From Nanyuan to Xijing, the sisters and friends of the Good Brothers Mercenary Group practiced all the way, while the Lao An family, who was the leader, rubbed mahjong.

An Lie deserves to be a genius of Tianzong, in this half a month, he has realized the transition from a novice rookie to an intermediate mayou. At first, An Ran would help to watch, but slowly, he was disgusted. An Lie is quick to get started, and he has his own experience in understanding this national quintessence movement.

In the original plan, they should find a city with a moderate scale, set up a temporary camp outside the city, explore the bottom, understand the situation in Xijing, and then go to the city with the densest mercenaries. Compared with Nanyuan, Zhongzhou and other places, the number of mercenaries in Xijing There are many. This is a consideration of regional customs. Zhongzhou and other places are relatively rich, families gathered, and mercenaries are squeezed out. Relatively speaking, Xijing is relatively desolate and its economic situation is not as good as other places. A little bit of strength, you can't run around at all, identity? status? That's not important, no one will care about you if something goes wrong here.

There are too many desperadoes to be suppressed and cannot be controlled.

After An Lie became obsessed with mahjong and the mercenary group entered Xijing, they found a place to rest in secret, and then sent a small team out to check the news.

These are of course the work of the original Revolutionary Army Pioneer Pathfinder Group. The Eighth Regiment quickly formed teams, set up campfire tents, and prepared a sumptuous meal. This half month is not the hardest time they have experienced, but it is the most boring and boring. Although the day-to-day practice dilutes some of the hard feelings, when it is time for the meal, the shabby nutrient solution and compressed biscuits are the same as the previous ones. Fish and meat are in sharp contrast, although when they were doing construction in the valley of Nanyuan, they only had those things for each meal. Although they tasted good, they weren’t completely overturned. They were all fried meat in a big pot, each with a big bowl. Rice. Cover with two tablespoons of meat.

At that time, I didn't think life was so good, so I had a quick comparison when I went out.

Although Huiyue had forgotten the memory that belonged to Qin Muyan, he did not remember that he had been in charge of being a dad for a long time. He was quick to get started. During the half month of flying in the air, An Ran lost a lot of books to him. As the number one God of War of Nine Heavens, Huiyue has a very good understanding. Not only that, but he also knows how to cook. Own opinion. At this moment, the guys of the good brothers mercenary group acted in batches. One team was hunting and the other team was collecting firewood. Soon, the fire was set up, and the pot was hung on the fire. Anran felt better from the space. Sweet potato potatoes come out and teach them to bury a bag of sweet potato potatoes before starting a fire. Then fill in a layer of soil and step on it to make a fire. After the meal is ready, you can have dessert after meal, er, although it is relatively low-end, it is a bit chewy anyway.

Although he is a high-end person who came down from Jiu Tian Hua Ting, he is quite accustomed to this kind of local fire. Although he has never done this in his previous life, he often encounters camping in the wild when playing that game. Picnics are nothing more than ordinary. The land is still good, even if it is in the strange group. Facing the **** corpse, he could also eat the dry food calmly.

This is a skill that must be practiced to play games.

An Ran's hands move quickly, regardless of whether he is setting up a fire or making a fire, he is all familiar with it.

Originally, he could choose a simpler method to take out the kind of energy stove he used in the Orc Continent from the space, but. With that stuff, there will be no fragrant roasted sweet potatoes.

So forget it.

The hunting guys are also reliable. Although there is not much vegetation in Xijing, they still have hunted some edible beasts.

An Ran can't do the work of dealing with beasts. Compared to washing, choosing vegetables, cutting meat, handling beast carcasses, etc., cooking is the easiest job. There are so many enthusiastic brothers who are so hungry that Enron really does. Don't worry too much. He asked Huiyue to do a demonstration, and then everyone else learned to do it. Although the pieces of meat that he got out were not as good as Huiyue's hands-on appearance, it was fine if he couldn't eat people.

Besides, for those guys who are used to beating, smashing, looting and burning, meat-chopping is also a thing of habit.

Cut the meat into cubes, cook it once, and then cook it with potatoes. Roasted meat is the first choice for camping besides barbecue stew, especially for this kind of firewood that is difficult to control. It is not suitable for fine-paced dishes. This kind of big pot of meat tastes delicious instead. The potatoes were left after they were buried, put various sauces, and burned with the meat. The aroma quickly dissipated. The meat was not cooked yet, but it attracted several greedy cats.

Look at their outfits, they should be locals from Xijing, An Ran watched the approaching team tentatively.

