Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 2: Undressing rough stone

Regardless of Enron's ambitions, the current hardship needs to be improved.

Enron needs money.

Except for the house, a few clothes and some essential daily necessities, An Ran did not leave him anything in the past. Although he has space, there are crops and spiritual fruits in the space, but this is far from enough. Orcs like meat and eat. Large, fruits and vegetables are the necessities of non-orcs. In this world, plants are scarce, and the prices of fruits and vegetables remain high. Ten catties of meat can't be exchanged for one catty of vegetables, which is the status quo.

Rao was so safe and didn't even think about selling Lingguo to make money. Lingguo in the space is always a scarce thing in the game "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang", and a master-level dish requires at most one or two flavors. Since discovering the space, An Ran knew that he was bound to be pushed to the cusp of the storm. Destiny cannot be changed, at least he can choose, the only thing that can change his future is the ability to bet on rocks. Lingguo cannot be exposed.

A-ba once said that A-da is a well-known stone gambler in Mochizuki City. He was given the same expectation once, and this expectation disappeared under repeated blows. The death of An Ran was sorrow and grief. His Abba was a great warrior, and his father was a noble stone gambler. His elder brother inherited Abba's talent, and he was the only one in the family of four. An Ran never gave up hope. In the past three years, he sold everything that could be sold, but left the calcite machine that Daddy had used.

In the past, Enron had no talent for gambling on rocks, and it can be said that every gambling will lose. Lin Rui had no talent before crossing. He was the son of a jeweler. He knew all kinds of jade and jewellery very well. He knew all the processes from calcination to processing to carving to the final product listing. For jade, he has enough knowledge reserves and has participated in several public markets in Myanmar. But I only bought it.

Father Lin warned him more than once that the stones are not touchable, and he will lose ten gambles and nine loses.

Wear underpants at the same time as the poor and the rich.

An Ran never doubted what Father Lin said. In the past twenty years, he hasn't touched a gambling stone. He also never thought that one day he would cross, with the sky-defying stone betting skills. The most noble profession on the road is a rock gambler. After death, Enron's dream is to become a rock gambler.

Betting on stones is inevitable.

Reluctantly glanced at the dense woods with spirit fruits, and walked farther through the woods safely. An Ran remembered that the vein he opened was near a tiankeng. Although he took the piece of land outside Cangwu City, the layout in the space was slightly different from the Cangwu City in the game. Fortunately, the Tiankeng is still there, but the appearance has completely changed.

The tiankeng in the game becomes a mined mine. The rusty mining **** in An Ran's hand is completely useless. The rough jadeites in this mine are all mined and piled in the pit, ranging in size from palms to several tons. An Ran only felt excited about his left hand. Speaking of which, this is the first time he has used the god-level miner’s anti-sky skills. It is like a scanner. The original left hand that has been seen by the eyes will have varying degrees of excitement. Based on this reaction, his brain can consciously get it. The information, pit type, color, size and energy value of the jade in the rough stone.

An Ran knew the scarcity of top-quality emeralds, and the strength of the orcs on this continent was the symbol of their status. The only way to raise the level of a fighter is to absorb the energy in the jade. The standard for judging the orc’s talent value is the absorption of the jade. The better the absorption, the higher the talent.

The best warrior academy in the mainland is the Maca Academy in the Imperial Capital, where An Qi is. An Qi is the third-year chief student of Maca Academy and a second-level profound-level fighter. An Ran remembers that An Ran's dad prepared a lot of emeralds for his brother, but his brother broke through to the profound level in five years. I am afraid that there is not much jade left.

He is going to the Imperial Capital Maca College to find An Qi. The New Year on this continent is in February, and it is now at the end of December. An Ran wants to find his brother before the new year. Every May is the Beast Tide Moon. In May, the wild beasts will violently attack the town. To resist the animal tide, the students of Maca Academy are the elites of the entire continent, and they must be on the front line. He doesn't know what happened in the past five years. Now that he comes, he has to take care of his brother.

An Ran couldn't stop An Qi from coming to the front line to resist the beast tide. All he could do was to provide enough emeralds to make his brother stronger. Find my brother before the new year and spend a new year together, and there are two months left for my brother to absorb jade. The plan is perfect, just need enough funds to try.

make money! make money!

The fastest way that Enron can think of is to auction the materials, which is currently the only feasible way.

This idea had just been generated in his mind, and An Ran couldn't wait. He has a whole pit of jadeite rough, and An Ran knows how to deal with stones. Although he can't bet on stones, An Ran inherited An Ran's body and naturally inherited this craft. Quickly out of the space, An Ran found the calcite machine enclosed in the next room, and brought the calcite machine into the space.

