Origin Seeker

Chapter 131 – Dance

When they walked into the cabin, Dream re-did a bunch of the enchantments around the place, just to touch it up.

As he had preserved it before the girls were taken, everything was still the way it was. The girls ran around the place checking out their home sweet home. Riddick also brought Selene around, who was interested in the place they stayed in for 20 years.

"Actually, Old Man, what do you think about moving the house?"

"Moving? Where?"

"Well, you know that project I did at the Dome after you recovered? Well, the purpose of the project was to provide a hiding place for when I recovered you guys. And while the girls were taken before I could complete it, I still completed it."

"What about those pesky clans that use it?"

"They can no longer get in. I changed the enchantments on the core to not allow anyone entry, regardless of species. That should have blocked them out, so that dome has just been flourishing on its own for a while. So what do you say we move into it? It'll be our own little paradise."

"Hmm, what do you think, girls?"

"Sounds fun!"

"I'm okay with that."

Both girls nodded to the idea. 

"Alright. Will we have to rebuild this place though?"

"Nope. Just leave it to me. We can head over now."


For the next half hour, Dream uprooted the house and stored it. They all went over to the Dome and picked out a spot by the lake.

After gathering some wood and setting up a foundation, Dream brought back out the house and secured it. He also built a lake deck for them to hang out on.

Though several systems like plumbing were messed up in the house from moving it, Dream was also able to quickly fix those and even improve everything. After thinking about it, he decided to just expand the place a bit, making everyone's rooms more comfortable and the facilities more accomodating. When it was all done, they had a pristine 4 bedroom lake house .

From then on, the family set things up for themselves. Dream brought out beds, they arranged clothes, put up a few decorations, brought out couches and such, the works. And after everything was set up to live in, everyone relaxed in the living room, taking in everything that had happened.

"...I still can't believe we got out like that."

Selene spoke, summing up what everyone was thinking. Currently, she was curled up and nestled under Riddick's arm. Her relief was very apparent and obvious.

"While it seemed easy, if those railguns hadn't nailed their target, that wouldn't have gone so well. But they did, so we had a much easier time."

"Speaking of, Dream, how powerful are you?"

Selene looked at him curiously. To be capable of building those weapons, he definitely needed to be exceptionally powerful.

"I had just advanced to class 3 before we came to get you guys."

"Oh, congrats Dream."


Dream stroked Iris' fur as she laid curled in his lap as a fox. Luna was also curled up beside him, stealing his warmth.

"...Class 3?"

"Don't think too much about it. The Boy is a sort of monster."

"He's a hybrid?"

"Not that kind of monster."

"Oh...right. But how can you only be class 3? I had assumed you were a class 4 like Riddick."

"Nope. I'm level 220 right now. Though what I'm really interested in is you girls. How much have you advanced since you left?"

Dream looked at Luna and Iris who now looked rather different from before. He had noticed it a bit over the calls and when they were running around in the house, but it wasn't suitable to bring it up then.

When he looked at Iris, not only had her fur become a deeper blood red, she also had void black stripes in designs going around her body. Though the most noticeable part about her was the extra tails she had somehow grown. Total, she now had five.

"We both advanced to class 3. Mom taught us several things about our evolutions. We've actually evolved into a higher species. She also had us in the dungeons all the time to increase our power." (Luna)

"It was fun. We've never fought so much, but I always had a great time." (Iris)

Iris smiled as she remembered the many days of slaughter. Luna though wasn't as violent as her and didn't feel the same excitement, at least not to the same degree.

"I guess you were always more of a fighter. Befitting your predator class. Though if you're a class 3, that would've changed by now."

"I'm now a [Tyrannical Decimator]."

"That's awfully dramatic. But as long as it benefits you the best. What about you?"

"I'm a [Bonded Protector]."

"Still going down the familiar route. Do you like it?"

"Yea. Someone had to protect Iris after all."

"Hey! If anything I was protecting you."

"Sure, sure."

Luna just smiled and pet Iris, earning her a huff.

