Sona swallowed: "Three months? Is that so sure?"

Jiang Nan smiled brightly: "Real man! Never do anything unsure!"

"And following Lao Tzu, I can guarantee that after we go out, we will not be recaptured back to the Styx Death Prison, even if it is the law ordering troops, there is nothing we can do about it!"

Tarot was stunned: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ "What... what trick?"

You must know that once everyone successfully escapes from prison, they will be considered as the most wanted criminals in the starry sky!

Neither the Styx Death Prison nor the Holy Law Society will let it be the least!

Not to mention such a large batch of jailbreaks!

Jiangnan has a plan:

(What? What?) "Insect Rain, you should all know that the proto-Zerg mother emperor, she is also my teammate!"

"It's just that she has lost the power to swallow the stars now, and she has a large number of minerals in the Beimian Xingkong mining area!"

"As long as we help him regain the fairy's chrysalis shell and restore his star-devouring power, neither the Styx Death Prison nor the Holy Law Society will be able to easily touch us!"

"The existence of the star-swallowing boss, you all know what it means. When the time comes, the brothers want money and money, and the star-swallowing backer will have a good life?"

Of course, the rain of insects is only a means to the bottom of Jiangnan, and she is not the only way to restrain the Holy Law Society and the Styx Death Prison!

As long as Jiangnan successfully escapes from prison, they will never give them another chance to lock themselves in!

Moreover, Jiangnan also intends to bring the bully gang to the Beimian Xingkong Mine!

Helping Insect Rain to regain the fairy chrysalis also requires manpower, and all the bullies are talented!

At this moment, Tarot and the others became excited when they heard it!

WOW! Is Insect Rain also a teammate? so strong?

And all the arrangements after going out? And the big star swallowing is the backing?

this this this...

The future is bright, right?

Jiang Nan's expression condensed: "I know, each of you has your own story and what you want to do after you go out!"

"But you've been locked up in this Styx Death Prison for too long, you have no foundation, no backing, no money, no relatives, and after you go out, you have to face the joint pursuit of the Legal Force and the Styx Death Prison!"

"It's too hard, too hard!"

As soon as these words came out, Tarot became even more stunned, yes... Even if he escaped, how to fight back for his right to speak in the clan!

Guarding the shaky Desolate Clan in the starry sky, revitalizing their glory, and regaining their glory, these are all problems!

Maybe he will be arrested in two days!

Satsuma and Bourdain also looked embarrassed. They could be caught in the Styx Death Prison. It is conceivable that they did not mix well in the clan!

After going out, they didn't think about it, most of them were smeared!

Jiangnan waved his hand!

"After going out, I don't care if you follow me or not, and I don't care if you want to fly solo!"

"But I, Jiangnan, can tell you that I will not treat anyone badly! Can't do what I want to do? I help you do it!"

"I can't avenge the revenge you want? I will help you to avenge it! Play with me! Your business is my Jiangnan business!"

"What others dare not do! I dare to do it in Jiangnan! There is really nothing under the stars that I dare not do!"

The unequivocal voice cut off the last doubts in the hearts of several people!

Summer and Bourdain have expressed their opinions!

(?????*) "Boss Nanshen! Don't say anything! Even if we go out, we'll hang out with you! The Bully Gang is forever!"

Sona appeared by Jiangnan in a flash!

(????) "To be honest, I have long wanted to change to a big brother with a platoon, and finally I got the chance!"

"Please bring me one, weddings, weddings, band accompaniment, battle songs, battle dubbing, sound effects, swearing, etc. I'm the best at it!"

Jiang Nan's mouth twitched when he heard it, but he didn't blind your name in vain, but there were quite a few!

Tarot's face has turned green, do you want to switch to Jiangnan so quickly?

How much hesitation, give me some face?

Seeing that Tarot was still there, Suona rolled her eyes:

(??~???) "Brother, what else do you have to hesitate? To miss is a sin!"

Tarot: ? ? ?

This special meow just called me brother?

I was the boss three seconds ago?

I saw Tarot's eyes ruthless and his heart swollen!

(??Benefits??) "To be honest, I am the prince of the Wild God Clan, and I have the blood of the ancestors of the Wild God Clan! Today's Wild God Clan is in the middle of nowhere, and the clan members are scarce, so it can no longer be called a race!"

"There's not even a starry sky sequence ranking!"

"In the eyes of the other clan, my wild **** clan is just a tool that can be used, a coolie driven at will!"

"I need to regain the imperial power of my clan and lead the Wild God clan to restore its former glory! Can you help me do this?"

Jiangnan's eyes flickered: (?°??°) "Is it the Wild God Race? The development and growth of a race cannot be achieved overnight!"

"But it shouldn't be difficult to regain the imperial power and let you regain control of the Wild God Clan!"

"What my human race lacks most at the moment is allies. Humans can provide resources for your race, and so on for all the conditions for development!"

