Origin Seeker

Chapter 220 – Date

"Welcome to Paris!"

"Oh. Cool tower."

Iris spoke as they landed in a large plaza. In front of them was the Eiffel tower.

Since it was around dusk, the setting sun painted the sky pink and cast a warm glow on the tower and the buildings around it. It made for a brilliant display, however, since Luna and Iris's standards for extraordinary constructs were sky high, it didn't impress them much. But it wasn't like they didn't think it was nice. This was Earth after all. Things were different here.

"This tower was built and has been standing for nearly 200 years."

"200 years huh? That's a pretty long time. Especially for such a crudely built and mana-less building. Hey, I see a room up there. Can we go up?"

Iris pointed as she focused on the top of the tower. With her powers, she could naturally scan the entirety of the tower instantly. She already knew everything about it in and out as soon as she landed.


Dream nodded and activated his magic, flying the three to the top of the tower. There they entered the famous apartment room of the creator of the Eiffel tower. 

"Well this is a nice place."

Luna spoke as they illegally entered the room without a care in the world. They looked around the place that had old preserved items from so long ago.

They walked past everything while looking around at all the old wood furniture and made their way to the top floor where there was an observatory. This place overlooked the entire city.


Both girls' eyes lit up as they took in the view around them. The orange colors reflecting on the sides of all the buildings, and the people all eating dinner in the restaurants around them, enjoying their partners and the comfortable atmosphere. It was a serene and captivating picture, something only seen on Earth which had developed as far as it did. The fact that this was just another city was amazing as well. On the other world, you could only see something like this in the biggest empires. 

"This place is known as the city of love, a place where millions across the world come to indulge in romance. This tower is also one of the most popular monuments in the world, standing as the icon for this city."

"City of romance... Is that why you brought us here first?"

"Maybe. It was the first place that came to mind, and since it was sunset, I thought it would be nice to come here."

"This place really is nice. You can almost feel how festive the city is from here. But..."

Luna looked around and then at Dream, her mind suddenly getting ideas. 

"If this place is one where we indulge in romance, then we should start doing as expected in such a place, no?"

Smiling, Luna moved over and wrapped her arms around Dream's neck. Her silvery blue eyes gazed into his hazel ones as the golden sun illuminated the sides of their faces. 

"Oh? I like where this is going."

Dream grinned, and as if their gazes communicated, they silently came together and kissed. They could feel each other's emotions as they did so, full of love, trust, and content.

Eventually, they separated, And the two looked into each other's eyes more. Meanwhile, Iris spoke from beside them.

"As if I'm not even here."

"What, you think I forgot about you?"

Dream rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm, pulling her into his embrace. They then did as the french do, and Iris slowly lost herself in the feeling. 


After a while, they also pulled apart, and Iris let to a hot breath. Dreams eyes went wide as he looked at her heat up.

"Don't tell me you want to do it here?"

"Is there something wrong with that? Besides, you kissed me first."

"This is one of the most iconic places on this planet, and this room we're in has been preserved for over a century. We're not even supposed to be here."


"...You know what? Screw it. Come here."


Iris jumped on him as soon as he said that, going back to making out as she wrapped him up with her legs. Luna giggled as she watched them, biting her lip in anticipation.



A few hours later, when night had fallen on the city...

"...Welp. At least I can say we made good use of the room."

Dream spoke as he looked around. The once pristine and preserved room they were in was now... not so pristine and preserved. There were broken chairs, shattered tables, walls with holes in them, the main support pillar was destroyed, and there was a hole in the floor in the shape of a person. 

"Not like anyone uses it anyway."

Luna said that as she straightened out her clothes with a rosy face. 

"Besides, to think you could use magic like that... There was some mental magic mixed in there, right?"

Luna spoke as she recalled their session. Just the thought made her shiver a bit. Not in fright, obviously.

"Only a bit. That was to allow the sensations to reach your soul, where you would feel things the best. I thought of it on the spot."

"Well, it was certainly otherworldly. I'll see if I can learn it too, and then we're definitely going to have to do this again."

She smiled as she gave Dream another big kiss. At the same time, Iris came up the stairs, her clothes all ragged and face red.

"Well hello there. Come to your senses yet?"


She huffed as her clothes disappeared, and new ones appeared moments later. Her hair then fixed itself, and she returned to her normally graceful and fiery appearance.

"Hey, it's not my fault you can't control your magic."

"My skills aren't so easy to control! The level of control that you have is abnormal. Besides, your magic caught me off guard..."

Iris twirled her hair embarrassingly. After losing her sense of reason for a bit, her body heated up and melted through the floor. In fact, the hole went all the way down all three floors, almost punching through to the outside. It was only Dream's quick thinking that prevented her from exposing herself to the crisp night air.

"Huhu. Anyway, we should continue our date. Next stop, Italy."

Putting his arms around both of the girls, Dream activated his magic and teleported them outside the room, only after making some repairs to the place so it at least wouldn't collapse. He then flew off, cruising in the air above the landscapes so they could take in the sights.

