Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2178: Point to the galaxy

You Ming stared: (beneficial) "Is there any problem? How did you tell me by licking this large number of faces?"

"It's okay if you escape from prison, and you still want to take the insect rain out? You are just whimsical!"

"The Zerg threw the bug rain here, let me watch, I let her go? How can I explain the Zerg side? I..."

Jiang Nan shrugged: "I kidnapped her, what does it have to do with your Nether family? I don't want to be overwhelmed by my debts, and I won't itch if I have too many lice!"

"What responsibility, even if you push it on me, after all, in the eyes of the starry sky, I am a villain who has done all evil and lost his conscience!"

"Besides, what can the Zerg do to you? Attack the Styx Star Region? Just because the insects rained away? The Zerg can't make such a big resolution, right?"

You Ming swallowed his saliva, his eyes flickering!

Jiu Lan was stunned, so Jiang Nan was conspiring loudly in front of the Nether Warden to escape from the prison with Insect Rain?


Such an arrogant prisoner, you are the first, right?

Jiangnan strikes while the iron is hot: "Once I help Insect Yuyu regain her fairy pupa shell, she will be able to regain control of her insect swarm!"

"All the industries under her are mine. With the resources in her hands, it is not difficult to supply humans and even one of your Nether Races, right?"

"And after it restores the star-devouring level, it is impossible for her to recognize the Zerg, and it is the person on our side!"

"A zerg star-devouring mother emperor who controls the swarm, a dimensional star flight all over the starry sky! A dimensional war that can end at any time!"

"The dimensional gap is the base camp! The Black God is the backing of Lao Tzu! You say, in this starry sky, is there still a place for me in Jiangnan!"

At this moment, Netherworld's scalp was numb, and goosebumps went straight to the heavenly spirit from the tailbone!

This is a game, a big game!

Jiang Nan made it himself, once he made it, there is no question of his position!

While gaining a firm foothold, I even have a certain right to speak!

The rain of insects acts as the guardian of the Jiangnan side of the swallowing star station, holding the dimensional star voyage, and using the dimensional war as a threat, if it retreats, there will be a dimensional gap!

Advance to attack, retreat to defend!

Once it happens, even if Jiangnan escapes from prison and is active in the starry sky, the Holy Law Society can't do anything to him!

The situation of human beings in the starry sky is completely opened!

For the first time, You Ming saw the horror of this young man in front of him!

Not only dare to think, but also dare to do it!

What are the seeds in his head?

The huge amount of mineral resources that Insect Rain once held in his hands, Nether knows it!

Once it can be recaptured and used by humans and the nether race, it is absolutely enough!

However, You Ming squinted his eyes and said, "You're good at drawing big cakes. What kind of empty promise are you making here with Lao Tzu?"

"Help Insect Rain regain the fairy pupa shell? You gave it to the Zerg for nothing? Will you get it so easily?"

"Easy to say, but harder to do than to reach the sky? Why are you so sure that you can do it?"

Jiangnan sneered: "Wait! How hard could it be to blow up the City of a Thousand Stars in 27 minutes under the eyes of ten thousand clans?"

"I can handle the catastrophe of thousands of stars, what is there that I dare not do? A small fairy chrysalis can't be taken back? The problem is not how difficult it is, but whether I want to do it or not. !"

Netherworld's thoughts are rapidly flowing, he admits that he hesitated!

Once Jiangnan really does it, he will be able to get resources from him, no need to look at the face of the Holy Law!

Moreover, this kind of thing is done secretly, and it is a secret deal!

I can completely step on two boats, while being a good baby on the side of the Holy Law Society, while secretly engaging with Jiangnan!

The only thing that needs to be vigilant is whether Jiangnan can make it happen, and whether it will keep its promise after it is done!

After all, that is by no means a small sum. With huge benefits, brothers can turn their faces!

Not to mention Jiangnan's mouth, the question is, can I trust Jiangnan!

Moreover, the risk of doing this is not generally great. Once the matter is exposed, the situation of the Nether Race will be embarrassing!

It will be sanctioned by all races in the starry sky, isolated, and even cause a racial war, and the conflict may be!

Nether fell silent, he was thinking, weighing the pros and cons!

Concerning the future of the race, every decision is extremely important!

Jiu Lan's hands and feet are numb, she can't talk about this kind of thing, and she can't be the master!

Jiang Nan continued: "Of course! Don't think that I will always provide resources to the Nether Race, after all, I also need to develop as a human being!"

"After all, resources... Who is too much? I will continue to provide the resources of the Beimian Starry Sky Mine until your Nether Race enters the Starry Sky Sequence!"

