Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2042: Half month preparation is only half an hour

Looking at Jiang Nan's incomparably firm gaze, the last hesitation in everyone's heart was also killed!

Now is not the time to think about other things. This time, mankind will do everything possible to tear the flesh and blood from the starry sky!

Even if the hands are stained with blood, the blood of all races must be splashed on the starry sky!

The next step is to discuss the details of the action, and choose which planets to destroy in order to cause the greatest damage!

How to cut off the follow-up support of the starry sky, even if the dark matter tide passes, it will not be able to form an effective offensive in time!

After the first wave of attacks is completed, what should we do next, and what is the specific course of action!

Even if it was a short 30 minutes, it was broken down into countless small sections, and the details of the action were detailed to the point of outrageous!

After the fight, how should the swallowing star end, and how to achieve the goal that human beings want!

All the details of Jiangnan have been properly arranged, and everyone has their own tasks and things to do!

In fact, Jiangnan can start right now!

After all, all the preparatory conditions have been met. The longer the delay, the greater the possibility of exposure and the greater the risk!

But Jiangnan did not choose to act directly, but was still delaying time!

Because Jiangnan is still waiting, waiting for more Daotian to break through to the extraordinary and increase the background!

As long as the Holy Law Society has no intention of moving humans, then Jiangnan will not move!

Once the solar system is moved into the lost kingdom now, the Holy Law will not be blind, then the intentions of mankind will be exposed!

Action is not good to start!

So once you choose to move the old nest, it means that the chaos of the Thousand Stars has completely started!

Don't move the nest, but it doesn't delay Jiangnan and others to make arrangements in advance!

The Daotians who have not yet broken through the extraordinary are still practicing desperately, and the layout of Jiangnan has been launched simultaneously!

All the things that were snatched from the Zhoushen Arsenal were taken out by Jiangnan and sent to the Heishen trumpet one by one!

And Yin Zhang also started his achievement of kissing all races in the starry sky. It can be said that he wants to print all over his body!

Zhang San, who is a mother and an alien, can also accept it, especially the Lumu Meizu, which tastes great!

But he really can't talk about the Zerg, but thinking about it for the sake of human beings, he will endure it! I vomited for a long time after kissing!

Because of the 30,000 yuan, even Zhang San couldn't bear it, and his own spiritual power couldn't hold it for long. Now it was Freya's turn to provide him!

Jiangnan also equipped the advance troops with wall-mounted backpacks, which are full of powerful props, which can definitely come in handy when they are in action!

This time, it can be said that it is bloody!

After all the preparations were done, Zhang San, Freya, and the trumpets of the Black God completely became non-existent people!

At the time point of half a month, as an advance troop, we set off to the City of Thousand Stars in advance!

The fake identity is made by love sauce, and the face pudding is fixed. This is mainly used to cover the bottom, and the most important way to hide is the third brother's boo boo!

The advance troop sneaked out through the dimensional battlefield, spreading silently like a virus into the city of a thousand stars and hiding!

Just wait for the day of action, detonate the city of a thousand stars!

On the Jiangnan side, they are also in contact with the moon raccoon to collect news from the Holy Law Society and learn about the current situation of the City of Thousand Stars!

The two sides cooperate with each other, and everything is only for that half hour!

The way of contact is also very simple, Aijiang can do the job, and the 120 stellar power furnaces transformed by Watt were also sent through the dimensional gap!

In this way, the star bomb is available, and the star collapse gun is not afraid of emptying the magazine!

The Black God is on the Lost Country side, and is also selecting the dimensional creatures that are ready to fight this time!

After all, there are far more than one as powerful as Dawei Tianlong!

All trumpets can be summoned. This time, in order to make a name for the lost kingdom, you can't be sloppy, you have to give it a lot of energy!

And these days, the peaks of human beings have broken through to the transcendent realm one after another, comprehending their own realm!

The top combat power of human beings has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and Xiao Chuhuihuo Odin, who is the ceiling of human beings, has never slackened!

Madly improve your own strength, only to be able to give a blow to all races in the starry sky on the battlefield of the city of a thousand stars!

Of course, Jiangnan was not idle. While cultivating frantically and improving himself, he did not forget the Watt virus!

A silicon-based swallowing star can have more than one body. Jiangnan cannot guarantee that after the war, he will encounter a situation where a Grade-A mechanical prosthesis like Muke stays in the city of a thousand stars!

Be fully prepared!

When I met Watt before, Jiangnan wanted a virus backup!

Although Watt said that the current silicon-based terminal database has developed a corresponding anti-virus program!

But when the Watt virus was first born, the terminal database had nothing to do with it, and even directly obliterated Watt's will stored in the terminal database!

In this way, the virus spread was ended, and the antivirus program was developed later!

