The star road is open, when the holy star team opens the blue star!

Jinglie has already sent a message to Xing Luo!

At this moment, the corner of Xing Luo's mouth outside the venue evoked a radian!

(? ̄?? ̄??)

Has it started yet? Just start!

I am afraid that there is no need to wait until the end of the Black Label Conference, the Blue Star will be won!

Then you don't have to be afraid of Jiangnan's violating the rules of the Ten Thousand Races by Jiangnan!

Then it will be Jiangnan's death period, and he can't even get out of this venue!

Thinking of this, Xing Luo clenched his hands with the Chinese Saint Sword, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

If you want your son to live, you must kill Jiangnan with one blow, and take it as a thunder before he starts!

Never give it the slightest chance!

As long as he wants to go! He dares to move!

At this moment, Xing Luo is like a long bow drawn to the full moon, the arrow seems to be shot at any time, violently killing people!

Jinglie informed Xingluo, and Yang Jian naturally sent a signal to Jiangnan that Xingluo was open!

Jiang Nan's heart was instantly mentioned in his throat!

Has the Sacred Star started to act?

Star Road is open, no time!

In order to prevent being exploited by the silicon base, the Star Road will immediately close the Star Road after sending the Saint Star troops completely!

That is to say, there is only an extremely short window period for Jiangnan to use the Stargate to go back!

Before the star road is closed, we must break through the joint blockade of thousands of bosons, find an available star gate, and return to Blue Star!

This is the only way!

Silicon-based particles cannot be transmitted to Bluestar, and there is no transmission base station established there!

It is not enough to use the Universe-class warp starship just bought. This place is nearly 10 billion light-years away from the Blue Star, and even a warp engine with a large curvature will take days or weeks!

It's too late!

In addition, it is too late to go through the dimensional cracks and ask Dawei Tianlong to help build the dimensional wind path!

By the time Jiangnan returns, Blue Star will be finished!

The only one who can get back in time is the star gate!

And the only two star gates of human beings are in Blue Star, Jiangnan did not bring them!

It can be said that Jiangnan has thought about all the ways to go home!

There is only one option left!

At this moment, Olivia is about to be worn out, she rolled her eyes, and the nosebleed was like a tabby cat!


Jiang Nan's eyes couldn't help but fall on Olivia!

Olivia hurriedly got up and asked with a look on her face!

Are you going to do it?

Just now, the two of them calculated more than 600 ways to break out of the siege, and were beaten more than 500 times!

Olivia was shocked by the flowers of Jiangnan's means, which was simply appalling!

However, there are more than a dozen ways to not be seconds off, but the problem is that Olivia can only see the next 30 seconds!

It is impossible to calculate the complete result!

She didn't know what the result of this method would be after 30 seconds!

Live or die!

(????﹏???)? "Why don't you count? Maybe there are other better ones..."

Jiangnan grinned:

(?ˉ??ˉ?) "That's it, the future is exciting because of the unknown! I'm willing to gamble on the result after 30 seconds!"

At this moment, everyone in the box raised their hearts!

About to take action?

Ye Yuan smiled and twisted his neck: "Don't die! If I die, I won't be able to go back to hand in the task!"

Jiang Nan licked his lips: "I can't bear to die! I haven't lived enough yet!"

I saw Jiang Nan grabbed the dumb sack that was wriggling on the ground, and pulled out the Godkiller from the mouth of the bag!

The next second, in the terrified eyes of You Lulu! After 10 dark matter star bombs were set, they were stuffed into dumb sacks!

Then the bag was stuffed into Olivia's arms!

Then "Boom!"!

The Jiangnan warp bubble was instantly formed and shot straight towards the sky with the greatest curvature!

The ceiling of the box was blown open in an instant!

This sudden scene caught everyone's attention!


Jiangnan is running away?

Xing Luo naturally would not miss this opportunity, it is impossible for Jiangnan to rush out of the store!

Rolling killing intent blooms:

(?◣yi◢?) "Do it! Kill them all!"

At this moment, Xing Luo doesn't care about Noah's face anymore!

The high-dimensional strike was used again, and the crescent-shaped slash appeared on the travel route of the warp bubble almost instantly!

But Jiangnan, like an unpredictable prophet, actually opened the wormhole in advance!

In an instant, it crossed the high-dimensional blow!

A void black hole suddenly bloomed above the store, tearing the space out of a hole of tens of thousands of meters, directly connecting the dimensional gap!

The warp bubble is like an arrow from the string, and it shoots directly into the dark dimensional gap!

Xing Luo's figure appeared directly in front of the space hole!

At the same time, the field that wrapped the entire Tianyu hypermarket invaded!

However, at this moment, spatial fluctuations came!

I saw Jiang Nan suddenly appear in Olivia's arms!

And the dumb sack in her arms disappeared!

Obviously, Jiangnan launched a space replacement!

Directly regarded the dumb sack as a sandwich, and was sent into the dimensional gap by the warp bubble!

All this happened between lightning and flint, to the point that no one could react!

Jiang Nan even did the calculations in his mind, I don't know how many times!

I saw Jiangnan grinning: "Goodbye! Norman!"

Xingluo: (???Benefits??)! !

fuck! Is my son in there?

On one side is his son, on the other is Jiangnan!

There is no need to say more about how to choose, but Xing Luo didn't expect that Jiang Nan would run for his life in order to create an opportunity!

