Origin Seeker

Chapter 233 – Enraptured

Luna wasn't the only one who was present within the dressing rooms. Her other two wife compatriots, Iris and Alice, were already present and getting ready. 

Of course, when all the other women arrived, they were immediately distracted. Dream's family quickly flooded the girls, moving to make all sorts of arrangements. They sat them down in chairs, grabbed curling irons, and went to town. 

It was an hour of pure mayhem as they dressed and criticized the tiniest of details. No fold could be out of place, no hair could be sticking out, and no sweat was allowed! This seemingly simple event was turned into the biggest deal as Dream's family ran around and made sure absolutely everything was perfect. Even Luna was stunned into silence by how serious they were. It was like their lives depended on the success of this wedding. 

Alice was similarly surprised, but she had more experience with how Dream's family operated. They were a rambunctious family that seemed to always be at odds with each other. But in truth, they were closer than any other family she knew. They took care of their own, and this event, this wedding, was a huge deal. It wasn't just a union between two parties, but the introduction of new members into the family. 

As the older women yelled out instructions and corrections, and the younger girls hastily followed them, Luna overlooked them all with a smile. She had initially expected to have a calmer, more orderly wedding. But this flamboyance, this chaos, had its own charm. 

However, unlike her, Iris wasn't having nearly as much fun. She didn't exactly take kindly to three different women picking at her hair and constantly adjusting her dress. So before things got even worse, she quickly escaped that madhouse. 

After leaving the dressing rooms, she turned her head. From the other side of the building came hearty cheers and loud laughter. She raised her eyebrow and walked over, brazenly entering the men's area. 


After she walked in, all the men inside went silent and turned. Currently, there were around 30 men who sat or stood around some couches and bar tables. Some of them were fully dressed, but others were only half-dressed, their white button-down shirts and suspenders still exposed. Some were doing their hair or adjusting their shirts and trousers. Most of them though, at least among the older ones, were drinking. 

Iris's presence was surely surprising. She came in dressed in a solid black dress that outlined her slim but curvy figure. This was her wedding dress, but she naturally didn't care. Seeing all the men having so much fun, she smirked. 

Not long after she walked in, Riddick saw her and asked curiously. 

"Honey, is there something you need?"

Hearing that question, Iris smiled and looked around. Raising her hand, she snatched away a big bottle of hooch from one of the older men, taking a large swig. 

"Ah! I need this! I had to wake up today, so I might as well have some damn fun!"

She cried out with a grin. Seeing this, several other men laughed. 

"Haha! Amen, sister!"

"She's one of us! Get over here!"

"We got plenty to go around!"

Cheers erupted as Iris was welcomed into the fray. These men, half of which were husbands, naturally understood Iris's plight. Riddick could only chuckle seeing his daughter's brazen attitude.

From another room, Dream heard all this and smiled. Right now he was sitting on a couch. He was the only one in this room beside another man. This was his father, Douglas. 

The two sat across from each other, both sporting half-serious demeanors. They were currently in the middle of a discussion. 

"...So who's number one?"

Douglass spoke after some silence. He had also heard the cheers that announced Iris's entrance. 

Dream smiled wryly.

"Is there really an answer to that?"

"It usually wouldn't be a question, but your situation is special, so it deserves a special question."

"Sure. If you're asking who I'm closest with, then that might be Alice. If you're asking who I most enjoy, then that might be Luna."

"And Iris?"

Douglass raised his brow. Dream rubbed his chin. 

"Hard to say. If I'm being honest, Iris is more detached. For the past few years, she's basically been doing nothing but sleeping. And I mean actually sleeping. She may not wake up for months at a time."

"Really? Is she sick?"

"Sickness isn't a thing at our level. She's waiting."

"For what?"

Douglass inquired.

"The day that we leave."

Dream sighed. 

"She's simply bored. Here on Earth, there's nothing for her to do. She's not like me or Luna or Alice. We can keep ourselves occupied. But her? Her occupation is slaughter. She indulges in endless killing."

