Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1994: Fist towards the starry sky

Xiao Chuihuo put himself at the forefront, and the dead light cannon column exploded like a goddess scattered flowers!

Yang Jian immediately assigned the interception task to everyone according to the intensity of the dead beam of light that was shot apart!

Hundreds of Blue Star powerhouses suddenly dispersed!

I saw Balder teleported and came to a scattered cannon post!

The fighting spirit is high in the eyes!

"The realm is unfolding? The boundless restricted area! Don't fall on Lao Tzu's planet casually!"

"Where did you come from, let me go back to where you are!"

The cannon post immediately shot into the boundless restricted area, but was wrapped by the domain!

The distance that was just a few feet away seemed to be infinitely far away. The cannon post was intercepted on the spot, and then it bent and shot straight back!

Turn around and swing!

"Space cracks? Tear the sky!"


The blue star's sky seemed to be torn apart, and a dark crack of nearly 100 kilometers was split open!

Another cannon post shot directly into the dimensional gap and disappeared!

Odin's eyes were full of madness, and he charged with a cannon post!

"The realm is unfolding! The sun god! Death light is also light, don't try to touch the blue star!"

The scattered cannon posts were eaten up by Odin's Sun God Domain!

Not only Odin, Bai Koomiye, Martin Freya and the others, everyone is blocking it!

The extraordinary will stop the big ones, and Daotian will stop the small ones!

In the sky, a blazing red nine-headed fire phoenix flew at an extremely high speed, pulling out a splendid tail flame in the air!

Wherever you go, everything burns into nothingness!

It was none other than Zhong Yingxue!

Xia Yao stood on Huohuang's back and looked nervous!

At this moment, the two of them are chasing a slightly smaller death light cannon flying wildly!

Xia Yao said anxiously: "Xuexue! Here it is! It's now!"

In an instant, the nine-headed fire phoenix dissipated into nothingness!

Zhong Yingxue appeared completely in the form of flames, and his body was blazing red!

Mei Mu stared at the dead light cannon column, her eyes were full of coldness!

"The Blazing Crown!"

The next moment, a crown made of flames appeared on top of Zhong Yingxue's head!

The temperature of the flame on the body rose again and again, and the space around the body seemed to be melted!

Like the flame queen who reigns over the world, her power has skyrocketed!

Reach out and grab it, and the infinite red flames gather in the hand to condense into an extremely splendid flame spear!

Just condensing it out, almost emptied all the spiritual power in Zhong Yingxue's body!

This is the ultimate output!

I saw Zhong Yingxue slammed towards the death light cannon, and the cold voice was startling!

"Burning embers in the spear of the end!"

"This blow! Pierce the sky!"

The flame spear in his hand was violently thrown out by Zhong Yingxue, pulling out a splendid blazing tail flame!

It slammed into the dead light cannon column fiercely, and a violent explosion occurred!


With a sound of explosion, the sky was covered by the sea of ​​fire, and wherever the eyes could see, there were flames, and the powerful power even blew through the space!

The spear of the end and the cannon column of the death beam are both wiped out!

It really pierced the sky, and it was hard to imagine that such a bursting attack came from the hands of Daotian!

Zhong Yingxue has achieved the ultimate output!

Xia Yao's pretty face flushed with excitement:

(#?????????)?? "Snow Snow Ness, as expected of an extraordinary skill!"

Not only Zhong Yingxue, but even if the big wolf killed Wu Liangxiong and the others, all Daotian skills sucked were extraordinary pearls!

That fiery crown is Zhong Yingxue's celestial skill!

As for how did the extraordinary pearls come about? Of course it was cultivated!

There are almost no extraordinary beasts on Blue Star, but there are still quite a few spirit beasts at the peak of Daotian!

Now that the Creation Beast is in hand, as long as the Daotian Peak Beast is filled with ten-color Creation Particles, it will be extraordinary!

Isn't there a super pearl?

Xia Yao and their Dao Tian skills come from this way!

I saw Xia Yao excitedly said:

(??????)? "I wonder if Xiaonan will praise the snow and snow when he sees this!"

Zhong Yingxue didn't stop there, but turned around and rushed towards another pillar of dead light!

"I'm still a long way off, stop these attacks first!"

There was always a trace of unease in her eyes!

Xiaonan! The fight is over, you must come back safely!

Everyone is waiting for you at home!

Even if the blue star's hundreds of powerhouses have tried their best to intercept them, there are too many dead beams that have been blown up, and it is impossible to stop them all!

The power of the death light cannon of the Bosonic Star Fleet is simply terrifying!

I can only watch as hundreds of dead lights blast towards the Eurasian continental plate!

Right at this moment, Yang Jian roared loudly!

"Tiancong ivy!"

"Boom boom boom!"

At this moment, Tiancong Qingteng received the order, and saw the land of the Eurasian continental plate!

One after another, thick blue rattan roots pierced out of the ground like angry dragons!

Above the city and the mountains, weaving a shield of vine roots!

The dead light cannons that leaked all slammed on the shield woven by the roots of the ivy in the sky!

Massive resources are not piled up for nothing, and today's Tiancong Qingteng has reached a star level!

The root system extends from the land of Western China and spreads to almost all the continental shelves!

From any corner of the Blue Star, Fujigen can be seen to guard the Blue Star!

So far, the dead light shelling of the star formation has been eaten by all humans, and Blue Star is safe and sound!

