As soon as he entered the Tianyu auction venue, Jiangnan was really shocked by the scene in front of him.

The bowl-shaped audience stands are already full of people!

In the front row, there are big bosses of all ethnic groups, even if it is a shooting venue that can accommodate millions of people, it still seems a little insufficient at this moment!

The auction center is a huge sales display stand!

The ground on the display stand was dazzling with stars, as if a galaxy had been spilled on it!

And above the booth, there is a large holographic screen floating around!

Always broadcast the screen on the booth so that everyone can see it clearly!

The scale of the auction in the starry sky is simply jaw-dropping!

As the invited VIPs, Jiangnan and his party naturally couldn't squeeze the audience seat below!

Instead, he was taken directly to the highest-standard aerial viewing platform!

I saw boxes floating above the auditorium of the shooting venue!

There are thousands of them!

The box is fully equipped, and there is even a dedicated Miss Meizu to serve and explain products for VIPs!

Payment and delivery can be done on the particle conveyor in the box!

The box is surrounded by a transparent crystal curtain, which does not block the line of sight!

Of course, if you want to hide your identity, just switch to privacy mode, and the crystal screen will become a single-sided mirror!

Jiang Nan and Ye Yuan poured into Box 666, and Wenger wanted to come in too!

But he was kicked out by Jiangnan, saying that he was not allowed to enter his box!

Angrily, Wenger gritted his teeth and went to the side to open another box!

And the control box flew to the side of box 666, staring at Jiangnan!

The prisoner bird did not open a separate box, but went with Jiangnan!

Jiang Nan, who had just sat down, began to look around. In the other boxes, Jiang Nan also saw Watt and greeted him from a distance!

Even Jiangnan saw the projection of a red dwarf star in the sky!

It is the Tianchen Clan, whose body is unable to come, and can only come to participate in this way!

However, the few Meizu sisters in the box had white faces and looked at Xing Cheng with horror!

I saw Xing Cheng squatting in front of the small particle transmitter on one side at the moment, pressing the button frantically with his fingers!

Press it, and a cake will be transferred over and eaten by Xingcheng in one bite!

He seemed to think this was too slow, so he opened his mouth wide and aimed at the transmitter!

Long press the transmission button, and the cakes that are constantly being transmitted will fall directly into Xingcheng's mouth!

A happy face!


Is there really such an artifact as an automatic feeding machine in this world?

The starry sky is too beautiful, right?

Miss Meizu has a white face:

(?﹏?.) "Jiang...Lord Jiangnan? This young you care?"

Jiang Nan was stunned: (??~???) "What's wrong? Are there any charges for pastries?"

Miss Meizu swallowed her saliva: "The pastries are provided for free, but... but she ate all the plates?"

Jiang Nan waved his hand: (︶.?︶?)? "Ham~ just give it to her, the plate is considered a hard dish! It's not good to always eat soft rice!"

Miss Meizu: ? ? ?

[The resentment value from Qingmei +666! ]

That's not the point, shit, this is the first time I've seen such a free pastry!

The prisoner bird looked at this scene with a look of relief, meow, finally did not harm Laozi?

At this moment, there was an untimely cold hum from the side!

(¬~¬) "It's okay to come here to participate in the black label conference, but also to the box? I really don't know how high the sky is!"

"Are the Star Origin Points in your pocket enough for the target? You're not here to eat rice, are you? Eat it for nothing? Hahaha!"

I saw that the Starlight Alliance's law code controlled the box and floated over, holding two Meizu in his arms!

On the other side, the phantom building box of the Hild Union also floated over!

(¬?¬?) "Tsk tsk tsk ~ I guess there is no goods in my pocket. After all, living in Noah Manor has to be sponsored by our Hild union!"

"You also said that it's not good to eat soft rice all the time. You eat the one you like the most, right? Otherwise, you won't even have the money to open the box, right?"

"How about if you surrender yourself, how about I sponsor you more than one billion yuan on the spot? After all, you are worth the price!"

Fama: "Huanlou, don't you praise him now? A bounty from Jiangnan? Where is it enough to shoot a black mark? A dozen or so are not enough for him to sell, right?"

Jiang Nan laughed without saying a word, but gave Aijiang a look!

The corner of Aijiang's mouth evoked an evil arc, and the optical signal interface protruded!


The next moment, Wenger's box accelerated sharply and slammed into the Fama box with a bang, sending him flying all the way!

The Fama box rolled in the air for a while, and the wine inside was sprinkled everywhere, and the world was spinning!

And Wenger's box is like a mad dog, chasing the French box madly!

Fama quickly stabilized his body:

(?°?yi°?) "Wenger! What are you doing on a horse? I told him, did I tell you? Why are you crazy?"

Wenger operated the console with a confused look, but the goose was not easy to use at all!

