After the three of Igor left, the president's office became silent again!

Quinn was sitting in a chair, looking up at the ceiling, the smoke on the index and middle fingers was burning slowly!

Even if the soot fell on the floor, Quinn didn't care!

No one knew what was going on in his head at the moment!

He just listened to him muttering: "I thought I wouldn't care, but I would still be soft-hearted..."

"Even people like me still can't see what they really want? Ha~"

There is a burning smell in the air, and the cigarette in his hand has burned to the sponge of the cigarette butt...

I saw Quinn stand up, the cigarette **** in his hand was directly crushed, and endless flames burst out from his body, sweeping the entire office!

Burn all traces of Igor and the others!

At this moment, Quinn's eyes seemed to have raging flames burning!

"I, Quinn, can't protect the world, I can only protect the ones I care about!"

"Don't blame me for being cruel! I'm sorry!"

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", the golden holy flame burst out, and Quinn's figure completely dissipated in the room!

Kyoto Star Palace, Blue Star Joint Conference Room!

All the high-level officials of Blue Star gathered together, and everyone's aura was violent and oppressive!

But this is not hopeless depression, but holding back a lot of energy!

At this moment, Yang Jian is assigning tasks to everyone, formulating battle strategies, and simulating all the possibilities after the start of the battle!

Wang Gang is tall and straight!

"Report to the commander. Most of the ordinary people in the Blue Star countries have completed their evacuation and transfer. Once the war breaks out, the possibility of being affected is very small!"

Due to the previous experience of global spiritual disasters, and the complete configuration of the refuge spiritual market in each city!

There is also the previous notice from Jiangnan, so this time Blue Star has made great preparations in advance!

I am afraid that the outbreak of war will cause uncontrollable casualties of a large number of people!

(┘⊙~⊙) "Brother Jian? Are you listening? Brother Jian?"

Everyone looked at Yang Jian in confusion, only to see Yang Jian standing there in a daze at the moment, looking like he was wandering in the sky!

Yang Jianmeng returned to his senses, and his expression became solemn: "It's okay, the people are almost transferred, right?"

Wang Gang nodded: "Yes!"

I saw Pierce took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth: "Hey~ it doesn't make much sense to do this? The Planet Destroyer can blow up our Blue Star with just one hand!"

"Where can you hide? I'm afraid this battle is not easy to fight!"

Xiao Chuihuo's expression was calm and his face was red: "Then do your best to protect Blue Star, we are here for this!"

"As the saying goes, don't fight an unprepared battle! Move in advance, be prepared!"

Pierce scratched his head: "That's right!"

So I took out the lighter and put it in front of my face to start a fire. Who knew that the lighter had just caught fire!

Hearing the sound of "Boom", a huge flame rushed out of the lighter!

Pierce was so frightened that his eyebrows and hair were on fire, and he slapped his face while screaming!

I saw that the flame that rushed out turned into a human shape in the air, and finally turned into the appearance of Quinn!

He landed on the empty seat beside him, his face full of apology:

(⌒?⌒;) "I'm sorry, I'll borrow a fire from you! The matter on the Lingwu Alliance has just been settled, so it's a bit late!"

Pierce's face was black, and the veins on his forehead were violent!

(●°?Yi°?) "You terribly meow, do you really care about me borrowing fire? Wait for me to be extraordinary, Lai Lai Di!"

Can you burn your face by lighting a cigarette?

Xiao Chuihuo watched this scene with bright eyes: "Oh? You can do it, you can chase it pretty fast!"

Quinn said humbly, "With the help of Senior Xiao, it's still a long way off!"

"Where did the talk go? Did I miss something important?"

Yang Jian grinned: "It's a meeting, but there's actually nothing to prepare for!"

"There are only three points! Once the war breaks out! Blue Star, Star Core, and the Moon will be the key targets of Saint Star's attack!"

"I don't need to say more about the importance of the star core. The war starts, and the holy star will never let the blue moon continue to exist. This is where we need to focus on guarding!"

As soon as these words came out, the discussion in the conference room suddenly increased!

Quinn looked solemn: "Indeed! My ability is Fire, and the environment in which the Earth's core is located is extremely hot, which is more suitable for my ability to play!"

"Why don't I take someone to guard the star core? If you send Senior Xiao over, it's really overkill!"

Yang Jian's heart tightened, sure enough? This fellow is heading for the star core!

Cooper's news is true. To this day, has the deepest buried nail finally been found?

I saw Yang Jian nodded: "Good proposal! I don't need to say more about the importance of the star core! Can we trust you?"

"Are you willing to guard the star core with your life?"

Quinn took a deep breath and his eyes were firm: "At this time, any words are pale! But I, Quinn, can guarantee it!"

"As long as I'm Quinn! The Star Core is here! I'll give it my all!"

Yang Jian smiled: "That's good! Since you have such determination, I will send you to lead the team to guard the star core!"

In fact, my heart is full of melancholy, and the last hope is also shattered...

Is Quinn still sticking to the path he chose?

