your own life, you have the final say on how you go about it!"

"It's not ashamed to rely on others. You must know that being depended on is also a kind of luck! For small things, just stay in the room and don't go out. Leave it to me to solve it!"

"Ah, yes! The map is quite big, it's better to cover it up!"

The talker has disappeared!

Olivia's expression froze, and she glanced down. Teletubbies' clothes were full of watermarks!

Startled, she quickly pulled the quilt over to cover it, and her face turned even redder!

[The resentment value from Olivia +233! ]

(??﹏??) "Ah~ what a shame! Has the Southern God always been like this?"

Momo smiled sweetly: (??????) "It's very warm, right? Nanshen is like this! It's a pity that I have an uncle, or..."

Olivia: ? ? ?

Looking at the dark night sky, Olivia bit her lower lip: "Can I... really rely on him?"

Momo touched Olivia's head lightly: "Just rely on it, no one in this world is more reliable than Nanshen!"

"Those who can ignite hope must have experienced countless despairs. You don't know what Nanshen has gone through to get to where he is today!"

"I don't even know what kind of burden he bears. Nanshen will never fall. He will fully respond to everyone's expectations!"

"I'm not bragging. Nanshen has experienced situations that are more difficult than this. For Nanshen, these are really just small scenes. He hasn't taken it seriously yet!"

Olivia swallowed her saliva and recalled everything she had experienced from her encounter with Jiangnan until today!

Jiang Nan's body is full of mystery, but at this moment, Olivia wants to know more about his past!

What has he experienced to be able to survive in such a situation!

Show people's scalp is numb, okay?

Back in the room, Jiang Nan shook the teletubbies who were sound asleep in the room!

(?????) "Get up! Don't sleep, I have a very important task for you to complete!"

Ye Yuan also jumped up from the bed with a carp, with bright eyes:

(????????) "Oh, is there any new action?"

Fatty was stunned, and couldn't help swallowing a bad feeling in his heart:

(??﹏??) "What...what task do I have to do? I'm weak since I was a child, I'm afraid I can't do it?"

Jiang Nan patted Fat Bu La Ji's shoulder with a solemn expression!

"Don't underestimate yourself, you are on the wanted list and offer a reward for a heavy criminal of the five-star source point. Can this trivial matter fail you?"

"Listen to me! You just need to go out for a walk, darling!"

While talking, he took out his lipstick, smeared it on his lips, and put three sips on his fat forehead!

Are you fat?: ? ? ?

Before he could agree, Jiang Nan opened the door of the room, took out the forgiveness cap and put it on his head, took off the cap, smashed the grass, and moved in one go!

"Go, go! You're not fat, you're the prettiest cub tonight!"

Fat Bu La shivered:

(?﹏?) "Liang Guiliang, but can you open your eyes and praise me? I'm afraid! I…"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked out of the room by Jiang Nan!

And here Ye Yuan's eyes are all red, and the blue veins on his forehead are bursting out, and he wants to chase out and get fat with his arms!

Jiangnan looked back and scolded: (?`mouth') "It's just blinding your dog's eyes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard Ye Yuan scream:

(?)*mouth*(ヾ) "Ah~ my eyes! Eyes!"

His eyes were smoking and he was blinded on the spot!

But also woke up from the state of being mocked by the forgiveness hat!

With a stunned look on his face, he said, "Why did I just now...h~ you want to..."

Jiangnan Heihei laughed:

(? ̄??? ̄??) "It's dark! Please close your eyes!"

Ye Yuan was stunned for a moment, then he laughed straight, Jiangnan, is he really a bamboo shoot?

Is that hat sarcastic?

I saw Jiang Nan pulled Wu Xiba again: "Go! Keep up with your elder brother!"

After speaking, he was fragrant three times!

Wu Xiba shivered: "No...I don't want to, I..."

"Don't you want to make it easy? I said if you want, you want to!"

Wearing a hat and picking grass and flying feet, the action is done in one go!

Wu Xiba screamed, blood running from the top of his head: "Ah~ boss, you smashed it wrong! Antenna! The antenna is also smashed down!"

I saw that in Jiangnan's room, a Teletubbies with only lip prints lined up and came out!

They're all confused, what's going on?

Just take a walk outside?

Outside Noah's Manor! The 100,000 Canglan army was waiting in full force, staring at the manor, not letting out a single atom!

Apparently it's running out!

At this moment, under the leadership of the three antenna brothers, 108 Teletubbies appeared outside the building!

The 100,000 Canglan Army discovered it immediately, and looked directly at it!

The anger in the chest directly exploded, and all the staff were red-eyed!

(??'Yi?') "Fuck! Why! Why can Teletubbies be so rampant? Can they still live in Noah Manor? I can't bear it! Fuck them!"

(???mouth??) "Lai Lai Di! He looks so cute? Pure just needs to be beaten. I'm used to him being so bad?"

"We're on guard here, and they're walking in there? Bah! I'm so **** off! Come on, brothers!"

The unreasonable anger directly overwhelmed their wit, and immediately stepped into the killing line!

They all opened up and killed the Teletubbies!

The 100,000 army charged, the momentum was so shocking, the three antenna brothers almost didn't scare the urine on the spot!

(? Mouth?.) Whoa!

what's the situation? The boss only said that he would walk around for a while, but he didn't say that he would be beaten?

"Run! Run wow!"

However, it was too late, how could the Teletubbies be faster than the Apocalypse?

But under the threat of life and death, Bo Bo's lip print immediately came into play, and Fat Bu La Ji actually teleported and disappeared in front of the Canglan army!

Yet they all have divine whispers that can easily predict the trajectories of the Teletubbies!

But at this moment, I saw Jiangnan directly opened the window and sat on the windowsill, dangling around the little jiojio, the chicken soup in the left hand and the pulp in the right hand!

Close your eyes and stuff the pulp!

The moment Jiangnan appeared, the Canglan army was instantly dumbfounded, and they didn't dare to use the whispers of the gods, for fear of being poisoned!

Those 30,000 brothers are still foaming up!

Now, the Teletubbies have teleportation, and they have the capital to deal with!

At the moment when the Canglan army rushed into the killing line, there was a complete riot in Noah's Manor, and the screams of killing were loud!

At this moment, I saw the branches of the star-devouring mother vine that had been clinging to the wall of Noah's manor stretched out, and scarlet blood light appeared on it!

An amazing energy wave burst out, the ground cracked, and a thick root system broke out!

Like a mad snake in hell, its power is full of power!

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth evoked a radian:

(? ̄?? ̄??) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ this Kudo is really not weak, I will give you the 100,000 organic compound fertilizer, thank you for taking it!"

At the moment, Wenger is even secretly happy because of the success of the atomic shock!

Geigei laughs straight and makes Lao Tzu embarrassed? Don't even think about it!

The atomic vibration method is secret, even a prisoner bird can't find it!

While I was in that Knotle, I heard bursts of shouts and roars coming from outside!

Can't help but startled, what's the situation? done?

So I stretched my neck and looked out the window, my face turned green!

"This... This is not the end of the horse? Canglan's troops are crazy? Are you taking the words of Lao Tzu as a fart?"

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