Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1976: Charm without limits

The infinite charm blooms, and the corner of the moon raccoon's mouth evokes a charming arc!

Eyes swirled in the air, and finally locked the No. 666 box!

The sweet voice echoes!

?(?????)? "Thanks to all the customers for your support, Yueli is very grateful, and then I will dance a song as the opening of the Black Label Conference!"

"Moonlight charming dance, drunk dancing in colorful clothes~"

After saying that, she blinked mischievously, and her petite body suddenly danced with a beautiful figure on the starlight stage!

Baimei Qianjiao blooms like a stamen!

The moonlight silk in his hand flutters like a ribbon with the movements of the moon raccoon!

The scene in front of you can be said to be in every possible way, difficult to describe!

There was silence in the field, only the beautiful singing of the bell reverberated, combined with the enchanting dance of the moon raccoon!

It is as touching as the moonlight fairy!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and they only felt that the deer were bumping around in their hearts, and even their pupils became heart-shaped, okay?


At this moment, Jiang Nan in the box only felt a heartbeat for a while!

It is said that **** is worthless in front of cuteness!

But on the body of the moon raccoon, **** and cute are blended with each other, and the charm is mixed with innocence!

This collision is simply unstoppable!

Jiang Nan couldn't help smacking his lips and said:

(?????w????) "The moon raccoon still has a hand. If she is not determined, she can hook her soul away, right?"

Don't talk about the gentlemen, even the little girl can't stand this?

This scene is simply a double enjoyment of visual and spiritual!

Prisoner bird hey hey laughs:

??(乛?乛)?? "Treasure it! The moonlight dance of the moon raccoon-sama is not something you can see all the time!"

"Even among the Meizu, the charm of the moon raccoon is the top!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, can't you see it anytime?

Is it easy?

I saw Jiangnan's eyes widened, and I stepped on the horse and directly printed my soul!

At this moment, Huan Lou was lying directly on the crystal curtain wall in the box, looking completely obsessed!

?(o﹃o?) "Moon raccoon! My little moon raccoon~"

While talking, the hand clicked wildly on his own source core bracelet!

I saw a gorgeous projection of a crystal castle suddenly lit up in the field!

On the big screen, Huanlou's ranking went straight to the top of the list. A crystal castle has 8.88 million star origin points, and there are 10 of them in one swipe!

Fama's face is also full of emotion: "This old man Huanlou is really willing to spend money, I will also support the number one beauty of Vientiane Star!"

So I directly rewarded 10 super starships, and the phantom special effects bloomed over the stage, and even formed a fleet!

On the spot, Huanlou was pressed, and he came to the position of the big brother on the list!

Huanlou stares, are you riding a horse to grab me? So I painted another set of colorful flower fields!

At this moment, the entire starlight stage is full of gorgeous gift special effects, and the screen is almost blurred!

Because it's not just the two of them who are playing, but millions of viewers in this filming scene, there are not a few Shenhao, and their pockets are not thick, so they will also order a love balloon from 100 Xingyuan to support!

In the blink of an eye, the number one list has surpassed one billion!

Jiang Nan was stunned: ∑(°mouth°?) "What the hell? this even a reward?"

Is it okay to use Xingyuan Point to brush gifts on the spot? The money for these gifts alone is already an astronomical amount, right?

This star source point is also very profitable, right?

Live broadcast and auction...

Hiss~ This... Isn't this just live streaming of goods, isn't the business model of the black street so trendy?

The prisoner said with a smile: "Now you know the terrifying popularity of Lord Yueli? By the way, you haven't stayed in the black street too much!"

"Aren't you going to give Mr. Yueli a gift to support him?"

Jiang Nan immediately put on a straight face:

(?︶??︶) "Me? I have no money!"

The prisoner bird rolled his eyes:

??(*??~??)?? "You always have one hundred heart balloons, right?"

Jiang Nan glared: "One hundred yuan is not money? You can put on twenty fat ones, no, no!"

Fatty: (*?? Benefit??)

This **** can't go away, can it?

When I earn money, I must work hard to increase my bounty!

For a while, the gifts went crazy, and there were many audience members in the front row, holding the hand of the moon raccoon, and throwing them on the stage with a frenzy!

The more dolls you receive, the more popular you are!

Of course, dolls also cost money to buy!

Jiang Nan smacked his lips for a while, this is too good at making money, isn't it?

And at this moment, the moon raccoon on the stage was dripping with sweat!

The Moonlight Charm Dance also reached its climax, and I saw that the moonlight raccoon's pretty face was flushed red, and the moonlight silk in his hand was thrown straight towards Box 666!

?(?っ????ヮ????)?っ "Come~ together!"

At this moment, the eyes of millions of spectators in the arena shot like knives!

(?Benefit??) "What's the situation? Is the goddess Yueli inviting people to dance? Who is in the 666 box? The big brother?"

"I haven't heard that Big Brother Bang still has this kind of treatment? Hey~ that box is Jiangnan, one billion!"

"This is riding a horse! How can he be?"

Looking at the moonlight silk thrown over, Jiang Nan was stunned. It was obvious that the moon raccoon wanted to invite him to dance together and help her raise the atmosphere in the field!