A dozen people, led by a bold man, unshaven man, his left hand is a think tank, a goatee, who looks like the accountant of a feudal society, thin, and his eyes are always gleaming, and his right hand is A tall man, a big man with a huge mace in his left and right hands, looks very honest, behind these three people are more than a dozen small characters.

Look at them, in ragged clothes, as if they had experienced a fierce battle. Half of the dozen or so people had various injuries. They were mentally good, but they looked at the pot with eager eyes.

An Ran and Huiyue looked at each other, and did not choose to stand up. Internally, he can do a lot of things. Externally, there must be a leader with a strong aura. He can't let everyone think that he is the boss. If so, if he leaves. , The team will get into trouble or even split. An Lie and An Qi must support them. Foreign aid who may leave at any time can make suggestions and don't have to worry about too much in front of outsiders.

The tacit understanding between the two is quite high, and they can understand each other’s meaning with one glance. The two old gods are squatting in front of the fire and continuing to barbecue. An Ran glances at the youngest son, and sees that he doesn’t mean to take care of him. The head of the eight divisions greeted him. Regardless of whether it is a good brother now or a former revolutionary army, they are all refreshing people, so are the men, so are the ladies, An Lie walked a few steps forward, arched his hands, and said loudly: "Which way are the brothers? , This is where we camp, if there is nothing important, please leave."

The road goes up to the sky, each side, Xijing is such a large area, can't you find a place to camp?

Of course, An Lie knew that the other party wanted to have a meal, or maybe he wanted to form a group and walk forward together. Everyone knew that Xijing was barbarous and that he would run out with only a few people. Sooner or later, something would happen.

Although he knew that, An Lie couldn't just post it like this, he had to make a gesture to convince the other party.

It was the thin "Mr. Accountant" who answered the conversation.

He is very aware of his situation, such a situation. If this large group of people is black-hearted and annihilates them, this is the normal state of Xijing. They didn't just take a dozen people out. It was an accident that almost broke the manpower. There were only a dozen people left in the entire Mace Hammer mercenary group. When the mountains and rivers were exhausted, they smelled the smell of meat and saw the last hope.

This team is amazing at first glance. Everyone has experienced hard training and is quite well-organized. At the moment they appeared, everyone was calm and vigilant.

The objective evaluation is that a team with absolute strength has never been seen before, and it is estimated that it came from another place.

"Mr. Accountant" discussed with the head of the delegation, and then conveyed his thoughts. Almost everyone had the same idea and went to them. It is one thing to have decided to defect. The price must be negotiated. They need better treatment and can't just bury it. These are the elites of the Mace Mercenary Corps who stayed. "Mr. Accountant" touched the eight-character Hu and replied: "Your Excellency, we are the Mace Hammer Mercenary Group. We have suffered a lot from the wasteland wolves. I hope to get your friendly help."

They are all smart people, and they only need to meet each other to understand what it means.

An Lie grinned roughly, and said, "You know we must be good people? If these damages are left in our hands, then..."

"Your Excellency is extraordinary, so naturally you won't do things like waiting for the night."

An Lie nodded. "Since Mr. believes me so, then come over and have a meal together. Meeting is fate. If you meet after a meal, you can also talk." Then, he compared to the fire, and the Eighth Division immediately adjusted consciously. formation. Let out a pot for these friends who meet up in peace.

When they appeared, the roasted meat was already 80% cooked, and the time to speak was almost the same. In order to make the taste stronger, An Ran burned it for a while. After he announced that it was edible, the major branch managers consciously picked up the spoons. , Began to divide the meat between the brothers, the whole process and the discipline of the rich organization, no one was vying for it. The few people in the Mace Mercenary Group looked dumbfounded. Apart from lamenting that the good brothers and the Mercenary Group are highly disciplined, after tasting the delicious potato roasted meat, they all worshipped An Ran and Huiyue, Nima... …Such a mercenary group that has never heard of a name actually has a cook who can’t lose to any high-end restaurant. I don't care at all. Being in the team is capable of logistics and skilled chefs are very helpful for cohesive centripetal force. Only when you are full can you feel the warmth of a family and a sense of belonging.

The guys in the Mace Mercenary Group were so hungry, they gobbled up 2/3 of the roasted meat in the pot and filled their stomachs with 80% fullness before they slowed down.

The few people had nothing to say and started talking. At first they were somewhat restrained, and then slowly let go.

They are all wandering outside all year round, and they are very used to this way of life.

After this meal, they have completely strengthened their heart to defect, and they don’t mean anything. Those who are mercenaries don’t play with these flowers. They told their own situation and their desire to defect, hoping that An Lie would take them in, and don’t. Having buried their talents, An Lie did not immediately agree, but said: "How about a game?"

