Such a huge movement, let alone in the black street, is clearly visible even in the nearby interstellar city!

(*???) "Fuck? What's the situation? The Trial Light Array of the Angels? Such a large area? Is this set up for planet destroyers?"

"It is estimated that the angelic jury of the kingdom of heaven chose to do it on the Vientiane Star? Is the kingdom of heaven hard?"

"Didn't the angelic jury in the kingdom of heaven only kill those who have the mark of the angel's mourning? If the mark is not removed, they will never die! That's why no one wants to kill an angel?"

?(???;)?=З=З=З "Who can enjoy this treatment? It's so lively! Let's go and see if you can find out?"

In the nearby interstellar cities, people of all ages who love to join in the fun rushed towards the Judgment Light Array!

And at this moment, above the Judgment Light Array, the phantom of the kingdom of heaven appeared, and 108 golden horns protruded!

The voice belonging to the Angel of Power, Agon, was uttered through the horn and echoed in the sky above the wilderness!

"The kingdom of heaven works! Those who are irrelevant quickly retreat, but whoever obstructs them will be regarded as the enemy of the kingdom of heaven!"

"We will share the crime with the punisher, and we will judge together!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone who came to join in the fun immediately shriveled and dared not move forward!

The kingdom of heaven works, as it always has been!

But as the tenth sequence, the angel family does have domineering capital!

In the giant trial light array at this moment, Jiangnan has completely deflated the eggplant!

Countless thick golden chains rushed out of the light array, like a flurry of devil snakes, swept toward Jiangnan!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead!

Lai Lai Di, this fishing can't overturn, right?

(??~???) "Can the skill still be used?"

Olivia shook her head like a rattle: "This is the Judgment Light Array jointly launched by the Angel Judgment!"

"Planet Destroyer's skills can be blocked! Not to mention me!"

I saw that the eyes of the power angel Yagang were full of coldness, and he was approaching Jiangnan step by step!

The 12 eyes of Angel Wings have locked Jiangnan firmly!

Not only Yagang, except Yagang and Shaye!

There was actually an angel of light, dressed in a source-plasma starlight armor, with light wings unfolding behind it, holding an armor-piercing cross sword!

Its name is Sarah!

Olivia is completely numb!

Three planet-destroyer-level angels!

Nanshen, who has not reached the breaking point, how can He De be awarded this honor?

Shaye squinted: ??(? ̄?~ ̄?)?? "Are you still smiling now?"

"It is an honor for you to die in the hands of the Angel Judgment!"

"If you can't escape, this is your burial place!"

"Just waiting to be burned by my flames! Blazing holy spear!"

While speaking, the spear in his hand was violently thrown again!

The gun body was surrounded by raging fire, turned into a flamingo form, and actually spawned thousands of flamingos!

Like a sea of ​​fire that swallows the sky and eats the earth, it is pressing towards Jiangnan Gai!

Golden chains are entangled, the holy spear strikes, and spiritual skills are blocked!

Olivia even closed her eyes in despair!

(?)﹏(ヾ) "It's over, it's over! It's dead! Hey"

However, Jiangnan has a grim face:

(?°?д°?)? "Gunt Meow is still in a famine, and wants me to owe money? There is no door!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan's body glowed with a dazzling glass-colored light!

Indeed, the Judgment Light Array is capable of sealing skills, but it cannot seal the spiritual power in the body, let alone magic!

Because spirituality is a way of using spiritual power!

"Absolutely flash! Break it for me!"

At this moment, Jiangnan stepped and twisted his waist, and the glass-colored light on his fist was already brilliant to the extreme!

Looking back, a punch hit the void!

As soon as I heard a "click", the void with a radius of several hundred meters was suddenly blown up by Jiangnan's punch, shattering like a mirror!

Revealing the incomparably dark dimensional cracks in the void!

Olivia's eyes widened in horror!

∑(°mouth°?) What the hell?

Nanshen smashed the void with one punch without using any skills? Shatter the void?

How is this possible!

I saw Jiang Nan without hesitation, plunged into the dimensional gap!

This is a 3.5-dimensional world, but it does not belong to the scope of the light array, and the effect of sealing skills disappears!

Jiangnan quickly used the wormhole for joint defense, and the moment the blazing holy spear passed through the wormhole, the wormhole closed immediately!

The fiery red holy spear was immediately cut in half, and it was broken into two pieces and floated in the dimensional gap!

Picked up by Jiangnan:

(?????) "Come on! Restore durability!"

With a wave of Olivia's little hand, the broken holy spear atom reorganized and became completely complete!

Was thrown into the different dimension by Jiangnan!

(??°???°)? "Thank you for the big musket sent by Lao Tie, everyone, hurry up and report to the eldest sister in the list!"

Shaye: ! !

Who gave you special meow? My red flame gun is very expensive! It took me three years to save my salary to buy it!

[The resentment value from Shaye +1008! ]

damn it! Is it possible to shatter the void after being blocked? How is this possible!

Even a summoner can't have this ability!

"Give me the gun back!"

Jiangnan Jie Jie smiled:

(???????) "Then here comes the problem!"

"Do you want this red big gun~ or this white big holy gun?"

Shaye: ? ? ?

