Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2043: Lifting the system to move, the dragon picks the stars

At the same time, the emperor's reward in Liulixing also received the news of the Ni Shenxing mining area meeting!

I am ready to leave. After all, I am the protagonist of this meat cutting. How can I not be there?

These days, the emperor's reward has not been in a good mood, and it has suffered a big loss on human beings!

The desire to exterminate human beings is extremely high, but why human beings are too aware of current affairs, they did not choose to resist, but chose to recognize it?

This also led to the emperor's reward to have no chance to start!

These days, the Bose people in the Holy Law Society are also being eliminated little by little. It's no wonder that the emperor's reward is in a good mood!

(乛_乛*) "I went to Ni Shenxing for a meeting. The day for the execution of the ruling is coming soon. Don't forget to take back all the property of my Bose!"

"Especially in that episode of Star Beads and Creation Beast, are you clear?"

Nai Luo bowed her head: "Yes! Lord Reward, when the ruling is executed, Linya and I will be present in person!"

"It's just that Xing Luo has gone to prison, and now there are no dragons in the holy star group, you see..."

The emperor narrowed his eyes: "What? Xing Luo has just stepped down, and you are thinking about it?"

Nai Luo smiled bitterly: "You can blame me wrongly, Xing Luo was not here, he went to the Styx River to be imprisoned for 300 years, and suffered such a serious crime!"

"As a brother, you naturally have to help him take care of the stall, but you can't make him feel cold!"

The emperor rolled his eyes: "Suffering? Ha~ cheap that kid, went to the Styx Death Prison, and Xing Luo also went to enjoy the good fortune!"

"Don't look at the status of my Bose clan. Even in the Styx Death Prison, I will be treated preferentially. I have already said hello there!"

"Although Xing Luo is wrong, he has also helped my Bose clan take a slander, so let him spend three hundred years of vacation there. Compared with the long life of my Bose clan, three hundred Years are just a blink of an eye!"

"Don't think about the seat of the Lord of the Stars, I will assign Langmu to succeed him!"

Naruo nodded helplessly: "It's all up to the arrangement of the emperor's reward!"

The emperor's gaze fell on Kaori's body, and he couldn't help laughing:

(¬?¬?) "Kaori! When you go to the Blue Star to execute the ruling, you will also follow me! Do it yourself, do you understand?"

"You know what to do, as long as things go well, I'll let you go one step further!"

Let human beings punish human beings, presumably the scene must be very happy to see, I can't kill you, but also disgusting to kill you!

Kaori patted her chest:

(??ˇ?ˇ?) "Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

But Kaori was not happy at all in her heart. She thought that if humans won, they would enter the starry sky sequence, but in the end, they would be punished, and she had to go!

Although he doesn't need to be punished, Kaori is still a little sad when he thinks about the huge starry sky being a human being, living alone under the eaves of others!

She is not Sister Li. According to Nanshen's temperament, how could he recognize her?

The emperor nodded with satisfaction: "Do you want to protect Kaori for me? The greater her role as a slave, the more brilliant she is, the more it will evoke the itchiness in the hearts of all races in the starry sky!"

"Although the Ten Thousand Clan Agreement continues to take effect, it is not impossible to restart the Blue Star development plan after waiting for 1,800 years and the limelight has passed! Do you understand?"

Naruo and Linya nodded one after another: "Yes! Lord Reward!"

After the explanation, the emperor's reward set off!

And at this moment, as the execution day approaches, Yueli's heart becomes more and more uneasy, don't look at how peaceful the city of a thousand stars is now!

But a storm has long been brewing, and others don't know what Jiangnan is doing, but she knows it!

Are you coming!


In the blink of an eye, it was the day before the execution day, at the Beimian Xingkong Mine, on Ni Shenxing!

All the star-swallowing bosses of all races were present, as long as there was a star-swallowing star in the clan, they would be able to eat meat!

And Noah came early, and he came in his real body, sitting in his seat with his arms crossed without saying a word!

The emperor's reward entered the field in a blink of an eye, and his face was also not good to see where he was going. When he saw Noah, his face was gloomy, and he immediately joked:

(?????) "What? Why did Brother Noah pull his face? He took up part of my Bose in the Holy Law Society. Come here today, and I'm here to give you some meat to eat!"

"It's all a happy event? Why aren't you happy?"

Noah stared at the emperor's reward, and said angrily:

(?°?yi°?) "Don't ask for it!"

In a blink of an eye, Muke entered the house with 18 mechanical prosthetics. Seeing this scene, the corners of the mouths of every swallowing star were twitching!

Riding on the horse, Siji does this as soon as it negotiates.

Mook said bluntly:

(〃¤_¤) "What? The prisoner who was attacked by the Zhoushen Arsenal has not been found yet?"

"The news of replacing the energy module can also be leaked? I think there may be a big problem inside the dark universe?"

Noah clapped the table angrily:

(▼▼▼?) "It's not up to you to tell me about my family's affairs! Don't pretend to be innocent to me!"

"Maybe it was your family who did it, otherwise this kind of top-secret information is not something that ordinary clans can get, dare to do it!"

"If it wasn't for a backer, who would be bold enough to touch my Noah's property? It's clean enough, right? Don't let me find out who of you did it!"

