Xueyuan's affair was over. She lost twice in a row. The second time, An Lie witnessed the ugly side, and she was temporarily unable to whistle. Xueyuan’s door-to-door incident is worse than showing off. She wants An Lie to see her days more and more moisturized after leaving the Revolutionary Army. She wants An Lie to regret it, after confirming that the goal cannot be achieved. , Xueyuan has no strength to jump.

She was unwilling, and the last thing she wanted was to let An Lie see her desolate and miserable appearance.

Xueyuan is gone. As a concubine from the eighteenth room, Hu Dashan took away. An Ran never knew what scene An Lie and the others saw that would blow her to Sri Lanka. An Lie didn’t say anything. , The only two who might know about Lian Sheng and Hui Yue, one of them is working hard to restore strength and return to the Nine Heavens Hua Ting as soon as possible. As for Lian Sheng, he knows everything, but he doesn't say anything.

After solving this trouble, the revolutionary army finally settled down completely.

It is said that during the past period of time, the Daxi family and the Liu family fought for theft and accused each other of being thieves.

Regarding the casualties for the time being, the two families did not produce a result. In the end, the city lord came forward to preside over the matter. Under the witness of both parties, they led people to search the two big families up and down, and the lost things were not found in the end, as if Between everything, he just disappeared out of thin air. Slowly, some people said it was the hands of the revolutionary army, but few people believed this kind of "planting". Everyone knew that the revolutionary army was always vigorous and vigorous. How could he be so enthusiastic in an unfamiliar place in his life, without disturbing people at all, and finally retreat.

Obviously. These people have forgotten that the leader of the revolutionary army has newly recognized a son, and he also brought two more grandsons. One of these two little grandsons had a bizarre contract with the legendary big monster beast suffers nightmare.

This sounds incredible, but it is a fact of Hong Guoguo.

It's a pity that no one thinks of it. The Daxi family and the Liu family did not accept each other, and the results of the search could not convince them, and both sides agreed. The other party took things away and hid them. Especially the Daxi family, which was looted clean and clean, the family's so long accumulation, piece by piece are treasures, and the effort to sleep is gone. Although it was said that money could still be made to feed the people without the deposit, the theft broke out, and the reputation of Da Xi's family fell sharply in a short time. Those friends who were acquainted with them in the past also retreated when they saw them. Even the family whose furniture has been emptied will be unlucky whoever sells it, and even the in-laws that have been established for a century will avoid it for the first time.

Faced with a family that is good at Gu poison, they can't directly refuse to offend people, and they can't afford to offend them. Can afford to hide.

For a time, the two big families are like the pathogen of the plague, whoever sees and runs.

An Ran also heard about this, and while joining the fun, he remembered another thing.

The revolutionary army needs transformation!

These aristocratic families have also been spelled out from generation to generation. The predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade, and the family business has grown. It is impossible for them to say that they were clean and did not do any bad things. No matter how upright the patriarch is, it is impossible to restrain the people under him so well. There are inside stories, and most of the families have been contaminated by nasty things, but this cannot be a reason for the revolutionary army to ransack people. People only use slightly improper means to seek benefits, while the revolutionary army is a pragmatic bandit, directly robbing others of the fruits of their labor. The reason for the rush to kill and the formation of the revolutionary army was that the hardships he experienced in the Orc Continent were almost bestowed by some big families in the Ascension Realm.

It can be said that the great clans hated the revolutionary army, and the villain cursed every day. If they hadn't dissipated all the money from the looting and sent it to the poor people, the reputation of the revolutionary army would not be known. Seeing the house being built day by day, An Ran was worried about it. He struggled for several days and finally decided to talk about it.

An Ran came to An Lie's study alone, looked at An Lie sitting at the table, and said, "Abba, I have something to say."

"Xiao Ran? What do you want to say?"

After careful consideration of tone and use of words, An Ran spoke cautiously: "I was thinking recently that there are only those clan families in the Nanyuan reunification. The revolutionary army lives by robbery, and there will be a day when the robbery will be finished. By then, we will again How should we deal with ourselves? Besides, those family members, although they have indeed made a lot of ill-gotten wealth, have been able to grow and develop so far, they have also worked hard from generation to generation. The damage we suffered yesterday is compared with the disaster they have suffered today. , Is too negligible. Of course, if you have gratitude, you have to retaliate, and if you have enmity, you have to retaliate. How to grasp this level is the most important. "

An Lie did not answer, he kept looking at An Ran, waiting for the next step.

"More importantly, no matter how hard we work, we will never be able to erase the gap between the rich and the poor. People are poor for reasons, and people are rich for reasons. There are causes and effects."