To give up such an important bargaining chip as Norman?

People can do anything to survive!

"Kill him! Don't let him go!"

As he spoke, Xing Luo resolutely rushed into the dimensional gap, chasing after the dumb sack that was taken away by the warp bubble!

And thousands of bosons went straight to Jiangnan in the box to attack!

But at the moment when the replacement was completed, Jiangnan raised his hand and grabbed it in the direction of the Teletubbies, and the palm of his hand burst out!

Compress all Teletubbies and put them in your pockets!

Immediately, the Void Chain took shape and wrapped around Ye Yuan Xingcheng, Olivia Momo!

The warp bubble was released in an instant, the void black hole bloomed, the box was torn apart, and the space was broken!

Jiang Nan led the crowd into the dimensional gap!

And as soon as Jiangnan's forefoot left, the siege of the bosons behind him arrived!

But Jiangnan's voice echoed in the void!

"The kingdom is expanding!"


The space of ten centimeters in situ directly expands to the size of one hundred thousand meters!

Many of the bosons that rushed up were all pushed up by the expanding space!

Including You Lulu and Roentgen, even the boxes on both sides, and even the auditorium below!

The entire Tianyu hypermarket was squeezed out of a giant pit!

But the number of bosons is too much, even if Jiangnan rushes into the dimensional gap with this!

There are still a lot of bosons rushing in, while the field blooms, trying to slow down the speed of the warp bubble!

However, at this moment, Jiangnan turned his head, and a plasma star collapse gun in his hand was already fully loaded with 100% power!

Eyes full of madness!

"Try this!"


As the trigger was pulled, a huge blue high-temperature plasma energy column with a diameter of 1,000 kilometers was fiercely shot out!

Such a magnificent energy column, even Jiangnan was taken aback!

Brain calculus and actual operation are two completely different things!

But imagine the terrifying size of the blue giant star, it is not surprising that it can blast such a perverted energy column!

After all, the stars of this thing exploded!

The bosons who had just chased into the dimensional cracks met head-on with the Collapsing Star Cannon, which was firing at full force!

The eyes are full of blue!

=????(????????) "Damn it! Ascension! Hide! Or use the door of dimension!"


Many bosons were immediately smashed out of the dimensional gap, and the chasing trend was slowed down!

The terrifying Collapsing Star Cannon even blasted out along the thousand-meter space that Jiangnan escaped in!

The Tianyu hypermarket was immediately cut in half, and the beam of light extended out!

It opened up the entire black street, like a laser sword!

The earth was cut out with a thousand-meter-wide ravine, and I don't know how far it extends!

This is still a little bit that leaked out of the cracks in the dimension!

If the thousand-kilometer artillery post was hit on the black street, the consequences would be conceivable!

Although it cannot destroy such a huge planet in Vientiane!

Not to mention the black streets, the nearby interstellar cities will suffer!

However, just relying on this, if you want to kill the star-breaking boson, it is not enough to see!

But it bought time for Jiangnan to run away!

The outside is surrounded by domains, but there is nothing in the dimensional cracks!

It all happened so fast that the moon raccoon was even dumbfounded!

On the other side, Xing Luo was stunned to cut the warp bubble that rushed into the dimensional gap!

Anxious, he grabbed the sack and opened the mouth of the bag!

(?°?yi°?) "My son!"

As soon as it was unlocked, I saw colorful lights coming from inside, reflecting on Xing Luo's face!

I saw a coin-operated children's rocking car in the game hall shaking wildly in the sack, blooming with gorgeous lights!

The sweet and tasteless nursery rhymes come out of it!

"What's the name of dad's dad?"

"Dad's father is called Grandpa~"

"Call it grandpa, call it grandpa!"

Xing Luo's stared boss, a dozen blue veins popped out on his forehead!


My name is Nima's grandpa!

Not my son? The reason why the sack is wriggling is because of this broken rocking cart?

[The resentment value from Xingluo +1009! ]

Packed up? Shuzi lied to me!

However, the next moment, Xing Luo's eyes fell directly on the dark matter star bombs scattered in the shake car!

There are 10!

The moment Xing Luo's eyes saw it, the countdown on the star bomb instantly returned to zero!

Everything has been calculated for a long time, every second is not bad!

Even the set countdown timer is pre-set!

Xing Luo suddenly froze, instinctively opened a door of dimension, and slammed the bag into the door!

But it's too late!

The dark matter in the 10 star bombs exploded at this moment!

In an instant, an extremely dazzling white light lit up in the entire pitch-black dimensional gap!

As if to illuminate this endless darkness!

However, the white light only flashed for a moment, and then the energy wave that surged to the extreme spread wildly in all directions!

Crush everything!

The Genesis Starlight Armor on Xing Luo shattered into **** almost instantly!

Just one can blow up a planet, so how about 10 together?

"The gate of dimension? Absolute defense! Ascension to dimension!"

In an instant, Xing Luo was engulfed by the violent energy wave!


The next moment, the energy impact directly shattered the large space above the black street!

An incomparably dark and huge space hole was blasted out, like a dark giant eye appearing above the Vientiane Star!

This still collapsed in the depths of the dimensional cracks! If you put it in the store, the results can be imagined!

If there really is a sky in this world, then Jiangnan's hand...

Shatter the sky!

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