The door to the office was slammed shut, and the meeting was over!

The rest is up to You Ming himself to decide. As a racial speaker, this kind of decision concerning the future of the race is not something that can be easily made up!

It has family luck on its back!

No matter if he really wants to shut himself up and talk about cooperation after the vigorous formula is in hand, or if he insists on his conservative strategy and doesn't want to take risks!

No matter what the result is, Jiangnan has already planted the seeds of struggle in You Xing's heart!

Once the door to freedom opens a gap, you can't help but want to push it open completely!

The problem is, does Nether dare to reach out!

Jiu Lan bit her lower lip, her expression lost:

(???) "Master Nether does not agree, it's not his fault, after all, after so many failures, his heart has been worn away!"

"But I think what you said makes sense. If you don't fight for it, you will never get what you want!"

"I'll go back and persuade Lord Youming, but... you may have to stay in the Styx Death Prison for a long time!"

Jiang Nan smiled and waved his hand:

(︶.?︶〃)? "There is no need to persuade, it is pointless to persuade, and I have already achieved the purpose of this meeting!"

"You Ming said that there are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world. When things reach this stage, some things are beyond his control!"

The gods and gods on Jiangnan's face are there, obviously they have their own plans!

Jiu Lan frowned, what do you mean?

Lord Youming obviously disagreed, and even kicked Jiangnan out, how could he still achieve his goal?

Just as he was about to ask in detail, Ping Chacha, who was pacing back and forth in the corridor and drawing circles, was so anxious that he felt uneasy in his heart!

After all, there was a loud noise in the office just now, with the roar of Lord Nether!

It seemed that the meeting was not going well, Ping Chacha had already sprayed Netherworld in his heart a thousand eight hundred times!

Seeing Jiang Nan and Jiu Lan come out, Ping Chacha's eyes brightened, and he hurriedly greeted him, asking nervously:

(???﹏??)? "Nan… Master Nanshen, how is the meeting? Are you in a good mood? Lord Youming has a strong temper and speaks straight, don't be like him!"

Jiang Nan grinned, stepped forward and patted Shan Cha Cha's shoulder with relief!

(.???)? "I'm in a good mood now, so you'll be cheap, come here!"

Ping Chacha almost didn't cry out on the spot, finally, finally willing to tell me the clue of happiness?

Think about the sins you have suffered these days, for this very moment!

Ping Chacha hurriedly put his ears close!

Jiu Lan looked confused, what were the two of them whispering?


Jiangnan: (?)?3?) "I put the thing in the Insect Rain's cell, it's a very conspicuous place, go find it yourself!"

"After all, the most dangerous place is the safest place!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Nan laughed and walked away!

However, Ping Chacha froze in place, feeling that a big thunder struck his head in his pants!


Shen Te Miao has released insects to rain in the cell, what are you doing in her place? How can I get it back by myself?

Danger is really dangerous!

[The resentment value from Ping Chacha +1008! ]


The rain of insects took the two lunatics out of Acrylic and Damon!

Do you want to be happy with her? Surely there will be no leftovers left to eat?

I saw Ping Chacha kneeling on the ground weakly, his eyes lost the brilliance, and his face was decadent!


This is simply nonsense!

But soon, Ping Chacha ignited his fighting spirit, so what? Bug Rain doesn't always stay in his room either!

There will always be an opportunity for me to sneak into the cell while she is not there to get my happiness back!

Happiness is to be earned by yourself. If you don't fight for it, nothing will change!

At this moment, Ping Chacha's eyes were firm, and it was obviously ignited!


But at this moment, I heard a ghostly and gloomy angry shout from the office:

"Bang Chacha! You ride a horse and let Lao Tzu sneak in! Immediately! Immediately!"

Pingchacha shivered, come on! Did the warden hear what he said just now?

Are you going to be so unlucky?

At this moment, Ping Chacha could only cry and walk towards the office...

After the meeting, Jiang Nan returned to his cell, everything was business as usual!

The Styx Death Prison, which had been demolished in half, was rebuilt at the fastest speed, and the Nether Legion who came to support it returned to the Pearl Star Harbor with satisfaction!

As for the robbery of the Pearl Star Harbor, it seemed like it had just passed. There were no big storms, and You Ming didn't mention how to deal with it, nor did he intend to pursue it!

It’s just that he didn’t let go of Jehovah’s mind either, and that great grievance was still locked up in the interrogation room!

Although the Styx Death Prison has not been repaired, it will not delay Jiangnan's business!

At ten o'clock every night, Nanshen Store is open as usual, and business is still booming!

The queues formed a long line, Tarot and Satsuma were running the business in the store!

