With the attack of 100,000 Canglan troops, the star-devouring mother vine was completely violent!

Don't look at how big it is on the surface, but no one knows how huge the underground part is!

It is not too much for the root system to cover the entire black street!


There are boundless blood clouds floating in the sky, forming a unique force field of the mother vine, covering the entire Noah Manor!

I saw the Apocalypse warriors who launched the attack, with bursts of red mist floating out from their bodies!

That is the purest source of life, and it was actually absorbed by the air!

In just a few breaths, it was sucked into a human!

Even atomic reorganization is useless, as long as you are in the force field of the mother vine, you will be deprived!

A field-like force field has been formed!

Countless blood-colored thorns stretched out toward the Canglan army, crazily twisting and whipping!

Not to mention that Jiangnan is here, they dare not use the whispers of the gods, even if they do, attacks will come from all directions!

Can't escape!

And Kudo's branches are simply tough to an unimaginable level!

Even if it is wiped out by atomic collapse, a new one grows almost instantly!

The originally quiet and elegant Noah Manor seems to have become a blood vine **** at this moment!

Countless parasitic spores are floating, and as long as the army of Canglan gets on it, countless blood vines will grow on the skin!

In the blink of an eye, he was pumped into adulthood!

Almost as soon as they came into contact, the Canglan army suffered more than 10,000 casualties and became Kudo's organic compound fertilizer!

Jiangnan clicked his tongue, worthy of the notorious star-devouring mother vine in the starry sky!

Really hard to deal with!

And the strength of this Kudo, the planetary destroyer level is the minimum!

Even if the Apocalypse Clan's abilities are abnormal again, most of the Canglan army has just reached the breaking star level!

This kind of crushing attack is impossible to resist!

The Teletubbies were all terrified, holding their heads and screaming, teleporting wildly on the battlefield, dodging attacks from all directions!

And it also uses the power of thought to turn it into armor to resist attacks!

Speaking of life-saving skills, the Teletubbies still have some!

The problem is that Kudo didn't mean to let them go because of the sarcasm of Forgive Hat?

The rattan has even started attacking the Teletubbies!

At this moment, Noah's Manor has even turned into a pot of porridge, and the blood that rises at night can be seen from the entire black street!

How could Wenger sit still and jumped out of the window!

(?°?yi°?) "Damn! Are you all crazy? How did Lao Tzu explain to you? Retreat! Let Lao Tzu get out of the killing line!"

"Attack Noah's Manor? You don't want to die!"

At that time, there were soldiers roaring below: "It's not the boss! Look at the Teletubbies, they..."

Wenger stared: "What kind of teletubbies? You..."

As soon as he looked over, he couldn't move his eyes away, his chest was burning with anger!

o(▼Ware▼メ;)o "Ahhh! Teletubbies, I'll kill you all!"

As soon as he spoke, he rushed over, and the countless Fujiedes also drew towards Wenger!

It's thorn whipping!

"Go away, Lao Tzu! Atomic collapse!"

"Boom" sounded, the rattan around Wenger, everything turned into atoms and collapsed!

But Wenger also spit out black blood!

Originally, Wenger wouldn't suffer so badly against this mother vine, but the problem is that he is still poisoned with poison in his body?

The strength has been greatly reduced, and every time the power of atoms is mobilized, there is a feeling of being poisoned to death!

Originally, it was half-crippled by Jiangnan, so it is necessary to beat the mother vine?

"Damn it! Is it a taunting skill? What a brilliant ability, can it even affect my emotions?"

Looking at the window again, I saw Jiangnan sitting leisurely on the windowsill eating the pulp!

(?ˇ??ˇ?)? "Yo~ Iron Juice? Don't let me sleep? Everyone, don't sleep! Let your Canglan army go down and sleep peacefully!"

Wenger:! !

[The resentment value from Wenger +1008! ]

Where does he not know what's going on? Seduce my Canglan army to attack with taunting skills?

Wow you are so poisonous!

(▼▼▼#) "Roentgen! Let Roentgen come out to Lao Tzu! Release it for purification!"

The Hermit Race is known as the Great Mage among all races, and their auxiliary abilities are not ordinary and powerful!

Hearing the call, Roentgen hurried out of the room, seeing the chaos in a pot of porridge, and the Canglan troops who were madly killed in action were also anxious!

Is it sarcasm?

Raise your wand now!

?(ˊyiˋ*)? "I am pure..."

Jiangnan: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "Cough!"

Ye Yuan immediately stuck his head out of the window!

(?︶mouth︶) "Roentgen! Let your colorful, colorful, spiraling monkey farts!"


As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a scream from Roentgen, his pants were blown to pieces, and the whole person took off in place like a monkey in the sky!

ε=ε=ε==≡Σ(((つ? BENEFIT?)つ

Across the battlefield, draw a beautiful arc in the sky, like a plane pulling a cable, and let yourself go a long way!

The casting was interrupted on the spot!

Wenger:! !

Don't collapse at such a critical moment!

"You Lulu, Saya! Come out and help!"

At this moment, You Lulu hurried to Shaye's room!

(?????) "Hey! There's a fight outside, let's go out and help, you..."

Halfway through speaking, I saw Shaye standing in the bathroom, holding a toothbrush frantically brushing her teeth, her mouth full of white foam and tears in the circles of her eyes!


She has been brushing for hours!

(?`~'?) "What time is it, you still brush your teeth? Wenger called!"

Shaye's eyes are blank:

??(???||)?? "I'm not going, I'm going to you, I'm dirty!"

While speaking, he began to brush his teeth again, and his hands brushed out phantoms!

