Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2000: Is the plated film okay?

Koronov's body was suddenly raised, and his eyes were blood red!

"The field expands? The King of Hercules!"

The ultimate power burst out from Koronov's body, not covering all directions, but surrounding the whole body in a substantial form, distorting the space!

It actually showed a dazzling white gold luster, forming a phantom of a **** king standing above the ground!

Something similar to the law, composed of extremely pure power!

Even Linya was stunned. Is there still such a form in the realm?

The existence of this god-king phantom itself is the domain of this human being?

The power of the eighth crown king Koronov is the purest power system. No one would have expected that the domain of the power system spirit warrior would be in such a form!

I saw Koronov glared and roared, striding and punching!

The field of the Hercules King actually moved with Koronov!

A standard backhand threw a fist at Linya!

"A bunch of bastards! Where did you come from, go back to where you are! Blue Star is not a place where you can come and go wild!"

"Extreme power? Heaven collapses!"

This punch brought together almost all of Koronov's power, and it was so violent that it seemed to smash the starry sky!

Almost in the blink of an eye, it smashed in front of Linya!

Lin Ya squinted her eyes, she didn't dodge or evade, she raised her hand to block the punch with another short knife!


At the moment of contact, the ultimate power burst out!

The Elementium Starlight Armor on Lin Ya's body was directly crushed by the force, her hairband was broken, and her short ice silk hair was flying!

Even the mask was smashed to pieces, revealing a worldly face!

This punch ran through the entire starry sky battlefield, and even smashed a giant war fortress floating in the starry sky!

It can be seen how terrifying its power is!

However, Linya caught it with a single knife, her eyes cold!

"It's just a big man with brute force, that's how strength should be used!"

I saw that the glazed light on her short knife was bright, directly replicating Koronov's skills!

He actually slashed against the iron fist of the King of Hercules!

With a "swoosh", the entire starry sky battlefield was cut open again!

Together with the Hercules King!

Koronov's whole body was cut in half, and the extreme cold spread, completely freezing his body!

Broken into scum!

Barty's scalp is numb, is this Linya stronger than Jinglie?

Is this the horror of Planet Destroyer? Killed Koronov with one knife?

"Freya! Come and help!"

"What are you urging? The old lady saw it!"

I saw the infinite green light gathered in the air, Freya's body suddenly emerged, and her body also exudes an extraordinary breath!

With long hair fluttering, it is as beautiful and suffocating as a fairy who has been exiled from the shrine!

At this moment, Freya stretched out her arms and closed her eyes!

"The field expands? World Tree!"

In an instant, an incomparably huge tree phantom emerged from behind Freya!

The trunk of the tree is extremely vigorous, and the huge canopy covers the sky and the sun, even reaching the level of covering the entire starry sky battlefield!

There is a towering tree in the bright starry sky, and the boundless green always interprets the true meaning of life!

The unparalleled breath of life blooms from Freya's body!

"Reincarnation of life and death? Su Sheng!"

A green beam of light fell from the canopy, covering the broken Koronov who could no longer be broken!

Under the perfusion of the Infinite Life Essence, I saw Koronov's meat pieces begin to repair and bond!

In the blink of an eye, Koronov was rescued, and he even fully recovered his spiritual power!

Koronov gasped for breath, and the fighting spirit rekindled in his eyes!

(??Benefit?) "It's just a mortal wound! It's a fart! Come on!"

Linya: ? ? ?

Freya smiled softly: "Go and fight! Even if you are beaten into scum! As long as there is scum! With me, you can't die!"

"Blessings of the goddess of life! The Holy Spring of Rejuvenation! Ling Yong! Purification of life! Endless life!"

Blessings poured down like light rain and fell on the heads of everyone on the battlefield!

Everyone's heads are flashing green!

If you want to pass the war, you must have a little green on your head!

The injury on the body is instantly repaired, and the spiritual power is instantly full, and it can't be used up!

While immune to all negative states, the source of life in the body explodes!

All of them are red-faced and lively!

On the battlefield, the roar of human beings resounded through the sky, and the momentum was mentioned again and again!

Linya squinted: (what is it?) "What the **** is this ability? Even if it is broken, it can be saved? Why are there so many troublesome abilities?"

Add status to the entire battlefield?

You must know that Freya's ability is not a plant-type ability, but a real life-type ability!

It's quite abnormal, and now it has made a qualitative leap after being extraordinary!

Even if it is to reply to the human beings on the entire battlefield, it can be taken care of!

The goddess of life is not for nothing, if there is no Mira, Freya is definitely the first nurse of Blue Star!

Now that Freya is recovering, she can be saved if she becomes a scum, and even those with broken arms and legs are embarrassed to say that they are injured, okay?

Coupled with the little angel Mira, it's hard to die!

In this battle, Yang Jian did not intend to leave anyone behind!

Lin Ya was very angry: "You can recover from being a scum, right? Then this girl will make you become a scum without any leftovers!"

"The dimension is coming!"

In an instant, the area where Koronov was located began to come in dimensions!

But before that, a figure in a tuxedo flashed by and took Koronov directly!

Pulling him out of the area where the dimension descended, the whisper of the gods had already predicted this scene!

And at the same time that Linya casts the dimension to come!

I saw Star Catcher Martin rushing towards this side!