Because she is more amazing than her charm!

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched, just about to refuse, this girl never said that there is still this link!

However, in just an instant, the list of grievances exploded!

Jiangnan's eyes are shining!

Momo is confused: (??~??) "Does Yueli want to invite Nanshen to dance?"

Aijiang smiled and said: ?(?°??°)? "Should it be? But the master will not agree, after all, the master is not the kind of person who likes to show off!"

Then the goose saw Jiangnan suddenly stand up, with a solemn expression!

(??????) "I won't be on the stage! Who will be on the stage? It seems that the identity of the strongest dancer that I have hidden for many years can't be hidden after all?"

"Let me show you today, what is the leader of the dance forest!"

After speaking, he rushed out of the box with a teleport!

Ai-chan froze, even Olivia was stupid!


Nanshen really went out to dance!

I saw Jiang Nan grabbed the moonlight silk thrown over and grinned!

(??????) "What's inside~ It's okay to invite me down to dance, but do the gifts you swipe have to count for me?"

When the moon raccoon heard it, his face was full of resentment. It's fine if you don't give me gifts. You still want to earn my gift money?

Is it a loss to make a profit?

But is it the most real Southerner?

I saw Yueli Jiao and said:

?(???????)? "It's all for you! It's all yours!"

As soon as these words came out, the venue exploded!

('? Yi?) σ "He's so rude! Jiangnan doesn't need to be criticized. It's already a blessing for three lives to be invited by Lord Yueli to dance. Does he still want gifts?"

(???ヮ?) "Brush gifts? Sweep your ass! What's there to brush? Not at all...hh~ so handsome, why...why do I feel like my little heart is about to jump out?"

(?Yi?|||) "Damn it! I can't take my eyes away, the teacher didn't lie, black really sucks! Eyes **** too?"

There was a lot of scolding in the field, but Goose Jiangnan laughed even more happily, and all the resentment points were wiped away, okay?

I saw Jiangnan's little hand pulling, and in the exclamation of the moon raccoon, he directly pulled her over!

He hugged them into his arms, and the figures of the two swirled and fell on the starlight stage!

The audience scolded crazy, spitting stars flying!

If today is the end of the war, there must be a riot!

I saw Huan Lou's eyes were red, and he was so angry that he hammered the wall!

(??mouth?)? "Ahhh~ take your salty pig hands off my baby moon raccoon's waist! You bastard!"

"I'm the eldest brother on the list! Why did Yueli invite him but not me?"

Jiangnan, who landed on the stage, grinned!

(? ̄?? ̄??) "The iron juices are all gifted, and those who have money support a money field, and those who have no money borrow money to support a money field!"

At this moment, even the law code is not calm, and the ghosts will only watch Jiangnan dance!

Brush your sister's brush!

The scolding became louder in the field, and even the ringtone was sweating profusely on his forehead, so he could only increase the volume of Xianyin to suppress the scolding!

Jiang Nan ignored it completely, and said with an affectionate expression:

(??????) "Baby Moon Fox! Are you ready?"

Yueli looked at Jiangnan's **** face, and his heart beat faster. Can he dance with Nanshen under the watchful eyes of millions of people?

This is too romantic, right?

?(?っ?????????c)? "Hmmmm! Just come!"

I saw Jiangnan's little hand flicked, and the moon raccoon was thrown out like a spinning top, and the silk flew!

The petite moon raccoon lets Jiang Nan dance with him at this moment!

A waltz passionate pas de deux unfolds on this bright starlight stage!

The charm of the two began to intertwine and bloom at this moment. Under the superposition of the effect, it was tantamount to a charm nuclear bomb exploding in the field!

At this moment, the audience in the filming studio were all fascinated, but watching Yueli and Jiang Nan dance on the stage, they were going to be mad again!

This kind of love and resentment are intertwined, and everyone is about to be schizophrenic!

However, Goose Jiangnan not only dances, but also sings!

I saw the two staring at each other, and the light and naughty singing came from Jiangnan's mouth!


"Supo Aidou's smile is not as sweet as yours~"

"The moonlight in the starry sky at night is not as charming as you~"

"You who love Yuanxin are richer than me~ I cry with envy~"

At this moment, Yueli felt that he was being pierced by Wan Jian, and his heart was about to explode, okay?

Two blushes flew on the pretty face, he... He praised my sweet smile, and said that I was more coquettish than the moonlight!

Oh my god!

?(?っ≥?≤c)? "Disgusting... Hate! Mine is yours, why are you crying with envy?"

However, the goose auditorium was completely crazy, and they were beating their chests and roaring as if they were going berserk!

Huanlou even created a big wall in the private room, and his face was green with anger!

Jiangnan grinned, and went on to sing:

(??????) "You don't know how cute you are~ Quickly brush up the little gift for me!"

"On this unique stage that belongs to me~ I'm not afraid that dogs will bring a happy love~"

"You who love to swipe gifts like crazy ~ drool that DiDi likes"

Fama roared up to the sky:

(???????) "I'm brushing your uncle's brush! I'm so mad at me!"

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