"Wait until the Nether Clan is no longer limited to this corner, and can freely travel under the starry sky. At that time, how to eat this bowl of rice in the starry sky and how much you can eat will depend on your own Nether Clan's ability!"

"You can't always eat what you want, if you want to be full, do it yourself!"

The Nether Clan was stunned for a moment: "Starry Sky Sequence? What enters the Starry Sky Sequence? Can you let my Nether Clan enter the Starry Sky Sequence?"

At this moment, even Jiu Lan pricked up her ears, and a little star appeared in her eyes looking at Jiang Nan!

Jiang Nan grinned: "You hear what I'm saying? What? Don't you want to?"

"Or was it imprisoned in this Styx death prison for too long, and lost the ambition to step into the starry sky?"

"If that's the case! Then there's no need to talk about it any more!"

You Ming sneered: "Heh~ don't talk big there! Let my Nether family join the starry sky sequence? Why are you?"

"Do you think my family is willing to stop at the Styx River Star Territory? In countless years, it is not that my family has not tried!"

"But every time, it ended in failure and suffered heavy losses. Countless people of the same clan died in the war. The remaining clansmen could only retreat back to the Styx and lick their wounds silently!"

"War will kill people, teach me that the Nether Race has eaten enough! The current situation is already a peaceful situation that my Nether Race has done my best to get!"

"Just because of your few words, I will take the whole family to play with you? Anyone can talk big! Can you do it?"

Jiu Lan also lowered her head in disappointment and secretly clenched her fists!

Jiang Nan narrowed his eyes and said, "I did it! Just a few months ago!"

Nether fierce stagnation!

"That's because of the Black God, because..."

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Then why do you think the Black God chose to help me? I won it! If you don't fight for it, you won't have it!"

"War will kill people? I know this better than you! It's not that human beings have never been beaten back, but they have been beaten back three times. Even this fourth time, during the Purification Plan, nearly half of the mankind died! "

"Do you think I understand? I understand too much! All I know is that nothing will change if I don't fight for it!"

"Indeed! The Nether Race is different from the original humans. You have the Styx River Star Region, and this is your retreat! If you can't beat it, if you lose, some will retreat!"

"We don't, we can only win! Because we have nothing!"

You Ming stared at Jiang Nan in a daze, standing in front of him, talking to him, not a arrogant, arrogant brat!

But the people who really came out of the war of racial survival and death filled with gunpowder!

He is the master of the age who will bring his race to victory!

Jiang Nan took a deep breath: "It's a good thing to have a way back, I just want to tell you, don't be flattened by the way back!"

"We have an old saying in China that is born in distress, and dies in peace!"

"You guys have a way out! What's there to be afraid of? Even in the worst case scenario, there's still a way out!"

"If you don't dare to fight like this! Go for it! The Nether people deserve to stop in the Styx Star Territory for generations! I can't witness the splendor of the starry sky!"

This time, You Ming was not angry, but lowered his head and remained silent!

Jiangnan and himself are completely two extremes, two completely different mentalities!

When I was young, I was also full of hard work, maybe it was really smoothed out by retreating!

If... if there is no Styx Star Territory to retreat, then the Nether Race may really spare no effort to fight everything!

You may win, but you may also lose nothing!

But in the real world, there is no if!

"How do you want the Nether Race to join the Starry Sky Sequence? How do you fight the resistance from the Starry Sky Ten Thousand Races?"

Jiangnan smiled, and there seemed to be wildfire burning in his eyes!

"Don't look down on yourself! The Nether Race is not weak! It has a natural advantage over all races in the starry sky, and it can even restrain energy bodies and material beings!"

"Sequence war! I don't plan to let go of this sequence war! Wait for the next time? The day lily on the horse is cold. What I hate most is to wait!"

"Everyone is eating under the stars. Since you can't change the rules, then become the ones who make the rules!"

"Let's not say anything else, carbon-based life accounts for the vast majority of the starry sky, but among the top ten sequences, it is our carbon-based life that has the least reputation!"

"Have you considered the concept of a carbon-based alliance?"

You Ming was startled: "You mean..."

Jiang Nan grinned: "You don't know my human abilities, and now I have shaken hands with the Apocalypse Clan! If you add the power of the Nether Clan! Energy bodies and material beings can even handle it!"

"Who said carbon-based can't work? This Sequence War! I want to be the biggest dark horse! It's time for the Holy Law Society to exchange blood!"

"I'm not telling you anything else, but I'm telling you about the situation that may develop in the future starry sky!"

"Being in the starry sky, personally participating in it, letting the starry sky change because of yourself, stirring up the situation, and reaching the top, isn't it exciting?"

You Ming looked at Jiangnan in awe, your ambitions are too big, right?

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