Origin Seeker

Chapter 132 – Retrofit

8 hours later, Dream had two very satisfied girls laying on him.

He smiled a bit seeing their content faces.

[Look how happy you are.]

'I am very happy. To come this far with these two...It just feels right. They make me happy, and hopefully I was able to do that for them.'

[Huhu, I think you did that plenty well. Fortunately they're class 3's, otherwise they might not be able to walk tomorrow.]

'I guess things like this would be different and much more convenient for powerful people. I mean, you would only have to focus on the pleasure. Especially for them who were virgins, there wasn't any of the pain or discomfort.'

[And you never get tired. Although you might think that you're lucky to have landed them, anybody who knows about this would think the other way. I mean, over 7 hours of nonstop sex. It would drive any normal person crazy. Heh, and they very well may have been.]

'I guess. I mean, after doing it with you for so long, I had forgotten about how...vocal things could get.'

[Especially Iris. That was a new side of her that we didn't know about.]

'Although Luna may be the more forward and passionate one, Scarlet doesn't lose out on intensity. She's just more...'


'Yes. I mean, it was almost like she flipped a switch. Once we got started, bam, embarrassment went out the window. Not only that, she really tried to dominate me.'

[She's a predator, and that nature doesn't only show while hunting apparently.]

'I really had to change the way I handled her. First I was trying to be gentle and all, but when she tried to take over like that? Heh. At least I know she's kind of an M. And Luna? Oh man...'

[She a freak.]

'Seriously. I mean...just, wow.'

[I totally called it.]

'Uh-huh, but seeing is believing. Sure we got intense during make outs, but this? Talk about opening pandora's box.'

[Now you just have to figure out how to handle the parents when they find out.]

'I'm more interested to see how the girls handle themselves in the morning.'

[It is morning.]

'...Then over breakfast. I'll give it a few hours for everyone to sleep in before making food. I'm sure everyone will need some replenishment.'



When the sun had already risen and birds were chirping, everyone began to wake. Though it wasn't to the warmth coming through the windows, but to the smell coming from the kitchen.

After taking showers, freshening up, and dressing themselves, Riddick and Selene along with Luna and Iris walked out of the rooms, meeting each other's gazes in the hallway.

Selene looked at her girls for a bit before smirking. Iris blushed but did her best to hide it while Luna just smiled sheepishly. Riddick looked at their silent communication in confusion.


"Nothing. You know what that smell is? It smells good."

Selene played it off and walked out after giving the girls a kiss on the forehead. They all followed to the kitchen and were greeted with a food filled table and the sounds of sizzling grease. They all saw Dream cooking thin strips of meat in a pan. He had headphones on, obviously listening to music without a care in the world.


"Hm? Oh, you guys are awake. I made breakfast, so go ahead and sit."

"What'd you make?"

Smiling, everyone looked at the dishes on the table.

"Pancakes, some meat like bacon nad ham, there's tortillas, chorizo, and I also went out and found a chicken-like creature that laid eggs. I wasn't sure about how good the eggs were after seeing that they were green instead of yellow though. But I tried it, and it's not poisonous and it tastes pretty good, so I made a bowl of it. Other than that there's some bread, exotic fruit juice, and more meat. I made a lot, but I'm not sure how big Scarlet's appetite has grown so eat before she inhales everything."

"Wha..? Inhale? I'm not a cow!"

"You could eat a cow though."


Iris huffed and took a seat at the table, snatching a piece of bread and gobbling it down. Everyone else laughed and also took a seat.

When Dream finished cooking he brought the last plate over and sat. Everyone began eating all the food.

"Mm. This is good."

Selene spoke, impressed by the recipes from Earth Dream followed. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"I'm glad you like it."

"You didn't have to though. I could've cooked for us."

Iris chimed in. Dream narrowed his eyes at her.

"But you burn the meat."

"I do not burn the meat!! I'll have you know that I'm an amazing cook now! My skill is level 78."

"Oh that's right. I forgot you had that skill."

"Iris worked with some of the chefs at the Empire. She's rather talented at cooking."

"Interesting. Maybe you can cook dinner with me tonight then."