"The staffing will be confirmed later, Blue Moon..."

The meeting is still going on, discussing reasonable staffing to guard several important strategic locations!

And Zhong Yingxue is a little absent-minded at the moment, Xiao Nan said that he will come back when the war starts, a little later than Sheng Xing!

In these turbulent times, there is nothing more reassuring than having someone you care about by your side!

But now the seats in Jiangnan are empty!

Zhong Yingxue was a little flustered, wondering what happened to Xiao Nan in the City of Thousand Stars!

Not only was Zhong Yingxue flustered, Jiang Ning was even more worried!

Jiangnan's situation over there is definitely not easy. It's hard to imagine what kind of storm he will face after exposing his human identity in the City of Thousand Stars!

At this moment, the space in the conference room fluctuated, and Han Menglu anxiously teleported into the conference room with a pocket rabbit!

All eyes are on her!

I saw Han Monroe looking nervous!

(???﹏??)? "It is shown on the star map! The star road is open!"

Yang Jian suddenly stood up: "All the top powerhouses of the Blue Star Humanity! Prepare for the battle!"

"I will pass on the follow-up arrangements to you through the Eye of God, keep in touch at any time!"

"Brothers and sisters, it's up to you to shine in the starry sky or fall into the abyss forever!"

At this moment, all the members of the conference room got up, no one spoke or shouted!

Some are just the mania that is suppressed in the deepest part of the heart!

shout! It's something to do after victory!

"Everyone! Let's go to battle!"

On the other side, the Bose Star Field!

This is the oldest star field under the entire starry sky, and it even existed at the beginning of the universe!

Even the planets exist in a Bose state, emitting a faint blue light!

Among them, Wu Kuixing in the Holy Star Region, on the battle stage!

This is a huge platform floating on the star track, and it is now full of bosons!

All the superior clan, close to 10,000!

Wearing different uniforms, it can be seen from the logo on the uniform that they belong to two different camps!

Most of them belong to Saint Star, and some belong to Herrscher!

There are 21 war fortresses parked above the battle platform!

The diameter of the main body of the fort is more than 100 kilometers, not to mention the battle ring floating outside the fort!

In addition, there is a Sky Whale-class armed warp starship as a supply!

Form a star formation with 21 war fortresses!

The scale is grand, and on the war fortress, the flag belonging to the holy star flutters!

Of course, these gears are fully shielded!

At the front of the supervisory platform, stood a tall male boson!

With an ice silk inch head, handsome facial features, no flaws can be found, flawless!

Dressed in Originium Starlight Armor and carrying an exaggerated Holy Inquisition's giant sword, it is almost as tall as it is!

The two glazed horns on the top of the head are bright!

This person is none other than the murderer Jinglie!

He tilted his head and said:

(¬_¬?) "Linya! Did the Star Collection bead come over? Why is it so slow?"

I saw Jinglie standing next to a woman with a boson body, with a bumpy figure and long ice silk hair rolled into a ball at the back of her head!

There are a few strands of broken hair in front of the forehead, refreshing and capable, and two short knives are pinned to the waist!

His whole body was wrapped in Genesis Battle Armor, and even his face wore a pure white mask without the slightest expression!

The mask is engraved with the Herrscher's logo!

Only revealing a pair of blue eyes!

Not only is Linya dressed like this, but all the members of the Lawyer are like this!

There was even a white cape and feather yarn hanging behind Linya!

"Humph! I really don't understand what your holy star thinks. It's just a blue star, and it's used for such a big fight? Are you looking for my Herrscher troops to help?"

"This is to help you clean up the mess, and even bring a war Noble Phantasm like Jixingzhu?"

Jinglie said lightly: "It's about the interests of my Bose tribe, and I can't tolerate any sloppiness. This is also what the Lord Star Master means!"

I saw him grinning: "Besides! Rolling the game is more interesting, isn't it?"

"Ji Xingzhu! Did you pull it over?"

Linya rolled her eyes angrily: "Come on!"

In the starry sky in the distance, nine pure white giant star dragons are wearing armor and thick chains!

And behind the chain is a giant translucent ball with a diameter of over 300 kilometers!

A bright starlight blooms in it, and you can vaguely see the inside of the sphere. It seems that there is a towering giant tree growing like a crystal...

That gigantic star dragon swam in front of Linya, waving its tail to show its sympathy!

Linya glanced at Jinglie and said coldly:

(¬_¬〃) "I advise you saint stars to rely less on silicon-based things. After all, things from foreigners are unreliable!"

Jinglie sneered: (? ̄?? ̄?) "It's just a mere silicon base, what kind of storms can it make? Useful things are good things!"

At this moment, Jing Lie was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up!

Is the star road open?

I saw a dazzling light on the supervisory platform, and the countless driving sources were absorbed!

Below, a huge stargate vortex gradually formed!

Jinglie grinned: "Let's go! Brothers! The game has begun!"

"Go kill it! Enjoy the pleasure of squeezing the ants and the ants struggling in your hands!"

"Let those ignorant humans see clearly! What is despair!"

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