Origin Seeker

Chapter 232 – Wedding

Not long after marriage arrangements were made, Dream appeared on top of the sun. The blazing surface of powerful radiation and plasma waves extended out as far as he could see. Despite being able to traverse millions of miles with ease, Dream still marveled at how large a singular object could be. The sun could fit within it the mass of over a million Earths. It seemed truly endless in its size, at least until one viewed it from afar. But even then one would have to be millions of miles away to see its entirety. 

These thoughts flew through Dream's head as he lowered himself to the surface. He was in his cosmic form and didn't need to worry in the slightest about the copious amounts of gamma radiation coming from the ocean of plasma under him. He quickly formulated how he would go about turning a chunk of this place hospitable, and he raised his arms. 


It was like an explosion was released from underneath him as a ripple spread across the fire. All the raging plasma was stilled, creating a flat platform that was raised above its surroundings. This plasma seemed to become solid as it rapidly darkened like cooling magma. After a minute or so, Dream looked upon the mass of cold hydrogen that looked like a raised island. 

This little piece of land was perfectly round and 2 miles in diameter. This was plenty big for a venue. However, just this much wasn't nearly enough. 

Moments later, a cargo ship came flying toward Dream. The hatch opened, and tons of material was dumped. These were Dream's nanites, and they dropped on top of the island. 

The nanites were powered by the sun's radiation output as they absorbed other materials and multiplied. This multiplication occurred endlessly. So long as they had power and material, they could increase their numbers. 

With this, Dream gave commands. The nanites pierced into the cold hydrogen platform, spreading out evenly and synthesizing materials like lead and other dense elements that could effectively absorb or block radiation. Other nanites also stacked on top of each other, creating a protective dome that covered the island. Despite this dome being thick and composed of heavy elements, it was totally invisible. 

From atop the island, one could see towering solar flares that rose higher than any sky, and beams of light that rose around the bounds of the land, making it seem as if there were a shield of light protecting everything within. Dream stood in the middle, his power assisting the construction of materials around him. The floor beneath him turned from black to brown as soil was synthesized and piled, creating a soft layer. 

Not long after, a few other cargo ships arrived. These ships carried plants such as grass, trees, and other exotic fauna that came from the other world. Many were wonderfully colorful, some of the grass even being blue instead of green. This was sent by Luna, and she already had arrangements for how things would be laid out. 

Dozens of bots were also deposited. They transplanted all the plants in certain areas. This didn't cover all of the venue, only some patches of land being covered in plants. However, Luna planned on coming herself later to expound on this. She planned on using her power of revival and life to accelerate the growth of these plants and spread them naturally. 

This was despite Dream being able to get the same exact results with his nanites. With the mass of a million Earths underneath him, he could construct literally anything he wanted. Gardens, buildings, waterfalls, and more. But Luna stopped him, saying that his way of doing things was 'lifeless'. 

Hearing this only caused him to smirk though. Plants had no life, no soul. They were composed entirely of material that was arranged in fancy ways. Dream could spontaneously build himself a new species of plant with totally unique genetics, and it would thrive just like any other plant. But Luna didn't really like that, for some reason. Though, the reason why surprised Dream.

Apparently, Luna could feel the difference between Dream's constructions and naturally grown plants. Neither of them could explain this phenomenon though. All they knew that was, when put to the test, Luna truly could pick out Dream's constructions, even though they may mimic another plant perfectly. She said that the auras they gave off were almost exactly the same except for the tiniest minor difference. Even this difference took some searching to find, but when in the presence of many such constructions, that difference was multiplied, and she could feel something off. 

Either way, Luna wanted her genuine plant life, and Dream didn't fight her on it. After a day, Luna herself showed up to fill the plants with vitality. The result was an immaculate garden filled with green, red, blue, yellow, purple, and even silver and black plants. There were some small ponds with beautiful fish as well as a small, gentle waterfall. 

It was an incredibly serene landscape that likely no venue on Earth could match. Even Dream lost himself in the vibrant feeling of vitality and comfort. 

After the landscape was created, buildings were made. This was easy though, and Luna merely tasked Dream's nanites to build them. They were built within the day, and after two full days, the entire landmass was complete. 

"Okay, so what's the guest list look like?"

Dream asked as he gazed at the island venue from afar. Luna was beside him, and she smiled when he brought up this question. 

"Glad you asked. There are about 200 people I plan to send invitations to."

"200? My family is big but not that big."


Luna rolled her eyes. 

"Your family, my parents, and Alice's family are a given. Then there are friends of ours and our families. This puts us at around 130. All the others will come from outside. Basically all of them are people I know. Call them business associates if you will."

"We're inviting your politician friends?"

"Not just politicians. CEO's of global conglomerates and major businesses too. Plus some other minor officials."

"Okay, why are we inviting people we barely know?"

Dream questioned her with a weird expression. This was a wedding, not a summit.

Luna pursed her lips. 