Where did the big holy gun come from in vain?

Olivia's pretty face blushed:


Yagang said coldly: "What nonsense are you talking to him? Just kill him! The Judgment Light Array is so big! He can't escape!"

"The field unfolds! Angel of force? Universal vector!"

In an instant, a force angel phantom appeared behind Yagang, and an orange light circle spread wildly from under his feet!

In the Vientiane Vector Field, rock mountains rise from the ground!

The direction of all forces is controlled by it!

On the other side, Shaye sneered: "I see how you die!"

"The realm unfolds! Seraph? Blazing heaven!"

The crimson aperture spreads violently, and wherever the fiery heaven passes, everything melts and evaporates!

There are more blazing clouds in the sky!

And above the clouds, a flame gate stands, as if it is the gate to heaven!

But what kind of paradise is this? It is clearly a red flame hell!

The light angel Sarah on the other side is also not weak!

-`??(? ̄?ー ̄?)??′-""The realm expands! Angel of Light? Holy Light shines! "

The unparalleled incandescent holy light bursts out, and in the place where the holy light shines, everything melts!

The three major fields are expanding wildly, and they are crushed towards Jiangnan at the center of the light array!

The field is so large that it even fills the light array of judgment, Jiangnan can only hide in the dimensional cracks and can't come out!

No matter where you go, you're going to die!

This is not comparable to the spicy chicken domain of Norman!

But Jiangnan is still not panic!

(????) "Brother Wenger? What are you still doing? Don't you help me fight the enemy? I'm dying!"

Wenger: ? ? ?

Did you make a mistake in riding the horse?

I am your enemy! You really use me as a wallet and bodyguard?

The Angel Tribunal shot, Wenger never thought of it!

I didn't expect that Shaye was so ruthless, she would kill her as soon as she made a shot!

Are you more prepared than you are?

Shaye squinted:

??(?ˉ?~ˉ?)??"Wenger! Don't make trouble! All I want is Jiangnan to die! Afterwards, everything in Jiangnan's hands, or the first bud, is yours!"

"Of course! I don't mind helping us if you want!"

The smile on Wenger's face gradually deformed, and his eyes were full of joy when he looked at Jiang Nan!

Your kid has today too?

Jiangnan also asked me to help him? If I don't help Shaye beat him, it's already a good idea, okay?

(????) "Aren't you thinking too much? You're gone! Xiangzhu and Chuya are both..."

Before the words were finished, Jiang Nan snorted coldly!

(What? What?) "Why don't you say you're naive? You're such a big man, and you still believe in fooling others?"

"If I'm taken down, why would they give you Xiangzhu and Chuya? How big is your face?"

"The fourth sequence of the Apocalypse Clan! The Angel Clan is at the bottom of the top ten. After this sequence war, it may fall out of the top ten!"

"I wish you Tianqi people pulled their crotch! I will give you Chu Ya and Xiangzhu? You are ugly, but you think they are pretty?"

The smile on Wenger's face froze suddenly!


Before the race war, there is no mercy at all! Yes, why should the angel race give it to me?

Shaye said angrily: "Don't listen to his nonsense, my angels can't do such a rude thing!"

"He just has no choice. He wants to pull you into the water and is just struggling to the death!"

"I will naturally do what I promise, don't forget how he humiliated you!"

Wenger's face showed murderous intent again!

Jiang Nan said lightly:

(¬?¬?) "This Shaye is bragging about her abilities. If you really believe her, you are a fool!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you, I have one incense bead on me, and I put the other hundred or so on the summoned beast!"

"If I die, no one will summon the summoned beast!"

Wenger's heart slammed into his throat:

(???mouth??)? "What are you saying is true?"

Jiangnan shrugged: ╮(??w??)╭ "Does it matter if it's true or false? What if it's all on me?"

"Anyway, I'm going to die soon. If you don't help me fight, I will destroy all the incense beads before I die, and I won't give you any leftovers!"

"By the way, Olivia is also shark, and there is also a companion on Huangquan Road. After going down, we still fly together, happy and happy! Hey~ It's comfortable! Hey, hey!"

Olivia: ? ? ?

Nanshen courtesy! You?

What the **** did you shark by the way? I haven't lived enough yet!

Wenger's face suddenly became extremely ferocious!

(?°?yi°?) "You dare!"

Jiang Nan pouted: (¬?¬?) "I'm dead, what else can I dare? I have everything you want, and I hold them in my hands!"

"When it's time to sell you, it will naturally sell you!"

"Opportunities are earned by yourself, not by others, so think about it! Choose to believe in angels, or believe in me!"

"I'll be dead in 2.38 seconds! Think about it!"

At this moment, even if Jiangnan is hiding in the cracks of the dimension, relying on the wormhole joint defense can hardly hold it!

In fact, Wenger's choice will also indirectly determine Jiangnan's next plan!

Wenger didn't help, and even turned to the angel, Jiangnan still has a way to survive!

It will just be embarrassing!

Shaye glared: "Wenger! Don't listen..."

Before the words were finished, I saw Wenger's atomic transmission came to the front of the dimensional gap!

?(▼yi▼#)? "The realm is unfolding! The creator? The beginning of the world!"

"Atomic fission? Big Bang!"


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