Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2028: Sorry! Disappointing everyone...

Jiangnan's fists creaked, his teeth were about to shatter, he had never been so aggrieved in his life!

But the broken teeth can only be swallowed in the stomach!

This encounter made Jiangnan understand a truth, no one in this world can be trusted!

The only one who can truly rely on is yourself!

Attempting to rely on the existing rules to enter the starry sky sequence is just a fantasy!

Because they are the ones who make the rules!

Right and wrong, black and white, right and wrong, fiddle with it!

Jiang Nan doesn't expect Jiang Fan to come back and change everything, it's too unrealistic, he will never pin his hopes on others!

Yang Jian looked around, his body trembling with anger!

But the reality is that humans are not even qualified to express their dissatisfaction and anger here!

The Stardust Clan Sequence said coldly: "I don't know what's wrong! Continuing to maintain the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement is the greatest tolerance for mankind!"

"The account of the Thousand Stars Rebellion hasn't been settled yet!"

The chief priest of the angel race sneered: "You'd better learn to be smart and recognize the identity and strength of human beings today! You don't have the capital to disagree!"

"The weak must have the consciousness of the weak! If you are slapped, straighten your face, and if you are beaten, stand up straight for me!"

"Let you exist! It's already a gift, you have to be grateful to Dade!"

The emperor smiled recklessly, and even raised Erlang's legs on the Sequence Throne!

"I'm looking forward to your resistance to the ruling. After all, I haven't found anyone to ask for this blood debt of tens of thousands of soldiers from the Bose tribe!"

"To be honest, my hands are itchy right now!"

No matter how cold they talk, they can't see the slightest expression on Jiang Nan's face!

The incompetent anger is seen in the eyes of Wanzu, but it is just a clown jumping on the beam!

It is said that there are two choices, but there is only one way to go to Jiangnan!

The Holy Law Society can take risks, but Jiangnan cannot put the human race in it!

I saw Jiangnan hoarsely said: "I agree!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Jian and Freya closed their eyes and let out a long sigh...

Outside the venue, Zhong Yingxue, Odin and the others also sank to the bottom of the valley, and could not wait to rush into the Great Hall!

But they can't do it!

The smile on the emperor's face became more cheerful: "Very good! After this meeting is over, I, the Bose people, will be responsible for cleaning up the traces of the recovery of human civilization's spiritual energy, the world's absolute spirit, and other tasks!"

"After all, doing things has a beginning and an end!"

But at this moment, Jiang Nan suddenly spoke up!

"Wait a minute! I agree and agree, but I apply for half a month for human beings to be ready to accept the conditions of the ruling!"

The emperor frowned: "Half a month? What? Do you still want to fight to the death? The patience of the Holy Law Society is also limited!"

"I don't have time to dawdle with you here!"

However, this time, Jiangnan refused to give in half a step!

"I have accepted the conditions of the ruling, what do you want? Always give me time to say goodbye to my friends, and prepare to appease the people!"

"When you said that you will decide after three days, I also gave you time!"

"Hey hey hey! All of you present are swallowing stars, destroying the existence of a galaxy with a wave of your hand. Is it too much to look at the energy of human beings? You won't even give me half a month, right?"

"Do we humans make you so uneasy?"

The emperor squinted his eyes: "Don't provoke me, it's all my leftover trick!"

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking, I just want to spend half a month struggling to the death? Give it up, it's useless!"

"I know exactly how much heritage and strength humans have. Just accept your fate! Half a month? I don't want to waste it here!"

Jiang Nan said coldly: "I just want to buffer for half a month and make some preparations for the return of human civilization to the starting point. This is my last condition!"

"The rabbit will bite if you are anxious. The Holy Law Judgment Conference is open to the public, solemn and sacred. Don't make me anxious, otherwise everyone will lose face!"

"Don't forget that the Jixing Bead and the Creation Beast are in our hands! If you still want to take it back in its entirety! Give me time!"

The emperor's expression froze suddenly, just about to speak!

At this moment, Mook said, "Yes! Just give humans half a month to prepare for the execution of the ruling! After all, it is a revolution in the era of civilization, and it takes some time to prepare!"

"I hope that human beings will cooperate properly at that time, and stop being stubborn!"

