Ai Jiang Yeyuan, who was playing mahjong in the house, naturally noticed Edius in the courtyard!

They all looked out the window!

Aijiang's mechanical eyes suddenly turned red!

?(??'Dish?')? "Damn it! It's an angel, at least at the level of a planet-destroyer. Under the patrol of the gods, the space has been suppressed, and the master can't go back to the city through replacement!"

"Oops! The master is in danger!"

Did someone directly cut off the back road? And the ones who cut the way are all at the planet destroyer level?

How strong will it be to kill Jiangnan?

Momo's heart also sank to the bottom of the valley, and his hands and feet were cold!

I saw that Aijiang was about to rush down after opening the window, but was pulled by Ye Yuan!

(??~???) "Why are you going down? This round of mahjong is not over yet, and you want to run if you win?"

Aijiang's face turned black:

?(???~???)?? "What time is it? Playing mahjong? What if the master has an accident?"

Ye Yuan rolled his eyes:

(???~??) "What can you do when you go out? Are you desperately fighting this angel?"

"No action is allowed in Noah's Manor. Do you want to be kicked out, or be treated as organic fertilizer?"

Aijiang said anxiously: "But..."

Ye Yuan said lightly: "Just stay in the house and play our mahjong!"

"Do you think Jiangnan can't do anything to Norman, and he hasn't cut the grass and roots, so why is he madly attacking Norman? Is he free to make trouble for himself? He's not so free yet!"

"Now you've left us in the hotel to play mahjong, and you're going out with Prophecy Ji, don't you understand?"

"What he wants is this trouble. Going shopping is also going to go fishing. He is the bait himself!"

Aijiang was stunned:?(°△°|||)?

Ye Yuan: (?°? Yi°?) You are riding a horse...

Momo swallowed:

(??~???) "You mean, all this is within the plan of Nanshen?"

Ye Yuan spreads his hands: ╮(??~??)╭ "Maybe it's possible? Who knows what this kid's head is pondering all day long?"

"But don't worry, he has a lot of methods, and he won't take risks if he's not sure. He can't handle this small scene, and he won't be able to live now!"

Aijiang had no choice but to go back and play mahjong, but she was still in a panic!

Under the patrol of the gods, the space is completely isolated, and there is no way to inform the master!

Mahjong is a little distracted, I just hope Jiangnan is safe!

It was Ye Yuan who caught the opportunity and won several times!

On the other side, in the outskirts of Wanshan, Olivia's pupils shrunk sharply, and she looked anxiously at Jiangnan!

He kept tugging at his cuff!

(??﹏???)? "South God!"

The corner of Jiangnan's mouth evoked a radian:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "Got it! Panic, there is me!"

Under the mind power reading Olivia's brainwaves, all the pictures she predicted were presented in Jiangnan's mind!

On the contrary, Jiang Nan was a little surprised. He never thought that it was an angel who shot!

On the other hand, Wenger is a shock!

What is Olivia's name?

I just decided to start, she called?

Could it be that she foresaw it? Damn it, how could I forget about her, her divine whisper is much longer than her own!

What's going on here?

I saw Jiang Nan grinning: "If that's the case! Then it's better to strike first!"

The void chain slammed around Olivia's waist, and with her exclamation, Jiangnan suddenly disappeared!

When it reappeared, it was already behind a rock!

An angel of light was holding an electromagnetic howitzer, just opened the insurance, and looked at Jiangnan who suddenly appeared in front of him with a stunned face!

∑(°benefit°?) "Divine Judgement..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Nan's big hand directly covered his face!

"The kingdom is expanding!"


In the palm of the hand, the space with a diameter of ten centimeters swelled to a size of 100,000 meters!

All the matter in the space has been disintegrated and disintegrated!

That Angel of Light's head exploded directly, and the snow-capped mountains beneath him were also pushed away and crushed!

A tiankeng suddenly appeared on the spot, the earthquake trembled, and the avalanche surged!

Jiang Nan raised his hand and pulled out the holy cutting knife, a teleport rushed to the body of the angel of light, and a warp speed slash came directly!

Just one breath, unlimited slashes!

The angels of light have been chopped up, and even the flawless holy body can't recover from this level of injury!

Nirvana on the spot, turned into a white angel egg!

(?°?3°?)?o·?"Bah~ Fucking shit!"

Randomly installed in the alien space!

Olivia looked terrified, and immediately killed a star-breaking light angel at the beginning?

Don't you even give people the chance to make a move?

Beat it directly into an egg?

At this moment, someone shouted, "Do it!"

There was a sudden roar from the snow-capped mountains!

Hundreds of thousands of metal cannonballs were shot towards Jiangnan and the surrounding space at an astonishing speed!

Immediately exploded!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless fluorescent white light particles spread wildly in all directions!

The surrounding space suddenly became extremely viscous, as if from water to a non-Newtonian fluid!

Olivia said anxiously: "Be careful! It's an empty rubber bullet!"

Jiang Nan smiled: "I know! The preparation is quite sufficient!"

This thing Jiangnan has seen in the dimensional battlefield, and the silicon base is specially developed to deal with dimensional creatures!

Will greatly limit the use of space skills!

At the same time, light spots rose up in the snow-capped mountains, hundreds of them!

