Jiang Nan's lips were pressed together tightly, his lower eyelids narrowed slightly, this warm bear hug almost made Jiang Nan unable to hold his nerves!

But still hold on!

"Let's take a rest first, I'm a little tired, I want to stay by myself for a while!"

As he spoke, a teleportation disappeared into Xiao Chuihuo's embrace, and there was no shadow!

Xia Yao's heart clenched fiercely, and the tip of her nose couldn't help but feel sour: "Xiao Nan, you..."

She just wanted to chase, but was pulled by Mi Ye and shook her head:

"Xiao Nan can't pretend anymore. He doesn't want everyone to see his fragile self, so let him stay for a while..."

Xiao Chuihuo murmured, "This is the fate of the Lord of the Times..."

He is the backbone of everyone, the spiritual leader! Gotta break down!

But now, Jiangnan has lost his lifelong goal of fighting for it, and has ushered in such a result!

All the previous efforts have been in vain, and no one can accept it in a short period of time!

He needs to get over it, figure it out, and get out of the mud again!

Every time I fall into the mud, it is a growth for Jiangnan!

Xiao Chuihuo couldn't bear it in his heart, the Lord of the Times seemed to be very beautiful, but after all, he was still a young man in his twenties!

The grass should grow and warblers fly, infinitely beautiful!

But there is too much pressure on his shoulders to carry forward for all human beings!

Yang Jian took a deep breath: "At least people are back alive, which is a good thing!"

"Go to the Star Palace conference room first and discuss the next action!"


In the Star Palace conference room, all the blue star powerhouses gathered together, sitting around the conference table, no one spoke!

Everyone's faces were filled with suffocation and unwillingness, and the atmosphere seemed depressed and silent.

The main seat belonging to Jiangnan is empty, and no one sits...

Yang Jian's expression was gloomy: "Everyone has heard the judgment of the Holy Law Society, and the ruling will be executed against Blue Star in half a month!"

"In the past two weeks, Jiangnan fought to the death, and the follow-up..."

Before he finished speaking, Barty slammed his fist on the table with a grim look:

"Did we really recognize this? I'm not reconciled! All the efforts have been in vain? To end here? Why!"

"Have those ancestors who sacrificed for us all died in vain? I'd rather die on the battlefield! I don't want to die in old age on the Blue Star!"

Badr gritted his teeth and said, "I want to take away the star-devouring giant insect, Lan Yue! And Jiang Jing and the Creation Beast? How can I give them everything!"

"Brother Jian! Let's fight with them. It's too embarrassing. If you can't win once, you will win again. Even if you fight to the last drop of blood, I will never recognize the result!"

At this moment, the meeting room was full of excitement, and everyone suppressed their anger!

Yang Jian stared: "Calm down! Calm down for me! Fight? I ask you what to fight? Starry Sky Ten Thousand Clan, just swallowing the stars is not less than ten fingers!"

"One top ten sequence can destroy our galaxy thousands of times, fight? Take all the humans of Blue Star to death?"

"Do you think Jiangnan doesn't want to fight? He thinks more than anyone else, but other than that, we must consider the lives of all Blue Star humans. We are not afraid of death. The billions of people on Blue Star are not just a number!"

"Impulsion and recklessness will only lead to destruction! This is what they want to see!"

Odin clenched his fists: "But..."

Freya tugged at her hair in pain: "The city of a thousand stars, the civilization of all races, everyone has seen it this time. Compared with them, human civilization is not even a star!"

"There is no chance of winning. All the way to this day, the personnel and affairs have been exhausted. Maybe... Maybe the world is absolutely spiritual. Restoring the past and erasing everything is the best choice!"

"It's not that we haven't done anything, at least we have exchanged a short-term peace for this era and protected the lives of all mankind!"

As for why it is short-lived, no one knows whether history will repeat itself after thousands of years...

Blue Star ushered in the fifth spiritual qi recovery, the Jiangnan era has become a thing of the past, is it betting on future generations? It's a vicious cycle again...

No one can guarantee that the Ten Thousand Races Agreement will continue forever. Human civilization without sharp claws and swords is just a lamb to be slaughtered!

Bai Kou was lying on the table, tears soaking her sleeves. At this moment, she felt the helplessness of Xiaodi, the God of Manor!

Perhaps Jiang Fan has also faced such a helpless situation!

Now it's Gangnam's turn...

No one is talking, and what Freya said is not without reason!

There are two paths in front of us, and we will fight recklessly, risking the lives of all human beings and the future of human civilization!

The other is to calmly accept the arrangement of fate, protect human civilization, pull out its fangs and claws, and become a captive lamb among the wolves...

Odin's eyes were blood red, and he clenched his fists tightly!

"Don't ask about the future, ask yourself, are you really happy with such a result?"

