Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2051: It's amazing~ wow

Thousands of dimensional army swarmed up, giving the three of them no chance at all!

In today's dimensional cracks, it is the world of Jiangnan!

The dimensional army summoned outside is only a drop in the bucket, because there is only so much trumpet and energy!

The real army is on standby in the cracks of the dimension!

This is also the reason why hundreds of people dare to rush to the city of a thousand stars!

Because at this moment human beings have absolutely reliable backup!

Black God!

Huanlou almost didn't scare the **** on the spot. If it is said that human beings have nothing to do with the black god, it is pure fart!

At this moment, the outside world is still distressed by his own dust source star, but his expression is fierce!

Huan Lou and Tiffany are both powerful lords of power. The three of them besieged Jiangnan, and they can kill him as long as they wipe it to the edge!

The spear of Mobius is gone, he doesn't believe that Jiangnan can still live!

Fama was sneering when he saw the body of another Crystal Clan in Huanlou flew to Fama's side!

Code: ? ? ?

(?_?????) "What? A shark Jiangnan is not enough? Why did you get another number?"

The corners of Huanlou's mouth twitched: ('-yi-`;) "The number just disappeared, and I got a new number..."

Fama is stunned, huh? Didn't you just chase it in? Why is it gone?

At this moment, I saw Naruo and Tiffany fell out of the void full of embarrassment, their bodies were much more transparent, and the starlight armor was full of animal blood!

One has lost half of his shoulders, the other has lost his lower body, and cursed with unfavorable expressions on his face!

It's because I don't dare to enter the dimensional cracks again. Fortunately, those dimensional troops can't rush out!

If you stay in it for a while longer, it is not certain whether you will survive or not!

Fama's eyes twitched: ∑(°mouth°?) "Jiang... Jiangnan is so fierce? Kill the number one Huanlou and beat the two of you like this?"

Tiffany glared at Fama angrily, and didn't talk about what happened just now!

Huanlou looked solemn: (?????) "Brother! I'll give you a piece of advice, don't enter the dimensional cracks! Otherwise, you will have no account!"

Fama swallowed and saw that the space above Dawei Tianlong's head was split open, and Jiangnan stepped out of the dimensional gap leisurely!

Provocatively raised his eyebrows at Tiffany, the meaning is obvious!

(?????) Come and **** me?

Wasn't it brave just now?

If you come to beat Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will run away, and if you have the ability, you will chase in!

If you don't fight, then I will continue to dismantle!

Tiffany grabbed her hair angrily and stomped her feet:

?(??Benefit??)? "Shame! This scumbag bastard!"

[From Tiffany…]

At this moment, Tao's mechanical eyes brightened:

(〃???) "This farce can be over, Mr. Mook and the others have received news that they are suppressing the tide of dark matter in the outside world!"

"It won't take long to complete the suppression and come to support! And the will of Lord Muke has come, and the magic camp can be activated!"

"This Thousand Stars Rebellion will be suppressed by my Siji Clan!"

Everyone was very excited to hear the good news. Although the swallowing star was not there yet, Muke had Grade A authority!

Although the power of Shenjixing and Shenjiying is not exaggerated, it is definitely enough to suppress this Thousand Star Rebellion!

Gangnam! Let's see how long you can go wild!

At this moment, a signal wave directly penetrated the dark matter tide and injected into the Divine Machine Star!

Even though it has been weakened a lot by the tide, it is still strong!

The whole star of Shenjixing began to deform further, transforming towards the weapon form, and countless jets protruded!

Start at full power!

On the surface of the planet, the gates opened one after another, revealing the densely packed mechanical prosthetics!

Each of them is ten meters tall, covered with source metal, and three stellar power furnaces provide energy!

The shoulders, upper backs and backs are all weapons, the purest war machine. It was created for only one purpose, and that is war!

I saw the head of the Divine Machine Battalion's mechanical eyes lit up with scarlet rays of light, and his chest instantly turned into a scarlet letter!

And the chests of the rest of the war machines of the God Machine Battalion were all turned into armor, and the will of Muke has come!

"The All-God Machine Battalion is dispatched! Follow me to suppress the rebellion and defend the majesty of the Holy Law!"


The propeller behind it spewed out a blazing tail flame, and it rushed out of the Shenjixing base camp in the lead!

And behind Mook, millions of war machines of the God Machine Battalion rushed out!

This scene is extremely spectacular, like a silver torrent of steel!

As soon as he came out, the city of a thousand, which had completely turned into the ruins of the battlefield, still shocked Mook!

Hiss~ These are all made by humans?

In such a short period of time, the city of a thousand stars was demolished into such a ghost?

This situation is something that Muke has not considered anyway!

His sight directly locked on Jiangnan, and he rushed in that direction!

The jet outlet of Shenjixing spewed a turbulent tail flame, and it actually moved with the Shenji camp and began to move its huge star!

Used as a war fortress, it is fully defensive!

Jiangnan sneered, is it still here?