"This is normal in the kind of world I live in. I've been to plenty of weddings myself in the last few years, and many of the guests are people you either know or have dealings with. It just so happens that all the people I have dealings with are at the top of the world, and I'm a mostly neutral party who cooperates with everyone."

"Well, at least cut that number in half. I want more friends than acquaintances there. I also want our families to have fun and not worry about putting on a show for these famous people. This is our wedding, not their party."

"Eh, alright."

Sighing in acceptance, Luna immediately crossed out the majority of her invites, leaving around a dozen people who she was most close with. Of course, these were people that she was close with but not necessarily friends with. She had a whole other list of personal friends that she planned to invite. 

Dream understood Luna's plight. She was famous and lived in a social and business world. Naturally, she had more acquaintances than the number of people Dream had met in his entire life. For such a big event, she wanted to show off a little. 

But Dream wouldn't accept his wedding becoming a convention. He didn't care about world leaders or the heads of global corporations. All that was so inconsequential to him. All he cared about were the people closest to him. Those were the only people that mattered. 

Later that day, Luna arranged the date of the wedding to be 4 months later. This would give enough time for everyone to clear schedules. She also created the invitations herself. The invitation was a card-sized piece of crystal. The details of the wedding were written in beautiful golden calligraphy that seeped into the crystal. The entire thing radiated majesty as if it were a priceless treasure. And if used in forging, it could become a truly powerful weapon. 

After creating over a hundred of these cards, Luna sent them off. The cards shot through space powered by enchantments Dream had laid on them. Within moments, they delivered themselves to every invitee, passing through every obstruction to appear in front of their intended target. Several high level executives, including the president, were shocked and surprised by the sudden intrusion. 

Thus, the date was set. Unknowingly, news of the wedding spread rapidly. By the time 4 months had passed, the world knew that Luna, the queen of the Oasis and most powerful woman in the world, was getting married. This caused men everywhere to cry out in righteous anger, all wondering who could possibly match up to the majestic and elegant existence that was Luna. 



The time of the wedding soon arrived. In the week following up to it, Dream had spent much of his time with his family, tearing himself away from his piling list of experiments. His mother was especially adamant about him sticking around. 

Over time, Dream's family had come to realize what kind of existence he was now. Because Luna and Alice were much more social than him, they often heard things about him from them. They were told about all his crazy doings, but also about how unfathomably powerful he was. They also gave hints as to what he would be doing in the future. 

This forced them to accept that Dream had gone beyond the logic they knew of. Sure, he was a grounded and humble being, one that could still enjoy a simple life. But he was also someone who pursued the pinnacle of science and magic. He couldn't even be compared to the rising stars of Earth, ones who had performed feats of godlike power as recently advanced class 4's. Although he was only a class 4 himself, he was way beyond what a class 4 could possibly hope to compare to. 

Luna and Alice spared no word when describing his power, but they also realized that the family wouldn't be able to totally understand it. Sure, they could talk about how Dream could crack open a planet, but they wouldn't know what it meant to be capable of such a thing.

The family knew this as well, so they had eventually learned that they would just have to accept Dream's new way of living. They wouldn't be able to see him for long periods of time, something that would only get worse as his power grew. He would be detached from their daily lives, and they wouldn't really be able to experience the kind of life they used to with him before he was ported away to another world. Things had changed. 

Now, however, was one of the rare exceptions. Dream was getting married, and the family didn't let him escape for even a second. All relatives had converged for this grand occasion. 

Of course, many of Dream's family members felt weird about him getting married to three women. This was especially so when one of them was Luna, someone who had arguably become the most famous person in the world. Nobody didn't know who she was. She was a literal queen. 

But not only was Dream going to marry her, but he had two other women. This was an extraordinary situation, and they had to adapt. Some had even come to talk to him about how serious he was about this. To that, Dream could only chuckle. 

Dream's connection with any of the three girls wasn't exactly normal. Luna and Iris were not only inextricably linked to each other, but him. Then there was Alice who had been with Dream in his darkest times before he was ported away to the other world. He wouldn't go without any of them. 

And luckily enough, the three had come to love each other as well. Luna and Iris were already sisters, and Luna got along great with Alice. While Iris was more detached from Alice, the two didn't have any problems, especially after having spent so much time together. Alice making sure Iris didn't wreak mayhem anywhere was a good way for them to bond. 

And so, the four didn't have any problems. Sure they had their conflicts here and there. Dream often got on Luna's nerves, while he and Alice would have differences in philosophical opinion. As for Iris, any conflicts with her were solved through battle, making for very straightforward communication. 

They had formed their own dynamic that worked. Even beyond that though, if all else failed, Luna and Iris couldn't separate from Dream. That was a matter of life and death. The two would kill each other without him in between. Such was a problem that hadn't yet been solved. So perhaps subconsciously, the three knew they had to get along at all costs. Of course, their relationship had never stepped into such dire circumstances, and all of them hoped that it would never come to that. 