(??yi???) "I didn't? I didn't do it! I..."

Fama is very angry: "Isn't I just not selling your fragrance beads? You are playing with me, right?"

"Stop! Quickly give me a stop!"

However, the goose's box at the moment is not under Wenger's control at all!

Huan Lou on the side also widened his eyes, what's the situation? Box broken?

The next moment, I saw the airbag of the massage seat under the buttocks of Huan Lou violently exploded!

Hearing a loud "bang", Huanlou was blown away from the chair and slapped on the crystal screen with a bang!

The pants are torn!

You Lulu widened her eyes and hurriedly tilted her head:

(?¬﹏¬) "Bah~"

Huan Lou was mad, looking back, an energy wave blasted out and directly crushed the chair!

(?''Yi'') "What kind of **** is it?"

But before he could stand still, the box began to spin frantically at hundreds of laps per second, rushing into the air box group like a spinning top!

Catch whoever creates whoever!

Immediately, a burst of yelling came!

"He's Lai Lai! Huanlou? What are you doing? Will you open a box? Have you got your driver's license?"

"If you use this method, you will be deducted points in the City of Thousand Stars! You drive with your feet, right?"

Huanlou is in a hurry, the box is out of control? What is the situation?

Aijiang winked at Jiangnan with a wicked smile!


Jiangnan: ?(????)

Olivia covered her face, you two are really rotten and rotten?

The auditorium below was startled, and they looked up at the boxes that were colliding with each other and swallowed their saliva!


what's the situation? bump the bag?

Are these box bosses so boring?

The next moment, I heard Fama roar!


Infinite gravitational waves spread out from his body, and all the crazy boxes were bound in the air by gravity, and then they were squared up one by one!

The field suddenly quieted down!

And Jiangnan's 666 box makes an overwhelmed creaking sound, it seems that it will be crushed by gravity at any time!

Fama is furious:

(?▼Ware▼) "Did you do it?"

Jiangnan looked innocent:

╮(??w??)╭ "You are just flattering me, how can I do this?"

"This is a silicon-based product, what does it have to do with me? It seems that silicon-based products are not always reliable!"

"What? You always plan to kill me on the set? It seems that you are completely taking the face of Mr. Noah as an insole?"

The nebulae on Fama's body turned, and finally gave up the pressure, and the grievance value went crazy!

If you say it has nothing to do with him, you won't believe it if you kill him!

But I can't find any evidence!

At this moment, a beautiful girl from the Xianyin clan appeared on the Starlight booth!

Uplifting music on the field!

?(????????)? "Yoyoyo~ Dear friends of all ethnic groups from the South and the North of the Stars, how are you~"

"The much-anticipated Black Label Conference finally opened today, and today I will host it for everyone!"

?(?≥ヮ≤)? "Are you ready for your source core?"

At this moment, Ringtone's ethereal voice spread throughout the venue, clearly appearing in everyone's ears, making people feel like a spring breeze!

Jiangnan smacking his lips, Xianyin clan? Are all this clan host? Really not blind?

For some reason, Jiang Nan suddenly remembered DiDi's exclusive bgm, Tian Lai Xian Yin...

I don't know if it has anything to do with the Xianyin clan!

There were bursts of cheers in the field, like waves!

Just listen to the bell and say: "But before the Black Label Conference starts, of course, there will be traditional arts programs at the opening of the conference!"

"Presumably many brothers and sisters are rushing to this, I said Yueli, you said yes!"

?(??????????)? "Moon raccoon moon raccoon!"

While speaking, Ringtone has raised her hands high!

In the Tianyu shooting venue, nearly one million spectators shouted in unison!

???(??????????)??? "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The next moment, the lights of the venue suddenly dimmed, and beams of lights converged on the stage!

Ringtone stepped aside, and a soothing and ethereal fairy tune sang from her mouth, as if it could wash a person's soul!

Huanlou, who was about to explode with anger, was also quiet at this moment, his eyes staring at the center of the stage without blinking, his face full of desire!

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched when he saw this scene, no wonder he had changed to a young imperial body, this guy is also an old one!

At this moment, I saw a bright moon projection suddenly over the venue!

The cold moonlight fell, and the figure of the moon raccoon fell from the full moon!

Dressed in a light veil and feather weave, the moonlight silk flutters, just as beautiful as the fairy who was banished from the Asgard!

With the petals falling in the air, the petite body of the moon raccoon bloomed with infinite charm and fell on the stage!

On the stage, the stars and rivers turn, and the stars twinkle, but none of them are as dazzling as the moon raccoon!

Today's moon raccoon is obviously well-dressed and more beautiful than before!

There were bursts of exclamations in the field, and even Jiangnan couldn't help but stare at it for a while!

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