At this moment, Quinn's eyes suddenly opened, his eyes were blood red, and the tears from the corners of his eyes were instantly evaporated into nothingness by the high temperature!

Killing intent bloomed in his eyes, he looked at Lance fiercely, and said word by word:

"Don't move my memory! Don't move! Give me death!"

Lance was suddenly charged with blood from the seven orifices, and he and Musashi felt like they were about to be burned to death no matter how strong the fires were on him and Musashi!

Even though Quinn was cut for so long in a state of absentmindedness, he still wasn't killed, he carried it down!

Instead, he was completely plunged into a state of rage because of the reverberation of the soul!

That was the memory he least wanted to recall!

Lance vomited blood and shouted loudly, "What the **** are you doing? If it wasn't for the development of Saint Star, your parents wouldn't have died, and that kind of thing wouldn't have happened!"

"They are the culprits. Igor just treats you as a tool that can be used, and is only hypocritical!"

"It's been so many years, don't you understand this?"

"Now that humanity is on the rise, anything is possible as long as we win this war! Isn't that what you want?"

Obviously, under the echo of the soul, Lance also saw Quinn's memories!

Quinn's face was grim: "It's not you who experienced that! What do you know? I am the protagonist of my life!"

"What if you win this war? You won the Bose? You won the starry sky?"

"I've already seen it clearly, this stupid world hasn't changed since the beginning! No matter how strong you become! There will always be someone stronger to take everything from you unreasonably!"

"I'm just protecting the people I care about in my own way! This is the only thing I can do now, what's wrong with me!"

"I no longer want to watch someone important to me being taken away in front of my eyes! There is nothing I can do! Do you understand!"

At this moment, Quinn roared hysterically, as if to vent all the unhappiness in his heart!

Lance clenched his teeth tightly: "You..."

Quinn hated: "I don't look like Jiangnan! He is a gambler, and he is willing to gamble with all he cares about a bright future!"

"Everyone is happy to win, and nothing to lose!"

"I, Quinn, am not the master of the times, let alone a saint. I can't control all human beings. The life and death of others have nothing to do with me!"

"I only care about the ones I care about! I just want them to live well!"

"You think I want to do this? I want to be a traitor? Whoever rides on a horse is born bad? I also want to keep this world safe, but this **** world doesn't treat me like this!"

"Today, anyone who hinders me will die!"

For a time, Sheng Yan was prosperous again, and the flames soared!

With the slave imprint on his body, Quinn has no choice since the day he left with Igor!

In this position, he can only help Shengxing turn Blue Star into a star market and control the world as a king!

Protect the friends you care about!

As long as he gets the star core, the mirage will return Cooper to himself, and Freya will also be free from being enslaved by the holy star, kill him!

With the blessing of the holy star, none of those close to you will disappear!

As for their blame, blame yourself!

The people who lived in you who I failed to protect last time must do it this time!

As for the others, die or die!

At this moment, Musashi was about to be burned and melted, but he still insisted:

"Then have you ever thought about the feelings of the people you care about, and what you do your best to give them is what they really want?"

"From start to finish! All you think about is yourself!"

Quinn stared: "You fart! Is it right to follow Jiangnan to gamble? Facing the Bose tribe and the starry sky, how can humans win!"

"The great momentum of human beings that you have seen is just the appearance of the mirror. How will we go in the future? Do you know how cruel the starry sky is?"

"It's obvious that I can protect the people I care about in a simpler and more secure way, why should I follow Jiangnan to gamble!"

"I don't care what they want, I just want them alive!"

Musashi squinted his eyes: "It's not living on your knees to seek survival! People can be arrogant, but they can't be arrogant!"

Quinn's face was grim: "Only those who survive are qualified to talk about the future! I'm not wrong!"

"You also have people you care about. What you care about most is your wife, right? I know all your information!"

"If I guess right, your wife should be at the Tottori Dojo's house, right?"

"If you don't want her to die, put down the knife for me and get out of the way!"

At this moment, the anger in Musashi's chest was burning: "What did you say when you stepped on the horse? Say it again!"

"You dare to touch my wife and try!"


At this moment, the anger on Musashi's body has multiplied, and it has turned into a human-shaped torch.

People have inverse scales, and they will be angry if they touch it!

Lance was in a hurry, and hurriedly used the Ice Heart Charm on Musashi to suppress his anger, but it didn't work, Musashi had completely gone berserk!

No one wants to hurt my wife a hair!

"Musashi! Calm down! He is deliberately angering you and wants to use his anger to burn you to death, don't listen to him!"

