Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 1999: ever-increasing data

The starry sky live broadcast is a multi-angle display, and almost every angle is followed by a separate mechanical eye to capture the details!

You can see the fight from any angle in the broadcast footage!

Once the battle started, the result was beyond everyone's expectations. I don't know how many people were shocked and lost their eyes!

I thought it would be a crushing game, but who knew that it would enter a white-hot state as soon as the game started, and the intensity was full, exceeding everyone's expectations!

Human beings, with more than a hundred strong men, have fought back and forth with the Bose army of 10,000 people!

Even beheading the boson on the spot? Every human being comes standard with a universal crystal source weapon?

This thing is an absolute taboo material in the starry sky!

No one dared to provoke the originally aloof bosons, and as soon as the war started, there were already more than 100 casualties!

Starry Sky Wanzu originally wanted to see how the Bose tribe would end up after eating the Blue Star!

But now he is completely attracted by this extremely fierce Star Market War!

The moon raccoon was blown up when he saw it. Are humans really killed? Originally thought that Jiangnan's combat power was already perverted enough!

But there are so many perverts like Jiangnan?

Five star-breaking human combinations actually grabbed a planet-destroyer-level boson?

It's incredible, and they all have their own domains?

What is even more terrifying is the appearance of the time system, which is extremely rare in the entire starry sky, right?

Almost no!

As soon as the fight started, the moon raccoon was shocked by the terrifying combat power and diversity of human abilities!

The prisoner bird sweats profusely on his forehead: "

??(??w???)?? Hey hey hey! Perverted a bit too much, right? Domain fusion? hiss~"

"Don't tell me humans really have a chance to win!"

Even Fama and Muke's eyes were full of shock, remembering the fear of being dominated by Jiang Fan!

"Is it a king-level potential? No wonder Sheng Xing wants to eat Blue Star even without his face!"

Fama squinted, the more ugly this battle is, the harder it will be for the Bose to end!

But it also shows the horror of human beings!

On the one hand, Fama thinks that things will be a big deal, and on the other hand, he also thinks that humans are not so fierce, and it is better to pull his hips a little bit, and he is extremely tangled for a while!

In the endless and far-reaching void, Noah sat alone on a desolate star, looking at the picture in his mind, the corner of his mouth twitched!

"Tsk tsk tsk~ The Bose clan shot themselves in the foot! The silicon base is decisive enough!"

"If I can really drive the Bose off the altar, I don't mind fanning the flames and adding fuel to the flames! Interesting~"

This incident is an opportunity for the Bose tribe to start going downhill!

Canglan Star, Lady Manti lay on the hospital bed and looked at Zhinao, sucking incense beads, her eyes twinkling!

Wenger stood there respectfully, sweating profusely on his forehead:

('-﹏-`;) "Sorry, I really couldn't get the first bud back, and was kidnapped by Jiangnan..."

However, Mrs. Manti just glanced at Wenger lightly, Wenger shivered and didn't dare to speak any more, and his heart was in his throat!

But I saw that the Manti woman did not discuss this topic further!

Instead, he murmured, "Is there such a miraculous effect between the whispers of my gods and the abilities of humans? They even killed more than a hundred bosons?"

"The casualties are still expanding? If so..."

Wenger's eyes brightened: "Lady Lady? Do you want to..."

Lady Manti narrowed her eyes: "Be careful!"

Wenger bowed his head: "Yes! Madam Mistress!"

But a huge wave has been set off in the heart, and the fighting power of the human beings is really shocking to Wenger.

This time the face of the Bose is really lost!

On the Divine Machine Star, Muke is always collecting data through database analysis!

Before the war, the human winning rate was only 0.012%!

But in such a short time, the winning percentage has skyrocketed at a terrifying speed!

From the very beginning, it was almost zero, and even rushed to 1.47% today!

And it's still going up over time!

Mook looked silent at the increase in win rate, and the mechanical eyes flickered!

Humans have really given themselves enough surprises?

It's also in the interest of the silicon base, but Mook just hopes the surprise isn't too big!

Tao: "Lord Muke! The reaction on the Qunxing network has been intense. The barrage and comment functions have been activated. Under the screening of big data, comments that are beneficial to us will be revealed!"

"Do you want to take the next step? Use public opinion to bring rhythm? Push the Bose to the situation that thousands of people point to?"

Muke shook his head: "Just started the fight, the results were not great, and it's not yet time, how will the Bose react?"

Tao responded: "No action has been taken for the time being!"

Muke squinted, but the Bose was calm, knowing that it was too late to stand up and say anything at this time, and any action would add fuel to the fire!

Only after winning this Star Market War can you have the money to clean up the mess!

But unfortunately, things don't seem to be going as the Bose expected!

Muke said lightly: "Once the Star Road restarts, or if the Bose tribe has any action, let me know as soon as possible!"

"I don't want any variables to happen to this show, and the Bose can't reach out and disrupt the situation!"