This is enough to prove the terribleness of the Watt virus!

But Jiangnan has now given the Watt virus the ability to write mutations independently, and has opened up its permissions. After so long, the ghost knows what it has evolved into!

Looks like it's going to come in handy this time!

While cultivating, Jiangnan found Aijiang and Li Bing to transform the Watt virus together!

Evolve it enough to be a weapon!

And Jiangnan was horrified to find that whether it was Li Bing or Aijiang, their programming skills were superior to theirs!

Li Bing's ability is still taught by Aijiang, so he has surpassed himself?

One day, two days and three days, the battle preparations continued, and the time was getting closer and closer to the execution date of the ruling of the Holy Law!

The starry sky is also unsettled, even after so long, the heat of the event still hasn't subsided, and there are still many people watching!

"Is it true that humans are serious about their fate? There has been no movement for so long? What about the strength of the Star Market War?"

"Heh~ What if you don't recognize it? There isn't even a decent planet destroyer on Blue Star. How can you dare to defy the ruling of the Holy Law? Are you courting death?"

"Under the Ten Thousand Races Agreement, the racial fire can still be retained. This is already the greatest kindness. The things that **** has done are enough for the human race to annihilate thousands of times!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ I always feel a little pity. In fact, when I think about it, the idea of ​​the Bose tribe is quite good. If human beings really become slaves, they will definitely be an extremely useful tool race. It's just sealed like this, white blind. now..."

But no matter what the discussion is, it can no longer change the execution of the ruling of the Holy Law!


In the Shenjixing data center, Mook is lying on the reclining chair at the moment, and the mechanical prosthesis has been dismantled and smashed!

I don't know how many robots operate on it, changing ground parts, changing oil, filters, etc.!

Obviously doing maintenance, or big insurance!

Mook's mechanical eyes are circulating, and it looks like he is enjoying it!

Tao below is bowing his head to report!

(〃?_?) "According to the collected data, the Blue Star humans have not made much movement, and have already begun a series of actions to prepare for the verdict!"

"Empty the personnel stationed in Lingxu, and the people of the Sky City and the Silver Moon City on the moon are also evacuating one after another!"

"Jiangnan also went to say goodbye to the two mutant star-devouring mother vines, cried for a long time, and quarreled with the top human beings..."

A series of actions are showing that human beings have accepted their fate and are preparing to accept the ruling!

Jiangnan guessed right, Siji is indeed monitoring Blue Star, trying to find evidence that humans are trying to resist!

Muke narrowed his eyes: "Jiangnan is smart! He might have died in the Holy Law Star Palace at the beginning, but he also wanted to take half a month for me!"

"I thought he must have wanted to take advantage of this half-month struggle, so he simply gave it to him and hooked him!"

"I didn't expect that if I gave it, I wouldn't bite the hook? But I can see it clearly! Between extermination and resignation, I still chose to resign!"

Once the human beings resist, then the Holy Law will have enough reasons to kill the human race!

In this way, the risk is evenly shared by the starry sky, and the silicon base has also cut the grass and roots, completely obliterating the hidden danger!

All the details are revealed, and the strongest means is only the human beings of the mighty Tianlong, which is absolutely unable to resist the killing action of the Holy Law!

It's a pity that Jiangnan didn't take the bait!

"Never mind... After the ruling is executed, all human fangs and claws are lost, but they are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered, and there is no way to make waves, so that's fine!"

"Although things are not done cleanly, there is no need to take risks, and it can be regarded as an acceptable result!"

"Has anything happened in the starry sky recently?"

Tao Chui nodded: "The Dark Universe Universe God Arsenal was attacked when replacing the energy module of the defense system. The losses were heavy, and most of the Arsenal was destroyed!"

"Dark Universe is trying its best to track down the murderer and try its best to cover up the news!"

Muke narrowed his eyes: "Heh~ Noah shot his own foot with a stone. He tried his best to look for opportunities for the stars to be chaotic, but he didn't expect that the first one would be his own?"

"Did the gun you sent hit you? Be careful to avoid suspicion, don't let the dark universe use this as a reason to trouble me with Siji!"

"This time the silicon base has gained a lot, and it has already made a lot of the following sequences jealous!"

Tao Chui nodded: "Yes! Lord Muke! Another! The Beimian mining area meeting will be held tomorrow at Ni Shenxing in the Beimian Star Region to discuss the matter of the commission and the allocation of the mining area, and you need to be present!"

Muke said lightly: "I see, after dealing with this matter, half a month has passed, and it is time to execute the ruling on human civilization!"

"Remember, keep things clean!"

At this moment, Mook closed his eyes to prepare for the mining area meeting. After all, the mining area is the lifeline of silicon-based!

The fat that was finally snatched from the mouth of the Bose should not be spared!

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