Orc God-level Miner

Chapter 3: Auction House Disturbance

An Ran walked to the auction house, which took him two full hours. Although his physique improved by the unknown fruit, An Ran's body is still very bad, and the loss is too serious, and it is impossible to make up for it.

When An Ran arrived at the door of the auction house, it happened to be in time for the night market. There are many people who enter and leave the auction house, and occasionally I can see a few acquaintances. There are many relatives in the Tang family. An Ran has lived in the Tang family for two years. It is not unusual to know him. The people of the Tang family looked at him with contempt and ridicule. They couldn't find a reason for An Ran to go to the auction house, all of them opened their eyes wide and waited for him to be thrown out.

"Look, this is An Ran. Even if the gambler can't pass the exam, I dare to miss Your Excellency Tang Mo..."

"What does waste come to the auction house for? Doesn't he live in a slum?"

"Your Excellency Tang Mo admires the white pupil of the Bai family, why would you like this rubbish."

"The waste dare to run around, without shame!"

Originally they were whispering, but these people spoke very loudly, for fear that An Ran would not be able to hear them.

If the former An Ran heard this, he would cry out of anger, but now it is him. When he heard these words, An Ran wanted to laugh. He didn't know how to be ashamed when he went out. How broken is this continent! Obviously Enron was the victim, because the Tang family was greedy for his money, and right and wrong were reversed too much.

An Ran didn't want to argue with these people, and walked into the auction house with her lips.

An Ran went out with a backpack, which was swollen with waste paper, without emerald. An Ran was lucky. At this time, the night market hadn't started yet, and the person in charge of the auction house was welcoming VIPs in the front hall. An Ran had visited the auction house several times with the Tang family in the past, and based on that vague memory, An Ran still recognized the person in charge. When he entered, the whole hall was quiet. Everyone looked at him, as if waiting for his next move, and then grabbed the handle and continued to laugh at him.

The person in charge of the auction house is Su Su, a direct descendant of the Su family, the number one trading house in mainland China, who is a non-orc and very talented in business.

As a direct descendant of the No. 1 firm in mainland China, the news is very well-informed, and Su Su also knows the stories he has to tell about the Tang family and An Ran. Although Tang Jiang is not kind, he is the Lord of Mochizuki City, and based on the cooperative relationship, Su Su will not offend him. Su Su didn't want to intervene in the affairs of the Tang family and An Ran. Seeing An Ran coming straight to him, Su Su frowned for unchecked.

When An Ran was three steps away from Susu, the rumors sounded again.

"Does trash fall for the Su family?"

"It's shameless to hook up with non-orcs!"

At this level of meanness, An Ran was helpless, and An Ran was a phenomenon in Mochizuki City. For him, people in slums can also step on two feet to find confidence.

An Ran walked to Su Su and handed a note to him. Su Su didn't react yet, frowning and staring at him in a daze. An Ran didn't like the look in the monkey show, his brows wrinkled, and he was a little impatient. Seeing that Su Su didn't respond, he made a stubborn mouth.

Su Sucai looked at the note in his hand.

He stared at it three times, raised his head fiercely against An Ran, and nodded An Ran.

Su Su's throat was a little tight, he lowered his voice and asked, "That thing...brought it?"

An Ran nodded again.

Su Su took An Ran to the VIP room of the auction house.

The news of "Trash Anran hooked up with Su Su of the auction house, and the two have a deep love" quickly spread throughout Mochizuki City.

Most of the people who established the news didn't believe it. Su Su was also an embarrassing existence in Mochizuki City. He was a direct line of the No. 1 Commercial Bank, and he should be a very noble status. It happened that he was the same as An Ran, not the least talented in betting on rocks. The only thing better than An Ran was that if he didn't 2, he would make money.

Such an ordinary person who dare not offend the nobleman and the contemptuous person and the trash have got together safely?

Is it because there is an inexplicable attraction between waste?

When An Ran heard the news, he only thought of a well-known saying in the state of China that "every man hides a mountain in his heart". Regarding this, An Ran believed, although Father Lin always wanted to lead him on the right path, An Ran was inevitably crooked, he was a broken sleeve!

From An Ran's point of view, the relationship between orcs and non-orcs in this continent is not only about broken sleeves, but also about humans and beasts! XD An Ran can accept the identity of An Ran so quickly, the gossip space is one reason, and there is a more important reason-this is a world with broken sleeves! Obviously, Enron had forgotten a very crucial thing. Enron is a non-orc, and a non-orc can't transform and has no fighting power. Is it feeling, what is feeling? If someone asked An Ran this question in the past, An Ran would tell him that acceptance is number 0, which is the accepting party in the broken-sleeve relationship. There are strong accepting, mother accepting and so on.

After changing the world, the concept is obviously different. Non-orcs are suffering and oppressed, the daughter-in-law of the orcs, who is going to have a child and a child, hey!