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then sneered following what Muck said: "If you want half a month, I will give you half a month! So that you can stop your thoughts!"

"But don't forget one thing! I have already sent out the blood, and now the Bose are no longer bound!"

The deep meaning in the words of the emperor's reward is very simple. If you humans are no longer honest and don't accept your fate obediently, the swallowing star can destroy your galaxy at any time!

Roll over with absolute strength, don't seek death yourself!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "That's it! Just half a month!"

As he spoke, he swept across the face of each person in the sequence, as if he wanted to engrave the appearance and expressions of everyone present in his mind!

Tiffany said loudly: "I announce! This Holy Law Trial Conference is officially over!"

Jiang Nan's face was gloomy, he turned around without reluctance, and strode towards the door!

Yang Jian and Freya hurriedly followed, and the sequencers in the Great Hall also got up and left!

At this moment, all the people from the starry sky who came to watch the ceremony outside the Great Hall were full of voices!

The moment Jiangnan stepped out of the Great Hall, the noise reached its peak!

I saw Jiangnan striding to the front of the crowd, and saw Zhong Yingxue, Odin Baikou and the others who were waiting with cold eyes outside the hall!

Everyone's face is full of anger and helplessness!

I originally came with hope, but I didn't expect to wait for such a result!

The moment he looked at Zhong Yingxue's eyes, Jiang Nan suppressed the surging emotions in his heart!

Try to make your voice sound less shaky!

"walk home…"

Zhong Yingxue pursed her lips tightly, looking at Jiang Nan's slightly sour nose, resolutely rushed out of the crowd, and held Jiang Nan's hand tightly!

Nodding heavily: "Yeah! Go home!"

Odin Baiko and the others quickly followed and walked towards the starship outside the Holy Law Star Palace!

At this moment, Xingluo Karl was escorted and came out with shackles, watching the backs of Jiangnan people leaving, his eyes were full of resentment!

"Look~ Look at the current Jiangnan, it's like a cowardly dog, a defeated dog. Although I am abolished, the holy star is still the holy star. You have done nothing!"

"What about the way you roared at Lao Tzu with a knife? You didn't even dare to let go of a fart at the trial meeting! That's all you have!"

"Go back to your Blue Star, and wait for the world to die on that broken planet! This ending is quite suitable for you!"

But Jiang Nan didn't turn his head back, and he secretly clenched his fists when he heard Xing Luo's mockery!

He just wanted to see me in a state of rage, if I got mad with him, I would lose!

Zhong Yingxue held Jiang Nan's hand and would not let go, no matter how difficult the situation was!

Let's face it together!

Seeing that Jiang Nan didn't respond, Xing Luo gritted his teeth angrily. Carl smiled: "Sir! You are wrong!"

"Even if it's a dog, it will wag its tail and beg for mercy when it gets alms. How can Jiangnan do this? Is it incompetent to be a defeated dog?"

Xing Luo sneered: "Hahaha, that's it! Go back to your kennel and wait to die! Despicable reptile!"

Jiangnan Yang Jian can hold it, but Odin Batty and the others are going crazy!

"Good brother! You..."

But Odin looked at the blue veins on Jiangnan's forehead and the scarlet eyes that seemed to kill everything, but he still held back!

Jiangnan will only suffer more than himself!

At this moment, even the thousands of clans who were watching the ceremony started booing!

"The bastards, go back to where you came from, you are not welcome in the city of a thousand stars!"

"A bunch of pig-like things, still trying to join the starry sky sequence? Die of laughter! Are you worthy? So many people have died in the chaos of a thousand stars, and I hate you so much!"

"It will be cheaper for them to continue to maintain the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement. With the 100 billion bounty in Jiangnan, it is time to send him to the Hild union!"

"There are so many angels in the body, **** it! It looks so similar to the angel family? It's just smearing our angel family, garbage!"

While speaking, the ice drink cup in his hand was thrown directly towards Jiang Nan's forehead!

Odin: ! !

"Damn it! Even if I put my life here today, I have to burn you asshole!"

A sky-high light burst out from his body, and the cold drink that was smashed was turned into nothingness!

Odin, who had told Barty to hold back, couldn't help rushing out at the moment!

