Origin Seeker

Chapter 221 – Family

"I'm home!"

Dream shouted as he entered the house. When he did, he could already smell cooking food.

"Hey! Where were you all this time?"

Melody spoke from the kitchen where she was helping her mother prepare food. When Dream walked over, he could see several pounds of meat, some chips and dip, taco shells, pizzas, spaghetti, and more. 

"I was traveling the world. Why, did you need me?"

"No, just wanted to make sure you didn't miss the party. People start showing up at 3."


Dream nodded. There was an hour before then.

"By the way, what's with those new cars in the garage?"

Dream's mother spoke, and he smiled.

"Those are the cars I promised you. I built them myself."


"Yesterday. They can fly and are self driving. They also don't need refueling, so go ahead and toss out those other cars when you're ready."

"Flying cars? Are you serious?"

Melody looked at him as if he were stupid. Dream just shrugged. 

"Go try it if you don't believe me."

"Hmm... Mom?"

"Go ahead."


Smiling, Melody ran out of the kitchen and into the garage, eager to see if the cars really could fly. 

And 15 minutes later, Melody was running back into the house.

"Mom! They really can fly! Really fast too! And it talks!"

"I told you."

"Hey! How was I supposed to know you could actually build that stuff?"

"Like I said, I build spaceships in my sleep. In fact, those cars can fly you into space."


"Come back after you fly by my space station. The computer knows where to go."


Melody ran out of the house once more, jumping into the nicest car and flying off. Meanwhile, Dream's mom rolled her eyes. 

"She's supposed to be cooking, you know? We've got 6 pounds of meat to make."

"I can help with that."

Dream walked over and started unwrapping meat, throwing it on the grill or in the oven to cook. He then helped out his mom with other stuff.

"...So when is this family coming over?"

After some silence, his mother spoke. Dream just answered casually. 

"When everyone else does."

"Alright. Now, what should I be expecting?"

"Two beautiful women with very different personalities."

"Wait, two?"


Dream smiled as he prepared some ingredients.

"It'll be a little bit of a culture shock, but I have two girlfriends."


"Seriously. They're twins too."

"...I must say, I would've expected something like that from Austin, but not you."

"Well, their situation is a bit complicated. Magically speaking. Basically, they can't really be separated, so I ended up taking them both."

"I see."

"Are we talking about me?"

At that moment, a voice was heard from behind. Austin came walking into the kitchen, and Dream smirked seeing him.

"Heh, yea, kind of. I was just telling mom how awesome I am, and how jealous you're going to be pretty soon."

"Jealous? Of what, your small dick?"

"Hah! If mine is small, then yours is nonexistent."

"You boys never grow up, do you?"

Hearing them, Shannon shook her head. Austin just chuckled with confidence.

"Whatever. Anyway, who's this girl of yours we're going to meet?"

"You know, I think I'll keep it a surprise. I look forward to your expression when you see them."

"Oh? So she's at least pretty. Be careful I don't snatch her."

"Believe me, that's the last thing I'm worried about. I suggest you just don't get too pushy. We wouldn't want anything unfortunate to happen."

"As if. I may not be as powerful as Melody, but I'm still a class 3. There's not many people who can even touch me."

"Well, if it helps you sleep at night, keep telling yourself that."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that there are now many more people who are as strong or far stronger than you and even Melody. The city that I built and the people I brought over live by a much higher standard than anybody on Earth can even imagine. Luckily, I have them all under my control."

"...So that city and all those robots... Those really are under your control?"

Austin spoke a bit dazedly as he also started helping with the food. Dream nodded.

"Yup. Don't worry, I'll be showing you all soon enough."

"So if you are really in control of all those people and have the power to build everything that you did, then how powerful are you?"


Dream was silent as he powdered for a few seconds.

"The strongest person on Earth, that guy nicknamed the Dark Knight, is on the cusp of stepping into the class 4 realm, and he's really is strong for a class 3. But within my city, there are a few dozen actual class 4's, and all of them can annihilate him easily."

"A few dozen? Seriously?"

"Yup. In fact, there used to be over a hundred, but the demons wiped them out on the other world, leaving only some behind."

"Okay. Now, those few dozen people..."

"Most of them are approaching the highest levels of the class 4 realm, so for class 4's, they're pretty strong."

"And you can control all of them?"

"I can kill all of them. They're virtually incapable of injuring me if I don't allow it, and none of them can resist my power."


Hearing Dream's bold statement, Austin went quiet. Their mom also paused for a second, digesting what he said. 