"After your Wild God Clan is qualified, it is not impossible to re-qualify your Clan for the Starry Sky Sequence. Take your time, you will do it!"

Tarot's eyes brightened: (????)? "Really? You don't lie to me? Human beings are allies of the wild gods? Instead of imprisoning, driving my clan? Give them the qualifications for the sequence?"

"What do you say on the human side?"

Jiang Nan grinned: "If I say it, no one will say it! I can't promise you anything!"

"But I can guarantee! Humans will never betray their allies, let alone interfere in your clan's internal affairs. You will not let me down! I will not let you down!"

"I hate being betrayed by others, so I refuse to be the kind of person I hate!"

"You can always trust Nanshen! Whether I am worth your trust or not, time will tell!"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand towards Tarot!


At this moment, Tarot couldn't help but hesitate!

(??д???) "Can...can you let me discuss it first?"

Jiangnan shrugs!

I saw Tarot run aside!

Tajiro leaned on his chin:

(???°??°) "What do you two think? I feel reliable!"

Tayue Luo nodded:

(????) "I think it's pretty reliable too!"

Ta Xingluo nodded:

(︶?︶?) "I think you two are right!"

The three looked at each other and nodded!

"Just do it!"

So he stepped forward, and the six little hands clasped Jiang Nan's hand together!

"The discussion is over! I also messed with you!"

Jiangnan sweated profusely on his forehead: (?_??)…

Now it seems that the decline of the wild gods is not unreasonable, right?

God special meow to discuss it, you seem to have a serious illness!

Taking off your pants and farting is more practical than you are!

"Then it's settled!"

Tarot doesn't know what kind of brilliance it has brought to the Wild God Race today...

Satsuma and Bourdain were also relieved for a while, the boss finally figured it out?

Sona looked relieved, showing an old mother's smile:

(⌒?⌒?) "Xiao Luozi has finally grown up!"

Tarot: ? ? ?

(??? dish??)? "Small Luozi, I don't think you respect me? No matter what, I'm also your old brother!"

"Although the boss of the Bully Gang is Nanshen now, I feel that it is necessary to re-determine the ranking to establish my Tarot's status in the Bully Gang!"

Suona leaned on her chin: (??°??°) "This is possible! In prisons, it's not usually whoever commits the most crimes, who's criticized? Just follow this ranking!"

"Who will speak first?"

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Nan suddenly became interested, and he really didn't know why they came in!

As soon as this was mentioned, Satsuma got excited and raised his hand quickly!

?(???┏?┓???)? "I! I'll say it first! Lao Tzu successfully robbed Xingyuan Bank! Pulled their entire vault and successfully escaped!"

"Breaking the record of Xingyuan Bank that has not been robbed for more than 600 years, and even appeared on the news interface of! I, someone, has won glory for my ancestors!"

Jiangnan's mouth twitched, robbing a bank? Such a common reason?

(???~??)???? "Then what?"

Satsuma scratched his head and looked shy:

?(???┏?┓???)? "The treasury was snatched, and before I could open the lock, I was caught by the law troops!"

Bourdain pouted: (?????*) "What are you? I slept with all the women in the family of the boss of my clan's Holy Law Conference, remember! It's all! I caught it by my ability!"

"After the incident was revealed, he didn't dare to kill me at all, but sent me to the Styx Death Prison!"

Jiang Nan covered his face, how much hatred? Not a single one was spared, did you?

As expected of the most kind man, don't they dare to kill you? Is it because he was reluctant to kill you that he sent you in to suffer?

"Where's Sona? How did Sona come in?"

I saw Sona holding her head high:

(︶.?︶?) "Me? I have nothing to do with it~ I don't usually take up some weddings and events!"

"There is a swallowing star of the Apocalypse family, remember what Manti's birthday is, and invite me to sing two lively songs!"

"I received a bunch of white things that day, and I sang it smoothly. When I rushed over, I didn't switch over, so I sang a big funeral at the birthday banquet of the big star swallowing..."

"When I came back to my senses, I had already been tortured. Can I rely on me for riding a horse? The fees for white things are more than those for birthday banquets. I have a big funeral, and not a single one of the guests shed tears!"

"Still arrest me? I haven't even bothered them to ask for money for songs!"

Jiang Nan covered his face, Shen Te Meow sang a big funeral at the birthday banquet of the star swallowing boss, I think people live longer, right?

Madam Manti has also suffered from blood and mold for eight lifetimes. I want you to sing at the birthday banquet!

If you don't slap you to death, you'll be saving face, okay?

Both Satsuma and Bourdain were amazed, and they all gave Sona a thumbs up!

This doesn't sound like an ordinary bullshit, does it?

"Tarot? What did you come in for?"

I saw Tarot sweating profusely on his forehead, scratching his head with dodging eyes:

?(??yi??) "Yes... or let's compare something else, how about the prison term? Aha~ahhaha~"

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