Everyone's heart trembled fiercely, how could they be reconciled!

Everyone has unwillingness and anger on their faces, and the determination to fight everything in their eyes!

Xiao Chuihuo looked up at the ceiling and said hoarsely: "Wait, wait for Jiangnan to come back, wait for him to say a word..."

Human civilization is standing at a fork in the road. How to choose and which way to go, it is up to the master of this era in Jiangnan to make the decision!

Silence was restored in the conference room again. No one had ever felt that the passage of time was so slow, and every second was a torment!


Kyoto Square, in front of the square monument of origin, the huge square is empty, and the square monument is full of flowers...

Jiangnan's figure suddenly appeared here, looking up at the names on the square tablet, all of them were soldiers who died in the global spiritual disaster!

Eyes swept across each name, and finally landed on Li Mingshan's name!

Jiang Nan's eyes curled up and his lips trembled: "Uncle Li... I'm here to see you, and I'm a little embarrassed to come here."

"Seeking skin with a tiger and being swallowed by a tiger, I thought about this outcome, but it was a fluke after all..."

"Originally, I thought that I won the Star Market War this time, and after joining the Starry Sky Sequence, I will tell you the good news..."

"But now it seems that I won, but I lost completely. I'm sorry, I couldn't fulfill your entrustment, I'm useless!"

At this moment, Jiang Nan couldn't hold back at all, and his strength seemed to be drained in an instant!

Weakly knelt down on the ground, leaning on the ground with both hands and sobbing, the tears fell down and fell to the ground!

Wet the marble slab under the stele, sobbing silently!

A gust of wind blew across Jiangnan's back, as if it was comfort from Li Mingshan!

Jiang Nan couldn't help wiping his tears with the back of his hands: "Muke and Quinn were right, I'm a complete gambler!"

"Maybe I have won all the way, but there will always be a day when I lose the bet. This time I won beautifully, but I also lost completely!"

"But I can't help it, and I don't want to gamble. I really tried my best. Now they want to take away everything from human civilization and pull out the sharp claws and fangs of human beings!"

"I don't want to admit it! I really don't want to admit it!"

Xingcheng, Lanyue, Jiang Jing, Tiancong Qingteng, everything, how could Jiangnan be willing!

That was cutting flesh down in his heart!

Jiangnan, who was kneeling in front of the Origin Monument, clenched blood in his fists and his eyes were scarlet!

"I've come all the way to this day, in order to protect the people I care about, but I can't protect anything on my horse!"

"I've left behind, there's still a chance! But... do you really want to gamble again? Uncle Li, I don't want to be a gambler anymore!"

"Perhaps it's a relief to accept this result calmly..."

Jiangnan is very clear that if he chooses to gamble again, then this time he will bet on the lives of all human beings, and the chances of winning are extremely small and the risks are huge!

One mistake, human civilization will disappear into the starry sky because of its own decision!

This road is so difficult that Jiangnan is reluctant to go just thinking about it!

But if the ruling is accepted, these billions of human beings will survive and live well!

Maybe a thousand years later, the situation will rise again, and the crisis will come, but that is the matter of the future!

If you choose to accept it, at least the human beings in this era can live happily and peacefully on the Blue Star!

This is all that Jiangnan can get with his best efforts!

Faced with a choice, Jiang Nan hesitated for the first time, and he didn't dare to gamble any more!

What if... what if I lose another bet? Humans can't afford to lose?

Approved? Jiangnan is not reconciled!

At this moment, Jiang Nan pressed his forehead against the Origin Monument and closed his eyes!

"What am I supposed to do!"

But this question is destined to be answered by no one!

At this moment, time and space seemed to stand still for a moment, and the light and shadow behind Jiang Nan distorted!

An extremely vague human-shaped light and shadow appeared behind Jiangnan!

No one noticed the appearance of this light and shadow, not even Jiangnan, everything seemed very blurry!

I can't see the clothes, the face, and I can't tell the difference between men and women!

Looking around, his eyes finally fell on Jiang Nan's body, and his eyes were full of coldness!

Just like this, he reached out to the Tianling Gai in Jiangnan!

The hand of light and shadow passes by, time and space are distorted, and everything is madly repelling its existence!

But nothing can stop the movement of the light and shadow!

Just when the hand of the light and shadow was about to fall on the Jiangnan Tianling cover!

Jiang Nan raised his forehead and smashed heavily on the Origin Monument with a struggling expression!

"Tell me, what should I do!"

There was endless depression and confusion in the words, and tears fell to the ground!

The movement of the light and shadow froze, looking at Jiang Nan with complicated eyes!

After all, he retracted his hand, stood up straight, and looked up at the sky!

"If you want to do it, do it...you can do anything you want..."

Jiang Nan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of astonishment.

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