Although that was practically true as Iris did do most of the fighting, Luna, as per her skillset, was always there to heal her and guard against anything she couldn't handle. Not only that, but Iris relied on Luna emotionally, whether she wanted to admit it or not. This was especially true after they had been taken. 

"Well, congrats to you guys too for advancing so far. And I'm liking these tails. So soft. I really missed this."

Dream snuggled all 5 of Iris' tails. He had been lacking fur to pet all this time, so them having even more fur to cuddle was heavenly.

Selene watched them and was surprised when she saw the girls so content. They had never been at such peace when they were in the Empire. Not that she could blame them, but to think they found it through intimacy with Dream. She had underestimated how close they were.

"So...what happens after this?"

Iris spoke after some silence, curious about the future.

"Well, Raoul isn't going to be doing anything for a while. His underlings also no longer have the power to threaten us. The only reason we would have to worry is if he takes action himself, which I highly doubt. Even if he does, I've got 24/7 surveillance on the Empire to watch his every move, so we would know."

"He won't come after us. He's despicable, but not stupid. If he marches over here to attack us while we're under the protection of the Spire, he'll have hell to pay. Plus, the demons have been putting pressure on the Animal Empires. He won't have the time to leave his castle to find us."

Selene spoke, confident in her assessment.

"Then we're good. Other than that, for the foreseeable future we'll be participating in the war against the demons alongside the human Empires. I'm not sure when we'll get called to fight. Though that reminds me, I'll need to stop by the Spire to get an update. I'll probably just give Idona a bracelet. Anyway, we're definitely not going to be bored. In fact, I think Iris is going to have a blast. Slaughtering demons fits her very well."

"I've never fought a demon before. Are they strong?"

"At the same level, no. But they work in groups and are great at teamwork. It would be good to test your techniques and multitasking."


"How bad is the demon invasion over here?" (Selene)

"Dozens of villages and a kingdom have been wiped out. They're already capable of sending class 4's to attack. I'm convinced that they're already reaching a point that can threaten every Empire on the continent, but others don't think it's that bad and we're only preparing for a small preemptive attack. How bad is it over there?"

"A bit worse than here. As the closest to the land bridge, the United Empire has been receiving pressure and a few class 4 demons have attacked various settlements. The influx of class 3's is also alarming, and the Empire was getting ready to send troops to the land bridge."

"About the same as us. I think this is all only the beginning. They've been gathering their power and are at the point where they can expand, so they're doing so. I can only imagine the power of the demons at their core."

"Agreed. I had actually gone to a few gatherings to discuss them, but nobody wanted to step up first and fight them. It was all just a bunch of politics."

"Exactly! It was only when I called out those stupid politicians that they finally buckled and decided to move their ass. They were all worried about the logistics and costs. Which I can understand, but that comes second to protecting the lands. Worry about that after we don't have an enemy knocking on our door."

"And I'm guessing they still managed to reduce the intensity of the measures taken?"

"Of course. No matter what's going on they're always going to find a way to save themselves money. And even though we came to an agreement to at least fight back instead of just defending, they're going to just drag their tails on all of that as well."

"As expected. It's only when they receive a slap in the face that they'll wake up. Hopefully by then though it won't be too late."

"...Hey Old Man, how was someone like you able to land such a smart girl?"


"*Pui* What do you mean someone like me?!"

Selene giggled as Riddick snapped. Dream just shrugged.

"I mean, the only thing I ever see you do is reading some book. And while it's good to keep developing your magic, being in touch with the people is also important. You could learn some things from your wife."



"I must say, I'm also impressed. You seem to have some decent political grounding."

"I never found politics as something difficult to understand. Though participating in it is another matter entirely. I don't have the patience nor desire to enter that kind of world and turn myself into that. It's a world of twisting facts, lies, deception, and backdoor deals. And while they aren't the worst skills to have, I will not structure my life around it."

"I think the same. I'm surprised that such words are coming from someone so young though."

"It's nothing much, just knowing how you do and don't want to lead your life."

"And how do you want to lead your life?"