You Lulu was terrified:

?(?'mouth'??)?"You...you shouldn't really blow..."

Shaye: ! !

(??????)? "Fart! I didn't! I didn't! I just wanted to brush my teeth! Woo~"

"Go to you, don't call me!"

[The resentment value from Shaye +1008! ]

You Lulu: (??w???)…

I saw her glance out the window!

Roentgen just got up from the ground, his staff held high!

Just listen to Jiangnan yelling:

(ˇyiˇ?:) "Roentgen! Get the **** out of here, it's none of your business!"


I saw that Roentgen immediately got out, and the whole person crashed into the shops on the street corner like a chariot!

You Lulu: =????(?﹏?????)

"Ahaha~ I'm sleepy, I went back to sleep..."

So I sneaked back to the room!

And now Shaye is still brushing her teeth...

Wenger is completely in a hurry, why can't these two goods be called out? Can you fall asleep with such a big movement?

Turning his eyes to Jiangnan again, he saw that his eyes were always closed and never opened?

Could it be that this taunting skill can be done without looking at it?

('Yi'メ) "The Canglan army obeys orders, everyone, close your eyes for me!"

At this moment, all the soldiers of the Apocalypse tribe closed their eyes, and as expected, they were no longer taunted by the forgiveness hat!

Jiangnan immediately spoke:

(?ˇmouthˇ?) "The Canglan army! They all gave me wide-eyed eyes to see clearly!"

The eyes they had just closed opened again uncontrollably, and the battle continued!

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the 100,000 troops were killed or injured!

Wenger is so angry!

"Wait! Close your eyes!"

Jiangnan: "Open your eyes!"

"Close your eyes!"

"Open your eyes"

The Canglan army is about to be ruined by playing, blinking frantically, and the eyelids are blinking out of phantoms. Are they closed or open when they step on the horse?

It's really not good, can you open one eye and close the other?


At this moment, in Olivia's room, several little girls were lying on the wall listening to the movement outside. They were so excited!

Olivia swallowed:

('???`) "What on earth did Nanshen do? Why is there such a commotion outside?"

"I really want to be healthy..."

Just as he was about to get up and look out the window, he was pulled back by Aijiang and Momo!

?(?i~i?)? "The master has explained that you will not look the same when you go out of the house. You have to be obedient, or else there may be some trouble!"

Olivia scratched her head, feeling itchy in her heart, but she didn't dare to use the whispers of the gods indiscriminately!

Now, the prisoner's room!

He was lying on the bed, covering his head with a pillow, and a dozen blue veins collapsed on his forehead!

What the **** is going on outside?

Since Jiangnan moved in, my sister has stopped!

Are the peaceful and peaceful days gone forever?

Anyway, there is Kudo, no matter what!

I can't go out to meet people like this, can I?

But right now!


A huge hole was suddenly blasted out of the wall!

Fat Bupu smashed into the room, and the whole treasure was swollen three times!

The eyes of the prisoner bird and the fat blah blah collided in the air, intertwined!


Not fat chi:! !

I run!

A teleport and no shadow!

I saw more than a dozen blue veins collapsed on the forehead of the prisoner bird, and he picked up the pillow and slammed it on the ground!

Look out through the hole!

乁(?◣д◢?)ㄏ "I'm afraid you guys are not crazy!"

Immediately, the body suddenly appeared outside the house, and the blood angel phantom bloomed behind him. With one hand, the blood-colored sickle suddenly took shape!

Directly towards the battlefield with a fierce wave!

"Silence? Blood Prison Execution!"

Wenger:! !

"Don't! You don't! They're not..."

However, the next moment, in the killing line, all the Apocalypse warriors, all the blood in their bodies surged uncontrollably!


It turned into thousands of blood thorns and stabbed out of the body, directly nailing the whole person in place, like a **** sea urchin!

The next moment, the body burst open!

Tens of thousands of blood flowers suddenly burst out on the battlefield!

The Apocalypse warriors are still preparing for atomic reorganization, but Kudo has already started drinking blood!

Absorb all the broken Canglan army and turn them into nutrients!

The originally noisy battlefield suddenly quieted down!

Jiang Nan was frightened by this hand, what the fuck?

So fierce?

He quickly gestured to Fat Bulaji and the others, telling them to hide quickly!

I don't want to be fat, I don't want to become fertilizer, so I hurriedly greeted the Teletubbies to pinch hair balls!

The Teletubbies who enter the stealth form are invisible, and the mocking effect of the forgiveness cap will naturally not affect others!

Wenger's face is even uglier than eating shit!

The prisoner bird's eyes shot back and forth on Jiangnan and Wenger!

"Whoever starts within the killing line! Whoever dies! This is the rule of my Noah Manor!"

"If you don't agree, go to Lord Noah to reason with him! Have you heard clearly?"

Jiang Nan wiped his nose:

(??°??°) "Cough cough~ What is there, I have nothing to do with me, I..."

Prisoner: ! !

乁(???????) ㄏ "Shh! Shut up! Hold back! Don't say one more word!"

After he lost his sickle, he gritted his teeth and went back to the hall!

"Fix it for Lao Tzu! Or lose money!"

Jiang Nan raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Did you hear it? What about you! How about you repair it? Or I'll make you lose money!"

Wenger: ? ? ?

I just ~%?…;#*’☆&!

[The resentment value from Wenger +1009! ]

At this moment, outside Noah's Manor, Watt sneaked here with Ji Niobium Titanium Magnesium!

Looking at the unrecognizable Noah Manor is also startled!

(*?▽?) "This...is this place so lively?"

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