He can't see someone say that to Jiangnan! You know shit! What qualifications do you have to say that I am a good big brother for a bunch of dog things that tend to be inflamed?

But just as he was about to move, countless law-order troops rushed up, and their weapons were aimed directly at Odin!

Jiang Nan gritted his teeth and said, "Little brother! Come back!"

Odin was very angry, his eyes were blood red, and he was full of unwillingness: "Good brother! He is riding a horse..."

Tiffany in the back squinted and said: "What? Do you still want to make trouble in the Holy Law Star Palace? Anyone who does anything in the Star Palace City will be regarded as ignoring the majesty of the Starry Sky Law and will be executed!"

"If you want to tell your life here, I will fulfill you!"

"It seems that some people don't want to go home in peace, but also want to go to the Styx Death Prison for a meal, right?"

Odin's fist was about to shatter, and the light on his body was so intense that he couldn't wait to release a hundred supernovas!

At this moment, Muke stepped out and said, "All step back! Let them go back!"

"Please don't stay in the Holy Law Star Palace too much! Return to Blue Star as soon as possible and wait for the ruling to be executed!"

Jiang Nan looked back at Muke with cold eyes: "It seems that you still don't understand what I said to you that day!"

Muke narrowed his eyes and said, "I don't understand, is there any meaning? The mayfly shakes the tree! If you can shake it once, you can shake it a second time!"

"Sorry, I don't want to be the giant tree that was shaken, and my thinking mode doesn't allow me to do so!"

"Danger should be strangled in the cradle!"

Whether it is the innate ability of human beings, or the means of Jiangnan, the mighty Tianlong that can be summoned is the reason why the silicon base kills human beings!

Today, they can cut tens of thousands of bosons without damage, shaking the behemoth of the boson!

In the future, it will have an impact on the silicon base, and the silicon master will not allow such a possibility!

In the end, Muke still chose the route of maximizing profits. In this incident, he became the most successful chess player and the biggest winner!

It's just that he chose to discard the pieces that brought his own benefits in exchange for more benefits!

Jiang Nan chuckled: "Ha~ you know..."

After speaking, the smile on his face disappeared, and he turned his head and led people towards the starship!

One after another, sarcastic eyes and voices attacked like sharp swords!

"Haha! A bunch of cowards, don't dare to do anything, don't dare to pay back?"

"Sure enough! Humans are very dangerous, and they want to beat people in the Holy Law Star Palace? The Ten Thousand Clan Agreement couldn't be more correct!"

"Such a dangerous and violent race should be exterminated to avoid future troubles!"

With the booing of the audience, a unified scolding gradually formed!

"Go back! Go back! Go back!"

The evil words are directed towards each other, the voices are in the ears, and the sights are all malicious!

Jiangnan walked silently, without teleportation or escape!

I don't care at all about the sneering and sarcastic eyes around, any insults and sarcasms can't shake Jiangnan's heart!

All life is free and easy, why do you need to talk about it!

Every sequence is a passer-by, but you must promise to live up to your expectations!

Today's shame must bear fruit! The humble did not dare to forget the worry about the country!

Jiangnan just took people on the starship amid the scolding and ridicule of the starry sky!

After leaving the City of Thousand Stars and returning to Blue Star, there was nothing to say along the way!

Today's shame, keep it in mind!

Blue Star Capital City, the sun is shining brightly at noon, Xiao Chuhuaobader and the others have been waiting here early, with complicated expressions on their faces!

The stargate vortex opened, the starship sailed out, and the Jiangnan group got off the ship!

The Stargate Vortex closed again, and the field returned to silence!

Badr looked at Jiangnan and the others who had returned, and he didn't know what to say for a while!

I saw a smile on Jiangnan's slightly pale face!

"I'm sorry! I didn't bring back any good news, which disappointed everyone..."

Looking at Jiang Nan's reluctant smile, everyone's hearts are tied together, and their eyes can't help but turn red!

Xiao Chuihuo's eyes were wet, he strode forward, and he gave Jiangnan a strong bear hug without hesitation!

The big hand gently patted Jiang Nan's back!

"Good boy, you have done a good job, there is nothing to be sorry, you are not sorry to anyone!"

"As long as people come back safely! As long as they come back..."

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