The starship's main guns stopped outputting due to overheating, and half of the battleships emitted white smoke!

I saw that the Great Yan Emperor in the starry sky had been beaten to pieces!

If it weren't for Xiao Chuhuhuo standing in front, blocking most of the attacks, and dispersing the death beam!

No one in Blue Star can withstand such terrifying shelling!

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo was gasping for breath, his arms, including his chest, were blurred with blood!

But in the end, he was carried down by him!

Jinglie gritted his teeth, and two blue veins collapsed on his forehead:

(???Benefits???) "You guys took it all down? It's yours!"

"But so what? It's just a stronger ant at best!"

Having said that, Jinglie looked at Xiao Chuhuo with a playful look in his eyes!

"What about the second shot? Can you still carry it?"


The second Death Light Cannon blasted towards the Blue Star again, and its power was even stronger than the first!

After all, there are 21 war fortresses, plus the starship energy is jointly blasted!

Xiao Chuihuo tilted his head and spat out a mouthful of blood foam, the flames swept his whole body, and his whole body turned into flames!

The corners of the mouth rose wildly!

Grab it with both hands, and the melting pot takes shape in an instant!

At this moment, Xiao Chuihuo seemed to be holding two suns in his hands!

Facing the second death light cannon, Xiao Chuihuo's two fists slammed together!

The flames burst!

The arrogance that has been suppressed so far in my heart is in full bloom at this moment!

"Come on then!" shouted loudly.

So he stepped forward, raised those fiery fists, towards the starry sky!



The death light cannon exploded again and exploded into thousands!

Xiao Chuihuo is on top again!

It's just that it's far from being as easy as the last time, and it was continuously pressed towards Blue Star by the powerful Death Light Cannon!

Yang Jian scolded angrily: "The rider who rides the horse is still here?"

This is simply unreasonable!

So far, the bosons have not moved, not even a single boson!

Just relying on the joint strike of the war fortress, it is necessary for the strong human beings to join forces to resist with all their strength!

How to fight this?

And the Bose really don't need to reason with humans, how we fight, you have to give me how to suffer!

To tell the truth, after this second bombardment, everyone's faces were extremely ugly!

The difference is too big!

At the same time of the battle, we have to guard the Blue Star comprehensively, and now the boson has not even pressed up!

Once the tens of thousands of bosons rush down, coupled with the combined attack of the death light cannon of the war fortress!

Humanity is bound to be defeated like a mountain, and there is not even room to struggle!

Where the Blue Star is, is the cul-de-sac of mankind!

But even so, even if there is no chance of winning, we must fight to the end!

Because human beings have no way out at all!

Everyone is doing their best to intercept the scattered dead light cannon!

This time, there are more leaks than before, and the Tiancong Qingteng has already controlled the Fuji root to defend with all their strength!

But it was still impossible to take care of everything, and several scattered dead beams blasted on the continental plate and in the ocean!

The mountains evaporated, the bedrock swept up, and the earth and rocks spread like waves in all directions!

There are huge waves on the ocean!

The death light cannon left ugly scars on the blue star, clearly visible even in the starry sky!

This is still the result of the strong human beings blocking most of the attacks!

After getting through the second shot, Xiao Chui's injury was even worse, and the flame body was so weak that it seemed to dissipate at any time!

The staggering body swayed, forcing himself not to fall!

Freya dashed in the direction of Xiao Chuihuo, trying to recover for him!

Jing Lie smiled and even applauded Xiao Chuahuo!

(? ̄?? ̄?) "It's amazing, you can't die after two rounds? Then I'll send you another round!"

During the speech, the red blood from the muzzle gathered again, and Carl's eyes were full of excitement:

"Bomb this immortal, don't give him any chance!"

Xiao Chuihuo clenched his teeth and looked at Jinglie with a stubborn face!

Jinglie sneered: "What? Do you think I'm bullying people? Who made you so weak!"

"The weak deserve to be bullied! Give me a blast!"

The death light cannon bloomed again, heading straight for Xiao Chuonghuo!

At this moment, the Blue Star powerhouses went forward one after another, all of them blocking Xiao Chuihuo!

Even if you can't take it! Even if you die!

Block too!

Fall alone! Thousands more people will stand up!

Odin turned his body into light, rushed to the front, and passed Xiao Chuhuihuo!

Completely determined!

"This hair! I'll carry it!"

Seeing that Odin is about to collide with the death beam!

However, at this moment, a huge stargate vortex unfolded!

A figure stepped out of the vortex, standing in front of everyone, facing the death light cannon!

Everyone was stunned at this moment, because this slender figure was so familiar!

Qianben Sakura was so excited that she burst into tears and shouted uncontrollably!

(*) "South God!"

I saw Jiangnan holding the plasma starburst cannon in both hands, and his eyes were full of hideousness!

"It's covered by a good big brother! Where is the turn for the younger brother to come forward and carry it! Stay by the side!"

Odin's eyes brightened:

(????)? "Good brother?"

At this moment, in the face of the dead light cannon, Jiang Nan's eyes were full of rage!

"Sorry! I have always only bullied others!"

"Bullying humans? Have you asked me?"

When the trigger is pulled, the power of the crashing star cannon is 100% fully loaded!

Two high-temperature plasma energy cannons with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers are sky blue!

After merging together, it is like a blue galaxy rushing out!

The starry sky is illuminated, and it goes straight to the Bose troops!

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