Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2052: Big mess! It's really spicy

The light signal wave spreads turbulently in all directions, and the modified and upgraded Watt virus is written in it!

You must know that the mechanical army of the Million God Machine Battalion works together, and the individuals have data links with each other!

This is even the case with the God Machine Star as the base camp, forming a signal network for data sharing with each other!

The Watt virus spread through data is like a large bottle of ink poured into a basin of clean water!

It spreads wildly, pollutes data, and directly dyes the whole pot of clean water black!

Mook suddenly noticed that the access data was abnormal! Immediately want to cut off the data connection!

But it's too late!

damn it! Is this a program virus? Where did this kind of thing come from in Jiangnan?

At the moment when the Watt virus invaded Muoke's mechanical prosthesis, Muoke directly activated the antivirus program and its own program firewall!

However, the firewall is useless, and the antivirus program is completely ineffective against the newly evolved Watt virus!

It still stays at the level of the confrontation program written when the Watt virus was first born!

Even though the antivirus program has been continuously upgraded for many years, the Watt virus has been given the ability to write itself by Jiangnan!

Completely crazy writing evolution in an uncontrollable direction!

The antivirus program that comes with Mook doesn't work at all. In the blink of an eye, the antivirus program is smoking in Mook's head!

The top of the head is smoking, but it is still stubbornly resisting!

However, with the terrifying computing power of the terminal database, it is not impossible to develop a corresponding antivirus program!

The problem is that there are tides of dark matter right now? There is a delay in the transmission of the signal back and forth!

The most fundamental problem is that the terminal database is the core of the silicon-based core, and Muke dare not send this Watt virus sample back!

Once the terminal database is infected, the entire silicon-based race is finished!

"Cut it! It must be cut..."

But before Muck can complete the operation, he has completely fallen!

I saw that its mechanical body froze, and the mechanical eyes were full of wisdom, and the two mechanical hands immediately swayed, directly shaking the flower hands!

Unexplainable voices murmured in the mouth!

└(〃?口?)┐ "Tontonton~dadada~ Look at my mentally retarded little steps!"

?(〃????)? "You Kaha, you Kaha! What are you babbling about?"

~(? dish?〃)~ "The big front teeth and the small front teeth! Shake up your legs and let him crawl!"

?(?\'3\')? "biubiubiu~ ah, daddy picks up daddy!"

He couldn't stop roaring, all kinds of weapons on his body deformed wildly, and the jets behind him burst out!

I saw Mook's mechanical prosthesis scurrying around in the starry sky like a headless fly!

Everyone looked at Mook in horror!


What the fuck? what's the situation? Didn't you say that you want to suppress human beings and do things in the south of the Yangtze River?

What are you doing? What kind of evil do you smoke?

The pace is quite mentally handicapped, isn't it? Do you still call everyone Dad?

The scrambled Muke has completely messed up the program, all kinds of weapons are shooting indiscriminately, smoke is coming from his head, and his nostrils are spraying oil like crazy!


"Little mental retardation! Didi brother blowing ~ everyone heard that the horse is flying blindly~"

"Activate indiscriminate self-defense mode!"

Everyone's expressions were chilled, and the Watt virus was not just Mook!

As the main body, he shares the data with the Million God Machine Camp!

At this moment, Muke became the new pathogen of Watt virus, infecting the entire Shenji camp!

This is a lively moment. All the millions of mechanical prosthetics that were originally moving in a uniform manner were infected, and they released themselves on the spot!

Like a million deflated balloons running around in the starry sky!

It's completely messed up, let alone attacking the human camp, all the lives in the entire city of a thousand stars have become their target of attack!

Jiangnan didn't do anything, just threw a broken Sentinel Aijiang out!

At this moment, Jiang Nan is looking at the **** machine camp, which is completely chaotic, and his eyes are bent into a crescent shape!

(??3??) "Stunned old iron ~ what kind of performance is this ~ I've never seen it before, it opened my eyes!"

Both Zhong Yingxue and Xia Yao stared blankly at this scene!

isn't it? Millions of God Machine Battalions collapsed?

All watts?

The appearance of running around is a little too spectacular, what did Xiaonan do?

The silicon-based army that originally suppressed human beings has now become a help for human beings to disrupt the city of a thousand stars?

No wonder Xiaonan didn't attack Shenjixing, so he just waited for the co-author?

The starry sky is full of excitement, but it is completely messed up now!

I saw groups of Watt's God Machine Battalion rushing towards the Wanzu troops!

The Ten Thousand Races Troop hurriedly said: (?????)? "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Why are you flying towards us without suppressing human beings?"

"Don't shoot the cannonballs! You hit your own people! Don't force me to do it!"

I heard a cold mechanical voice: "The hostility of the target is detected, and the anti-hidden spirit mode is activated! The star cannon has finished charging and is ready to launch!"


The powerful attack blasts towards any life close to his warning range!

The Starry Sky Wanzu, which had already formed some defensive situations, was completely disrupted by Zhixi's Divine Machine Camp!

There are even a lot of mentally retarded machines flying towards Wenger's Canglan Star!

Wenger stared: (? Yi? |||) "Aren't you trying to defend the majesty of the Holy Law? Why did you guys take it down together?"

"Don't come here! Atomic collapse!"

An emotionless icy mechanical voice came:

(〃?﹃?) "Destruction threat detected, unstoppable, activate Destruction Mode!"

"Three stellar power furnaces self-detonate synchronously!"


