Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2144: Seek talent and go to hell! arrange

As soon as I heard that the Tarot was compared to the sentence, everyone stopped doing it at that time. Who compared with him?

He is more than 40,000 years old!

Sona waved his hand:

(︶~︶?)? "Since you've come in, then everyone is brothers. What's there to hide? Hurry up!"

Tarot darkened his face:

(???~???)? "I accidentally crashed into a mechanical wormhole, so..."

Satsuma was stunned: "Isn't that so? It's just a mechanical wormhole, isn't it over if you lose some money? Why is this..."

Tarot gritted his teeth: "It was originally like this, but I was crashed in the Sector of the Wushou clan. The people of the Wushou clan came to me for a theory. I couldn't get angry, so I tilted my head and spit a few mouthfuls..."

"The Wugou family is on fire. I heard that they are still members of the elders of the Wugou Temple. They said that I was a serious crime of destroying the ecological environment. The crime was extremely heinous, and I was sentenced to two months!"

"But after entering the Styx Death Prison, I was sentenced to more than 40,000 years by my ability. Who among you can compare to me?"

Jiangnan: (??w???) Ah this...

Borden Summer: (?????*(??┏?┓???)?…

Suona covered her face: (?)﹏(ヾ) "Because of spitting, he was arrested in Styx to die? Sentenced to more than 40,000 years? You deserve to be called a criminal, you?"

Tarot said anxiously: "Two months! It's two months! But after Lao Tzu came in, he was always looking for trouble with me! I'll tear up one if I come!"

"Am I not vicious enough?"

Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched: "According to the urine quality of the Wugou people, spitting anywhere is indeed a serious crime! But you have been locked up until now because of spitting? You too..."

Jiangnan stroked his forehead with his hand, is this special meow also called a crime? But Dazhi, you are too embarrassed to say it!

After all, it is also the existence of living people who stuff the Wushou people into sacks to defecate!

In an instant, Sona Summerboden was all hardened, and he couldn't help patting Tarot's shoulder!

?(???┏?┓???)? "Brother~ Let him pass over the past, and think about it!"

"In the future, there will be brothers covering you, so you will never be afraid again..."

Before the words were finished, Tarot was on fire:

(▼Ware▼?) "What's the matter, brother? I'm your eldest brother, I think you're a little floating?"

Bourdain sweated profusely on his forehead: (??????) "But if you rank the crimes according to the size of the crimes, you can't even count as a slap in the face? Or... puff~"

Before the words were finished, Tarot couldn't help rushing forward and smashed Fei Boden with one punch!

Satsuma and Sona are both a shocking spirit!

"Brother Tarot! What are you talking about!"

After all, he started to do it, huh?

Tarot's face darkened: "Where's the boss of Nanshen? Why did he come in?"

Jiang Nan pointed to his nose:

?(??~??) "Me? Me? It doesn't matter, I just chopped off more than 10,000 bosons, blew up the Holy Law Star Palace, and blew up more than 40,000 planets stationed by ten thousand races!"

"The city of a thousand stars has been demolished, and the stars of all stars are flying around, with hundreds of trillions of lives on their backs!"

"It's all over, the little things, it's all the little things, don't mention it!"

This time, everyone present froze, and couldn't help but look terrified!


Satsuma laughed dryly:

('-?-`;) "Ahaha~ Boss Nanshen, it's not too much, even if you don't brag, you're still our boss?"

Tarot waved his hand:

(︶.?︶〃)? "Damn~ you're so boring, how could someone do such a big thing?"

"Can't swallow the stars? Even if you do it, this crime is enough to kill a thousand swords and die hundreds of thousands of times, and you can still be sent to the Styx Death Prison?"

"Boss Nanshen, you really know how to make a joke. Are you blowing it a little louder?"

Jiangnan's hands: ╮(??~??)╭ "Look~ you still don't believe the truth!"

Wang Youzhi grinned, Jiangnan spends 99.9% of the time in a day, and the punctuation marks and expressions are deceiving!

The only time he told the truth, but he didn't believe it?

Only Suo Na looked at the Qianxing catastrophe on the back of Jiangnan, his face turned pale, and his forehead was sweating!


This... can't this be true?

You must know that human beings are sanctioned by the agreement of ten thousand races, and now Jiangnan and Wang Youzhi, as human beings, appear in the starry sky aboveboard!

It proves that the Ten Thousand Races Agreement has been torn up!

To what extent can we tear up the Ten Thousand Nations Agreement? The picture on Jiangnan's back is just that...

Suona gave a savage shock. If what Jiang Nan said was true, then now that he is still alive, it is not an exaggeration to call him an immortal?

Absolute devil-level existence!

"Where's Dazhi? Why did Dazhi come in?"

Wang Youzhi said casually: (°ー°〃) "I didn't do anything, I just accompany Jiangnan to go to jail!

As soon as these words came out, Suona almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

I have heard of accompany to study, to accompany wine, to accompany to play, and this is the first time I have heard that there is accompany to squat!

What a good place to be in the Styx Hell? Are you going to go to jail with you? Real brother, this?