Eventually, Dream lowered them over a particular city. The three landed between some buildings where the music was lively and the lights were bright. Dozens of people ate outside restaurants, played instruments, and there was even an area for dancing. 

"Haha! I can already smell the pizza!"

Dream laughed as he looked around with a wide grin. The girls also looked around excitedly, the festive atmosphere quickly infecting them. 

"Follow me, you two. Let's have some dinner."

Waving them over, Dream walked over to an outdoor restaurant filled with people. After speaking to one of the hostesses, they were seated.

As they took their seats and got their drinks, the girls noticed many different eyes pointed their way. Dream also noticed, but he couldn't care less.

"Haha! Isn't this great?! Actually, I've never been here before, so this is new even for me. Feels weird."

Dream's mood went skyward as he looked around him, a big smile plastered across his face. Travelling the other world and Earth felt entirely different from each other. It was only now that Dream was feeling giddy for being able to come to these places. Hearing this, Iris's brow raised, seemingly forgetting that Dream wasn't always so powerful that he could go anywhere he wished. 


"Yea. Travelling costed a lot of money that I didn't have before I was taken across worlds. And while I was never hell-bent on travelling, it was still a cool thought. But now, I get to travel wherever I want! And with two beautiful women, no less."

Dream smiled and winked at them as he spoke. Iris rolled her eyes, but Luna played along and leaned forward, hands under chin. 

"Is that right?"

"Oh yea. In fact, I have a request."

"What would that be?"

As Luna asked, Dream stood up and walked in front of her. Leaning over, he put his arm out.

"Care to dance?"

"Hm, I thought you'd never ask."

Luna stood up with a smile as she spoke. Then, arm in arm, they walked to the dance floor where several other couples were already moving to the music.


Luna beamed as Dream spun her out and into his arms. Their bodies came close, and they moved with each other to the rhythm of the music. 

Side to side, forward and back. Their bodies seemed intertwined as they moved across the floor, and there wasn't any sense of discord, as if they had preplanned a routine for this very song. 

"You know, the last time we went on a date, and the last time we danced, a really bad turn of events occurred. That won't happen again, will it?"

Luna spoke softly as they continued to move. Hearing her, Dream smirked. 

"Baby, it'll take nothing short of a demi-god to take you away from me."

The two grinned before closing their eyes, the music overtaking them. Despite the lack of vision and concentration though, they never ceased to dance flawlessly and never bumped into anyone. 

"Guys! I'm gonna order!"

Suddenly, Iris's voice was heard from the table. 

"Hmm... Get me a few pepperoni pizzas. Luna will have the one with all the bell peppers and whatnot too."

"Uhh, alright."

Dream spoke to her telepathically from the dance floor, not bothering to stop. Iris just nodded and gave the order to the waiter that had arrived at their table, speaking perfect Italian as if she was raised in the language. This was something afforded to her who could wield the Universal language. Afterward, she went back to watching the two love birds dance. 


"Damn, that smells good."

After a while, Dream and Luna stepped off the floor and went back to the table where the food appeared. There were already three pizzas, and Iris was digging into one.

"This stuff is good! So much better than those ones we made in the oven."

Iris spoke as she stuffed her face full of the cheese-covered crust. Nothing was wasted as every drop of sauce and grease was sent down her throat without end. This wasn't the first pizza she had devoured, and many more were lined up.

"Of course it's better. This stuff is handmade in its country of origin. It's a real Italian pizza."

"Well Italian food is awesome!"

"You think all food is awesome."


Iris didn't refute that and just nodded as a matter of factly. 

"Well, let's not eat too much here, not that that's a problem. We still got several other countries to visit and many sights to see."

"What kind of countries."

"Well, I was thinking we could go to the countries with monuments and wonders, like Paris and the Eiffel tower. Then we can go see the natural wonders like Niagara Falls, the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, maybe some cool forests and landmarks."

"That sounds cool. By the way, when's this party with your family?"

"Less than 24 hours from now."

"Party? What party?"

Hearing them, Iris looked up with question marks. Dream smiled.

"You two and your parents are coming with me to meet my family. Because of my sudden appearance, they're hosting a family gathering, so you're going to meet them during this party."

"Wait, we're meeting your family?"

"Yes. Did you think I didn't have one?"

"No, I know you have one. I just... I don't know. It never came across my mind that we'd meet them. Since we were on another planet until only a month ago."

"Yea, I get it. But hey, we're here now, and I want you guys to meet each other. Though you should prepare yourself, because it's the whole family."

"What do you mean, the whole family? How many brothers and sisters do you have?"

"Only 3, but it's not just them. I know this is a foreign concept to you guys, but there is such a thing as aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. And my family has a lot of them."

"How many?"

"I would say around 40 or 50."

"That many?!"

"Yup, and most of them are going to be there."


