Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1993: Fire meteor rushing to the starry sky

When the Bose reinforcements arrived, Karl and the others couldn't wait!

Just waiting for this! In the distance, a sightseeing ball is flying!

Carl, Igor, Vivienne, Kaori, Cooper, 07 and a few others greeted us!

At this moment, Carl was even more excited, and he said hello from a distance!

(??ヮ?)? "Pan Xing and Pan Moon finally brought you here. Lord Xingzhu is really powerful, calling so many brothers?"

"Oh, and the Herrscher's brother? There are so many people, the formation of the starry sky, tsk tsk tsk ~ this is unique in the history of the development of the star market, right?"

Cooper's eyelids jumped when he saw this scene, I Nima! So many bosons?

The moment he saw the reinforcements, his heart was half cold!

Kaori is also amazed at the moment, it can be said that it is an eye-opener!

After this wave, the Blue Star human beings are afraid that it is really over, eh~

I don't know why, but Kaori felt a little lost!

The moment he saw Carl, the veins on Jinglie's forehead jumped violently!

He raised his hand and threw a big B pocket on Carl's face fiercely!


"Waste! Look at these **** things you've done. Do you know how much trouble it caused to the Star Lord and the Bose?"

"As long as you are a little bit more ambitious, why bother to support us?"

Carl was slapped on the head by a big B pocket!

How come the first thing that reinforcements came to the scene was to slap me with a big B pocket?


What about the work card?

Carl covered his cheeks:

(?)??~??) "I see, this slap must have been brought by the star master, right?"

Jinglie said lightly: (¬yi¬?) "No! I want to fight myself, do you have any opinion?"

Carl's face turned black!

(?)??yi??) " opinion!"

Linya rolled her eyes at Carl in disgust: "What about them? What's going on with these humans?"

Igor hurriedly said: "My subordinates, my subordinates, after all, after the development of the Blue Star Market is completed, it needs to be managed by manpower!"

Kaori straightened her body directly, with a solemn expression:

∠(`~′*) "My name is Kaori! I am the most loyal lackey of Saint Star! You can always trust Kaori!"

Linya nodded with satisfaction, looking at Kaori, she was quite agreeable and sensible~

Jinglie narrowed his eyes: "What's wrong with your horns? Where's your horns?"

Karl clutched his forehead and gritted his teeth: "I was cut off by a human being!"

Jinglie's forehead blue veins violently:

(???????) "The rice bucket, the glass is thrown at home, and the horns can also be chopped off by humans?"

"The dignified boson, how can humans be bullied so far!"

Carl's face was ugly, and Igor said urgently:

(⌒﹏⌒;) "Don't worry, I have a plan, and with this wave of support, Blue Star will take it properly!"

"Many of them have broken stars, and they also have domains, which are more difficult to deal with. We'd better be..."

Before he finished speaking, Jinglie waved his hand:

(︶yi︶?)? "Shut up! I'm not interested in the strength of human beings, and it doesn't matter!"

"The result is the same no matter what, remember! This is a crush, a massacre!"

"In addition, how to fight this battle, you don't need to tell me what to do!"

Igor nodded and said yes, but looking at this lineup, winning the Blue Star is like looking for something!

Your worries are indeed superfluous!

Vaguely, you can see hundreds of black dots breaking through the atmosphere and flying straight towards the fleet!

Linya narrowed her eyes: (? ̄?? ̄??) "These reptiles seem to have found us and took the initiative to greet us!"

A sinister smile appeared on Jinglie's face: "Is there a difference? Let's have an appetizer first, and let humans taste the taste of despair!"

While talking, I saw Jinglie standing at the bow of the ship! Raise both hands, thumbs up and forefinger circle a photo frame!

Aim at the Blue Star!

In the finger photo frame, the entire Eurasian continental plate is enclosed in it!

"The formation of the starry sky listens to the order, gathers the fire together, and prepares the death light cannon! Leave a scar on the blue star first!"

"Pay attention to adjusting the critical power, don't break it!"

At this moment, the main gun muzzle of the Sky Whale-class armed starship protruded, and the energy receiver behind the ship was deployed!

Linya was speechless: (¬~¬) "You are so messed up!"

Jinglie's eyes were full of madness: "Only blood can defend the glory of the holy star!"

"Death Cannon! Launch!"


Several war fortresses carried out energy transmission to the starship, and the next moment, a blazing red cannon column of death light slammed out of the main gun muzzle!

Go straight to the Blue Star Eurasian Continent Plate!

The diameter of the cannon column is hundreds of kilometers, like a flowing river of blood!

Tear everything along the way and break the blue star atmosphere!

Boom down with a crushing posture!

It is facing the hundreds of Blue Star powerhouses that are rushing up!

The sky above everyone's heads was dyed a blood red, so magnificent, it was the first time everyone saw an attack directly on the planet!

Everyone's face turned white!

Going to war directly, is it an attack on the planet?

Yang Jian hurriedly said: "You can't let them shoot down, otherwise this cannon will be useless if you go to Blue Star! You have to block it!"

It's easy to say!

Who can stop it?

This cannon is enough to sink the entire Eurasian continent, an absolute planetary attack!