"Anyway, you guys are still lacking. But luckily, if you want to, I can introduce you to some people to help further your skills. Plus, I'm planning on leaving the demons alone so as to maintain a good source of experience for you guys."

"Wait, leave the demons alone?"

"Yea. I was planning on wiping them out, but I've decided against it. For some reason, they're really weak here, so I have nothing to worry about."

"...Huh. So you disappear for a few years and now you're a bigshot."

"You could call me the king of the world. King Dream. Or King Sylus."

"Yea right. I know you well enough. You being a king is impossible. Let me guess, it's not actually you who 'controls' that city of yours, huh?"

"You got me."

"Of course I did."

"Fun fact, it's actually my girlfriend who is reigning over the city."

Dream spoke with a smug face, obviously proud of the fact. Austin's eyes widened a bit.

"A queen huh? Man, I can't wait to see this girl. I wanna see the unfortunate babe who fell for your ugly ass. Maybe when she sees me, she'll finally understand what a true man is."

"Uh-huh. Sure."

Dream just rolled his eyes as Austin laughed. 

*Knock, knock!*

"Hello! Anybody home?!"

Suddenly, a knock was heard as the front door open. Dream and Austin went out to see who it was, though they already recognized the voice.


"Would you look at that! It's Sylus! How are you doing, sweetie?"

"I'm doing really good. It's nice to see you."

Dream smiled as he went and hugged his grandparents. 

"It's nice to see you too. We brought food."

"I'll take it to the kitchen."

"Alright. Where's your sister? And Walter, is he here?"

"Melody is out paying around, and Walter... Where is Walter?"

"He's picking up people."

Austin answered as Dream took a couple of pots and bags to the kitchen. 

Not long after the grandparents came in though, another knock was heard.


"Uncle John! Aunt Linda!"

"It's Dream! How're you doing, guy?"


"Well look at you guys! You've gotten bigger!"

Dream smiled as some of his little cousins ran in, much bigger since the last time he saw them.

Soon, more people started pouring into the house, family by family. The time for the party approached, and the house was already starting to get festive.



"~When the moon hits your eyes like a big pizza pie, that's amore~"

"~When the world seems to shine like you've had too much wine, that's amore~"

Eventually, the rest of the family arrived, filling the house with people, food, and music. 

There were easily 50 people all around the big house who were watching tv in the living space, snacking on chips and dip in the dining area, cooking in the kitchen, playing in the pool outside, or sitting around a bonfire. If one were to see everything without knowing any better, they would think it was some kind of house party instead of a family gathering.

Though, there was more than just family there. There were also close friends of the family who were treated as if they were one of their own. Everybody there knew each other well. Melody had also arrived, though she was beyond stunned and baffled, taking some time to gather her thoughts about everything she had seen and experienced.

Dream, of course, was the one in the middle of everything. Everyone was thrilled to see him back from the dead, and he had already gone on for almost an hour just greeting and conversing with people. The only reason he hadn't gone into full lecture mode was because he needed to wait for the girls and the 'in-laws'. 

It was an incredibly lively atmosphere, and some of the family were already dancing in the living area to the jazz playing over the speakers, a normal occurrence in these gatherings. 

Meanwhile, a certain group of people approached the house, landing in front of it. From outside, they could hear the music and see plenty of people through the windows around the place. 

"...Is this seriously supposed to be a family gathering?"

Iris spoke as she looked at the house incredulously, her nervousness mounting. Riddick and Selene were also hesitant. If not for Sophia guiding them, they would've thought they were at the wrong place. 

"Dream sure does have a big family. I can already sense almost 60 people. Is every family on Earth like this?"

"I highly doubt it, but who knows. I'm still processing how this world works. It's so different from Kabaan."

"So... are we just supposed to walk in? Everybody in there is going to see us..."

Iris spoke anxiously after her parents. Without her knowing it, she was getting very self conscious, something she almost never worried about. 

"...Let's just call Dream."

Shaking her head, Luna tapped into their connection, nudging Dream with it. A bit later, the front door opened.

"Hey guys!"

Dream smiled brightly as he walked out, giving them all a hug. 

"I'm glad you guys came."

"Dream, are all of those people seriously your family?"

"Yea, pretty much. Pretty crazy, huh?"

"Yes! Are we just supposed to walk in there in front of them?"

"Hmm... Actually, wait here."

Pondering for a second, Dream rushed back into the house, leaving the four there. He returned quickly though. 