Accompanying squatting is even more outrageous, right?

Heigang raised his hand excitedly: "I am me! I am because..."

Jiang Nan waved his hand: "Okay, no one cares, let's go here, anyway, no matter how big it is, it's not as big as mine!"

Black Steel: ?(???●)

Give me a chance to show myself, hey, I'm quite a criminal!

I saw Jiang Nan's expression solemn: "In the next time, you don't need to do anything! Go to the river to fish for crystals every day, and practice to improve the strength of your physical fitness!"

"You don't need to pay attention to the 300 tasks of Brother Chacha. If you make up your mind every day, it's ok if you stretch him!"

Tarot swallowed his saliva: "Would you like the younger brother below to pay tribute to some Styx crystals every day? We're fine..."

Jiang Nan shook his head: "No need! Let the brothers save the rest! It's not good to always grab the fruits of other people's labor!"

The corners of Satsuma's mouth twitched. Isn't that what you did before?

However, the boss of Nanshen did not accept Styx crystals? This is something they didn't expect!

"How long will the effect of that force last? Once the effect wears off, brothers..."

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Don't worry! I will continue to supply Dali. Every night from 10:00 to 12:00, I will open a small shop on the side of my cell!"

"Whoever wants Vigor, or other treasures, can buy it from me with Styx crystal. This crystal is money? Do you understand?"

"The more you get, the more money you have in your hand, and you can buy what you want. Don't think I only have this stuff in my hand!"

"Whatever you want, I have what I have! Even if I want a wife, I can get it!"

Heigang's eyes instantly fell on the back hill of Jiangnan!


Hiss~ Sure enough! Nanshen boss's fart pocket is connected to the dimensional space!

Are there even big living people inside?

In an instant, Tarot's eyes lit up!

What the hell? Can I still buy a wife? Don't you want to be so powerful! Hey!

Wang Youzhi's mouth twitched!

('-﹏-') "Are you going to start a business in the Styx Hell?"

Jiangnan's hands: ?(?'??')? "Of course? Such a good opportunity, if you don't make good use of it, it's a waste, okay?"

Wang Youzhi covered his face, it was the Jiangnan Society!

In this way, in order to buy more treasures in Jiangnan's hands, the prisoners will only work harder to catch Styx crystals!

Come to Jiangnan to consume!

While being powerful enough to satisfy himself, Jiangnan also got the Styx Crystal he wanted!

This can be more than the protection fee or the direct grab to earn more!

And the prisoners will not complain, they will only be grateful to Jiangnan!

The old catapult, okay?

Tarot scratched his head: "Wait! Isn't there a curfew from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock? What else can we do..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "I just applied to Ping Chacha. After the prisoners go up to the Styx to take a bath every day, they will have two more hours of free time!"

This time, Summerboden and the others were completely crazy, and they were about to explode with excitement!

Two hours of free time? Does this work? Boss Nanshen is too magical, right?

I saw Jiang Nan's eyes turn: "The jailbreak is kept secret for now, don't publicize it everywhere, otherwise it will only increase the incident!"

"Sona, go gather the core members of the bully gang and screen out the brothers! Those who are capable, those who are not bad in nature will be recruited, and those who are not saved will be kicked out!"

"The prisoners are of good and bad quality, and some have come in for what they have done, and some of them are really damned!"

"We are escaping from prison, not doing good deeds. Although Lao Tzu is not a good person, it is better for some damned guys to let them rot in the Styx Death Prison!"

"Otherwise, it would be irresponsible to other lives if I let it go. All the people who died because of him would be because of my irresponsible behavior. In that case, I wouldn't be able to sleep soundly!"

"You measure it by the standard, you are a smart person and know what I mean!"

Jiangnan wanted to bring a group of elites out, but he wasn't jealous enough to bring everyone out!

If you want to follow Jiangnan, there is a threshold!

Those who are not worthy of being saved, white-eyed wolves, ungrateful bastards, Jiangnan simply doesn't want to touch them, they are not all the way!

Sona grinned, patted his chest and said:

(????) "Don't worry! I'm familiar with Styx Death Prison, so I'll make arrangements when I go back!"

"By the way, there is no limit to the number of people who can escape from prison, right? Will it hinder the escape operation if there are too many people?"

Jiang Nan smiled and said: "You can do it anyway, let alone these prisoners, even a racial father can take them out!"

If you really can't do it, just stuff it in a sack, you can take it out anyway!

Sona raised his hand and compared it to an o98k!

On the other hand, Jiang Nan raised his hand and threw a bucket of Vigor to Tarot, let him drink it, and told him that it should probably take a long time to restore his original body shape!

Mostly depends on how many rat biscuits he ate!

Satsuma is embarrassed and said:

(???┏?┓???)? "Boss Nanshen, look at the tattoos on our bodies..."

Jiangnan raised his eyebrows: (?????) "This shop not only provides tattoo business, but also provides tattoo cleaning business, which is the cost..."

The faces of the two turned black, how could they not know what Jiangnan meant? I turned my head and fished for the Styx crystal...

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