"Our revolutionary army is under the banner of robbing the rich and helping the poor. Although the looted money is used on the people, they may not be grateful. Maybe they will think that you have robbed a hundred things and brought out ten, most of them I ate them all by myself, and let the people help me out. Isn’t that the case? We are a living target, attracting hatred from all walks of life, but the guys who really benefited are happy to take advantage of it, happy and happy."

"I have been thinking recently that the work of robbing the rich and helping the poor is almost done. Can we also change our heads and settle down? Brothers can't run around like this forever, settle down and marry a wife and live a good life."

These words were not pleasant to the ears, but they were very real. An Ran was talking to An Lie, but the eight heads of the sub-heads collided.

Indeed, the days of licking blood in the wind and fire have been going on for too long. If it was just revenge, they would have stopped long ago. They insisted until now that they just wanted to do more for the people.

These words of An Ran sounded a wake-up call for them. Indeed, people are selfish and susceptible animals. The revolutionary army robbed them of a lot of money. With so many people in Nanyuan as the base, it wouldn't be much to share.

I'm afraid that others didn't take this little grace to heart at all, and never thought about it. This is something that the revolutionary man has exchanged for his life.

If you get one point, you want two points. Thinking that there are people on the left and right to help, people become lazy and lazy.

In fact, even if the revolutionary army does not take action, they can still find a way to survive.

Survival is a human instinct.

They always ignored this problem in the past. Now, An Ran tore the problem open, and put it in front of someone. They only wanted to face it for the first time.

This is an important matter concerning the future of the revolutionary army, and it is also Enron's last heartache.

He is going to leave. Before that, at least he will settle Abba and his brother.

An Ran said it all. It was the revolutionary army's own people who really made the decision. An Lie once again convened a meeting of all the branch leaders, and they discussed in the study for a whole day. The eight sub-heads returned to their turf and slowly spread the thoughts of transformation into the crowd. At first, the majority did not understand. An Lie sent soldiers of the Revolutionary Army dressed as ordinary people to go out to feel.

At the same time, Daxi's family and Liu's family were making a fuss.

The two big families planted and slandered everything, accusing each other of robbing themselves at night. Ask the other person to spit out what they have eaten.

After careful analysis, these aristocratic children did not suspect that the revolutionary army was involved. On the contrary, the people who were aided by them were quietly discussing whether it was the revolutionary army's hands. When will things be delivered? Haven't been moving for so long, is it because you want to embezzle it?

The fellows of the Revolutionary Army who went out on unannounced visits were furious. They hadn't paid attention to this before. They only felt that the people were enthusiastic when distributing items, with smiles on their faces and sweet mouths.

They never thought about it. This is a play, in order to get more things, they will naturally flatter and please.

The result of the unannounced visit came back, hurting the hearts of all the guys in the revolutionary army. At this time, the engineering team had already repaired the quadrangle courtyard one by one. After several conferences and discussions, they decided to swallow the money robbed from the Daxi and Liu families, and divide the antique furniture evenly among the courtyards, so that our brothers in the revolutionary army can also be well off.

After the house was repaired, Anran organized the soldiers to do a general cleaning inside and out, and then moved all the furniture in and put them away. Everyone moved from the earthen hut and thatched house. As for the previous dilapidated and irregular houses, they were all demolished. Houses were demolished much faster than repairing houses. Soon, there were only this stone-built courtyard in the entire valley, with the same specifications and reasonable planning.

Once the house problem is resolved, there will be no major issues within the revolutionary army, and the only thing left is the problem of transformation.

After hearing what the people of Nanyuan said, even the guys who originally wanted to devote their lives to the cause of robbery died, and they began to discuss another way out.

If so many people cannot agree to form an organization, they will slowly disperse, and the revolutionary army will no longer exist. What can we do if we reorganize them together? Is it going to be a family? Or sect?

This is what they hate most. This is not a contradiction with ideals.

A group of people discussed for several days, but there was no result. It was hard to build such a large courtyard house. They were reluctant to leave, but if they did not leave, I am afraid that the transformation would not be successful. The revolutionary army is too famous in Nanyuan. If it leaves, it will buy a house and land. Although the revolutionary army has killed many big households vigorously, it has not left much money for itself, and almost all of it has been scattered. Not enough to travel long distances and settle so many people.

As the commander of the army, An Lie could hardly fall asleep.

Finally, An Qi couldn't stand it anymore, rushed to the study and said, "Abba, if you can't solve it, why don't you ask me what you mean?"

Almost forgot...An Ran, Lian Sheng, and Huiyue have great backgrounds. For them, money is something outside of their bodies, and there are many good things in their hands.