"I wish for the genuine pursuit of knowledge and happiness."

"Not power?"

"I gain power not for the sake of gaining power, but for those two things. Big difference."

"Indeed. And why is that?"

"Because...Well, what else is there to life? A goal to achieve and someone to love. A life like that is the only way to cope with the suffering around us, and keep the darkness from swallowing you up. It's not fun when you lose those things..."


As he spoke, his mood noticeably changed. Everyone picked up on this, especially the women. 


Luna nudged him, promoting him to look over. Using that, she got close and gave him a kiss. They separated only after a few seconds, where she then wrapped him up comfortably.

Dream took a deep breath, wiping away negative thoughts.

"*sigh* Anyway, we've got a good amount of time for our vacation, so there's no reason we shouldn't get plenty of sleep."

"Agreed. Everyone must be stressed. A good night's rest will help."

They all looked out one of the windows, seeing how darkness had already fallen. The girls' timezones were messed up and everyone also had enough mental fatigue from the escape to warrant sleeping.

So without eating, everyone headed to their own rooms, except Luna and Iris who had grown accustomed to staying together. Not long later, everyone was in bed, though nobody was asleep.

Not even half an hour after doors had closed, Dream got a tug on his connection.

'Through the wall.'

'The wall?'

Dream smiled and activated his mana, opening the wall of his bedroom that connected with the girls' bedroom. Luna and Iris looked through, surprised.

"I've enchanted this entire place extensively. Plus it's not hard to make my own doors through wood."

"You really have gotten more powerful. Will we be caught?"

"Of course not. Besides, I think your parents are too busy to pay attention to anything else. I'm glad I put out extra sheets."

Since Dream had this entire house under his control, he could definitely sense the ultra dense mana barrier in the adult's room that hadn't been created more than a minute after they entered. It didn't take a genius to know that certain activities were being carried out.

Knowing what he was talking about, Iris blushed heavily while Luna only reddened slightly, smiling a bit. It took Dream waving them over for them to finally climb onto his bed.

Luna was the first to crawl over and without warning, went straight for the mouth. Iris went slack-jawed looking at how casually she stuck her tongue down his throat.



Luna separated only after they exchanged plenty of saliva. Dream looked at her, sensing how hot she was. He didn't know what got her so in the mood, but he could definitely tell what she wanted. Though he couldn't focus his attention entirely on her.

"Huuhh... Come here, Scarlet."

Dream turned to Iris and lifted himself up, moving over to her who was sitting away from them. Luna wasn't the only one who wanted some love, but Iris didn't know how to take it. So Dream had to give it.

After pulling her in, Dream locked their lips. Gradually, Iris relaxed and lost herself in the feeling.

After plenty of tongue, they slowly pulled apart. Luna then crawled over and hugged Dream from behind. She whispered through their deepening connection.

'I think we're both ready for you.'

'You sure?'

'I couldn't be more sure.'

'...So who goes first? Can't say I have experience in this kind of situation.'

'Hehe, let's take care of her. She's a little more fragile.'

'Heh, I'll be gentle.'

Saying so, Dream brought Iris' mouth back to his. She then followed him down to the bed, getting comfortable.

Gradually, things got more intense as they communicated with their bodies. At first Iris was nervous and anxious, but as time passed, she let herself be open to the new feelings and sensations. 

Soon, clothes began coming off and bodies were pressed to each other. Dream could feel the excitement and expectation coming from her, as well as her vulnerability. And if he knew anything about Iris, it was that vulnerability wasn't easy for her. She was much like him in that way, so he could understand how much she was giving him. And he wasn't about to let that down.

So he showed her. If there was one thing Dream had gotten good at while messing around with Sophia, it was this. With his superior physique and developed technique along with the best teacher, there was no way he wasn't a master in the arts of pleasing a woman. 

Many people used to tell him that their first times were disappointing or weird, that the expectation was far from reality. But after tonight, Dream was going to make sure that neither of these girls could say that. If anything, he was going to make this the best night of their lives.

"...Let's dance."

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