Blue Star Pacific Sun Island, in the Lingwu Alliance Office!

Freya kicked open the door of the office, full of alcohol!

Mutton skewers in one hand, Laobaigan in the other, pretty face blushing!

(??????) "Hey! Have you finished it yet? Huaxia asked us to stand by, why are you dawdling?"

"This is not good! I hope you don't dawdle like this when you are "sacred" with girls!"

Quinn looked at the document at hand, pushed his glasses, his face darkened, his eyes full of helplessness!

(〃?°???°) "Drink less wine, what will you do after this goes on? Where would any man dare to ask you?"

"The wheel has run over my face, okay?"

Freya pouted, raised her head and took a mouthful of old white dry!

(??3?)? "Serious! Goose Box~ Men don't want me, and the people of the South will definitely want me. After all, I am the beloved goddess of life~"

Quinn was speechless: (??°Yi?°) "When you go back to the house and change a skirt, it's all stained with oil. Girls should care about their image when they go out. Don't embarrass the Lingwu Alliance, you..."

Freya waved her hand with an impatient look on her face:

(︶.?︶?)? "Oops~ I'm so annoying, I don't have a clean skirt anymore. I'll go over first, but I won't wait for you!"

"You hurry up~"

As he spoke, his body disintegrated into endless green light and dissipated!

Quinn rolled his eyes and looked down at the documents on the table, excited!

Now all the spirit beasts in the sea area have been driven and killed!

The Endless Tower has also been established in various sea areas, which also marks the complete end of the era of global evil!

"Humanity has entered a new era from this moment, can the future be expected?"

However, at this moment, the glass light in the office converges!

A cold hum came:

(¬_¬?) "Ha~ the future can be expected? Are you looking forward to the future of mankind, or are you looking forward to your future in the holy star?"

With the voice of the voice, the figures of Igor, 07, and Cooper appeared in the field!

Quinn's expression froze, and there was no unexpected emotion in his eyes!

After finishing the documents, he got up and lowered his head and said, "Quinn! I have seen Lord Igor!"

Cooper's pupils shrink, the boss with his mouth open, his eyes are full of disbelief!

∑(°mouth°?) "Fuck you? Can you? This chess piece is buried so deep? It's true!"

Igor said proudly:

(?ˇ?ˇ?) "My methods are naturally not what you can imagine!"

However, Cooper is just using this to cover up his astonishment!

How could it be him!

How could it be him!

Cooper's heart roared violently, until now, seeing is believing, he can't believe it, Quinn, the president of the International Spirit Martial Alliance!

It will be a saint!

Cooper is very familiar with this office. I don't know how many days and nights, Freya and Quinn have been blowing water here and bickering with each other!

Cooper has few friends, but Quinn is one!

Even if he was still a little-known little gold at that time, he had done all the evil things, and he was full of malice towards this world!

Quinn still doesn't dislike his looks and abilities!

Pull yourself out of the quagmire of sin, and tell yourself that you can't fall by yourself!

If you respond to the world with malice, the world will also respond to you with malice, and it will never become what you want!

It was Quin who calmed the anger in his heart, otherwise there would never be Cooper, the messenger of **** today!

There will only be a Death God Cooper, who will die without knowing when, and no one will care even if he is dead, covered in blood and sin.

How could such a Quinn betray mankind, how could he betray mankind!

Cooper sat down on the sofa, not because he wanted to sit, but because he felt like he couldn't stand!

Igor squinted: "You haven't answered my question just now!"

"Recently, your life has been quite nourishing. Do you feel that the Holy Star is over, and it's good to follow humans?"

"The mentality of the grass, whoever will win, will stand on which side? Now you have broken the star, and your wings are hard!"

"Don't forget who gave you everything you are now!"

Quinn bowed his head: "Don't get me wrong, Lord Igor, Quinn will never forget his mission!"

"Even in the current situation, I don't think it's possible for humans to win! I've been on the team more than 20 years ago, haven't I?"

"Today's human beings are just overconfident in the appearance of victory! All the beauty in front of us is like a bubble, and it will be broken with a poke!"

Igor said angrily: "Do you still remember your mission?"

Quinn looked solemn: "Of course! It's just after a few actions, human beings have long suspected that there are undercover saints in their own camp, and have carried out many tentative actions!"

"As the president of the International Lingwu Alliance, when I wholeheartedly consider the sake of mankind, I won't be exposed!"

"Until you enable me, I, Quinn, will serve humanity with all my heart!"

Igor's face looks better now: "You can control your thoughts, memories, and emotions at will, you are not bad at all!"

Quinn just sat down, took out a cigarette, lit it, and blew a puff of smoke.

"The ability is like this, it's not worth it, but this time... Is Lord Igor going to decide to activate me?"