Even if they are extraordinary, they are still cold in body and mind at this moment!

Who stops who will die! You have to stop it!

Odin roared: "Old Vulcan!"

At this moment, Xiao Chuhuhuo looked up at the sky, his black hair was flying, and his eyes were staring!

On its body, the red flames blazed wildly, like a flaming human-shaped torch!

"Hide away! There is me!"


At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo was like a flaming meteor, he left the team, and rushed towards the hundreds of kilometers of bright red death light cannon column alone!

That small figure was as small as a speck of dust compared to the magnificent Death Light cannon column!

Everyone looked at this scene in horror!

Old Vulcan! Can you stop it?

I saw Xiao Chuihuo burning furiously in his eyes!

"As long as I'm still there for a day! Never want to hurt Lan Xing in the slightest!"

"The field is unfolding? Promise blazing red! Great Yan Emperor!"

The tiny figure that rushed to the starry sky against the cannon post became crazy big!

In the blink of an eye, a giant Yan Emperor with a length and width of over one million meters appeared in front of everyone!

Eight flame flags behind Tracer!

With both hands raised, a giant volcano phantom took shape and was carried on the shoulders by the Great Yan Emperor!

"Meteor Volcano!"


The boundless fiery high-temperature plasma flame column was blazing red and shot out of the crater!

It seems endless!

It was even thicker than the death beam!


With an explosion, two energy columns collided in the starry sky!

There was no stalemate, and the dead light cannon column was immediately slammed back by Meteor Volcano, and shot straight in the direction of the fleet!

At this moment, Yang Jian Bai Kou and the others widened their eyes!

(???д???) "This... what is this! Old Vulcan he..."

Jiang Ning's scalp was numb: "Has Grandpa Xiao rushed to the level of a planet destroyer?"

Odin scratched his head: ?(?????) "No, I went to the Andromeda Galaxy with the old Vulcan! I found a few stars there!"

"Old Vulcan absorbed all the heat of the three stars and stored the energy for battle!"

"I absorbed all the light emitted by the stars, and after extinguishing three of them, I was about to find the fourth one to absorb it, when I was called back and said it was going to be a war..."

"Old Vulcan uses the energy he saved before, right?"

Everyone stared!

Still riding a horse and not admitting it? That's definitely enough planet destroyers, right?

You two have extinguished the stars!

However, in the concept of Odin and Xiao Chuihuo, relying on their own strength, they can be regarded as planetary destroyers if they can dry up the planet with one blow!

Both Odin and Xiao Chuhuo felt that they could not achieve this step with their own strength alone!

So it doesn't count!

With the stubbornness of Xiao Chuhuo and the death light cannon, the sky of the blue star was dyed red!

Jinglie looked at the dead light cannon that was stunned back in astonishment!

What the hell? Didn't hit it?

Being slapped back by humans from the front?

Jinglie felt that he couldn't hold his face for a while!

"Tread the horse! Unlock the critical power! Hit me down!"

The next moment, the power of several war fortresses and starships was fully turned on, the death light cannon column became more and more blazing, and the muzzle was burned red!

But the Great Yan Emperor, incarnated by Xiao Chuihuo, was roaring with the volcano on his back and facing the cannon post toward the starry sky!

Although the speed is not much slower than before, it has accumulated the fiery heat of three stars, providing Xiao Chuhuao with plenty of energy!

Gotta hit the ground running today!

Kyungsoo: ! !

Why can't you fight?

Carl's eyelids jumped when he saw this scene, WOW! How long has this old man been gone, why is he so fierce?

Carrying a volcano and a war fortress?

Jing Lie is very angry, and it was not smooth at the beginning?

"I really don't believe it! The war fortress is full of firepower! Focus the fire! Blast me!"

Linya frowned: "Don't play too much! If you're not careful, Blue Star will be shattered!"

Jinglie's eyes were red: "Don't worry about it! Call me!"


21 war fortresses, plus starships with full energy output!

You must know that the core of this war fortress is a stellar power furnace!

Directly extract energy from stars, although one pump is not clean, the output power is limited!

But the superposition of multiple seats is absolutely terrifying!

The power of the Death Light Cannon's column has skyrocketed exponentially. If this cannon blew up, it would not have been blocked by Xiao Chuihuo!

The entire Blue Star will be destroyed!

And at this moment, all the stellar energy that Xiao Chuonghuo had accumulated was exhausted!

Facing the death beam cannon, Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were splitting, and the Great Yan Emperor faced the death beam with both hands, not retreating half a step!

"Don't think about it!"


At this moment, the Great Yan Emperor is like a rock that cannot be shaken by the huge waves!

Standing in front of the dead light cannon column, alone and hard against the joint artillery bombardment of the star formation!

I saw that under Xiao Chuihuo's full resistance, the dead light cannon column exploded like a goddess scattered flowers!

Thousands of red dead lights scattered and fell towards the blue star!

Yang Jian's eyes of heaven stared at all the blasted dead beams!

Calculate the shelling trajectory and allocate blocking manpower!

Even if the sputtered death light falls, several cities will be destroyed, and the Blue Star will not be bombed, it will become riddled with holes!

"Don't let me down at all! Stop it!"

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