At this moment, Jiangnan is completely numb, what kind of ghosts have just seen!

The rain of insects in front of you is not a single individual at all, but a large number of insect swarms with strict hierarchy and orderly operation?

The cold and white-skinned white-haired royal sister in front of me just looks good!

Is the essence composed of hundreds of millions of bugs?

Jiang Nan's hair stood on end, and he didn't feel at all. He couldn't wait to put on the warm gloves and give himself a mouth!

Forget the horror scene you just saw, is the truth always so cruel?

(?﹏?.) " this the real Zerg Queen?"

If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't come here if I beat me to death. Forgive me, I'm really unhappy! Hey!

Insect Yuyu frowned, tilted his head and took a sip:

(??°??°) spit ~ "Don't compare me with other Zongbi pools, every Zerg who is qualified to be the Queen Mother is different!"

"Only I am like this, and I am unique!"

"Those **** who only know that doves occupy magpie nests and rob other people's fruits of labor. This emperor is ashamed to be of the same clan as them. I am a swarm! I am a zerg!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, this Insect Rain seems to be extremely resentful of his own clan?

After all, how could a powerful Zerg queen like her fall into the embarrassing situation of being in jail?

I saw Bug Yuyu's eyes fell on Jiang Nan again, reaching out and stroking Jiang Nan's cheek, his eyes swaying~

(〃??????????) "How is it? Is this your favorite now?"

Since you can't take it by force, you can only outsmart it!

However, Jiang Nan instinctively had a bunch of goose bumps on his gently stroked cheeks!

Thinking that this hand is made of millions of insects, the skin is just painted skin insects, and even the temperature of the fingertips is the body temperature of the insect swarm, Jiangnan's heart throbbed!

(?mouth?.) "I I I..."

Insect Yuyu glanced at it, and couldn't help but get even more angry:

(?°? dish °?) "Why hasn't it reached before? Are you not good at it, you?"

"You don't like this one? Crap! The next guy! Fortunately, I changed the style!"

Jiang Nan was anxious: (???mouth??)? "You can beat me and scold me, but you can't say I can't! I'm super good!"

But... but who can still do it after seeing the nature of the bug rain!

If it is true, it would be too much punishment, right?

Nine blue outside the door: Σ(°kou°; door???

What? Can't Jiangnan?

This...this is really cool!

Insect Yu Yu bit his teeth tightly: "Tsk~ I'm sorry, this emperor just took a gene sequence, why should I use all kinds of methods to please you?"

"Today, this emperor really doesn't believe in this evil! Insect swarm! Eat him up to me, and don't keep it at all!"

As soon as he spoke, the hands of Insect Rain spread out, turning into countless insects and falling on the bed, Jiang Nan!

Like a waterfall of insects, it fell from Jiangnan!

Not only the arm, but the insect rain has spread out and no longer maintains its delicate form!

Instead, it turned into hundreds of millions of insect waves, attacking Jiangnan!

As far as the eyes can see, there are dense insects, and there are everywhere on the floor!

What echoed in my ears was the sound of a swarm of "kachikachi"!

One by one desperately tried to crawl towards Jiangnan's body, biting!

If it's too slippery to crawl, take the worm bridge and face Jiangnan's eyes, nostrils, ears, and navel!

There is a hole in the body, and the swarm is trying to get in!

Since you can't bite it from the outside, it's a slippery batch, then break it from the inside, as long as a bug gets in, it's enough to kill Jiangnan!

At this moment, Jiangnan couldn't help screaming like a girl!

(???????) Bud~

Crazy slaps the bugs on the body!

Jiang Nan was sure that he had covered every corner of his body with the wrong soap, but he didn't cover his ears, nostrils, and even his eyes?

What if a bug actually crawls in?

The frightened Jiang Nan screamed and jumped up from the bed, spread a cloth covering his head, and covered it tightly!

?(?yi?;)? "I'm not playing anymore! I'm going out!"

Jiang Nan rushed towards the door of the cell in a blink of an eye!

However, at this moment, those ice silkworms have already used silk to weave a net, covering the door of the cell, including the surrounding walls, tightly!

Jiangnan smashed out a 36 consecutive nail punching drill, and all the impact force was dispersed and absorbed by the tough silk mesh!

Not even a fist mark was left!

The swarms of insects are madly surrounding Jiangnan. At this moment, Jiangnan is like the prey that has fallen into the worm's nest.

Jiang Nan was sweating in a hurry, and he couldn't help stepping on the worms that came around!

I even took out my little slippers to shoot the bugs, and they all made a phantom, making a crisp "pop" sound!

But it can't be shot at all!

Jiu Lan outside the door almost fainted when she heard the crisp sound of slippers slapping insects in the cell!

(??????) Oh my mom~

Is it so intense?

As everyone knows, Jiangnan is already numb at the moment, throwing diamond durians, trying to smoke them to death, but they were eaten by the swarm before they exploded!

I'm trying to tickle the dead insect swarm by throwing the expired divinophobia. The name of this thing sounds like it's very effective for the insect swarm, doesn't it?