In the Temple of the Glazed Star Holy Star, Xing Luo has been scolded!

The first light of Tiffany said:

(?°? Yi°?) "What am I talking about? I have reminded you over and over again that the previous one may have been Siji's delaying tactics, just to seduce you and get the evidence!"

"Did you get water in your head? You actually sent someone to do it? In such a hurry? You big fool!"

"It's better now! The mess made by Shengxing, I want the entire Bose tribe to clean it up for you!"

Chuangjie's Naruo scolded: "It's okay if you win it, let's see what it looks like?"

"My clan's people were beheaded in front of the starry sky and ten thousand clans! Xing Luo! You are so beautiful! You are so beautiful!"

Xing Luo gritted his teeth: (Yi Yi?) "I got it! Don't scold me! The matter has already happened, and my face has been lost. I have to find a way to solve it. All the consequences will be borne by me!"

It's not that I foolishly jumped into the pit, but I ran to Jiangnan in the city of a thousand stars, plus my arrested son!

They have all become reasons for forcing myself to take action, forcing myself to take action!

Who wants to get Jiangnan to cooperate with Siji long ago, so they want to cheat Laozi?

Tiffany squinted: "On the eve of the Sequence War, my Bose tribe was pushed to the cusp of this incident directly, will you bear it?"

"Can you afford it? Just wait and be held accountable!"

Naruo gritted his teeth: "The most important thing is to eat the Blue Star quickly, control the development of the situation, and show the results!"

"Can Jinglie do it? After sending so many people over, why is it still dawdling?"

"If it doesn't work, open the Star Road again, send..."

Xing Luo gritted his teeth: "I can't open it! You are giving it to Sijibai? Once we move again, do you think Siji will engage us? It will only exacerbate the situation!"

"Jinglie and the others have more than enough to eat Blue Star, don't forget that there are Herrscher troops!"

"It's just that this kid can hurry up! Don't lose your glass to me! What are you doing with the Star Beads? It's useful!"

At this moment, Xing Luo frantically urged Jing Lie!

And on the Qunxing Network, with the opening of the Star Market War, the barrage comments went crazy!

"It's really killing! That's a boson! It's really killing? Humans are really brave!"

"Nonsense! Can you do it without killing? It's already at this level, what else is there to be concerned about? Speaking of which, the combat power of humans is a bit scary, right?"

"Why do their broken stars have domains? Time-related? Hmm~ That cliff is time-related, right? There are so many abilities?"

"The king-level potential is not so perverted, right? Coincidence, it must be a coincidence. After all, only the top human beings can participate in the war, and it is normal to have a domain. Let's look at other broken stars. How could there be..."

So Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races began to pay attention to other human beings with broken stars!

On the battlefield of the starry sky, Jinglie is also in a hurry, this space system is so annoying!

I was really caught by them!

And Linya rushed straight to Jiangnan, vowing to hack this unsightly existence to death!

But for Lin Ya, how could Yang Jian have no arrangements!

After all, there are more than five of them on the Blue Star who are extraordinary now!

Just heard a roar from the left!

"The stinky **** who knocks mud frogs! Don't try to stop our Nanshen from demolishing the castle!"

"The field expands? Everything dominates!"

I saw Barty carrying a god-killing shovel and rushing straight to Linya, the atomic state was already turned on, and his whole body was glowing with blue light!

Linya frowned, why is there an Apocalypse here?

But Barty doesn't care so much!

"Atomic explosion!"

Just listening to the sound of "Boom", Barty blew himself up on the spot, and the terrifying explosion swept in all directions, as if to blow up the entire starry sky!

Linya was instantly enveloped by the explosion, but she had already used the ball of dimension to defend!

Just after the explosion, Linya charged towards Jiangnan again!

At this moment, I saw Barty's figure, including his god-killing shovel, regrouping beside Linya!

Without further ado, he slapped the seeds on Lin Ya's head with a shovel!

"Atomic Collapse!"

The moment the God-killing shovel came into contact with the Originium Starlight Armor, the Starlight Armor instantly collapsed into nothingness!

Originally thought that with this shovel, Linya's head would definitely explode like a watermelon!

But Linya immediately used a partial upgrade, and the god-killing shovel went directly through Linya's body!

It's similar to Baldur's blur!

Linya's eyes were full of anger, and the holy cut knife in her hand stabbed fiercely at Barty's heart!

Barty doesn't hide!


A knife to the heart!

However, Batty sneered and grabbed the holy cut short knife!


I saw the holy cut short knife in Linya's hand collapsed into atoms on the spot!

Linya: ? ? ?

This horse is the Apocalypse, right?

Olivia: ? ? ?

This is really hell!

At this moment, I saw the Eighth Crown King Koronov wearing a red scarf on his head, holding a god-killing tiger, resisting the impact of the explosion and killing Linya!

Killing intent in the eyes!

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