After all, An Lie found An Ran. He already knew about the space, and he knew there were so many treasures in it. An Lie didn't want to be greedy for Mo An Ran's things, but at this point, he had to rely on his youngest son to support him. Naturally, this little thing was agreed to by Enron. In his eyes, the revolutionary army was already his own. Although the boys and girls had such problems, there were no major defects or problems in their personality. They have been able to selflessly help the people of Nanyuan for so long, and it is impossible for them to have low morals.

Vas? Or is it an emerald stone? Or all kinds of elixirs?

There is too much space.

This is not a fundamental solution to the problem. The revolutionary army can pay for the cost of migration, and Enron can use the money to buy houses and land. What then? What do you rely on to make a living? Is it possible for An Ran to raise her for a lifetime? Or after experiencing the hard work, can't help but copy the old industry again and start the act of burning, killing and looting?

An Ran felt that it was more important to determine the direction of development of the revolutionary army than the problem of lack of money.

He discussed the matter with An Lie. There is a saying. An Lie meant not to engage in sects or clans, but to become a mercenary group.

There are also mercenary groups in the ascension world. It's just that their status is not as lofty as the Orc Continent. The mercenaries are mostly poor people who wander in the monster forest to make money with their lives.

In the ascension realm, Zongmen is the most touted. Then came the gang family.

The mercenary group is the bottom of the existence. An Lie has a weird mercenary plot. He feels that mercenaries are true **** men. They are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of death, not coveting wealth, and possess absolutely noble character. It doesn't matter whether it is a gang or a mercenary group. From Enron's point of view, they are all the same. If you must say something, the advantage of the mercenary group lies in its mobility. If a gang suddenly arises, I am afraid that it will encounter all kinds of unimaginable troubles. There are different overlords on different territories. They have established rules of survival and closely monitored various organizations within their sphere of influence for fear of rebellion.

Gangs are an embarrassing existence, so many powerful, organized and disciplined men pose too much threat to people.

This is inappropriate.

An Lie said the mercenary group, the eighth branch leader had no objection. Most of the revolutionary army came from poor families. If it weren't forced, who would be willing to fall into the trap? No matter how bad the reputation is, can it be worse than the revolutionary army? After unanimous consent, the Revolutionary Army was reorganized, and the name that had been ringing throughout the Ascended Realm for six years was completely abolished, and An Lie personally named the mercenary group. Called "good brother".

This name is very vulgar, has nothing to do with domineering, but it makes everyone feel warm.

They are good brothers, good brothers forever.

The only person who wanted to be crooked was An Ran. When he heard the name, he deeply praised his ability to name Laozi, and then sighed sadly: "Isn't Mao a good friend?"

It happened that An Qi was beside him, and he frowned, "Good chanterelle?"

Enron was so embarrassed that she never said anything.

The generation gap caused by cultural differences is really deep. He really has no energy to explain to An Qi what a good friend is. Is it possible to tell him-just like you and your wife?

With this method of explanation, if he really regards his base friend as his wife, what should he do if he finds a wife like looking for a base friend in the future?

What a sad topic.

An Ran worked hard to sprinkle all kinds of cherished flowers in the valley, took care of the courtyard again, and then took out all the things needed for migration. The tent is the most important, the large tent, four people, one roof, An Ran confirmed the number to the branch leaders and distributed the tents one by one, followed by the various pills necessary for going out. The anti-drug pill and the medicine for traumatic injury are the most important. There are some foods that are full and can be stored in the space for a long time, such as compressed biscuits and nutrient solutions. One by one, the nutrient solution was classified by An Ran according to its taste, and then it was sealed in a military kettle. Each person brought a pot, took a sip at a meal, and was full.

The days seem to be back in the Orc Continent. An Ran likes this kind of busy life, spinning like a top. He can do many things for everyone, all he needs is the brothers' hard work and rushing forward.

After three days, An Ran allocated the necessities. In order to prevent being exposed and hold back his identity, the revolutionary army changed its face. He asked everyone to change into camouflage uniforms, tents, water, food, clothes, spare elixirs, etc. Wait until they are all stored in the space, and then contribute large flying instruments.

An Lie’s new direction of development is in Xijing, which is wetter than Nanyuan, and the land is richer. Xijing has a huge area and is extremely desolate. Plants are relatively rare. Although not all deserts, bare mounds are everywhere. An Ran thought for a while, and felt that this place is also good. Feisheng has no sense of land ownership. They can find a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Some people stay behind to build, while others go out to familiarize themselves with life in Xijing and do some tasks. , An Ran has fallen in love with building a house, and has lived in the land of China. The first thing he does is buy a house where he goes. The courtyard in Nanyuan is left, and the formation is arranged outside. No one can enter. When I come back in the future, the garden will be full of flowers and there will be a place to stay.

