Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2014: Weakness is the original sin

Endless edge blooms from Musashi's body!

The surrounding high-temperature and high-pressure iron-nickel liquid substance seems to have become an extension of Musashi's body at this moment!

Lance looked at Musashi in disbelief. This is the first time I know you have supernatural powers!

I saw Musashi was red all over, holding a knife in both hands, and the iron and nickel substances around him were surging endlessly!

It seems to have the edge of a knife attached!

This is not only the home ground of Quinn, but also the home ground of Musashi!

Even if his whole body is burned by the fire of nothingness, he cannot stop Musashi's sword!

"Full concentration!"

The God-killing sword in his hand was raised high! The spirit and energy are highly condensed, and it is one with the idea of ​​​​killing the gods in his hand!

"A sea of ​​swords and seas of fire? Slash!"

In an instant, the God-killing Sword in Musashi's hand slashed violently towards Quinn's gigantic Yang God body!

The ultimate knife light blooms in an instant, as hot as the sun's corona!

At the same time, all the iron-nickel liquid metals contained in its field were also infected by the edge!

As Musashi slashed out, all those liquid metals condensed into crimson blades!

There are a million, forming a spectacular torrent of blades, slashing towards Quinn!

My knife is a million dollars!

And the power of these crimson blades is not weaker than the slash of Musashi itself!

Even if Quinn's Yang God body exudes an extremely high temperature, it will not be able to burn up a million blades!

In an instant, the giant Yang's body was chopped to shreds!

But it absorbs the surrounding heat all the time to maintain itself!

"Damn it! It's said that you can't kill me, Sheng Yan is immortal!"

Having said that, Quinn has almost no energy left to attack the star core shield!

I can only resist Musashi's attack with all my strength!

But Musashi's slashing has never stopped since the domain opened!

Millions of blades swept across the Yang God body again and again, smashing it into pieces!

Such terrifying attack power is called perverted!

At this moment, Jiang Ning rushed into Musashi's body and used Bose particles to cool Musashi's virtual fire, and at the same time, he also re-engraved his ability!

"The field is unfolding? Endless sharpness! Mountains of swords and seas of fire!"

For a time, the two fields of Jiangning were superimposed, and the liquid metal condensed into countless scarlet blades to slash the body of the sun god!

But the power is much weaker than Musashi's attack. Jiang Ning's blade has no energy and no determination to cut off everything!

Only shape, no meaning!

Can still cause damage to Quinn!

Quinn at this moment can be said to have been slashed by a thousand swords!

But he is still trying to break the star core shield!

I saw Lance's eyes staring violently: "Cut Soul!"

Infinite mind power turns into a spiritual attack and blooms instantly!


At the moment when Quinn was slashed, Sheng Yan of the Yang God body collapsed in a large area, and the rate of absorbing energy was stagnant!

Lance's eyes brightened, sure enough! The body of the elemental state needs to be controlled by the mind, as long as Quinn's consciousness is cut into an idiot!

Saint Yan will also be extinguished!

"Cut again!"

At the same time, Jiang Ning also launched a soul-killing attack on Quinn!

The three powerhouses are all out to Quinn, vowing to kill Quinn!

Even so, Quinn is still fighting hard!

"Void fire? Six internal organs! Burn! Let's see who can resist who!"

For a while, the false fire on Lance and Musashi seemed to be burned to coke at any time!

Lance screamed, but Musashi didn't care what happened to his body at all, he didn't care at all, he just cut!

Jiang Ning could only keep using Bose particles to cool down the two of them!

Lance clenched his teeth tightly. If he didn't want to cut off Quinn's ability to absorb heat, he didn't know that he would have to cut him until the year of the monkey and the horse month to kill him!

Before that, both myself and Musashi will be burned to death!

"Fight! Soul echo? Quiet!"

A strange wave of thought power bloomed outrageously, and charged fiercely on the body of the Yang God!

The manic Yang God body suddenly quieted down, and even the rate of absorbing heat slowed down!

At this time, Quinn seemed to be in a trance!

But it still maintains heat absorption, as if it has become an instinct, but it is much weaker than before!

Lance's forehead throbbed violently, and his eyes were blood red: "Quinn's willpower is very strong, this state won't last long, take advantage of it now! Quick!"

At this moment, Musashi and Jiang Ning brought out all their strength and slashed the body of Yang Shen!

Quinn felt that everything was going away from him, not in the center of the earth, not on a mission!

But back to the time when he was most vulnerable, everyone has memories in their hearts that they are most unwilling to recall, but they cannot be forgotten.

The echo of the soul is to make people fall into it, because only the memories that are most unwilling to recall are the most immersed in it and cannot break free! Like a nightmare!

It was a room full of warmth and affection, at least in Quinn's memory!

At this time, it is in the early stage of the recovery of spiritual energy, the beast tide is raging all over the world, the order is collapsed, and the city is burning!