I just listened to Mook squinting and said: "It really exceeded my expectations. You did make the starry sky pay the price, but it also means that mankind has come to the end!"

"You are a wise man, I didn't expect you to choose the same path as that one! You will become a sinner for all mankind!"

"Now! It's time for this to end!"

Jiang Nan said coldly: "You once said that when a mayfly shakes a tree, I can shake it the first time, and I can shake it the second time!"

"As you can see, I did it! Well done, did the calculating silicon expect this to happen?"

"You who are loyal to your interests have caused irreparable losses because of a wrong judgment! It seems that your tattered heads are not very smart!"

"When you choose to abandon the agreement, backstab humans, and complete those dirty deals with the Bose, you should be prepared to be stabbed!"

Mook's eyes are cold, his eyes are cold!

"This is the end! It doesn't matter! Nothing can change the fact that mankind is about to perish!"

"Having done these things, human beings have no room for recovery!"

Jiang Nan sneered: "Does it feel good to be stubborn, just looking at the broken machine in front of you, and being stabbed by your own chess piece?"

"The better is yet to come! The end? No! This is just the beginning!"

"Originally we could cooperate very well, and humans would be the most loyal allies of the silicon base! But now... hehe~ Mook! This is your choice!"

Mook's mechanical prosthesis is madly killing Jiangnan!

"You are wrong in estimating the strength of human beings wrongly! My magic camp is not something you can stop!"

"Shenjixing, all targets are locked!"

At this moment, the millions of war machines of the God Machine Battalion have received data from the God Machine Star!

Locked every demolition army, ready to carry out crackdown!

I saw Muke's whole body flowing with source metal, and an icy mechanical sound came!

"Battle mode is on! Generate an anti-Gangnam mode!"

At the same time, the war machine of the Shenji Camp began to change the fighting mode frantically!

"Generate anti-Xiao blowing fire mode, generate anti-Odin mode, anti-dimensional biological mode..."

Different from the usual anti-human race model, in view of the diverse capabilities of human beings, Siji cannot develop an anti-human model at all!

Only human individuals can develop corresponding anti-individual models!

In the face of human beings, there are thousands of anti-life patterns possible!

Jiangnan sneered, sure enough!

Human beings have all the details in the previous Star Ruins War, and all kinds of means have been taken out!

Silicon-based mechanical eyes have indeed helped mankind to make this Star Ruins War known to everyone, but at the same time, it has also collected data on the top combat power of mankind!

Send it to the anti-life laboratory to develop the corresponding battle mode!

At that time, Jiangnan thought about such a result, but he had no choice but to accept it!

In just half a month, Siji has already made a fighting mode for individual human beings!

I have to say, silicon-based is really scary in some ways!

Millions of God Machine Camps are all about restraining the ability of human beings, so it is easy to be suppressed!

Of course, that was when Jiangnan was not prepared at all!

Wang Youzhi frowned: (??~??) "Iron juice! The situation is not good? Or..."

Jiangnan grinned: (? ̄?? ̄??) "What's wrong? Wonderful! Wonderful! I'll deal with it!"

As he spoke, he rushed straight towards the Shenji Camp!

At this moment, the starry sky Wanzu, who had been overwhelmed, watched the Shenji Camp appear, and it was a surging emotion!

Everything is settled, Jiangnan is abolished!

It turned out to be tough with the Shenji Camp? They will kill you!

At this moment, Jiang Nan raised his hand and fired a warp bubble!

Immediately, I opened the different dimension again, and I don't know what to replace into the sandwich!

Tao quickly reminded!

"Lord Mook! Probably a star bomb! Watch out!"

Mook is unmoved, huh! Stellar bomb?

Do you think my mechanical prosthesis will fear a mere supernova explosion?

"Empty rubber bomb detonates!"


In an instant, within the explosion range of the empty rubber bullet, the space became extremely stagnant, and the warp speed bubble was instantly forced to stop!

Exposing one of the mechanical prostheses?

Mook froze for a moment, isn't it a star bomb? Is it a low-level guard robot?

It was Ai-chan's sentinel robot body that was thrown over there!

I saw that its hands and feet were placed in a strange posture, the two mechanical eyes were still skewed, and the oil was sprayed from the ears!

A smirk like "Goose Box~Goose Box Box~" came out of his mouth, and he made unknown movements!


Aijiang covered her face, she couldn't see it, she couldn't believe it was her!

This sentinel robot is the masterpiece of Jiangnan Aijiang and Li Bing!

A mechanical pathogen invaded by the Watt virus has no cure!

Muke frowned: "With such a low-level scrap of copper and iron, can't you also try to compete with my magical power? You..."


Before Mook could finish speaking, the mechanical pathogen burst out with an extremely powerful light signal wave!

It spread in the Divine Machine Camp in an instant, and even melted and blew up on the spot due to high overload!

And the movements of the Shenji Battalion mechanical warriors shrouded in the signal wave range froze!

The smile on Jiangnan's face also began to become devilish!

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