Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1941: It's heartwarming

Until the next morning, Jiang Nan rubbed his sore wrist!

The ability to write programs independently has been completely endowed with the Watt virus!

Just wait for it to evolve independently, and the rest is left to time!

And the portable brain received an invitation from Watt!

Said that the invitation letter had been completed, and asked Jiangnan if he wanted to go to the Black Street Market in the evening!

On the eve of each Black Label Conference, the bigwigs of all ethnic groups who come to the conference will go to the Black Street in advance!

At this time, a large market will be held on the black street, which will last for several days, which can be regarded as a hot spot for the black label conference!

Jiangnan will naturally not refuse, and we will see you at the market entrance in the evening!

Put away the large intellectual brain and let the Watt virus evolve independently!

Jiang Nan got up and stretched his waist fiercely, making a crispy sound like popping beans all over his body!

After continuous practice, Jiangnan's level has gone from Daotian 2nd star to Daotian 3rd peak!

If there is a continuous supply of star energy blocks, it is only a matter of time before reaching extraordinary!

Jiangnan is still looking forward to what his domain will be like.

(?ˇ?ˇ)? "Wow, go downstairs for breakfast... um~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Nan felt that the atmosphere in the room was not quite right!

Momo was stunned holding his marriage certificate!


And Olivia's eyes were filled with peach hearts, and she was lying on the bed like a mummified corpse. The big pool of nosebleeds under the bed seemed to be a large-scale murder scene!


As for Ye Yuan, he had big dark circles under his eyes and his face was swollen!

(#)? Yi? (#) "Impossible... Absolutely impossible! How can I have such a disgusting thought? No no no!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help covering his face!

Damn it, I forgot this stubborn charm!

In order to speed up his cultivation, Jiangnan drank dozens of packets of pounding candy all night long, although his cultivation speed has accelerated!

But the charm is also directly MAX, right?

I saw Xing Cheng sitting up from the bed with a carp:

(?≥~???) "Huh? Eat? What to eat? Have something to eat?"

Jiangnan: ('-﹏-`;)

Does the charm of his own MAX have no effect on Cheng Baoer?

Eating is her lifelong belief, only dry rice is true love?

"Go! Go downstairs for breakfast!"

However, as soon as the goose opened the door, he saw Wenger pestering outside the door early!

The two faced each other face to face. At close range, Jiangnan's MAX's charm value directly gave Wenger a ton of critical hits!

His pupils shrunk, he took two steps back while holding his heart, and leaned directly against the wall of the corridor!

(OДO|||) "Hey~ get up... get up?"

Jiangnan looked like he was ignoring the answer, and led people downstairs directly!

Wenger swallowed and patted his cheek fiercely!

damn it! What are you thinking? I have a family and a business!

If he was a little girl, he would be fine if he wanted to, and a **** who could not walk on his horse, how could he...

What kind of sorcery is this, the spell of charm?

Jiangnan is not actually an abyss tribe? But Meizu? Can't you?

In the restaurant downstairs, Xingcheng started cooking her 3,000 bowls of rice again!

But even if the food is unusually bold, no one will keep their eyes on Xing Cheng for a moment!

All were attracted by Jiangnan!

(???3?) "Wow~ I'm so handsome and stylish, I'm really excited, my little heart is almost jumping out of my throat~"

(ˊ?ˋ*)? "Hey, hey, hey! It's not like you? Although Jiangnan is quite powerful, what's so good about a nigger? If you don't eat, the noodles will be too... Goose Box~ so handsome!"

?(?Θ?)? "What do you know? Just being able to stare at him from a distance makes me full, Xiusekokan, do you know that?"

There is a lot of discussion in the restaurant canteen!

The prisoner bird rolled his eyes:

乁(〃??ー??)ㄏ "Handsome? Just like Jiangnan, it doesn't have anything to do with the word handsome, right?"

"Are your eyes blind? I..."

However, when the prisoner bird looked over, he couldn't move his eyes any longer, and a little nosebleed dripped down the chin on the counter!



This... how is this possible?

How charming is this? Even Lord Yueli is not so exaggerated, right?

Jiang Nan looked proud, ahahaha! Just sink under the infinite charm of Benan God!

Is the dream of a beautiful girl in the whole universe just talking about it?

At this moment, even Shaye and You Lulu, who were sitting in the corner eating breakfast, were stunned!

??*(ˊ?o????△o????ˋ?)*?? "Jiang... Jiangnan is so healthy? God! Isn't his eating too elegant?"

As soon as You Lulu finished speaking, she heard a "puff hug", and the mind that had changed before was changed by her again!

The buttons on the chest were all bounced off!

Shaye Grinds:

??(¬yi¬?)?? "Wake up, you! Forget how you lost the face of the Hilder union? This is the enemy!"

Although I don't want to admit it, today's Jiangnan does have a fascinating charm!

But Shaye is still relatively sober. Whenever she is about to be captured by Jiangnan, she thinks about the **** she once bragged about!

The resentment in my heart suddenly occupied the high ground!

He couldn't help but grit his teeth to find Wenger: "Hey~ Jiangnan has killed so many of your men, Chu Ya is still in his hand, are you quitting him?"

Wenger's face darkened: (???????)? "How do you do it? He has the fragrance beads I want in his hand. Under the current situation, the priority of fragrance beads is even higher than Chu Ya!"

"What do you want me to do? I have to beg him to sell me now!"

