At this moment, the progress of the conference content was broadcast, spreading throughout the Holy Law Star Palace, the Vientiane Star, the City of Thousand Stars, and even the entire starry sky!

The people of all ethnic groups who came to watch the ceremony in the Shenglu Star Palace were in an uproar!

No one expected that Blue Star's application to join the Starry Sky Sequence would be such a result!

Odin, Barty and the others, who were present at the ceremony, suddenly became the target of public criticism, and they shot over with cold and sarcastic eyes!

"That's right! A mere human being, still thinking about joining the starry sky sequence? Enjoying the resource conditions of the City of Thousand Stars? It's really beautiful to think about!"

"The one surnamed Jiang started the Qianxing Rebellion back then, which affected thousands of clans and caused countless casualties. How could they be so embarrassed to lick their faces to apply for joining the sequence? Shameless!"

"A bunch of primitive people, hairless monkeys, I feel sick just breathing the same air as them, and it's annoying to watch!"

"Hey, don't you know that your gang is very eye-catching? Go back to your earthen nest. If you are a little capable, you don't know who you are? Humans should be damned!"

The voices of the gun and the stick came, and the expressions of Bai Kou and others became extremely ugly!

Standing here for an extra second is like being roasted on a fire!

The veins on Wu Liang's forehead jumped violently, but Barty couldn't bear it anymore!

"Shut up your stinky mouths! Lao Tzu..."

It rushed straight to the most favorite angel clan, but was pinned by Odin on his shoulders!

His eyes were blood red: "Barty! Bear with me! The situation is already very difficult! Let's be outside, don't cause trouble for the good eldest brother!"

Barty was furious, and finally endured it!

Angel: "Cut ~ cowardly!"

Odin looked at the angel coldly: "When I killed the angel, you were still an egg, it's better to keep your stinky mouth shut!"

Under the current situation, the Holy Law Star Palace is full of people from all races in the starry sky. Once there is a fight outside, I don’t know what it will be like!

If the Holy Law Society uses this as a reason to increase sanctions again, Jiangnan will be even more difficult to handle!

So be patient!

This is a Hongmen banquet, a trial against the humans of the Blue Star!

At this moment, Zhong Yingxue worriedly looked at Jiangnan, who was on the trial platform, facing the people of the starry sky!

Xiaonan! You have to calm down!

She knows Jiang Nan's mood at the moment better than anyone else. She fought hard to win this war. She thought she would be qualified for the sequence, but she didn't expect this result!

But now is not the time to start, otherwise things really can't end!


In the Great Hall, the blood in Jiang Nan's body was restless, he had never been so angry for a moment!

But Yang Jian's big hand pressed Jiang Nan's shoulder firmly, Freya grabbed Jiang Nan's arm and shook her head!

Yang Jian's eyes were scarlet, and he couldn't move now!

They just want you to take action, and then take the opportunity to kill you directly!

The ten star swallowing stars present are not the deity but also the avatar of the mind, not to mention the ten thousand people who talk about things, and the law order troops!

The entire Holy Law Star Palace is all their people. Once they are impulsive, the consequences can be imagined. Not a single human being present can go back, and they all have to die here!

Blue Star's side will suffer too!

Be patient! Don't give them a reason to do it!

Jiang Nan slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and opened it again, his eyes were full of depth!

He said hoarsely: "It was me who lost my temper, sorry!"

A manly man can bend and stretch!

Jiang Nan is very aware of the consequences of doing it now, and there is no chance at all, but will catch everyone!

Impulsive and reckless can't change anything, just incompetent barking!

The fate of all mankind is on oneself, so be calm and bear it!

Tiffany sneered: "You are very lucky, you just saved a life! This is the Holy Law Great Hall, not the Blue Star suburbs where you don't shit!"

Jiang Nan looked at Tiffany expressionlessly!

It's ridiculous that he is also ready to settle in the City of Thousand Stars, he has placed the Capital of the Sky, and he has also prepared the Taoyuan Star for the settlement...

Oh ~ I'm like a fool!

After all, I underestimated the jealousy of the starry sky...

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan secretly clenched his fists!

Muke said lightly: "Now... can I continue reading?"

Jiang Nan said hoarsely: "You continue!"

Muke: "The verdict of the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement is still in effect, Blue Star humans, from the date of execution, must not take half a step out of this galaxy!"

"Seal the core of the blue star, and all the spiritual ruins on the blue star, implement the world's ultimate spirit, erase the history of the recovery of the spiritual energy of this civilization, and everything is on the right track!"

"Recover the origin fire inside the Blue Moon, and hand it over to the Holy Law Society for unified custody, and return it to the creation beasts and spirit mediums belonging to the creation world. It is not allowed to keep it without authorization!"

"Return the Stargate, Particle Transmitter, Star Ring and other inter-galactic transfer tools, hand in all assets that do not belong to human civilization, such as starships, star palaces, war fortresses, star collection beads, planetary shields, etc., and let them go! "

"Pull out the two mutant star-devouring mother vines, return the two star-devouring giant insects to the Holy Law Society, and restore human civilization to its original state..."

The results of the rulings were read out by Muoke, echoing throughout the Holy Law Great Hall!