The problem is coming again.

He was in the mine when he went out, and then came back in front of the hut, which meant he had to move the emerald rough stone in the pit to the hut or move the calcite machine to the pit. Moving the rough emerald stone is not a good choice. An Ran immediately decided to move the calcite machine to the pit. His future is inseparable from the calcite, and the workload of moving the stone is too much.

Just ascertaining this idea, it was too late to start, the calcite machine was gone, An Ran blinked, not understanding what was going on. He hurriedly out of the space, the box used to place the calcite machine was empty, he went in again, there was no near the hut. An Ran vaguely thought of a certain possibility, and ran across the grove to the mine pit. The stone blasting machine was indeed here, placed near the pile of emerald rough stones.

An Ran sighed, thinking "move the calcite machine to the hut."

The stone machine disappeared.

He also wanted to "move the calcite machine back."

The stone machine appeared in front of him again.

An Ran's excitement, one password and one action, is there still a GM in this gossip space?

An Ran stared at the pile of emerald rough stones in front of him, and picked a medium-sized one, and slightly sensed that the energy contained in this rough stone was quite sufficient. The color of the old pit glass was not easy to judge, and it seemed that several kinds of them were intertwined. An Ran calmed his mind slightly, thinking about how to untie this rough stone. The shell of this rough stone is very thin. Except for the thin layer of the outer shell, the rough stone of more than 20 kilograms is full of emeralds, without any impurities. The quality is excellent. An Ran is afraid of hurting the jade and causing energy loss, so cutting the stone is not an option.

Rubbing stones?

What a lot of work!

An Ran is sad, but he has no choice. Good jadeites are wrapped in thin skins. Stones are easy to damage the jade, and it is difficult to mark. wipe.

Silently raised his head to look at the foggy sky in the gossip space, gritted his teeth, pointed his finger at the jade in the original stone pile, and ordered viciously: "You, come out!"

If there is a GM in the gossip space, he must be crying silently at this moment.

That rough stone was also really obedient, and moved to An Ran in an instant. An Ran just wanted to turn the grinding wheel to polish the stone. The emerald rough undressed by himself o(╯□╰)o This shocked An Ran, he already knew the gossip space He is like an almighty true **** here. Even so, he is not ready to accept such a degree of heaven-defying! He just thought about how to solve the stone, and the rough jadeite took off his clothes.

Look at the jade that has been solved. It is smooth and bright in color. There are four colors on a piece of jade: red, yellow, green, and purple!

This is the legendary Fu Lu Shou Xi!

An Ran is not calm anymore. The Lin family is in the jewelry business. He also grew up touching jade. This is the first time I have seen such a superb old pit glass type Fu Lu Shou Xi. The four colors are perfectly integrated on this piece of jade, the color is righteous but not evil.

In terms of absorption, jade on the mainland is divided into five categories:

Special Class-Mo Fei

First class-emerald, chicken butter yellow, blood jade, violet

Second Class—Glass

Third Class-Ice Species

Fourth class-bean species, hibiscus species, etc.

There are two surprises for this classification.

The richer the emerald color, the better the absorption, the second-class glass kind of floating green absorption is not as good as the third-class ice kind of full green.

The absorption of multi-color jade is not as simple as one plus one equals two. For example, the glass type Fulushouxi four-color jade solved by Enron is already comparable to the first-class jade. More than 20 kilograms of glass species Fu Lu Shou Xi, only one piece of jade will be enough for him to eat for a lifetime.

The best jade has always been priceless.

An Ran went back to the room and found a backpack to pack the jade and put it in the space. He was anxious to spend money. The currency in mainland China is a universal point. The universal point is not a paper currency and cannot be withdrawn. It is like the bank card commonly used by Enron.

Two crystal cards are connected, enter the transaction amount, and confirm. The transaction is completed and the transfer is very convenient. It took An Ran for a long time to find out An Ran's identity card and crystal card, and to see the amount on the crystal card, it had already returned to zero.

An Ran’s house is in a slum, and the auction house is on the most prosperous street in the center of the city. It is far away. It is obviously unwise to carry the best jade so fast in the past. The shell of the rough stone can isolate the energy of the jade. Once it is unlocked, the energy It was time to investigate, and the lowest-ranked first-level yellow-ranked fighters could also feel that, letting An Ran pass by carrying this rough stone, and survived to get out of the slums.

All day An Ran was thinking about safe shipping of jadeites. It was not until late evening that he realized that he could control the things in the space at will. People can take out the things inside the space, as long as they meditate in their hearts. . The joy of discovering this even surpassed the **** of the jade rough. An Ran was very excited, this time he could finally take Fu Lu Shou Xi out safely.

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