"Mom, dad, I want you to meet your future in-laws."


Opening the door, Dream led his parents out to meet the four. They quickly laid eyes on each other.

"Wow... you weren't lying about them being beautiful. Hi, I'm Shannon, Dream's mother."

"I'm Luna. It's nice to meet you."

Shannon walked over to Luna, and they shook hands. At the same time, Dream's dad, Douglas, walked over to Riddick. 

"...I'm Douglas, Dream's father."


The two shook hands. While Douglas was taller than Riddick, it wasn't by much, so it wasn't like either towered over the other. Since Dream had taught them English as well, communication wasn't an issue.

After greeting both girls, Shannon then greeted Selene. Douglas also greeted them, and soon, they were all acquainted.

"They're here?! Why didn't you let me know?!"

Suddenly, a shout was heard from the door, and Melody came walking out. She stopped in her tracks though when she saw the girls.


"Melody, this is Luna and Iri-"

"They're here?! What, are you trying to hide them from me?"

Interrupting Dream, Austin also appeared. He too though stopped in his tracks when he saw Luna and Iris.


"Is that all you have to say, playboy? Anyway, this is Luna and Iris."

"...Which one is the girlfriend?"


Dream scratched his head sheepishly when he said that. Hearing that though, Austin's jaw dropped.

"Both? There's no way. Your scrawny ass?"

"I'm literally bigger than you."

"And two? How do you have two girlfriends? That know each other no less."

"They're sisters."

"Even more impossible. Hi, I'm Austin."


Totally disregarding their conversation, Austin went over and shook Luna's hand. He also went to shake Iris's, but she just looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"It's alright, Iris. He's not that bad."

"...I'm Iris."


Hearing Dream, Iris sighed inwardly and shook Austin's hand. 

'Heh, they can see the nature of souls. Austin is a notorious playboy, and unluckily for him, they can basically see that.'

Dream chuckled inwardly as he remembered the girls' inherent skill that could expose the nature of souls. While Luna didn't really care, at least not outwardly, Iris was more true to her thoughts. 

"Anyway! I welcome you all to our home. Things are just getting started, so come on in."

Shannon smiled and led the family through the large double doors into the house. When they walked in though, all eyes swiveled to them, and things got a lot quieter.

With so many eyes on them, Luna and Iris got more nervous. Well, it wasn't the amount of eyes, but who the eyes belonged to. This was Dream's family, and their impression bore much more weight than random strangers.

Seeing the attention, Shannon laughed and announced.

"Hehe, everyone, I want to introduce some people to you. These two lovely ladies are Dream's two girlfriends."


"Two girlfriends? I thought that was only a Chinese thing."

A few people spoke out and started laughing.

"Well, it's true. Anyway, this is Luna, Iris, Selene, and Riddick. Grab some wine and beer and give them a warm welcome, cause they're here to stay."

"Well damn! Welcome to the family man!"

Standing up and laughing, some of the uncles came over with a bottle of beer and handed it to Riddick, dragging him off elsewhere. 

"Selene, follow me and we can get some wine."

"Oh, alright."

"You can come too if you want, Luna and Iris."

"I would love to."


Not questioning everything, the women went with Shannon, going to the kitchen where many of the wives were hanging out. Dream just smiled as he watched his family walk off with the four.

"Hehe, this'll be a fun night."

"Hey! Explain your relationship with those two!"

As Dream chuckled, Austin came over to him demanding an explanation. He just smirked at him though.

"It's as I said. They're my girlfriends."

"But... there's two of them! How the hell did you pull that off?! I've only been able to get two girls together once, and it was during a threesome with a chick and her friend at a concert!"

"Hey, maybe I'm just that awesome."

"I call bullshit."


"...Fine, keep your secrets. So who's the queen one? Luna?"


"And what was with that Iris girl? She looked scary..."

Austin shivered a bit as he recalled Iris's cold gaze. He could sense, just a bit, how powerful she was from that menacing aura. He didn't know why she would dislike him though when they just met.

"She's basically chaos incarnate, and she probably just doesn't like you. Think of it this way, both of those girls can do something similar to reading your mind. They probably saw all the vulgar crap that goes on in that horndog brain of yours."

"What?! There's no way."

"Believe me or not. Now, I'm gonna go get myself a brownie."

"Hold up! I still have questions!"

As Dream turned and walked away, Austin chased after him. 

And this kicked off an eventful night of festive greetings and celebratory activities.

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