Every time an announcement was made, Jiang Nan's heart sank. He wanted to draw his sword countless times, but he held it back!

Starry Sky Wanzu wants to take away everything that human beings have!

Recover to the state before the aura recovery started, and even erase the history of aura recovery!

All the persecution that Blue Star has experienced in the past twenty years, or even the three thousand years, all the efforts made by human beings will all cease to exist!

Will future generations not even understand?

It's really convenient. After the mutilation, I patted my **** and left, as if nothing happened?

Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan, really have you!

Thinking of this, Jiang Nan sneered, quietly listening to Muke's reading!

Yang Jian's face was extremely ugly, and even he could hardly contain the anger in his heart!

At this moment, Freya's eyes were red and she was shaking with anger. Now she seems to understand why Quinn insisted on betrayal!

Because it is really powerless!

She couldn't feel the suffocating pressure when Jiang Nan was on it before, but now she is standing beside Jiang Nan!

I have truly felt it, and I can understand even more that Jiangnan has the courage to lead mankind to this step, and what kind of despair it has resisted!

Bai Kou's eyes were wet, and he murmured softly: "Is history repeating the same mistakes after all? We have really tried our best..."

But still nothing can be changed. After more than three thousand years of struggle, everything has returned to its original point.

The human powerhouses on Blue Star also received the bad news through the live broadcast of the conference, and their faces were full of resentment!

I was so mad that I was about to die of suffocation!

One can imagine how Jiangnan, who is now being humiliated on the trial stage, will feel!

Jiang Jing hugged Jiang Ning tightly, unwilling to leave: "Are they going to take Jingjing away? No! Jingjing don't leave everyone, Jingjing won't go anywhere, just here!"

Jiang Ning bit his lower lip tightly, shook his head, and comforted Jiang Jing: "No, no one will take you away, everyone will always be together, and everything will be fine!"

But having said that, Jiang Ning will not be able to collapse. Humans have tried their best to win the largest Star Ruins War in history with a hundred people!

Still nothing changes? The world is so unfair sometimes!

Xing Cheng also hugged Jiang Ning and kept rubbing his little face: "Cheng Baoer, don't go with those bad guys! Cheng Baoer wants to be with Nan Baoer!"

Bader angrily smashed the space: "Wanzu bastards! How far are we going to be crushed!"

"Blue Moon is going to take it away too? That's our moon!"

Xiao Chuihuo stared at Jiangnan in the picture!

"Nanzaizai! You have to bear it! People are still there, everything is there!"

As a human being, Xiao Chuihuo naturally sees the battles of the Holy Law Society clearly, if Jiangnan refuses to admit it today!

They must be dead on the spot today! Can't come back!


"The verdict has been read so far! After all the regulations have been read out, ask Jiangnan! Do you agree with the measures listed in the verdict!"

"Next, the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement will be jointly supervised and implemented by the top ten sequences, and there is no threat of persecution for human beings. You can rest assured!"

Jiangnan squinted, fart!

Pulled out my fangs and claws, chopped off my hands and feet, and confiscated my swords, swords and halberds! Lock me in place and die!

Is it for my own good? Where in the world does such a truth come from?

If this is the case, human beings will truly be turned into lambs to be slaughtered, and future generations will not even remember this shameful history!

"What if I say I don't agree?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the people of all ethnic groups were condensed, and Muke's mechanical eyes narrowed!

The hearts of Yang Jian and Freya also mentioned in their throats, and the atmosphere in the field was extremely tense!

Emperor Reward sneered: "Disagree? That's easy. In this way, there is no need for Blue Star to exist!"

Muke said coldly: "If humans don't agree, considering the historical actions of human beings, as well as the inferiority in their bones, dangerous violence, and restless factors!"

"Extermination measures will be taken to the human race and planet to prevent the breeding of hidden dangers!"

Jiangnan sneered: "If you don't agree, will you kill the clan? It's like a method you will use, it's straightforward enough!"

"What? Are you not afraid of Jiang Fan's return now, seeing his homeland disappear and his compatriots being exterminated, will there be another Thousand Stars Rebellion?"

As soon as these words came out, the discussion in the field suddenly erupted, and there was so much fear in the eyes of the people of all ethnic groups!

Di Fu leaned forward, his eyes cold: "Boy Maotou! Don't think you can fool us with the name Jiang! Do you think Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races are vegetarians?"

"No matter how strong one person is, he is still insignificant. He didn't and never overthrew this vast starry sky and chose to compromise? Otherwise, there would be no such thing as today!"

"What's more, he's not here now, and his life and death are uncertain. In the end, it's just a matter of risk! If you human beings are obsessed and shameless, then the starry sky will have to take this risk!"

Having said that, a wicked smile appeared on the face of the emperor!

"It's very simple! There are two paths in front of you now! One is to accept fate! Human civilization can continue to exist! This is also the result that the starry sky wants to see!"

"The second is denial! The Holy Law will exterminate your human civilization! I will take the risk of all races in the starry sky. You bet on whether the surnamed Jiang will come back!"

"Whether he comes back or not! You are all gone! Now! How do you choose? You are a smart person, so I don't need to teach you such a simple multiple-choice question?"

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