Opening the Ground Stall to Sell Vigorously

Chapter 2179: Give me a chance, give yourself a chance

Jiu Lan stared blankly at Jiang Nan. At this moment, Jiang Nan pointed Xinghe, talked eloquently, and spoke unscrupulously about his ambition!

In the Styx Death Prison, this corner of the land, but the heart extends to the entire starry sky!

Jiangnan at this moment gave her a familiar yet unfamiliar feeling!

She clearly felt that she knew enough, but at this moment she realized that what she knew about Jiangnan was only the tip of the iceberg!

This southerner always seems to have endless unknowns that people can't help but explore!

With the level of not breaking the star, pointing the galaxy, stirring the starry sky!

The Lord of the Age of Humanity, whether it is courage or courage, is the top of the starry sky!

Just like the rising sun, it gives people infinite vitality!

Jiang Nan once told Jiu Lan what he was going to do in the Nether Death Prison and what might happen!

From the current point of view, all of this is happening in the direction Jiangnan wants!

He really changed a situation that was not good for him to a situation that was good for him!

Surviving in a desperate situation, he even proposed the idea of ​​cooperating with the Nether Race!

It's incredible!

If...if the future is really as Jiangnan said, the Nether Race joins the starry sky sequence, and can freely traverse the starry sky and support themselves!

What a wonderful future like that!

The seeds of freedom planted in Jiu Lan's heart are now madly taking root and sprouting and thriving!

Can't help but look forward to the ghost!

You Ming's eyes stared at Jiang Nan, how much ambition does he have in his heart?

"As the master of the human era, you have completed your mission, but you are not satisfied!"

"Not only do you want to be the master of the previous era, but do you even want to be the sun of the starry sky?"

"Once people try to do things beyond their ability, the end may be miserable!"

Such a wild vision, even Netherworld dare not even think about swallowing a star. What Jiangnan wants to change is the pattern of the starry sky, becoming a rule maker and a chess player!

Jiang Nan smiled: (? ̄?? ̄?) "I am very greedy! How can I know that I can't do it if I don't try? I'd rather be a leader than a phoenix!"

"People look forward to it, but it's addicting! If you want to do it, just be the most dazzling sun in the starry sky!"

"The future that doesn't know the ending will make people feel pleasantly surprised and look forward to it! And what will happen in the future, whether it will become what you expect, is up to you!"

"How? Are you interested?"

Netherworld's eyes flickered, to be honest, he was tempted!

This future is worth fighting for yourself, but the difficulties and obstacles encountered on the road are unavoidable!

You Ming will not easily change his decision just because of Jiang Nan's words, he has many things to consider!

"Don't tell me anything else, you've gone too far, and you've said so much, you just want to get a chance to get out from me!"

"This is your original purpose. We are now talking about the issue of purifying and separating the energy of the Styx! Are you giving it or not!"

"Unsatisfactory things in the world are out of ten! The plan will never catch up with the changes. If it is as you said, the risk of my Nether Race getting involved in your arrangement is too great!"

"Myriad races in the starry sky are not decorations. Silicon-based, energy bodies, and material-based beings will not watch your so-called carbon-based alliance rise. My Nether Race is no better than others. The situation is already extremely difficult. If you are not careful, you will only be able to Make it worse!"

If the Nether Race is really involved, Jiangnan Yewang will be beheaded, and humans will be too busy to take care of themselves! Once defeated, the Nether Race will really face a situation of isolation and helplessness!

The Apocalypse Clan and the like are not bad, they have a sequence identity, and they have the background of their own clan, they can endure it, and they can afford it!

But the Nether Race doesn't even have a sequence identity, the risk is too high!

Jiangnan looked serious: "The risk is often proportional to the reward! And before the general trend of the carbon-based alliance, there is no need for the Nether tribe to stand in line and resist the starry sky!"

"Your Nether Race is still an obedient **** of the Holy Law, dear baby, you accidentally let me go, you just did one wrong thing, and you won't tear your face!"

"You can still be friendly with the Holy Law Society, loving and loving! As for the union, everything is done in secret. Even if the mine resources are used to supply the Nether Race in the future, it is a secret deal!"

"Most of the risks are borne by me. When the Nether Race stands in line, you need to come out and clarify your position! This can avoid the frontal conflict in the early stage!"

With a dark face, he naturally knew what Jiang Nan meant!

But why does this sound like doing bad things, stealing people behind their backs, and breaking shoes?

Jiangnan hit the railroad while it was hot: "I know, you can't trust me! But in the early stage, the Nether Race was a two-way choice, with two boats!"

"You can give it a try, see if I will keep my promise, see if my ship will sink, and then choose not to do anything with us!"

