Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2136: Prison Break Record Holder! Plot out loud?

Jiangnan was stunned, his ability was sealed, and he still had such a strong fighting power!

Two deputy wardens hammer casually, do you call it swallowing stars?

Insect Yuyu said angrily: "It used to be, but not now. Now I don't have the power to swallow stars, and I was taken away by Chongbichi!"

"All my strength is used to form a chrysalis, and I am one step away from succeeding and evolving into a perfect carbon-based one!"

"But Zongbichi took advantage of my pupa and couldn't move, mixed into my swarm, cut my pupa shell, and threw me out like trash!"

"I lost everything! The insect swarms and foundations that have been painstakingly managed along the way have all made wedding dresses for others! Damn, hate me, I believe her so much, everything is a conspiracy, trying to put me in Deathly conspiracy!"

The more and more Insect Rain said, the more angry it seemed, as if Jiangnan was the target of venting, and the swarms attacked wildly!

If it weren't for the Jiangnan Physics Golden Body, there would be no bones left to be gnawed in a thousandth of a second!

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (??w???) "Calm down! Calm down! The more maddened you are, the happier you are, aren't Bichi?"

Is there really a worm called this name? Or is the rain of insects scolding insects?

But think about it, I have worked hard to form a pupa, and I am preparing to evolve perfectly!

As a result, the pupae were cut open by others, and people smashed them out?

(???~??)???? "But why do they want your chrysalis?"

Insect Rain is full of hatred: "That chrysalis contains all of my power, and I use it for evolution!"

"If you take away the fairy chrysalis, you can order all the insect swarms under my command to take over all my industries!"

"Bitch! Bah! I took everything away from me. The queen of the Zerg race is incomparably powerful because of the existence of the swarm!"

"And the queen mother who was taken away from the swarm is like the commander has no warriors, a bare one! It's nothing, if the emperor still has the swarm in his hand..."

Jiang Nan was stunned: (??~??)? "The swarm? Isn't your swarm still there? Isn't this biting me?"

Insect Rain sneered: "What is this? This is just a swarm of guards. At the peak of this emperor, such a swarm of guards can easily form hundreds of them!"

"When the Yuyu Insect Swarm is the largest, it spreads all over a star field. Wherever it passes, thousands of stars are dead, and the insects are terrified. It's just a matter of me thinking about swallowing a galaxy!"

"I think back then, when I was the leader of the Beimian Xingkong mining area, my house was full of mines, and the Xingyuan mining area had a lot of money. If you want money and money, if you want insects and insects, who would dare to compete with me?"

"But now! It's all someone else's! Take control of my fairy pupa, use my insect swarm, spend my money, and sleep with my insect concubine! Put the emperor here to go to jail! Ya Ya Ya Ya! "

The angry worm Yu Yu vented wildly and gnawed the south of the Yangtze River!

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva, what the fuck? Is it so brilliant?

Does the Beimian Xingkong mining area have mines? Or Xingyuan Mine? This is directly digging for money!

It's just like the life of a local emperor, right?

The Queen of the Zerg, there is something in the final batch. Speaking of which, such a powerful insect swarm is only a guard swarm?


(?????) "Huh? That Zongbichi is actually good to you, at least it didn't kill you, but threw you in jail!"

"If it were me, I would press you to death immediately to avoid future troubles!"

Insect Yuyu stared: "What did you say? Where are you from? Bah! Shameless!"

"Why do I have to unload people? She wants to kill! Kill me, and the fairy pupa will dissipate and fail, and I can no longer control my swarm!"

"The Yuyu swarm will also end itself because of my fall! That's why I was thrown into the prison!"

"It's not that I didn't think about dying! Let her get nothing out of the bamboo basket! I'm mad at her! But I'm not reconciled! I can't bear it! I'm so at a loss!"

Jiang Nan was stunned, can't kill? So the rain of insects that was deprived of everything was thrown into the Styx Death Prison for more than 5,000 years?

The lifespan of the Zerg female worm is almost the longest in the carbon base, and it can even be compared with energy-type and material-type life!

(??~??) "Not reconciled? Why don't you run? You never thought about escaping? People are eating, drinking and having fun outside? Are you in jail here?"

"You don't want to go out, take revenge and go back, take back everything that belongs to you, kill that Bichi, and then rule the world?"

All the swarms were stunned, stopped attacking, and ran under the white dress to reorganize their bodies!

Insect Rain returned to her white-haired loli again, leaning against the wall and hugging her knees, burying her head deeply in her knees!

Words are full of powerlessness and loss!

(???) "Why didn't I think about it, for the thousand years I just came in, I dreamed of going out for revenge! Take back everything that belongs to me!"

"It's not on the way to escape, or on the way to escape, there are 10,941 escapes in total! He is the holder of the highest escape record in the Styx Death Prison. I have tried all the methods, but I can't escape at all!"

"The farthest time, hijacked the jailer and used the Styx Road to escape from the prison, but the ghost can control the Styx, and it's useless to use the Styx, and it's impossible to escape!"

"If I can't use the Styx, I will run by myself. That time, the Netherworld didn't send anyone to arrest me. I ran by myself for more than 70 years, and there was nothing on the road. I was starving to death, and the swarms couldn't carry each other. Living!"

"Finally I passed out of hunger..."

Jiang Nan swallowed his saliva and ran away from prison until he fainted from hunger? Running for more than seventy years?

Insect Rain looked up: (???????????????) "Guess how far I ran out?"