But it was only effective at the beginning. The swarms of insects that were splashed began to shed their skins at a rapid rate, and they got rid of the itching effect directly!

I was dumbfounded by Jiangnan. Is it ok to shed skin?

The paralysis ring is useless in the face of such a large number of swarms, as for the dumb sack? With so many bugs, who knows which one is the body of Bug Rain?

The forced Jiangnan has begun to pour chicken soup. Chicken soup is extremely corrosive.

Jiangnan is overjoyed, and is preparing to poison these broken insects with poisonous chicken soup!

However, the effect did not last long, and the swarm began to multiply and divide in large numbers, and the number soared, and the newly reproduced insects gradually became anti-toxic!

Genes are evolving, and after a while, a batch of anti-poison chicken soup-corroded bugs have evolved!

Jiangnan: ! ! !

∑(°mouth°?) What the hell!

Does this work?

At this moment, Jiangnan has completely realized the horror of the insect swarm. The goals are highly unified, coordinated operations, extremely strong reproductive ability, and are not afraid of death!

All the bugs go one after the other to accomplish the same goal!

Jiangnan finally knew why the Zerg was firmly in the eighth sequence. It was the second carbon-based race in the top ten sequences except the Apocalypse!

Unkillable bugs!

Are they really undead bugs? With the power of ants, stand shoulder to shoulder with gods!

And even the rain of insects is extremely stunned. Where did Jiangnan come from so many gadgets?

He is really deep, and many of them are quite interesting, but wanting to use these to kill the swarms that he has carefully cultivated is tantamount to fooling around!

This time, Jiangnan didn't struggle anymore, just tucked his knees and curled up on the ground, rotten in place!

If you can't beat it, then join in. Anyway, the ground spreads the cloth to protect the head, and the worms can't get in for the time being!

As for below the head? whatever!

Insect Rain doesn't seem to deal with the Zerg very much, and when he came in, the attitude of the Zerg mother to the insect rain was very interesting!

If such a powerful existence were to be abducted...

goose box

The time for the physical golden body has come, and the rain of insects must be dealt with before pulling the crotch!

Seeing that Jiangnan was rotten in place, Insect Rain giggled: "Don't you run away?"

Jiang Nan shrugged: ?(?'~?')? "Why should I run if I can't run away? Besides, you can't break my all-encompassing law and stay safe?"

Insect Yuyu gritted his teeth: "I don't believe that you have no weaknesses, don't let me get in, there is no absolutely perfect life form under this starry sky!"

Jiangnan Tanshou: ╮(?????)╭ "You've drilled, just don't drill in strange places!"

At this moment in Jiangnan, it is fortunate that there is a cloth cover on the ground, and I didn't see what the insect rain was using to talk to him!

It's just a simple sound system for worms, otherwise you will have nightmares at night!

I saw Jiangnan coughing twice:

(??°??°) "Speaking of which, you are so powerful! Swallow the stars~ The pyramid of the starry sky is tipped!"

"With such a powerful strength, why do you want to squat in the Styx Death Prison honestly? You feel that the heights are too cold and boring, so you came to squat in the prison, right?"

Insect Rain: "Bah! Who would come in and go to jail for such a boring reason? Has his head flooded?"

"I've been in prison for more than 5,000 years. Is it boring enough?"

If it weren't for boredom, she wouldn't be idle enough to do so many "handicrafts" to pass the time!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead, don't say it! There are really boring people who come in and squat in prison, such as the Black God!

Depend on! Squatting here for more than 5,000 years?

You have squatted in the entire history of China?

"Enough to squat, then run? How exciting is the starry sky world? You are swallowing stars~ You are so powerful, with a little plan, hijack the Nether Warden!"

"Forcing him to send you out? If you want to go out, there are not many ways to do it? But I see that you are not very smart, so you definitely can't plan!"

"It's not impossible for me to help you plan!"

[The resentment value from Insect Rain +1008! ]

[From Bug Rain…]

Shen Te Miao doesn't look very smart. If you want to scold people, just scold them. Don't be around the corner, okay?

"Hijacking Nether? Heh~ You really dare to think, do you know how strong Nether is? Not to mention his physical strength, he even has the ability to manipulate and control the eight million light-year-old Styx!"

"As long as Nether is in this Styx River Star Region, few people under the starry sky are his opponents! This is his territory, and he has the final say!"

"Just because I live in a corner, I'm not very famous in this starry sky!"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead, I knocked! Is this ghost so vicious?

One of the strongest in the starry sky? In the Styx Star Region, only I am undefeated?

(????) "Huh? Listen to what you mean, you can't beat Netherworld? I thought you were so strong! Cut~"

"The same is swallowing stars, this is the gap~"

[The resentment value from Insect Rain +1009! ]

She is **** off!

"What's your tone? Who said I'm swallowing stars now?"

Jiang Nan stared: (????? mouth?) "Ha? You are not swallowing stars?"

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