"Take 10,000 steps back. In the worst case, the Nether Race has become the public enemy of the whole people, so at least the Styx Star Region can retreat! This is the last insurance!"

"As for the method of purifying the energy of the Styx, don't think about it now. When the carbon-based alliance is successful, the nether race successfully enters the starry sky sequence, and several carbon-based races form an unbreakable union matrix, I will naturally give you the method, after all At that time, to help you is to help myself!"

Even if Jiangnan wants to give it now, there is no other way but to delay it!

After all, Jiangnan himself doesn't know how to purify it, everything is an assumption based on existing information!

Until then, we will study how to purify it!

For this, Jiangnan can only hope that the boat will naturally straighten when it reaches the bridge!

Netherworld's eyes flickered, indeed, with this operation, the risk of the Netherworld clan has been minimized!

As for whether Jiangnan is worth trusting, we can see it later. If not, the Nether Clan can stop the loss in time!

The only thing that has been lost is the part of the resources that the Holy Law Society promised to give him!

If it is really possible, then it is worth fighting for it, maybe it can really fight for a free and glorious future for the future generations of the Nether Race!

I saw You Ming squinted at Jiang Nan: "I talked to you about Dali, but you told me about the future of the race and the situation in the starry sky!"

"If you don't have this mouth! Your strength will be weakened by at least 99%, right?"

Jiang Nan rolled his eyes: (??~??*) "Thank you for the compliment! I don't want to! After all, who wants to use their brains for problems that can be solved by hands?"

"Isn't my strength not enough to see? So I can only use my brain to top it!"

You Ming sneered and said: "You chose to enter my Styx Death Prison, in fact, you are holding the mind of opening up the starry sky relationship network and gathering talents, right? You are brave enough!"

Jiang Nan laughed twice: "It's just a follow-up, how about it? Do it or not! Give me a happy word!"

"Give me a chance, and also give yourselves a chance!"

While speaking, Jiang Nan got up and stretched out his hand towards You Ming!

Jiu Lan on the side looked at Netherworld with anticipation!

Agree, you can try it, it's not impossible, right?

However, You Ming looked at Jiang Nan's outstretched hand, but fell into silence and did not reach out to hold it!

Jiang Nan just looked at You Ming calmly, and said nothing more!

I have already taken 99 steps forward, and this step requires You Ming to make a decision and take it forward!

Otherwise everything is empty talk!

You Ming took a deep breath and stared straight at Jiang Nan with a blank expression: "What I want is just the formula of vigorous strength, and I can get it in a more secure and convenient way!"

"As long as I don't let go, you will never be able to escape the Styx Death Prison! I can spend it with you forever!"

"Five years! Ten years! A hundred years! Until you are willing to hand over a powerful formula, then there is no possibility of cooperation!"

"Since you want to cooperate, then show your sincerity! You can't always do as you say, I can afford it, and I can even spend it with you all the time!"

"But you can't stand it! How long can you live? A long time is enough to kill all the enthusiasm in a person's heart! And your heart is not here, it is outside all the time!"

Not to mention a hundred years, even five years, Jiangnan may not be able to afford it, the outside world is changing, and once the opportunity is missed, it will no longer be available!

Jiu Lan's complexion changed, huh? No...disagree? She is in a hurry!

Obviously, You Ming wanted to get the Vigorous Formula first, and then talk about other things. Even if Jiangnan was released, he was not trustworthy. The You Ming Clan was blamed by the Holy Law and withdrew some resources!

With the vigorous formula, Netherworld is not a loss!

Jiang Nan smiled without changing his expression: "Are you a little greedy?"

This is in the nether territory, his own life is in his hands, and he uses his advantages to strive for the best interests for himself. This is normal!

But Jiang Nan would not agree, because he would not purify at all!

You Ming smiled: "You said it! Human nature is greedy, right?"

Jiang Nan said lightly: "Are you so sure that I can't escape? I said it! There is almost no way, but it's not really impossible!"

You Ming squinted his eyes: "You can try, I am quite confident about this! In the next time, I will personally sit in the Styx Death Prison, and I can also watch your performance!"

Jiang Nan grinned: (?ˉ??ˉ?) "Oh? In that case, there seems to be nothing to talk about! Do you think so?"

While speaking, he slowly retracted his outstretched hand, and You Ming just said something casually!

"You can go out!"

Jiu Lan said urgently: (???﹏??)? "Lord Nether? Let's…"

"Get out! Do your job well!"

Jiu Lan shrank her neck when she was reprimanded, and could only say in despair:

('???`) "Yes... yes! Lord Nether!"

Turning his head, he took Jiang Nan out of the office, but Jiang Nan was not too disappointed, and the corner of his mouth always had a radian!

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