Sona, on the other hand, asked for leave, saying that he wanted to restore the emptied hp value!

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the corridor, and the prisoners slammed out of the way, standing upright one by one, and said in unison:

∠(`w′*) "Bro Meng!"

At this moment, Damon is standing in the corridor, scratching his head shyly, the bruises and slap marks on his cheeks have not disappeared, and he looks a little at a loss!


However, even the jailer cast a respectful look at Damon!

Damon is embarrassed and said:

?(?)?﹏?) "You... what's wrong with you? Don't you always call me Da Mengmeng?"

"Tudu... It's really uncomfortable for people to look like this all of a sudden?"

"I'll come to line up, didn't I bother you?"

The corners of the prisoners' mouths are twitching, what's the matter, you can be a little more arrogant!

The politely healed Da Mengmeng in front of me is really Damon who was halfway with acrylic that day?

With such strength, you don't have to be so restrained, right?

Immediately, a prisoner stepped forward: "Damn~ my brother Meng came to buy something, what line is there? Just go directly!"

"Brother in front, make room for Brother Meng!"

Immediately, the prisoners in the front voluntarily gave way to Damon and went to the back to line up!

Damon looked embarrassed: "This... how bad is this? I'm still in line. I just want to see if Brother Jiangnan is safe, and I want to..."

However, Goose Damon was ultimately unable to match the enthusiastic prisoners, so he pushed him forward!

In fact, after being wrapped in silk by a rain of insects that day, Damon quickly fell into a coma and returned to the second personality to dominate!

The brutal and madman's Shahuang personality was suppressed, Damon didn't remember what happened, and when he woke up, he was in his cell!

So everyone's attitude made Damon a little uncomfortable!

As soon as Damon entered the store, the atmosphere in the store suddenly stagnated!

Somerset Black Steel shivered, almost instinctively, and knelt down to Damon with a click!

Because they still remember the situation of the day, just thinking about it makes their legs go weak!

Damon was shocked: ∑(°mouth°(?) "You... what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to go to the prison doctor? I'll help you get up!"

Saying that, he was about to step forward to support Heigang, but Heigang suddenly screamed, and when he supported his hands, he knelt and slipped in reverse, and his knees rubbed out sparks!

It's no wonder that Heigang is cowardly, the power of a person can't be faked, especially after seeing Damon's brutal scene!

As long as I see him, I will think of the scarlet evil emperor, and it is normal to be afraid!

Damon's hand stretched out to help stiffen, and he seemed to realize something, with disappointment and self-blame in his eyes!

Are you out of control again?

However, Jiang Nan popped his head out and looked at Damon with bright eyes:

(???)? "Yo? Da Mengmeng is here? Is he recovering well?"

"I have a special medicine for wounds, do you want to use it? It's free!"

After all, Damon stood up to protect "himself" back then!

When Damon saw that Jiangnan was fine, his face showed joy: "It's okay, I'm used to being beaten, it's all from a small injury, it's good that Jiangnan brother is okay!"

"I...I want to buy another sewing machine. The previous one was broken in the riot, and my rabbit doll was also lost, so..."

Jiang Nan's melted expression, how wonderful, how healing is the big Mengmeng?

?(??????) "It's all my own, what to buy? I'll give you one for free!"

Damon hurriedly shied away: "No no no... I still bought it, I can't keep asking for something from Big Brother Jiangnan, just... I don't have so many crystals!"

"When I can go back to the river, I will definitely get some more supplies for you!"

Jiang Nan waved his hand casually, carried a sewing machine to Damon, and then smiled: "It's trivial, it's all trivial! Oh, by the way, if I'm free at night, I'll go to your cell to find you, and I want to talk to you about something!"

Damon hugged the sewing machine with a look of joy: "Welcome anytime!"

After speaking, he hugged the sewing machine happily and left, while Jiang Nan leaned his chin and his eyes were full of interest!

This is not the same as what Heigang described to him before, right?

Damon is really so cruel? And that Sha Qi, Jiangnan is not generally interested, it is worth learning more about it!

Wang Youzhi came over and smiled wickedly:

(?????) "What's the matter? You want this too?"

Jiangnan laughed straightly: (?°??°) "Of course! What am I doing here? It's all talents, I can't bear to let them rot and mold in the death prison!"

Wang Youzhi pointed out: "Then you have to be careful, I have seen his evil emperor personality, he is a pure lunatic, and he can't communicate at all!"

"Once you get out of control, it is very likely that you will be cut yourself!"

Jiang Nan put his arms around Wang Youzhi's shoulder with a confident look on his face:

(?¬?¬(???c) "That's interesting, isn't it?"

Wang Youzhi: (?????) "Take me one at night~"

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