The super explosion swept the starry sky, Wenger stared:

(?▼Ware▼) "Wipe! Silicon base! What the **** are you doing? Give me all your strength to protect Canglan Star!"

At this moment, all members of the Million Divine Machine Camp are mentally retarded.

You can usually beat it, but if you can't beat it, you blow yourself up!

The thief is annoying, so such a scene appeared on the City of Thousand Stars!

Watt's Million Divine Machine Battalion ran after the people of Xingkong Wanzu, and Xingkong Wanzu yelled while running!

Against me, but still blow yourself up? Who is this playing with them?

The originally chaotic City of a Thousand Stars is even more chaotic!

And as the base camp, Shen Ji Xing can't resist the invasion of Watt virus!

A whole planet has become a mentally retarded planet, sending signals everywhere, the planet seems to be going crazy, and the planetary thrusters are spraying wildly!

Pushing huge mechanical planets around like billiards!

Ordinary planets simply cannot withstand the impact of the God Machine Star, even if the Planet Destroyer goes out of their way and wants to destroy the God Machine Star!

But the silicon base is the second sequence, and the **** machine star stationed in the city of a thousand stars is given for nothing?

Ordinary planet destroyers can't break its defenses, and it is now a runaway super war fortress!

Don't forget it also has a magic cannon!

Boundless scarlet cannon posts are madly shooting at the major planets in the Thousand Star Region!

It even hit the Vientiane star!

After being blocked by the defensive shield of Vientiane Star, he turned around and blasted three Xuanhuang Stars of the Chaos Clan!

Huanlou's eyes were all red, and he yelled:

(?°u°)??3?? "What's the matter with your silicon base? Is it okay?"

"Didn't you say you want to suppress humans and end this farce? Why are you helping humans tear down the city?"

Tao was still awake at the moment, but he was shocked to see this scene!

(|||?_?) "No...I don't know! It shouldn't be! Is Miuk-sama broken? How could this happen! Stop!"

"I see! It must be a program virus! This symptom is like the Watt virus that appeared before. Lord Mook was invaded by a virus? Damn!"

Tiffany was very angry: "You fart! What program virus? Your silicon base can be invaded by viruses so easily?"

"I think you did it on purpose?"

Nairo gritted his teeth and said, "Watt virus of the fart? You Siji are just doing what you want by acting out of madness, right?"

"Actually, you are still cooperating with humans, right? Cutting the flesh of the Bose is only the first step, this is the second plan? Reproduce the chaos of the Thousand Stars? Will the Bose be tricked again?"

"No wonder Jiangnan hasn't demolished your magic star, so it's just waiting for this, right? Good! Good you silicon base! Serial plan?"

"Have deceived everyone at the Judgment Conference and played with all the stars and races in the palm of your hand?"

Tao was really in a hurry this time:

(〃??_?)? "'s not like that! Mr. Mook is a real watt, and I don't know how Jiangnan has such a terrible program virus! I..."

He couldn't explain it with a hundred mouths this time!

I thought that Mr. Muke would immediately put an end to this nightmare, but who knew that it would help Zhou to abuse it!

Now the starry sky ten thousand clans don't even have the energy to deal with the human camp! The Million Divine Machine Camp is enough to give them a headache!

Fama scolded: "No? It's not you who stopped these broken robots?"

"In a little while, the City of Thousand Stars did not let Jiangnan be demolished, but let these mentally retarded robots demolished!"

Tao anxiously smoked: "No! I can't stop! I don't have Class A authority, I..."

The next moment, even Tao's movements froze, and the existence of Grade A sent data messages to Tao of Grade B!

He has no right to deny at all!

I saw that Tao was immediately invaded by the Watt virus, and the two manipulators rubbed frantically on his metal body!

They all rubbed out phantoms, ooh, ooh, sparks, and their bodies began to twist!

Roaring in the mouth!

(っ????c?) "Oh~ Spice Girl fascinated him~ oh~ fascinated him~"

?(?﹃?〃)? "Is it spicy? Let me tell him~ Ah that aunt is who she is~"

?(〃°mouth°)?"The hot girl is me~The hot girl four me~The hot girl Swo~"

Fama Huanlou and Naruo looked at Tao with horror on their faces!


Will the mechanical species still do this?

It's really spicy, it's so hot!

However, Tiffany was mad:

('?Benefit?)σ "I don't care if you are a hot girl! I don't care who is obsessed! Who are you saying is the aunt?"

"You repeat that I'm your aunt, try it?"

Tao: ?(?﹃?〃)? "Maliciousness is detected, and the anti-Bose mode is activated. The strength gap is too large to protect yourself! Activate the self-destruct mode!"

"The stellar power furnace is melted!"


Tiffany: ! ! !

"Tao! Mother~%?...;#*'☆!"

Did you blow up before hitting you? Is the body so capricious?

Jiangnan quacks and enjoys this chaotic battlefield, the power of the Watt virus is more terrifying than imagined!

And the tide of dark matter has become a natural barrier, and even the terminal database can't interfere at will!

The Kawat virus is not only affecting the Shenji Star and the Million Shenji Camp!

After the **** machine star was watted, it sent signals everywhere and spread the watt virus. At this moment, all silicon-based life in the entire Thousand Star Region, including silicon-based products, are gradually being affected!

All Watts! Moreover, the Divine Machine Star received the will data of Muke, and the signal wave of the outward receipt also included the data of the Watt virus!

Now even Jiangnan is not sure what will happen next!

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