Before crossing, Enron is attacking! He is pure number 1!

In the past, An Ran was a non-orc who was born and raised, and certainly did not reject being a daughter-in-law and having children. And now, his excitement in eager to improve his life after crossing has made him forget this serious problem.

He is tragic!

Su Su took An Ran into the VIP room, leaving two strong guards at the door, closing the door and staring at An Ran fiercely. When Su Su turned and closed the door, An Ran put down the backpack on his back, put the waste paper in the bag into the space, and at the same time put the piece of Fu Lu Shou Xi in it. The zipper is still closed, and the bulging backpack looks no different. Su Su was a non-orc, unable to perceive the energy in the jade, so An Ran took advantage of it.

The emerald was too heavy, and An Ran's small body was very difficult to hold. He took a step back and sat on the sofa, putting the backpack he was holding on his lap. Su Su also came over at this time. Su Su's expression was very cautious, looking at An Ran expectantly. An Ran was also a little nervous under his influence, and carefully opened the zipper of the backpack on his leg, and carried the piece of Fu Lu Shou Xi, which was more than 20 kilograms, out.

Su Su's eyes widened the moment An Ran opened the zipper, and his eyes were almost glaring when An Ran exploded the entire jadeite. Su Su has been in the Mochizuki City auction house for ten years. He has seen countless jadeites. It is not that there are no glass jadeites. It is the first time that Fulushouxi has seen it, and he is still so big. You don't need to be firm in Su Su to know that the jade that An Ran brought is the best one he has ever seen.

The water head is good, the color is gorgeous, big, transparent and pure.

It happened that this piece of top-quality jade was carried in a bag by the well-known waste of Mochizuki City.

Su Su didn't know how An Ran brought this emerald in without hiding from the big orcs outside. Without any reservation, this jade can raise an orc warrior by several levels. In the face of this top-quality jade, ethics and morals are all Ps, and it is common to forcibly kill and kill people.

An Ran brought this emerald with a tattered bag and was not discovered by the orcs. This alone was unbelievable. At this time, Su Su was not curious about this. What he cared about was the value of this jade, how much benefit it could bring to the auction house, and what kind of gold wave this jade would create among the orc warriors.

The things sent to the auction house have always been recognized for money but not for people, and money can be taken away.

The news that the Tang family robbed An Ran of money and swept people out was not a secret among the aristocracy. They will not condemn the Tang family because of An Ran, and An Ran is not worthy of others to do so. Not only that, they will follow the Tang family's meaning to ridicule and trample on An Ran. In the past three years, Enron has suffered all the cynicism, and the days are extremely miserable. These things are known throughout Mochizuki City. But now, such a **** actually took out such a piece of top-quality jade, Su Su didn't believe that this was revealed by the Tang family, otherwise An Ran wouldn't have taken it out until now.

This jadeite should have been obtained recently.

Waste Enron bet on Fu Lu Shou Xi?

This news is more shocking than Fu Lu Shou Xi itself!

Su Su thought a lot, but he didn't say anything. He took a deep look at An Ran and switched on the communicator in his hand. This is an invention in the last two years, and its function is similar to that of a telephone. The communicator is supported by energy stones, which are the most inferior jadeite, which is difficult for soldiers to absorb and does not have much energy.

Su Su pressed several times on the communicator and said a few words in a low voice. An Ran didn't listen carefully, and it was rude to eavesdrop on the phone.

The one who spoke with Su Su was the appraiser of the auction house, and also the chief appraiser of Mochizuki City, Rob, and along with him there was Gao Lixin, the first-level orc warrior from the auction house who assisted in appraising the jade.

An Ran knew that Su Su had notified the appraiser. He picked up the jade on his leg and placed it on the long wooden table in front of the sofa. The table was covered with a layer of soft cloth, which was specially prepared for the guests in the VIP room to display items. When An Ran did this, Su Su looked at him with nervous eyes, fearing that his hand would shake the jade. When An Ran set it back and sat back, Su Su breathed a sigh of relief. While looking at the jade on the table, he waited for the appraiser to come over.

Luo Bo and Gao Lixin came very quickly, can you be unhappy? Su Su said that someone had sent glass seeds of Fu Lu Shou Xi. Before talking to Su Su, Luo Bo was still in the hall recounting the past with his old friends. Su Su only said a few words, which was impossible to recount.

"Someone sent us a glass of Fu, Lu, Shou Xi, please tell your Excellency Mr. Gao Lixin to come to the VIP room together."

Rob's old friend also heard this, not only Rob's old friend, but everyone in the hall might have heard it.

Glass kind of blessings and longevity!

Glass kind of blessings and longevity!

According to legend, the glass species Fu Lu Shou Xi is the first class jade with emerald, chicken butter yellow, violet, and blood jade.

At this time, everyone picked up the communicator in hand:

"Mochizuki City Auction House has a glass kind of Fu Lu Shou Xi!"

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