"Mr. Accountant" understands An Lie's thoughts. Of course, they will not take in people who eat plain rice casually. They will change places, and they will make such requirements themselves. They will learn from each other and see their strength.

He only knows one, but doesn't know the other.

An Lie has already taken a fancy to this team. This thin goatee has brains, and the head of the team is also vigorous, especially the gluttonous man with two maces. It's amazing at first sight, and he must be a strong leader. . As for other things, it looks good and there is room for appreciation. In this case, what he has to do is not directly negotiate terms, but suppress them.

He could see that even though the opponent was forced into desperation, he was arrogant. If he didn't really surrender them with his strength, he might not be able to do it in the future.

It was with such an idea that An Lie proposed to discuss.

Unsurprisingly, the opponent sent the nail hammer. As for the good brother, An Lie can’t go there in person. He is the leader of the team, and he has to carry it up, and the eight major branch leaders are about the same strength, except for the six groups. The heir to Xueyuan is slightly weaker, and other strengths are similar, and An Lie can't make a decision even after thinking about it. The two little buns screamed, "Grandpa, me!" "Me too!"

The naive man carrying the mace was frightened and almost threw the mace.

"We don't bully the milk doll!"

Lin Lin patted Erhei's head. Signals the partner to start work.

His wandering eyes stared at the man with the mace.

"Hangzi, Xiaoye accompany you to fight! If you can beat me, I...I will let my father cook the meat for you every day!" After holding back for a long time, he even said such a request, and An Ran raised such a son for himself Feeling ashamed, Rui Rui glanced at his brother in disgust, how did he reborn in Lao An's house on the goods' IQ?

The most cheating is. The man with the mace actually seriously considered the feasibility of this bet, and then pointed to An Ran and said, "Is he your father?"

Lin Lin nodded vigorously. Not only that, but he also pointed to another cook, Huiyue, and said, "This is my dad!" The meaning couldn't be clearer. The cooking is my family. If you want to eat, Fight with me obediently.

Although the guy thinks bullying the milk doll is not kind. But he couldn't stand the favorable conditions, his brows were frowned and tangled for a long time, and finally the latter agreed.

"I will fight you. I don't bully you, I will let you three tricks!"

Lin Lin is full of black lines, I don't need you to let me, okay? Come and hello, hit you, relax!

Sure enough, Lin Lin went forward with Suffering Nightmare. The guy asked him to do it first. Lin Lin snapped his fingers unceremoniously, and the illusion was set up. Then he saw the guy swinging his nails and hammers on the open space. pit. The whole person is like a madman. At first, the Mace Mercenary Corps didn't understand what was going on. Soon, the goatee found the problem. He dropped his shoulders slumpedly, and said, "We lose." NS."

The men of the mercenary group can't believe it. They all looked at him in surprise, and he sighed, "It's a nightmare, the legendary big monster beast has a nightmare, you don't need to fight anymore, the big bull can't match it."

After they conceded, Lin Lin didn't rush to kill, and another snapped his fingers to make the nightmare withdraw from the illusion. The man was stunned, he didn't understand what was going on, why the opponent suddenly disappeared, the ground was full of pits, and the milk doll was so good. Stand on the opposite side. He is a stubborn brain, and is about to launch a second wave of shock, but he was stopped by a goatee, "Da Niu, stop."

The strong man listened obediently. He looked at his goatee blankly and said, "Military officer, what do you tell me to do?"

The goatee repeated: "You lost."

"Lost?" The strong man stared, "Why did I lose? I haven't started to fight!"

"I don't know if I got caught in other people's traps. Did you say you lost?"

The brawny man touched his head and said embarrassedly: "I am not smart, and I don't understand. Anyway, what the military division says is always right. I listen to the military division."

Goatee was very sad. He wanted to prove the strength of his team, and then wanted to give these veteran players a reliable position in the new team. Now it seems that the bamboo basket is empty, even the others in the team. The completely harmless three-year-old nanny can't beat them, what else can they do? Daniel is still the strongest on their side, which is too shocking.

He sighed, and was about to say that he would find another way out and would trouble them if he didn't stay behind, and he felt his shoulders sink, and then a hearty laugh came.

It was An Lie, the leader of the good brother mercenary group. He said quite sincerely: "Brothers don't need to take this matter to heart. This little guy is also taking advantage of the monsters. If it were not for the nightmare, he would not be able to beat this. A big brother." First use force to force people, and then know it with reason and move with affection. "You can stay at ease. We are from Nanyuan and we don’t have much reputation. We don’t know Xijing. We will need it in the future. Brothers help with planning." In order to recruit security, An Lie did everything he could. He patted his goatee on the shoulder and said: "Brothers will report their strengths and assign them. You are still a military commander. We need this. A smart person familiar with Xijing!"