Igor smiled and squinted: "Of course! If you don't use it, you will have no chance! You are a sharp knife, a sharp knife that pierces the spine of mankind and extinguishes the fire of hope when mankind is at its most desperate!"

"I'm here, naturally I have something for you to do!"

Quinn's expression gradually became serious: "I don't know what plans Sir Igor has!"

Igor said indifferently: "Humans have obtained the Creation Beast, and for the sake of long-term development, use the Creation Beast to transform the Blue Star into a star market!"

"But human beings don't realize that this is an extremely stupid move that ruins its own future!"

"Even so, Blue Star can indeed give birth to aura on its own! But it also has one of the most fatal weaknesses!"

Quinn's eyes flickered: "You mean Star Nucleus?"

Igor smiled and said, "That's right! Through the star core, you can completely control everything on the Blue Star!"

"Once the star core is under our control, the gate of human life will be in our hands!"

"There are so many ordinary people on Blue Star, how we want them to die, they have to die!"

"At that time, the holy star will come to help, and it will be crushing. There is absolutely no possibility for human beings to win. You are secretly mastering the star core and controlling the fate of human beings!"

Cooper grinned: "There are wolves in front! There are tigers in the back! In this way, there are only two paths left for human beings! Surrender or perish!"

"I have to say it! This trick is absolutely perfect! It has to be you!"

Quinn looked at the grinning Cooper, frowning, and there was a hint of sadness in the bottom of his eyes!

Igor smiled and said: "No! There is only one! That is surrender! From the perspective of human nature! They can't watch so many ordinary people die!"

"Only surrender! Do you understand what you are going to do now?"

"Humans will not think of this, so they will inevitably send strong people to the center of the earth to guard the star core, and this is your chance!"

Quinn took a deep breath: "Understood! I will definitely live up to my mission!"

Igor said with a smile: "Very good! If this happens, the Blue Star will be yours! You will also take the seat of the King of Humans in the future!"

"Saint Star needs people to help manage the star market! Or, if you have anything you want, you can tell me!"

Quinn was startled, and for the first time there was a hint of hesitation on his face!

"I don't care if I can be the king, but I have a small request, I wonder if you can agree to it!"

Igor raised his eyebrows: (??~??) "Oh? What's the requirement?"

Quinn took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on Cooper!

"If I do it well, can you return Cooper to me? Please rest assured, Mirage-sama. After this is done, I will find a better and more suitable Imperial God body for you to use!"

"I want Cooper back!"

Cooper's expression froze, his heart clenched together fiercely!

But he tried his best to suppress his mood swings!

Squinting coldly:

(? ̄?? ̄?) "What? Reluctant? You two are really brothers!"

Quinn looked serious: "I only have this request!"

Igor tilted his head and said:

(¬~¬?) "Where's the mirage? What do you say?"

Cooper spread his hands, his face full of indifference:

?(?'~?')? "It's just a mere body of a royal god, you want to give it to you, after all, you are still counting on you to work!"

"But it's good to find a more suitable one for Lao Tzu, one is not enough!"

There was a look of joy on Quinn's face: "Thank you Mirage for your generosity!"

Igor said lightly: "You'd better not give birth to any unnecessary emotions, it will become an obstacle for you to climb up!"

Quinn bowed his head and said yes!

07 trembled:

(???﹏?) "Do... Are you done? Hurry up when you're done, it's risky to stay for one more second?"

As soon as these words came out, Igor's forehead began to sweat cold, and he couldn't help coughing twice:

(??yi???) "Okay... do it well! Remember! We have never been in the future!"

While talking, I took Cooper and 07 to withdraw in a hurry!

In the starry sky, Cooper's heart surged!

damn it! Damn it!

How could it be that you, even betraying mankind, want me back?

What do you want me to do! How to bear it!

If you have this intention, don't do it in the first place!

At this moment, Cooper is struggling like crazy!

what to do! The news is sent out, Quinn's action failed, and there will be no good end!

If it is not sent, human beings will be stabbed, the lives of countless ordinary people will be threatened, and even the fate of human beings will be changed because of this move!

Brothers on one side! benefactor! On one side is racial justice!

How to choose!

Cooper's teeth are about to break!

"Gollum~ Gollum~"

At this moment, Cooper's stomach made bursts of screams!

Igor wonders:

(???~??)???? "What's the situation?"

Cooper darkened:

(?°?yi°?) "Lower carbon-based creatures still need to eat food to obtain energy? It's so troublesome!"

Clearly, Cooper made his own choice, and his appendix spoke after all!

How Cooper wished Quinn didn't do that, or he was Mission: Impossible, it was just a tactic of his own!

But unfortunately, that may just be wishful thinking!

It's about the fate of the race, Cooper can't afford to gamble! You can't even gamble!

Human nature can never stand the test!

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