"Mm. By the way, I stopped by the Spire and got an update from Idona. There's some more bad news."

"What happened?"

"There was an attack on another kingdom. Everyone died, including the 2 class 4's there."

"2 class 4's..."

"Everyone's freaking out. Though this has finally gotten people to move their asses. Fortifications are being set up at other kingdoms while the Mercenary Empire is also preparing. Oh, they're also preparing a team to counterattack. Apparently there were 4 class 4 demons, so they want to send 7 of our own. Scouts are also being sent to properly estimate their numbers so the forces don't get destroyed like last time."

"When's the attack?"

"5 days."

"Did you want to participate?"

"I thought about it. But at the same time, I want these other people to get a taste of the demons."

"You're still not a class 4, so you being there wouldn't hinder that goal. As far as I know, you would be able to cover for everything at the class 3 level and below. That would save many lives. That combined with the recruited class 4's getting a taste of the demons would bring you support from both them and the lower levels."

"Given enough preparation, of course. To kill all of them would require me to build another ground army. Although I have the materials and the means, since this is for the Empires I would require compensation."

"You're sounding like a business man."

"Things are becoming costly, especially after we rescued the girls. I don't think you realize, but those railgun projectiles that were shot at Raoul were on the level of grade 11 mithril, almost pure."


"Yup. That's why they were so effective. Even the thousands of rounds fired from those aircraft were at least grade 9 mithril. The aircraft themselves were also grade 9. Those suits of yours? Equivalent to grade 12 mithril. The ships had armor that was grade 11 as well. And then I enchanted everything. That single operation took an unfathomably expensive amount of materials. And while an operation like the kingdom one wouldn't take that, I'm still using up resources. If I can recuperate some from the Empires who have more than plenty, I'll take it."

"Hmm... So if I got you the payment, you would fight?"

Riddick spoke while putting a piece of ham in his mouth. Dream nodded as he folded up his breakfast burrito. 

"Sure. In fact, I should start building more bots anyway, so I would be prepared come 5 days from now."

"Then I think I might try that. I'll just need one of your ships to go to the Spire."

"Sure. Don't stress yourself over it though. We're supposed to be on vacation right now. If they don't accept, then that's fine."

"Mm. Just be ready should they accept. And give me a list of the level of the materials you use"

"No problem."

"Then I'll head out today."

With that, they made their plans and finished up breakfast. 

A few hours after, Riddick boarded Dream's ship and went off to the Spire. Selene also joined him, not wishing to separate from her man as well as see something new. She had been in the castle for so long that going anywhere was fun for her.

So Luna, Iris, and Dream were left alone at the cabin. They all sat at the couch, wondering what to do. Well, at least Dream was. He didn't realize Luna had already made up her mind.


"L-luna! They just left!"

Iris shouted in exasperation when Luna went over and started making out with Dream not more than 5 minutes after the adults left. 

"You can't tell me you weren't thinking the same thing."

Luna spoke softly after they separated. Iris blushed but didn't deny it.

"Well...Ugh, whatev- Wait already?!"

Iris shouted once more as Luna took off her top, going back to making out. She just stood there, watching them for a bit before Dream suddenly pointed at her from the couch.

"Hm? What are you...H-hey!"

Not long after he pointed, Iris' shirt seemed to pull itself over her head by itself, exposing her voluptuous body. She only half fought it, knowing it was Dream doing the pulling. 

After waving her over, Iris also got her turn, and things only intensified. Even the room seemed to heat up under the erotic atmosphere.

And it wouldn't cool down for another 3 hours.



When night fell, Riddick and Selene had finally returned from the Spire. They walked into the cabin, finding Dream and Luna cuddled together while listening to music with one sleeping fox between them. Riddick huffed.

"Well aren't you comfortable." 

"Oh. How'd it go at the Spire?"

"The message has been passed on to the other Empires. We should hear back in two days whether they accept."

"What'd you ask for?"

"Recuperation of all materials destroyed in the battle plus 20% of everything on your list. They wondered if things could be paid for in gold, but we didn't accept that. You have no need for gold,"

"Indeed. What did they think about that price?"

