Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1940: Infinitely evolving Watt virus

With no resources, no information, and no technology, it has been blocked for more than 3,000 years in the cramped suburbs of the starry sky!

During this period, I have to endure the oppression of the holy star, and I have tried my best to survive until now!

Just got to this point!

This time, you must step into the starry sky. This star energy block alone is enough to make human beings undergo earth-shaking changes!

Jiangnan doesn't know what will happen when Blue Star really steps into the starry sky and endures the cultural shock of all ethnic groups!

But what Jiangnan can be sure of is! There is definitely a place for humans in the starry sky sequence!

Eyes full of excitement, I received all the star energy blocks into the alien space!

Jiang Nan hurriedly ran to the room!

Cultivating with this star source energy block, I don't know how many times faster than using the spirit beads!

Although it burns a little money, it can be exchanged for the rapid growth of strength. It is definitely not a loss-making business, right?

Wenger is in a hurry!

(*? Mouth?)? "Hey, hey~ Let's talk about it? Xiangzhu, are you out? Don't ignore me?"

"Everyone is an adult. Is there anything money can't solve?"

Wenger, who had chased after the star-watching room, knocked on the door, his face full of anxiety!

"You made an offer? I..."

Before I could finish speaking, I heard Jiang Nan's unhappy voice inside!

"Stay aside, I'm busy! Don't bother me, believe it or not, I ate the whole box of incense beads?"

Wenger's hand froze in the air as he was about to knock on the door, his teeth were about to shatter!

A box? He really did a lot of harm, right?

What if you don't sell Lao Tzu?

Unwilling Wenger ran to the counter again!

(¬yi¬?) "Can you transfer that fragrant pearl just now to me? I can offer a high price..."

The prisoner bird smiled politely:

乁(?°?д°?)ㄏ "Do you think there is a chance with me? Don't forget who I am!"

Wenger's face is ugly, is it so hard to get some incense beads?

Can't spend the money? There is not much time left for Mrs. Manti!

By the way, where did so many fragrant beads come from in Jiangnan?

What is his background?

The star-devouring giant should be in the hands of those energy-type beings. How did Jiangnan get it?

Wangxingfang is indeed a room worth 1 billion a night!

There is a huge skylight overhead, as long as you look up, you can see the bright starry sky!

The space is wide enough to accommodate more than 100 Teletubbies without feeling crowded!

At this moment, the Teletubbies in the invisible state are squatting in the corner and feeling sad!

Jiangnan, on the other hand, laughed at the 100 million star energy block!

Olivia swallowed:

('???`) "Nan... Nanshen, Xiangzhu, do you really not sell Wenger?"

"Under this kind of situation, it can be sold at a high price!"

Jiang Nan nodded: (?ˇ?ˇ?) "Sell! Why not?"

Olivia wondered:

(???~??)???? "Then why are you still..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "To sell is to sell, but not now!"

"We still live in Noah's Manor. Do you know why I am so difficult to deal with, and the prisoner bird has to work hard to protect me?"

"Even to hold back and give in again and again?"

Olivia shook her head, although I predicted it, but I won't say it, I'm good~

Jiangnan said lightly: "Black Street is Noah's property, and the prisoner is also Noah's person, because of racial competition! Whether it is Chu Ya or Xiangzhu, he will not easily give it to the Apocalypse Clan!"

"The rules are set by people, and there are no absolutely unbreakable rules. What I'm doing now is just in line with the minds of some big people, so I'm still alive!"

"Since the black street is currently used as a nest, it's better to follow the big man's mind!"

"Selling is to sell, but not now, because I still need the shelter of the black street, after all, the Black Label Conference has not yet participated!"

Olivia was stunned:

(*???????) "Oh wow~ is it like this? I didn't even think of it!"

Jiang Nan's forehead collapsed with two blue veins, and he raised his hand and gave Olivia a big red envelope!

(Yiyiyi;) "Can you act a little more like that? It's even less fulfilling, okay?"

Olivia held her head and looked aggrieved, didn't you say you didn't want me to skip the conversation?


But I never thought it was true!

If Jiangnan's actions did not fit Noah's mind, wouldn't even Noah's manor protect Jiangnan?

As long as there are enough interests, the rules will change!

Jiangnan opened the Alien Space and took out a large integrated intellectual brain from it!

"Anyway, most things, if you look at it from the perspective of interests, analyze it, and peel it off, it will be very clear!"

"Of course, there will always be things in this world that have no interest!"

Olivia tilted her head, it's not a matter of interest?

Jiangnan took out the photon hard drive containing the watt virus and connected it to the integrated brain!

The next moment, a few small whips came out and started to write programs frantically!

Aijiang was startled: ?(???~??)? "Master? You are..."

A sinister smile appeared on Jiang Nan's face:

(??????‵) "Just make some fun gadgets, come and help!"

This watt virus Jiangnan is not for nothing, it has the ability to turn silicon-based consciousness into a watt!

If used properly, this thing is enough to make a silicon-based fryer!

Although silicon-based can now defend against Watt virus!