Every one is an angel!

On the other side, at Noah's Manor on Black Street, the Throne of Angels? God's Patrol rises!

While attacking Jiangnan, it also cut off Jiangnan's retreat!

Even at such a distance, the phantom of the **** patrol is still clearly visible, enough to see how big the phantom is!

Jiang Nan's expression gradually cooled down!

Countless spots of light rushed towards Jiangnan at the same time!

Among them, a blazing red light spot is extremely eye-catching!

It was Shaye holding a red flame gun!

At the spear cherry, there is a group of flaming flames, but there is a kind of heroic taste!

I saw the crimson wings spread out behind her, and the flames rolled wildly!

??(“▼?▼)??“Flaming Angel! "

With one wing, the whole person is like a bolide, rushing towards Jiangnan, with murderous intent in his eyes!

"Jiangnan! You're dead this time! Do you really think I'm weak enough to be slaughtered by you?"

"You have no idea how powerful the Planet Destroyer is!"

"This is not at Noah's Manor! No one is protecting you!"

Jiangnan smiled brightly:

(? ̄?.? ̄??) "I know! Who can't brag? Are you right?"

Shaye: ? ? ?

[The resentment value from Shaye +1009! ]

??(??yi?)?? "Ah ah ah! I killed you on a horse!"

"Fire Sakura Meteor!"

I saw the blazing spear in her hand held high, ruthlessly and consistently towards Jiangnan!

The space along the way was even distorted by the amazing kinetic energy, and a threat of death suddenly enveloped my heart!

Jiangnan doesn't dare to care for the big, and the undead Yan Mo is fully open!

Covered by a wide range of empty rubber bullets, the display of space skills is greatly limited!

Gotta push these annoying spaces out of the way!

"The kingdom is expanding!"

The palm of the hand is expanding wildly, clearing up a clean space for Jiangnan, and at the same time wanting to push away the fire shooting star!

However, Jiangnan underestimated the horror of Planet Destroyer!

The Fire Sakura Meteor actually plunged directly into the expanding space with its abnormal kinetic energy!

Although the speed has slowed down, it is still amazingly fast!

Going straight to Jiangnan's heart, in a very short period of time, Jiangnan can't escape at all!

Fortunately, Olivia was there, and she predicted this situation in advance!

After Jiangnan opened up the space, a displacement disappeared!


That fire cherry meteor stabbed into the ground fiercely!

The surrounding dozens of snow-capped mountains were instantly transformed into lava by the fiery energy and blasted away!

There is a huge lava crater in place, exuding extremely high temperature!

Jiangnan has appeared hundreds of thousands of meters away!

I saw Shaye flashing and suddenly appearing in the center of the lava pool!

Wings flapping wildly!

"Skyfall Fire Feather!"

One after another, the red feathers are comparable to missiles, spewing out fiery tail flames!

Almost at the moment when the Jiangnan replacement was successful, he crossed a distance of hundreds of thousands of meters and came to the front!

"Wormhole joint defense? No way to invade!"

In an instant, three pairs of six wormholes spread out to the limit around Jiangnan!

360-degree defense without dead ends, attacks from any angle will pass through the wormhole!

In theory, the square space behind the wormhole where Jiangnan is located is untouchable!

In fact it does!

All the sky-high fire feathers all passed through the wormhole, and none of them stuck on Jiangnan!

But the damage caused still rewrites the surrounding terrain, turning it into a lava hell!

The destructive power of the Planetary Destroyer is terrifying, let go of your hands and feet, and the planets will be demolished!

Jiangnan is strong enough, but facing the unscrupulous planet destroyer!

There is no room to fight back at all, and he can survive several moves!

Even if it is already a batch of cattle!

Olivia: ! !

"Come on! They're going to judge you!"

Jiangnan's scalp was numb: "It's enough to walk away!"

"The kingdom blooms! Replacement!"

This time, Jiangnan chose to replace the imprinted coins millions of meters away!

However, Jiangnan still underestimated the determination of the kingdom of heaven to kill him!

Because among the angels coming, there is not only Shaye, a planet destroyer!

I saw far in the sky, an incomparably sturdy angel with an orange halo above his head!

The wings on the back are also orange, and there are 12 eyes on the wings, which is very strange!

It is the power angel, one of the nine angels!

"All Judgment Angels! Start the Judgment!"

In an instant, the hundreds of angels who came with them spread their wings and stood in a circle!

Behind him, the phantoms of ten thousand meters of angels appeared one after another!

A sword of holy judgment fell, and was grasped by those angel phantoms!

Holding the sword of the holy judge high in both hands, rush to the center of the circle!

A giant light array with a vertical and horizontal dimension of millions of kilometers is formed, and its size is not even smaller than an interstellar city like Heijie!

And above the giant Judgment Light Array, a phantom of a white-robed angel locked by countless golden chains appeared!

Even the wings are pierced by golden chains, which are extremely eye-catching and dazzling, illuminating the night sky!

Just after completing the million-meter replacement, the warp bubble has not yet formed, and Jiangnan has already fallen out!

Within the range of the light array, seal skills!

Jiangnan looked up: (??????) "It's over! Isn't this Barbie Q?"

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