When the people of Nanyuan slowly forget them, they will be able to come back.

As for Xijing, a base camp should also be established. There is a saying. Cunning Rabbit Three Caves.

Now there are other kinds of construction materials, such as cement, and there are design drawings. There are on-site supervisors, and building the house is a matter of course, if you don't seize this opportunity. After he left, An Lie didn't even have a fixed real estate. When he realized the importance of the problem and wanted to build a house, the cheap resources would be gone.

Anran's biggest goal is to build a den in all four directions, and it is best to buy a real estate in Zhongzhou.

Even if he leaves, An Lie and An Qi and the fellows with the Revolutionary Army will be able to live like a fish in water.

A courtyard was built in Nanyuan. Xijing can choose other styles of buildings, and change the styles in different places.

Due to the large number of people, the eight branch groups were divided into 16 waves to leave, and the flying instruments were temporarily borrowed by the head of the branch group after they were used up. Two per group.

An Ran and the others took a flying magic weapon alone. They set off almost at the same time. Before leaving, Lian Sheng thought about the issue of airborne. He set up an air defense shield with the blood of the old An family, just like the thing on Wutong Island. They made sure that nothing went wrong. Feel free to leave, the revolutionary army has been sweeping around Nanyuan all year round, and it is very good at recognizing the way. After confirming that Xijing was the destination, An Ran and the others didn't need to bother at all. They set their own direction to control the flying magic weapon to move forward, and An Ran and the others fell to the end of the line.

Along the way, there is no need to worry about direction, even three meals. They had food reserves in their personal space, and Anran also distributed compressed biscuits and nutrient solutions.

The men of the revolutionary army are all diligent. Except for one person to monitor, most of the others quickly entered the Ding Cultivation. From Nanyuan to Xijing, it crossed half of the ascension realm, and the journey was long.

At this speed, it would take half a month to enter the Xijing realm alone. After arriving in Xijing, they had to find a medium-sized town as a base, collect information, and slowly move towards the center of mercenaries, and finally settle down. This is a slow and arduous process. They have to endure a lot of hardship along the way. The pros and cons of this have already been mentioned by An Lie. The men of the revolutionary army are all the same. At that time, few people said that there was no base and no money. Compared with the scene at that time, the thatched house was already a high-end villa.

They have survived those days, and now so many people have grown so strong, can they still not be able to sustain it?

The revolutionary army, oh no, is now a good brother mercenary group.

When the members of the good brothers were working hard to cultivate, An Ran and others returned to their original corrupt lives. They set up a table on flying magical instruments to play mahjong and set up a lot of delicious food to eat and drink. An Lie was the first time he came into contact with this. Xiang's activities, known as the quintessence of the country, quickly became addicted. An Qi was to accompany him. Lian Sheng likes eating, drinking and having fun the most. Of course, he is indispensable for this kind of thing, and another is Ruirui.

Although the little guy is young, his means are high.

Compared to a novice like An Lie, he is simply a senior at the mahjong table.

Jun Qianxi sat behind Ruirui and looked at his sharp and imposing appearance, and had to sigh again that this baby was born too smart.

Mo Qingcheng seized all the available time and cultivated assiduously. Over the years, he had lost too many cultivation bases. Although he had even made up for it after taking the skill pill and strengthening the skill pill, the anxiety in his heart still existed. I always feel that since I have the conditions and opportunities, I should work harder and work harder to live up to the expectations of others.

Just like Rui Rui likes to haunt Jun Qianxi, Lin Lin likes to be with Mo Qingcheng.

Looking at Mo Qingcheng's cross-legged practice, Lin Lin also learned the same way. The two sat side by side, but they were very harmonious.

An Ran sat behind his own Lao Tzu and gave him card skills. Nima only said the rules once. He went to the table without a deep understanding. He lost all the way to the end. Finally, An Ran couldn't stand it anymore, so he changed a stool and went out to sit. Next to him, he began to explain according to the card type in his hand. Although Anlie is a pure golden beast and turned into a beast like a hill, he is not stupid, not only not stupid, but also very capable of learning. The rules on the mahjong table belonged to them. In the first few laps, An Ran needed to give pointers. Slowly, the church apprentice starved to death the master. As long as An Ran spoke, he would blow his beard and stare, and protest all kinds of things.

"Shut up, you I know in my heart."

"Hmph, I will show you myself next time."

An Ran sweats, your grandmother is a bear, and another one falls into it. It’s bizarre enough that Lian Sheng, an elegant and enchanting master who loves mahjong, now the team is growing again...

He was really worried, in case all the good brothers learned.

Is it better for them to open a gambling shop?

You can also play by yourself, and spread all kinds of gambling arts by the way...

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