"While it was high, they understood that you would take on the role of every soldier class 3 and under. And should you succeed, it would save thousands of lives. Though compared to the cost of employing soldiers, the person we spoke with wasn't sure if the others would see it as worth it. We'll have to wait and see."

"Alright. Thanks for doing that."

"Mm. Selene wanted to get out anyway. We weren't negotiating the whole day either."

"Sure. Once you guys got back, I was actually planning on going up to the station. I'll need to do some machine retrofitting personally up there."

As he said that, Dream began standing from couch. Though the two girls relaxing on him weren't having that.

"Nooo...stay...you're warm..."

"Keep petting me..."

"...I guess I can do it tomorrow."

Dream smiled and sat back down, not wanting to disturb them. It was supposed to be vacation time after all. Though this didn't mean Dream wouldn't do anything. So while he sat back down, he had Sophia start organizing the materials and robots he wanted to focus on.

What Dream wanted to do was retrofit all the bots that did construction and resource enhancement as well as the mining bots. Since he was much more powerful, they were due for an upgrade. Though since he wasn't allowed to leave right now, he had Sophia bring everything to him within the dome. 

Aegis was first sent out to open up the leaf roof of the dome, allowing everything in. At the same time, in space and all over the continent, robots began finishing up their jobs and packing up to leave. 

Later in the night, Dream and Iris began preparing dinner. It consisted of mostly meat plus some spices and sauces that Iris had in her inventory. There was also bread and such to compliment everything.

For the meat, Dream let Iris do everything as per her request and took care of everything else. And with her skills, it didn't take long for everything to finish.

When they sat down to eat, everyone dug in expectantly. And surprisingly, everything was absolutely delicious! Even Dream was baffled. Though he was pretty much able to figure out what was going on.

While she was cooking the meat using her skill, Iris was actually loading the meat with more mana and doing some kind of pseudo enchantment. And while he ate, he was able to detect this mana and not only its enchantment, but also how it affected the taste. Basically, it was enhancing the base taste of the food and imparting it to your senses through mana. This led to a much richer taste than one would originally get, even though the actual food didn't change.

But regardless of whether he understood it, he was thankful for Iris' cooking. Well, he was thankful for everything about the girls in general. He had only become increasingly infatuated with them over these two days, and even little things like this made him really happy.

After Sophia teased him a bit for falling so deeply for them, everyone praised Iris' food by devouring it quickly. Afterwards, they all headed to bed for the night where Dream expressed his thanks again. 6 times.



In the morning after eating breakfast, Dream went outside the cabin where his mechanical infrastructure was waiting for him. The girls also went out with him, both interested in these machines and not wanting to separate from his warm body. 

"...Jeez. How can there be so much metal?"

"All of them have mana sources too. Did you really enchant all of this?"

Both girls looked at the large mechanical fleet that took up a chunk of space across the plain. Every robot and ship was spread out and perfectly lined up like a professional army. They all silently stood there, awaiting orders. 

"I did indeed build all of this. But they're due for an upgrade, so I'm going to be modifying them."

"Won't that take forever?"

"Not really. In fact, I can do it all from right here. Let's sit."

Saying that, Dream brought out a couch on the grass, sitting down. Curiously, the girls also sat down and got comfortable, waiting for the show.

At the same time, Aegis came off of him and formed into a humanoid in front of them. Dream then began forming his globe network, designating Aegis as the anchor. 

After the network was formed, Dream created a connection from himself to the central globe around Aegis, allowing him to drive the enchantments from a distance. Then, he sent Aegis off into the large crowd of machines.

When Aegis arrived over everything, strings were created and materials began unloading themselves from different ships. All the thousands of mana strings went towards all the robots in the fleet and materials were also flown over, merging with and modifying them. 

Luna and Iris watched as metal was forged in mid air and mana flowed elegantly. Over time, the mana density in the area began to rise as he carried out enchantments on all the cores and the bodies of the robots.

And when they focused on a few robots to see what was going on exactly, they were stunned to see how intricate everything was. They could hardly understand anything going on! Not to mention reading the bizarre enchantment, even seeing the robotic structures and engineering baffled them.


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