"It can't be tens of thousands of light-years?"

Insect Yuyu smiled bitterly: "I ran out for more than 21 light-years. When I couldn't use my abilities, I didn't stop for more than 70 years and sprinted at the fastest speed!"

"But in more than seventy years, the surrounding scenery has hardly changed..."

"In the end, Netherworld took me back to the Styx Death Star. After that, I won't escape from prison..."

Jiangnan murmured: Σ(°△°|||) "Styx River Star Region, eight million light-years across..."

It's not that Bug Yuyu doesn't want to escape from prison, but that she has tried all methods and finally gave up!

The Nether Clan let her go and let her run away for more than seventy years!

Even if she was in prison for more than 5,000 years, she was running with all her strength, but she was only able to run out for more than a thousand light-years!

Compared with the number of eight million, it is almost negligible!

Is this the Styx Hell? Too desperate, right?

Insect Rain seemed to be sad, tilted his head and said:

(?????) "How about you? How did you get in? I never heard of the human race when I came in!"

"Just over 3,000 years ago, a human being was forced into the Styx River Star Territory, had a fight with Netherworld, and ran away! Should it be Jiang Fan?"

"That human being is really strong! He can fight Netherworld in the Styx Star Region!"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched. Has this happened before? Jiang Fan also came here for a stroll?

Have a fight with Netherworld?

"How did I get in? Human talent is too perverted, Wanzu wants to develop us as slaves, and then we quit and want to enter the starry sky sequence. It stands to reason that this wave of humans will be gone. Fortunately, a dark horse like Jiang Fan was killed! "

"The city of a thousand stars was demolished, and the Ten Thousand Races were forced to compromise, and the Ten Thousand Races Agreement was signed to isolate and close human civilization, and not to enter the starry sky sequence!"

Insect Yuyu sneered: "Ha~ It's like the style of the Holy Law Society, danger is always strangled in the cradle! What about later?"

Jiang Nan wiped his nose: "Later, Shengxing violated the agreement of all ethnic groups and developed it secretly, and also gave human beings a chance!"

"The first two times were pushed back by humans. The third time I directly flipped the table, demolished the City of Thousand Stars, and blasted the Holy Law Star Palace into the sky!"

"More than 40,000 stationed planets have been bombed. At any rate, it is to let humans enter the starry sky sequence, but I have a lot of human lives in my hands, so I came in and squatted to avoid the limelight!"

Such a soul-stirring, large-scale war was told in a few words by Jiangnan, very calm!

There are all kinds of hardships and dangers that cannot be expressed in words, and those who have not experienced them will never understand!

And only with experience, can you speak indifferently like Jiangnan, as if telling someone else's story...

Insect Yuyu's eyes widened, looking at Jiang Nan's face in disbelief!

\okouo*I believe Jiang Fan has the strength to tear down the city of a thousand stars! Did you tear it all down? just you? Pfft~ The cows let you blow up, right? "

"I'm not so gullible!"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes:

(??~??*) "What did I lie to you for? I did what I did! Who doesn't know about my Jiangnan?"

"Although I am not famous in the stars, I am also notorious. Is it notorious?"

While speaking, he rushed his back to the rain of insects, and pointed:

(︶~︶〃) "Kangkang! This is Laozi's record!"

"Ah, right! The 6 planetary worm nests in the Zerg Central Star Region! They were all blown up by me, and one sister is left, no thanks!"

Insect Yuyu's eyes widened, she wanted to ask when she punched Jiangnan's back before!

The blood map of the Thousand Stars Cataclysm Mountain Bloody Mountain tattooed on the back is really eye-catching!

And it's extremely real. If you didn't experience it yourself, you would never be able to draw so many details!

She even saw the stationed worm nest in the central star field!

Σ(?mouth??)? " did it? Why do I not believe it? Tell me how you did it? I'm quite impressed..."

Before the words were finished, the look of loss appeared on the face of the insect and rain, and the head was buried in the knees again!

(???) "What's the use~ Anyway, sooner or later I will rot in the Styx Death Prison, and you will die here too! Everything is over..."

"Anyway, I'm going to die of old age. I can live better than you. In order to avoid waste, you'd better let me eat it!"

Jiangnan: ? ? ?

You really don't waste anything at all, do you?

I saw Jiangnan turned around and hit the rain of insects and insects:

(?????) "Look at your potential! What about the Queen Mother?"

"I didn't plan to die here. After I've lived here enough, can I escape in a few minutes?"

"If you perform well, it's not impossible to take you one!"

Insect Feiyu looked at Jiang Nan in amazement: "Did you not have a brain? I told you for nothing just now? I can't run away, just rely on you?"

"The strength is not good, but the tone is quite big!"

Jiangnan pouted: (???3??)? "I have a big breath? Have you ever tasted it? How do you know I have a big breath if you haven't tasted it?"

Insect Rain licked his lips: "Just try it! Do you dare?"

Jiangnan gave a savage shock!

I just don't believe your evil, if I taste it myself, I will definitely take the opportunity to put worms in my mouth, I just want to eat me up!

I didn't give you this chance!

The corners of Jiu Lan's mouth twitched at the base of the wall outside the door!

prison Break? What jailbreak? Are they conspiring to escape the prison in front of me, the deputy warden?

You said before that you were going to kidnap the warden? This is just the opposite!

When I don't exist?

But... But if you think about it carefully, this is considered to have ears on the wall, and strictly speaking, it is not in front of your own face...

So why don't you just pretend you didn't hear it?

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