The four were inseparable, and now, they were making it official. Dream would pledge his life to them, and they would pledge their lives to him. Their relationship went beyond the earthly desires of a mortal, because none of them were any longer mortals themselves. It was a bond that went across dimensions. Each one would give their everything for the other. 

Even this ceremony was merely a show. They didn't need a ring to affirm their love. All four of them knew this. But perhaps unfortunately for Dream, the girls still wanted their ring. They wanted their big day, so he would give it to them. 

In the days leading up, Dream and the girls were swamped with talks with the family. All kinds of preparations were made with Luna making sure everyone had what they needed. She also had to make sure that everyone knew that she had things covered. Because the venue was a bit special, she couldn't have people flying to and from, so she had to do her best to appease and reassure them. 

Then, the day came. On the invitations, it gave a location. All people in question were brought to a field that held a fleet of ships. These ships were large like cargo ships, enough size to the point where they could be lived in like houses. 

Each group of people were boarded onto these ships. Family was on one ship, friends on another, and acquaintances on another. There were 10 total ships. 

Of course, nobody had been notified of this beforehand. It caused several to wonder what was going on. People like the president and several elites of the world that Luna had invited were wary. They had expected to come to something like a fancy reception hall, not this. 

Fortunately, Luna was able to round them all up, pushing them onto ships. Once they were boarded, the ships rose up and flew off. Their destination was the sun. 

These ships took a few hours to reach the sun. They used fusion thrusters, enchantments, and even spatial tunneling to zip through space. During this time, nobody felt anything. They could only see the space outside through their windows, their minds wondering where they were being taken to. 

Then, they arrived. All the people within the ships peered out the giant windows. In front of them was the sun, blazing with incomparable power. Of course, the windows dampened the light received from the sun. But even then, they were enraptured by a sight only they had ever seen personally. 

The ships quickly descended. The sun in their vision grew until they couldn't see its edge. Soon, they saw a platform amidst the raging sea of flame. The ships approached this island. 

The ships slipped right through the protective dome like it was a liquid. After that, they landed, opening their hatches. Everyone walked out, their senses greeted with a lush paradise full of color and serenity. 

"This way, everyone."

Suddenly, Luna appeared in front of them, beckoning them over like a tempting siren. The people followed her lead while taking in the sights around them. Even they could sense the flourishing vitality around them. The blue grass, the green trees, the colorful fruits, the soft streams of water. The solar flares and curtains of light up in the sky that gave off a feeling of chaos and oppressive power. These things contrasting against each other made everyone feel a sense of wonder they had never experienced before. 

Of course, nothing in this place was hostile to their wellbeing. If anything, the ease and profundity they felt rejuvenated their minds. It was like all the mental fatigue they had ever built up throughout their lives was washed away. This was a true paradise in their eyes. 

Eventually, the mass of people arrived at the venue. The venue was a towering spire. The base of the building was made of white marble that seemed to swirl with a milky liquid. This base extended upward before converging inward. Then, the marble split apart into large shards that floated in mid-air. 

These mysterious shards turned translucent, almost into mirrors, as they spiraled hundreds of feet upward into the sky. It was a shattered tower, held together by mystical, arcane powers. It was broken but ordered, looking like a magnificent piece of art. 

But Luna didn't lead the people into this building. She steered everyone toward another smaller building that wasn't nearly as grand. As they approached this building, the people's euphoria began to fade, and they were grounded back to reality. 

It was here that Luna walked over to the crowd, specifically to Dream's mother. Because everyone had snapped out of their reverie, they all finally took a good look at Luna, only to be stunned once more. She was adorned in a beautiful blue dress, her silver hair tied into an intricate bun. While the dress wasn't fancy, Luna simply exuded an aura of grace that made anything she wear seem elegant and refined. 

Upon approaching Dream's mother Shanon, Luna took her hands, adorning the sweetest smile. 

"Would you mind coming with me, soon-to-be mother? I could use your help with dress preparations."

"Huh? Oh, yes! Let's go, sweetie."

"Hehe, of course. You too, mom."

Luna chuckled as Shanon's enthusiasm before turning to her own mother. Selene smiled, quickly approaching her daughter.

Before they went off though, Luna announced.

"All the other women, your dresses are in this building on the right side! Just come with us. As for the men, for those of you who aren't already dressed, your tuxedos are on the left side of this building. Any of your questions can be answered by my father, Riddick. Now, chop chop everyone! The wedding will begin in a couple hours."

"Of course!"

"All men, come to me!"

"Haha, I finally get to dress up nice!"

With invigorated shouts, the crowd of people flooded into the building. All the men converged and marched into their dressing rooms, picking out from assortments of suits and ties while secretly sneaking swigs of booze. As for the women, they rushed into their own dressing rooms, a frenzy ensuing that released plumes of perfume and throes of compliments. 

The wedding was officially underway.

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