"Otherwise, if I don't crush your hundreds of planets, it won't be finished!"

At this moment, Noah is surging with dark matter all over his body, obviously he is very angry!

Someone immediately persuaded:

"Brother Noah, calm down, check it slowly, you will find it, can you still escape?"

"Hey, hey~ Don't be rude to you? It has nothing to do with our Stardust Clan!"

That being said, there are not a few people who gloat at misfortune!

Noah's heart is full of joy, laugh, laugh, and you will cry later!

Muke said lightly: "Okay! Let's put it aside beforehand. It's time to talk about the division of the mining area. The meeting officially begins!"

Speaking of this, the face of the emperor's reward turned black again, the human beings who ride on a horse, this wave can be a loss to Lao Tzu!


Ni Shenxing's meeting is unfolding here, and Jiangnan has received the news!

This kind of meeting for the distribution of benefits has always been noisy for a long time!

At the same time, the dark matter in the several star fields around the City of Thousand Stars also began to entangle, surging!

Noah's body is meeting at Ni Shenxing at the moment to get rid of suspicion and create an alibi, but it does not delay the formation of dark matter tides at all!

Among the dark universe races, Noah is not the only one swallowing stars!

There are even three of the Apocalypse clan in the fourth sequence, not to mention the dark universe in the third sequence!

The dark matter in the surrounding star field has been secretly gathering here for a long time these days, and the overall amount has reached an extremely amazing level!

Once the tide starts, the momentum is absolutely terrifying!

At this moment, Blue Star has everything in place, and only owes Dongfeng!

More than 800 billion Star Origin Points were all used up in this short half month!

Jiangnan's level has also been raised to the level of Daotian Qixing, breaking through to extraordinary, just around the corner!

Ye Zhenguo, Zhao Dezhu, the magician of Pierce and the others lived up to their expectations, and they were all extraordinary!

Compared with before, the extraordinary powerhouse of human beings has even doubled again, with a qualitative improvement!

Jiangnan, who received the news, knew that it was time!

Wang Youzhi was even more excited, those trumpets of his have been bored in the City of Thousand Stars these days!

Jiang Nan tilted his head: (??~??) "Brother Jian? Are those mechanical eyes sure they have found everything?"

The mechanical eyes that Siji donated to Jiangnan for broadcasting were not taken away with Siji's departure!

Instead, leave part of it and hide it! This is also the method that silicon bases use to monitor Blue Star!

How could Jiangnan not notice this?

Already thought of it!

Yang Jian nodded: "I have found them all, Aijiang has invaded the mechanical eyes left here! All the pictures sent back are fake!"

Aijiang also compared an okk gesture!

Jiang Nan grinned: "It's time to act!"

"Come out! Dawei Tianlong!"

At this moment, the spiritual energy in Jiangnan's body was madly consumed, and under the control of the star core, a terrifying vortex of spiritual energy was formed, which was filled with madness towards Jiangnan!


Next to the blue star, the void suddenly shattered, and an incomparably huge dark golden dragon claw protruded from the dimensional gap!

Even Jiangnan still has no ability to summon a complete Dawei Tianlong alone!

Freya is not here either, even summoning a dragon claw is not enough!

Fortunately, in Blue Star, there is a star core, and Blue Star's aura can be used!

Barely able to summon a claw, and this claw is enough for picking stars!

At this moment, everyone at Blue Star looked up at the sky!

An extremely shocking scene happened!

I saw the dark golden dragon claw grabbing straight towards the blue star, as if to hold the entire blue star in its claws!

"China in the palm of your hand!"

The infinite space is flowing wildly in the dragon claws of Dawei Tianlong!

In the sight of Jiangnan and the others, the dark golden dragon claws enlarged wildly, and finally became boundless!

On the blue star, the sun's light was lost, and it was completely plunged into darkness!

Odin's mouth twitched:

Σ(°﹏°|||) "This horse riding is written into mythology without anyone believing it, right?"

At this moment, Blue Star and Blue Moon have been completely compressed into small **** by China!

Can be held in one hand!

Jiangnan continues to supply the Dawei Tianlong spiritual power!

The dark golden dragon claws came out one after another, shattering the void, and compressing the water, gold, fire, wood, soil, Tianwang, and Neptune one by one in the palm of their hand!

Finally the sun!

Even Dawei Tianlong does not have the ability to compress the complete solar system into the palm of China!

After all, counting the Oort cloud in the outer reaches of the solar system, it is about two light-years in diameter!

Just pick them one by one!

At this moment, the solar system seems to have become nine small **** in the claws of the mighty Tianlong!

All were pulled into the dimensional cracks!

And as soon as you enter here, it is the territory of the Black God!

It didn't even bother, Dawei Tianlong took the entire solar system directly to the top of the lost kingdom!

Jiang Nan said worriedly:

(??ˇ~ˇ??) "Place it well, control the distance, put it in the original position, don't drop it to the ground and break it for me! This is our entire net worth!"

Dawei Tianlong: (¬yi¬?) "Well, look at your baby's energy!"

In order to prevent accidents, even Xingcheng's brother, who was eating in the constellation Andromeda, was pulled into the lost country by Dawei Tianlong and settled down!

Feed the black **** first!

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