"Relax, it'll be fine. I'm sure you'll fit right in."

Dream rubbed Iris's back as she got nervous. She sighed and then picked up another slice of pizza, sticking it all in her mouth and swallowing it in one go. 

"Alright, I'll give it a shot."

"Thanks. Now let's hurry and eat all this before heading out. We've got lots of places to see."



After finishing their meal in Italy, the three left and took off to other places. 

Dream brought them to exactly the places he said he would. First, they visited all the wonders of the world.

The great pyramids, the temple of Artemis, the lighthouse of Alexandria, the great wall of China, the Colosseum, the Taj Mahal, the leaning tower of Pisa, and more. 

They went and saw them all, and the girls always got excited seeing something old and interesting. While they didn't really know anything about it, Sophia was able to give them a quick rundown, briefing the history and significance of it all. 

All of that really enraptured them. Unlike the planet they came from, Earth had a history going back thousands upon thousands of years, lots of which was documented. Hearing about so many different histories as well as how long ago it was was a mysterious feeling to the girls, especially since this was a history of humanity with no magic, making their accomplishments that much more impressive and awe-inspiring. 

Eventually, they stopped visiting the wonders after seeing most of them and started visiting the natural wonders. Dream flew them around the world to see all sorts of amazing natural formations, like Victoria falls, the great barrier reef, and Mount Everest. He even went so far as to bring them down the Mariana trench to see all kinds of weird fish. Curiously, they were actually able to spot some magically evolved fish with mana signatures. From this, they could tell that Earth was evolving to become more like Kabaan. 

They spent their entire 20 or so hours exploring the world, broadening their views. Even for Dream is was an amazing experience since he had never seen any of those places personally, so the three enjoyed the voyage of discovery together.

After a long while though, Dream eventually received a message from his sister, telling him to come home. The party was about to start.

"Well, looks like that's our cue. The party is starting soon."

"Then we should head back. Mom and dad are in the city, so we can go get them."

Luna spoke as they stood up. In front of them was Mount Fuji. Although it wasn't daytime, that didn't really matter to them who had senses that could surpass the 3rd dimension entirely. They saw the mountain and all the beautiful trees around them as clear as day. 

"Alright. Then I'll see you guys at the house. Just come as you normally do. In fact, you don't need to tell the old man that he's going to a party. It can be a surprise."

"You're so evil. I'll take care of it, so go on."

"Sure, sure."

Chuckling, Dream drew on his aether supply and enveloped himself, creating his own pocket of space and tunneling through dimensions. He quickly disappeared from the girls' view. They also activated their portal skill and teleported back to the city to grab their parents.



Meanwhile, back when the bald man Corvatsch closed the portal, he himself teleported back to the realm he came from. 

After only a few seconds, he appeared back inside the house on top of the grassy hill where he resided. After he materialized within the study, he walked out toward another room, opening the door.

This room was totally empty, void of any detail like it was a pocket of black space. Inside this room was a girl with a white mask on, and she sat in the center of this void black room cross legged, as if meditating.

"I see you've tamed the vestige."

Corvatsch spoke as he sat down in front of the girl, his apprentice. Her eyes behind the mask opened the next moment.

"I did. I'm still recovering though."

"Divine artifacts aren't so easy to control, and using your skills to fuel a spell after you were already heavily injured is a high price to pay, so naturally you won't be able to recover immediately."

"It was necessary."

"Indeed it was, and I'm proud that you were able to make such a decision as quickly as you did. It seems all my training has paid off."


The girl nodded, and Corvatsch smiled mysteriously. Despite her calm outer appearance, he could tell that she was anxious. In fact, the moment he opened the door, her aura became slightly turbulent.

"Now, I'm sure you know what my return means."


"Dream has passed through the portal and is already on Earth. After conversing with him and seeing for myself his being, I can now see why he was chosen as a Seeker."

"Does he... know about me?"

"No, he doesn't. Your reunion will be a surprise. For both of you."

"Both of us..?"

"Now, there will still be a few things you must do upon going there. For that, I've been told to give you this parchment. You'll understand what to do with it when you read it and the time comes."

Saying that, Corvatsch took out a paper and handed it to the girl, who took it with a weird gaze. She knew he was hiding something from her, but she just put it in the back of her mind. 

She quickly read the paper, which was from that mysterious man giving orders to Corvatsch. It was full of uncharacteristically casual but profound sentences and plenty of prophetic statements that seemed to already know what she was thinking and what she would do.

After reading it, she had a general idea of what she needed to do, but it was vague enough to leave out specifics. Basically, she would need to go to Earth to figure out and carry out her task.

Knowing that, she put the paper into her inventory. She then looked to Corvatsch with almost pleading eyes.

"Huhu, very well, I won't keep you waiting much longer. We leave in a few hours. Stabilize your soul until then."

Chuckling, Corvatsch stood up and left the room, leaving the girl to prepare herself. After the door closed, she continued to stare off into the void in front of her.

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