But this is because the Watt virus is not mutating fast enough!

The mutation of the program virus mainly depends on the running disorder, which is randomly generated, not independent to mutate and enhance!

What if Jiangnan gave the Watt virus the ability to write independently?

Let it mutate autonomously and consciously evolve to enhance it!

Then the offensiveness, transmissibility, self-replication, etc. of the Watt virus will increase exponentially!

As long as it is given enough time, the ghost knows what this Watt virus will evolve into?

Jiangnan just opened the door to its evolutionary path. What it can become in the end depends on its own!

Aijiang sweats profusely on her forehead:

?(?i﹏i?)? "Master? Are you sure you want to do this?"

Give the program virus the ability to write itself?

Jiang Nan nodded: "Sure, don't worry! Self-consciousness will not be born, and it will only evolve infinitely towards a more terrifying form! Hmm~ one is not enough for it!"

"It seems that you need to get a few more quantum brains to arrange for it?"

Since it is cooperating with Siji, there should be some preparations!

Don't when people sell you, there is no room for resistance!

You can not slay the dragon, but you cannot but sharpen the sword!

This watt virus can be used as a secret weapon against silicon-based!

Ai Jiang and Jiang Nan squatted in front of the integrated intellectual brain and started a dazzling operation!

On the other hand, Ye Yuan was not calm at the moment, and even felt a little scalp numb!

∑(°Д°ノ)ノ "Silicon-based intelligent logic programming ability? How did you come to this?"

This is the core technology of silicon-based, which is equivalent to shaping life, right?

Jiangnan didn't look back:

(¬?¬?) "Hey~ you know quite a lot, there's still a lot of work to be done with eldest brother. As a genius Mei Shaonan, isn't it normal to know these things?"

Ye Yuan pouted: "If you don't say it, don't say it, I'm not happy to know!"

"You're still a genius? You're a hot chicken who hasn't reached the breaking point!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Jiang Nan could speak, he saw Jiang Nan's eyes widen, his eyes full of red blood!

Kneeling directly to the ground in a posture of worshipping Buddha, trembling non-stop!

(??Yi??) "Yeyuan! You have a leg! You are the spicy chicken! The spicy chicken, the spicy chicken, the spicy chicken!"

However, the goose is useless at all, the time for Jiangnan's Yanling chewing gum has passed, but Ye Yuan ate two pieces!

Has he passed?

Olivia: (′?ж?)σ

"You shouldn't be really hot, right?"

Love sauce: ?('?~?`)?

"Master? Do you need physical cooling to defeat the fire?"

Jiang Nan's face was black: (??? benefit???)? "No need!"

MMP! Ye Yuan! you wait for me, you?

If this revenge is not repaid, I, Jiangnan, swear not to be silver!

After a long delay, Jiangnan continued to start virus transformation and upgrading!

At the same time, don't forget to use the small leather whip to absorb the star energy block to improve your level!

One heart and two uses, I even felt that the absorption speed was not fast enough, and even drank 10 packs of pounding candy!

In order to speed up the cultivation speed, roll your eyes at yourself!

Olivia swallowed her saliva, Ai-chan was afraid that it was not as simple as being infected by a virus as Watt thought!

Can she write it herself?

This is absolutely impossible for the mechanical species, and what the **** is that tentacle on Nanshen?

With eyes on it?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a star-devouring mother vine!

What race is he? Why does Olivia feel that the more she understands, the less she can guess?

Until late at night, the writing work is still not over!

One hundred million star energy blocks have been absorbed by Jiangnan, and it is not enough!

He even asked the prisoner bird to send over 100 million points!

However, in the star-watching room of the goose at the moment, the atmosphere seems a bit ambiguous!

Xingcheng was sleeping soundly, Momo was lying in bed at the moment with big dark circles under his eyes!


Holding the marriage certificate, he stared at it, but it didn't take long for his eyes to be attracted by Jiangnan, who was working hard!

The eyes have become peach-shaped, and the heart is like a deer, giving out a goose-box smirk!


But he quickly regained his senses, looked at the marriage certificate solemnly, and forced himself to calm down!

No, Momo! You have to be firm! You already have an uncle! You can't change your mind!

But... but this feeling of fawn ramming can't be faked?

Goose Box ~ If I have both, wouldn't I be twice as happy?

At this moment, Olivia has completely melted, lying on her side on the bed and riding the quilt!

Her face is full of smiles from the sinking aunt, like a baby fly pupa on the bed non-stop!

Two nosebleeds flowed out from the nostrils, soaked the pillow towel, and flowed all the way to the ground, converging into a large pool!

The big eyes that turned into peach hearts stared at Jiang Nan's profile without blinking!


Goose box ~ my dark horse prince!

This feeling of rapid heartbeat must be the taste of love, right?

However, Ye Yuan was lying on the other bed at this moment, covering his head with a pillow, and peeking at Jiangnan!

The heartbeat is madly accelerated again!

Surprised, he got up and slapped his own mouths wildly!

(#)? Yi? (#) "No no no~ How is this possible! Me! I am a man when I ride a horse?"

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