The ten-year-old Quinn was hurriedly carried into the bedroom closet by her mother to hide it and covered it with clothes!

Mom repeatedly explained: "No matter! No matter what happens, don't come out and know?"

Quinn was very scared. Just as he was about to ask questions, the cabinet door was closed. He could only hide in the cabinet and look at the room through the gap in the cabinet door!


The door was violently kicked open, and the father who blocked the door fell into the room with blood on the corner of his mouth!

Seven or eight fierce-looking men with tattoos rushed into the room!

Dad begged bitterly: "It's not easy, please don't hurt us, if you want money or..."

Before the words were finished, the arm of the leading tattooed man turned into a long metal knife, piercing his father's chest fiercely, and the floor was stained with blood!

Quinn's eyes widened, his hands and feet were cold, his body was trembling, and the light shone through the cracks of the cabinet, shining on his face, those who rushed in seemed to be evil spirits!

The mother collapsed and cried, desperately rushing to the corpse of the father who was vomiting blood and convulsing!

"How can this be, what have we done wrong? You will be punished, you bastards, the law enforcement team will not let you go!"

The tattooed man sneered: "Law? The world is over, you tell me about the law?"

"Wife? You look tender enough? Cry, cry, the more you cry, the more flavorful you are!"

"Just mourning under the gaze of your husband's dead body. Just thinking about it will make you excited to ride a horse. If you serve him well, it might save your life!"

As he spoke, he licked his lips, pulled Quinn's mother's hair, and walked straight to the bed!

"Let go! Let me go! You bastards!"

No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't resist the tattooed man, the tearing sound of clothes was mixed with screams of despair!

And the seven or eight people laughed wantonly!


"Be honest with me, what are you messing with? You'll be killed if you move any more! No one can save you. If you want to survive, just be obedient to Lao Tzu!"

A slap slapped on Quinn's mother's face, and her cheeks suddenly swelled up!

Quinn's mother stared at the closet with tears streaming down her face, shaking her head uncontrollably!

Close your eyes! Don't come out!

Quinn clenched his fists and stared at this scene, his golden pupils seemed to be burning, and everything in his body was boiling!

why! Where are we doing wrong? Why do this to us!

The hatred in his heart grew wildly, and he wished that all these people would die!


The entire wardrobe and the clothes inside were raging on fire!

The tattooed man shivered in fright, and waved his hand and slashed towards the wardrobe:

"What the hell!"

Little Quinn was burning all over, the tattooed man raised his pants and slashed towards Quinn without saying a word!

"I missed a kid? Don't spoil the good deeds of Lao Tzu!"

However, Quinn, who was clenching his fists, broke out completely, and the seven or eight people suddenly burst into golden flames, burning wildly!

Screaming, struggling!

The raging flames swept the entire room, the glass shattered, and everything turned to coke under the blazing heat!

He is completely out of control!

When he came back to his senses, all the people in the room had turned into coke!

Quinn walked up to her mother as if she had lost her soul!

At this moment, she has also turned into coke, and her face is full of hopeless horror!

" wake up..."

As soon as his hand touched his mother's body, the coke-like body shattered on the ground!

Quinn's eyes were full of horror, and he took two steps back and fell to the ground, tears streaming down his face!

"Right... sorry, I didn't mean to, I..."

Did you kill your mother yourself? Yes…

At this moment, a team of more than 20 people rushed into the room, looking at the coke all over the floor, and then at Quinn who was slumped on the ground, with a hideous expression!

"What's the situation? Fuck! Stupid brat!"

The black hole's muzzle suddenly aimed at Quinn!

But Quinn just stared blankly at the broken coke...

The next moment, the glass flashed in the room, the endless extreme cold enveloped the room, and Igor appeared in the room with Risen and Rhea!

Everyone turned into ice and shattered!

I saw Igor looking at Quinn, his eyes flickering, but he was a good seedling, and the ability is a bit interesting!

Quinn couldn't help wiping her tears, her face turning blue: "Why! Why is it like this, what did we do wrong! Mom, she..."

Igor said lightly: "You did nothing wrong, the fault is that you are too weak!"

"Weakness is the original sin in this world! No matter how strong you become, there will always be someone stronger than you who will take away everything you care about!"

Quinn looked up and looked at Igor with tears on his face!

"Weakness is the original sin?"

Igor nodded: "Do you want to stop losing the things you care about? Then make the world what you want and be the maker of the rules!"

"Be the master of this world! That way! Everything will be as you wish!"

"Follow me, I'll let you go to the top!"

Quinn clenched his fists and wiped away his tears, in order to be no longer weak, to protect the people he cared about, even at the cost of hurting others!

He doesn't care!

"I'll go with you!"

At this moment, Quinn, who was only 10 years old, took Igor's hand, and there was a slave mark on the back of his hand...

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