Shaye said angrily: "It's really useless! The old lady won't play with you! You don't **** him, I'll **** him myself!"

"I still remember the hatred of the angel!"

I saw Shaye suddenly got up and walked straight out of the restaurant!

The footsteps stopped at the door, and he tilted his head and said angrily:

??(What??)??"Jiangnan! You wait for me! My Shaye will never let you walk out of Vientiane Star alive!"

Jiangnan's mouth is drawn straight:

?? "What the hell! I'm here! Where are you looking?"

"At least say ruthless words in the face of the enemy, right? This is the most basic courtesy as a villain!"

Shaye: ! !

I also want to tell you face to face, isn't this afraid of being captured by charm?

By the way, who's the villain? You are the villain, right?

[The resentment value from Shaye +1007! ]

"You Lulu! Go!"

Pulling You Lulu while talking is about to leave!

You Lulu: ? ? ?

(?`~′?) "Huh? I don't want to leave! I haven't lived enough yet, I want to stay a few more days, I..."

Shaye said angrily, "Are you going? The Hild union won't report back?"

She was stunned to force You Lulu away, but even so, You Lulu's head turned 180 degrees, staring at Jiangnan unswervingly...

The picture is terrifying!

But as soon as the two of them walked out of the gate, they bumped into the Yueli team coming towards them!

Shaye's nose bleed uncontrollably, her legs softened, and she almost fell to the ground on the spot!

He quickly covered his nose and closed his eyes and rushed out!


Damn, charm double crit? Today is simply unlucky to go to grandma's house!

As soon as Shaye left, Yueli led the team into Noah's Manor!

I saw a group of beautiful Meizu handsome girls in the team!

The petals continue to condense and fall around the body, paving the way for the moon raccoon!

In the middle of the team, there is a Xenogeneic Zerg three meters tall and as strong as an iron tower!

It is dark and strong, with two long and narrow tentacles extending out from the top of its head, with thick limbs and a head shaped like a cockroach!

It's not like the Zerg miscellaneous soldiers seen in Jiangnan, but a female insect!

The name is Ah Qiang!

The moon raccoon, dressed in a light feather knitted coat, sits on Ah Qiang's shoulders with Erlang's legs crossed!

On her tender little feet, she was pulling red wooden flip-flops!

Holding a pipe in his hand, he takes a sip from time to time and enjoys it all on his face!

There is also a fox mask on the side of the head!

As soon as I walked into the hall, a fragrant wind spread out and immediately attracted everyone's attention!

And Xingcheng directly pulled his head out of the rice bowl!

Bright eyes: (?﹃??) "Huh? Is there a bar?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all attracted by the moon raccoon!

Each face is crimson!

I didn't expect to be lucky enough to meet the moon raccoon-sama? Are you lucky to be home?

But after just one glance, his eyes were forcibly turned back to Jiang Heigui!

Jiang Nan looked at the moon raccoon curiously!


what the hell? Pipe loli?

Did she smoke when she was an adult?

Speaking of which, why does the smell of smoke resemble that of incense beads?

I saw that the moon raccoon came directly to the counter and rang the bell with a pipe!

?(?っ?????????)?? "Little bird! Pay the protection fee! Hurry up and pay all the money you've made in the past few months!"

"My lord has no more cigarettes, I have to buy and buy with money!"

?(?っ≥ヮ≤)?? "Puff~ puff hahaha! You... your bald head is so shiny, what kind of look is this? It's very chic?"

Yueli's silver bell-like laughter exudes infinite charm, and once again grabs everyone's attention from Jiangnan!

The prisoner bird has a dark face: 乁(???????) ㄏ "You know that I want money and money!"

Yueli akimbo: ?(??ˇ~ˇc)? "Humph! What's the matter with you asking for money? I'm the boss here! Isn't it right for me to make money to support my lord?"

"There is such a beautiful and beautiful boss like me, you will kneel and kowtow three times and burn high incense!"

"Hurry up and give the money!"

I saw that the prisoner reluctantly showed the source core to transfer money to the moon raccoon, and then took out a small box from under the counter!

"Hey~ Isn't there no more cigarette material? Let's do it, I'll keep it for you!"

The moon raccoon raised his hand to take the small box, opened it, and the smell of orange scented his nostrils. His big eyes were full of surprises!

?(?っ????ヮ????)?っ? "Ahaha~ Xiangzhu? Where did you get it?"

"Hey hey hey! I'm asking you something! When the boss asks his subordinates, he has to look directly at the boss's face. Are you squinting?"

"Little bird, have you been too presumptuous recently? What about your respect for the boss? What about your crush?"

He even tapped the bald head of the prisoner bird with a pipe, but even so, the prisoner bird still steadfastly squinted!

He casually said:

乁(?~??)ㄏ "Ah yes yes yes, you are right!"

Moon Fox: ? ? ?

At this moment, she realized that no one in the restaurant was looking at her, and everyone's eyes converged in one direction!

This makes the moon raccoon, who is the focus wherever he goes, extremely stunned!

what's the situation? Is there anyone here who is healthier than me?

How can it be?

So follow the eyes of the moon raccoon to look!

I saw Jiang Nan sitting on the stool, his mouth widened and looking at the pipe in Yueli's hand with horror!


She... did she smoke?

However, when the moon raccoon looked over, the whole person was stunned, and the pipe fell to the ground!


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