Quinn said savagely: "Don't think I can't do it, all kinds of red fire are me, as long as there is a source of fire in the dojo, my flame clone can pass!"

"You are in the center of the earth, and you can't stop it at all! The gas stove in the dojo is on, and I can go there at any time!"

"If you don't want your wife to die, then quit!"

Musashi was furious: "I won't let you touch her!"

No matter how angry he was, even Jiang Ning couldn't hold it back!

Lance said anxiously: "Quinn! What's the difference between your behavior and the perpetrator who killed your parents?"

"Don't live the life you hated the most!"

Quinn was stunned for a moment, and then he pushed the virtual fire with all his strength, and his eyes were blood red!

"You don't care what I do! Other people's lives! It has nothing to do with me!"

In just a moment, Musashi will be burned to death, and no one can stop him!

At this moment, Musashi looked at Quinn, his eyes were full of determination!

The existence of my wife is the reason why I hold a knife!

If you want to kill her, then I can only cut you off!

The knife in my hand is not a killing knife, but a protecting knife!

And the only thing he can rely on now is the knife in his hand!

I saw Musashi holding the sword in both hands, standing the sword in front of him, and slowly closed his eyes!

The moment he closed his eyes, the false fire on his body suddenly went out!

Even Quinn looked at this scene in amazement, how could it be possible!

He didn't even notice the slightest mood swing in Musashi!

At this moment, Musashi has completely emptied his mind and is in a state of nothingness, with only one person left!

The next moment, Musashi moved. This was the first time he had used the knife so slowly, so slow that he could clearly see the slashing trajectory of the blade!

But it is so firm and unwavering, as if it can cut everything!

At this moment, one person, one knife, one mind! Get to the top!

This knife even slashed out together with his extreme edge field!

"Wanting a knife? Peerless!"

It is a sword that brings together all of Musashi, all of it!

The world seemed to be at a standstill at this moment, and the blade slashed across Quinn's Yang God body in an instant!


The Yang God's body was suddenly divided into two parts, and the entire outer core of the earth's core was opened, and the blade's edge even spread into the mantle, extending wildly!

Beiqiu and Han Monroe are both numb, how terrifying is this? Cut out the outer core of the Earth's core?

He quickly cooperated with the Creation Beast to control the star core repair, so that the power of this knife would not affect the Blue Star itself!

Lance looked at Musashi in horror, what the hell!

If you don't put it away, will the Blue Star be cut open directly? Brother Musashi is so perverted? What was that move just now?

Jiang Ning's eyes widened, can the domain also be turned into a blade and cut out together? Can the field be used like this?

This simply refreshed her cognition!

With one slash, the holy flames on Lynx and Luo Jiaoyang were also extinguished!

At this moment, Quinn felt that he was killed by the knife just now!

It was clear that the knife only cut open his own body, but Quinn felt that he had cut a knife on his lifeline!

The lifeline was cut in two!

There are no scars on his body, but his own life essence is madly passing away, collapsing, and a large piece of Shengyan collapses and goes out!

The breath plummets, and it won't take long for him to die. This is Quinn's most intuitive feeling!

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

At this moment, Quinn was madly absorbing the heat of the earth's core, but no matter how much heat he absorbed, it instantly collapsed and could no longer sustain himself!

"Damn it! Why! Why are you!"

At this moment, Musashi was leaning on his knees and gasping for breath, and all the energy in his body was emptied by a knife!

Musashi narrowed his eyes: "With my determination to protect people! Everyone has their own story! So do I!"

"It's you who is wrong! The knife in your hand... is pointing to the wrong person!"

Quinn's eyes were full of hideous eyes, his lifeline was cut off, no matter what he did, he couldn't stop the flow of life!

"I do not believe!"

I saw that he resolutely gave up the star core, but turned into a golden meteor, rushing straight above, rushing to the starry sky!

Musashi gritted his teeth: "Chase! Don't let go!"

Lance and Jiang Ning set up Musashi and went straight to Quinn's figure to chase after him!

At the same time, I sent a message to Yang Jian, the star core is safe and can act!


On the Blue Star Continental Plate, the volcano burst, and Quinn's whole body was constantly collapsing with flames, but he was clenching his teeth and holding on!

I can't die like this! I'm going to see it for myself!

On the other side, Yang Jian received the news, his expression condensed, and his hanging heart finally let go!

The killer is not in vain, Musashi is really reliable!

It's just that there is a hint of pity in the bottom of his eyes, is he still not looking back?


Immediately, his eyes fell on Cooper, who was fishing on the side of the holy star, and nodded indiscernibly!

Quinn was pulled out, and Cooper couldn't hide. If he didn't do it, it would be dangerous!

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