"The realm unfolds? Gravity!"

Invisible gravity bloomed wildly from Martin, and his eyes were full of ruthlessness!

"I can't call this star picker in vain, I have to pick a few to show you today!"

Under the pull of gravity, even the light is twisted! "

"Free gravity? Catch the stars with only one hand!"

I saw Martin's face flushed red, the veins on his forehead jumped violently, and he roared and slammed into the area where the dimension descended!

Under the pull of gravity, three giant war fortresses with a diameter of 100 kilometers were pulled over by Martin!

No matter how the War Fortress thrusters are fully opened, it is still unable to compete with the terrifying gravity emanating from Martin!

The fort itself even made a scalp-numbing metal deformation sound!

Two of the war fortresses were sent to the area where the dimension came in time by Martin!

Everything has already been calculated!

Lin Ya didn't have time to stop, even if the two war fortresses had their protective shields on, they were directly decomposed into the most primitive energy on the spot by the arrival of the dimension!

It just evaporated in situ!

Linya: ! ! !

gravitational? Why do humans have the abilities of the Stardust Race?

damn it!

The other war fortress that was pulled over was controlled by Martin and went straight to Linya!

"Boss Pang! Focus again!"

I saw Bombardier roared!

"Come on! The field unfolds? Bombardier Ring!"

"Tungsten steel law!"

During the spread of the domain, the war fortress that was smashed in the past was directly enveloped. The original silver war fortress was assimilated by the tungsten steel law on the spot!

Even the energy shield can't handle this kind of assimilation!

In the blink of an eye, the war fortress turned into a giant tungsten steel ball with a size of 100 kilometers!

Linya was furious: "Go to hell!"

"The field expands? The Herrscher of Cold!"

Before the smashed war fortress could touch Linya, it was directly annihilated into nothingness by the extreme cold!

The field spreads wildly, rolling towards several people!

Bombardier stared:

(?°?д°?) "Yo? I really don't believe it!"

"Since there is Freya to cover the bottom, then I'm welcome!"

"Material Mimic? Universal Crystal Source!"

At this moment, Bombardier's forehead was violently bruised, his spiritual power was consumed frantically, and he even began to take the initiative to extract the spiritual power of the World Tree!

In the blink of an eye, the leaves on the World Tree phantom even began to wither and fall!

Freya was startled: ∑(°mouth°?) "Boss Pang, what are you doing? Take it easy?"

At this moment, Bombardier consumed more spiritual power than all the humans in the audience!

Fortunately, Freya's milk volume is large enough, and she can hold it for the time being!

Bombardier said before that it's not that he can't mimic the universe crystal source, but the spiritual power consumed is terrifying to the extreme!

Even if you are extraordinary, it will not be enough, just a drop in the ocean!

But now that Freya has the bottom line, Bombardier, who is anxious, wants to try it!

I saw that Bombardier's arms were directly transformed into two nine-tube Gatlings, aiming at Linya and launching frantically!

One by one, the crystal-clear universe crystal source bullets were launched from the Gatling!

Go straight to Linya!

"Old horse!"

Without Bombardier's instructions, the launched universe crystal source bullets were accelerated to an extremely terrifying level by Martin's gravitational field!

Go straight to Linya and shoot!

Lin Ya's eyes were filled with killing intent. Could this ability even be created by Universal Crystal Source? Never stay!

If he was allowed to live and his abilities were used by people with a heart, wouldn't it be against the sky?

On the spot, he gave up chasing Jiangnan and went straight to Bombardier!

"If you want to hit me with this? Just kill this heart! Destroy it!"

Those Jingyuan bullets that entered Linya's field were annihilated by the extreme cold on the spot!

Barty stared: "Fuck? You are used to it! Reorganization!"

Those annihilated bullets were reorganized again, and Linya evaded with the ball of dimension!

Kebati uses atomic transmission to directly decompose the universe crystal source, and then reorganize it inside the dimensional ball!

Shooting at Linya, even if her local level is fast enough, she can't hold up too many bullets!

There is no way to dodge all of them. After being hit by more than a dozen bullets, you can only upgrade as a whole!

Use the dimension to cross, rush into Bombardier's domain, and try to kill it completely!

However, under the synchronization of the gods' whispers, it is clear where Linya will come out and a few people!

I saw Koronov roared and rushed over, grabbed Bombardier, and smashed it straight at the space node like a round bat!

Bombardier: ? ? ?

"Hey! You can't do this, you!"

She just came to kill me, and you smashed her with me?

"Gravity! Atomic acceleration!"

Bombardier's face is black, you are really my good brothers!

For a while, Boss Pang's slaughtering gods was faster!

Bombardier is also in a hurry!

"Imitation! It's not as good as the outside? Coated crystal film!"

Today's Bombardier doesn't have enough spiritual power to turn itself into a solid one! But I plated a layer of Universal Crystal Source Film Head Office, right?

Lin Ya just stepped out of the void, and before she even started, Boss Pang smashed her face-killing card, Shenwu!

In order to expand the damage, Bombardier even stuck out his tongue!

A mallet slammed into Linya's face, and jelly splashed all over the place!

The shocked Linya raised her dimension again to avoid, her heart was furious!

Boss Pang smacked his lips: "It doesn't taste anything? It's not feminine at all!"

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