The guys from the good brothers mercenary group have taken too much advantage of Enron. They can build a good house in the base camp, can smoothly come to Xijing to realize the transformation, can eat full food every day, eat delicious roasted meat, and get so much. All the strange and practical things are all because of An Ran's relationship. An Ran Anqi and the people they brought are all capable. Since they decided to take in these troubled guys, they naturally have no opinion.

Anyway, those who make the decision are those above who are only responsible for eating, and then charge when it is time to charge.

When An Lie was recruiting An Ran, An Ran was preparing the second wave of food. He had not forgotten that a small team went to a nearby city to inquire about intelligence. It is estimated that it will be back soon.

No matter how much news they inquired about, it didn't matter. Incorporating these dozen or so members of the Mace Mercenary Corps, although the increase in strength is not great, it is of vital importance to them when they first came to Xijing. The goatee soldier's name is Wang Yan. He discussed with the head of the Mace, and then quickly made a decision, agreeing to join the good brothers mercenary group, the matter was settled, and he continued to eat meat, and the goatee also began to talk about what Xijing saw and heard, and the major cities. As well as the distribution of forces, it is worth noting that the largest mercenary city in Xijing, Da Da City, is about four days away from where they camped. This is still the speed of flying magic weapons. An Ran listened carefully and occasionally intervened. In a word, I felt through the news of the other major cities, and it was best to go to DaDa City if I thought about it. There are a large number of mercenaries, the flow of personnel is also fresh, and there is always fresh blood injected. This is a city full of vitality, and An Ran has firmed up his ideas. From An Lie's love for mahjong, he thought of ideas.

In Xijing, oh no, it should be said that a new business has been opened up in the soaring world.

Fully refer to the business models of those luxury casinos in memory, such as craps, Texas hold'em, slot machines, blackjack... only unexpected. Nothing can't be done.

These things looked nothing new in Enron's eyes, but the Ascendant Realm had never appeared before. In addition, Dada City was the main city of mercenaries, and mercenaries accounted for 90% of the total population. People who are in danger of licking blood all year round like to seek excitement most, and gambling is definitely a beneficial activity for them, according to people's normal psychology. It’s always distressing to spend money on shopping, not to mention counting money when gambling. There is no need to worry about business booming, but you need to figure out the relationship between DaDacheng, who is the landlord, where is the most prosperous ground level, etc...

The subtle things still need to be planned slowly, and the basic development direction of the Good Brothers Mercenary Group has been determined.

The women stayed in the city of Dada to open the gambling city, and the men went out to do tasks.

Earn fame while making money.

When these things were flying in the air, An Ran and An Lie were almost talking about it. Now I only need to tell Goatee about the plan, and then let him give the most stable development plan based on the specific situation of Dada City, An Lie. Tell him clearly that our good brothers mercenary group is not afraid of anyone. If they can live together peacefully, they are naturally unwilling to cause trouble, and if others are cheating, don't be afraid.

The brothers have been in Nanyuan for so many years, and they are not vegetarian.

With this guarantee, the goatee can let go of his hand and do it. While eating the roasted meat in the bowl, he turned his mind to think about various plans. The guys of the original Mace Mercenary Corps have become one with the good brothers and Mercenary Corps. Men’s friendship always comes quickly, and it’s true.

An Lie looked at the happy appearance of his brothers, and felt at ease.

As expected, the brothers of the Pioneer Pathfinder came back soon. They were stunned when they saw more than a dozen unfamiliar faces in the team, and then they understood the situation after listening to An Ran’s explanation. Since they have already led the team, they There is no need to toss about, the Pathfinder team is also happy, An Ran brought them the freshly cooked meat, and then organized the brothers who ate and drank to dig up the buried sweet potatoes and roast them through a layer of mud. After so long, it was ripe, fragrant, and very tempting. They nodded their heads when they were buried. Everyone didn't say anything, and there was still some left.

Now that he is full, the baked potatoes and sweet potatoes are put into the space.

The good brothers mercenary group formed a team in place, ready to set off toward Dada City. Now that the destination has been determined and there are locals leading the way, then there is no scruples, they don't have to spend it here.

The eight sub-group leaders took out the flying magic weapon and let all the brothers go up, and the good brothers mercenary group was also assigned to one, and a dozen people were a strange one.

Xijing is not as rich as Zhongzhou, this thing is rare even among the big households in Zhongzhou, let alone Xijing, a remote area.

This kind of big hand made the goatee's conjecture even more solid, and this time he hugged his thick thighs.

All kinds of emotions in his heart, if they had this thing long ago, they would not have been tossed by Steppenwolves.

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