"Is that right? What is she, some kind of monster?"

"She's no kitten, that's for sure."

"And so what, you need to leave because of that?"

"To the inner universe, yes."

Dream nodded with his eyes closed. 

"We're not going to be here for much longer, dad. I need to give Iris an outlet, and everyone's power here is limited. Even I'm beginning to reach my limits here. This isn't totally for Iris's sake, but even if I wasn't reaching my limits, if it were for her, I would still do my best to get her somewhere she can flourish. She may not be like us, but she's no less important to me."

"So your soon-to-be wife will be doing nothing but sleeping for years on end, and you're okay with that?"

"Yes. Also, it's not as simple as just sleeping. She holding herself back. That woman has a fire that's constantly burning inside of her. But she can't let it out. She'll end up killing people if she does. So for my and Luna's sake, she holds it in. Sleeping makes that easier."

"So she's a ticking time bomb."

"Pretty much. But that's just her nature."

Dream let out a light breath as he swirled a cup of wine.

"I've come to realize certain things about her, and the biggest detail is how she operates. She's a bundle of chaos, the polar opposite to Luna. She doesn't build empires, she destroys them. My job as her soon-to-be husband is to find her empires to destroy. That can't be done on Earth."

"Hm, I see."

Douglass nodded, processing what Dream said. Dream just laid back against the couch, a myriad of thoughts flying through his mind. 

Eventually, Douglass sighed. 

"Well, I can't say I have experience with marrying three women, so you're on your own here, kid. Besides that bundle of chaos, Luna and Alice are good ones. And that Riddick fellow isn't so bad either. I think I can handle being his brother-in-law."

"Hehe, that's good. Anyway, I think I should-"


Suddenly, Dream was interrupted by a shout. He shifted his head to Alice who had spontaneously appeared in the room. 

"What happened?"

"Uh, well, I think my master is here?"


Dream's eyes went wide. Meanwhile, Douglass was confused. Who was this master that Alice had?

Without skipping a beat, Dream let loose his influence. Alice's soul was slightly shaken by the sheer power Dream contained. In just a second, he went from a mortal to an all powerful being. 

"You sure have grown since the last time I saw you."

At that moment, a voice was heard in the ears of Alice and Dream. Yet another person had appeared in the room. It was Corvatsch, Alice's master and a being that even Dream couldn't comprehend the power behind. 



Dream stood while Alice bowed her head. Douglass simply continued to sit, unsure of who this person was. 

"At ease, at ease. I've only come to partake in the festivities."

"Master, how'd you know?"

"How wouldn't I know? The one above told me I might want to be here for this. My apprentice is getting married off to a Seeker. It's a rather happy occasion."

Corvatsch smiled, his face scrunching up a bit. Alice scratched her head, a gleeful grin plastered across her face. 

Dream clapped.

"Well, it's great to have you here, sir. The ceremony should start in a bit. I think Luna is about to round everyone up."

"I see. Then I'll be sure to blend in. However, just a little tip. You're going to have another unexpected guest arrive here soon. Luckily he only brings good intentions."

"Oh? I'll keep my eye out then."

"Mm. Oh, and here's a little something from the one above. I guess you can consider it a gift."

Corvatsch took out a parchment the next second. Dream slightly frowned, obviously not liking where this was going. He took the parchment.

"Is that a soul binding contract?"

Alice chimed in seeing the parchment. The paper had ethereal writings on it, seemingly flowing with some kind of life. Dream could see structures within that were made of soul strings. This paper was enchanted with a soul, though not a sapient or functioning one. 

Hearing Alice and seeing the four blank lines on the sheet, Dream had an idea as to what this did. He turned to Alice who quickly explained.

"This contract can bind the souls of people to one another. If we were to use it, our four souls would be directly connected. Our bonds would be maintained even across entire realms. Only if one of our souls was destroyed would the bond be broken."

"So it's a really strong connection. What's the point of this?"

"It's a way to sense each other. Our thoughts, feelings, and more practical things like direction. We could communicate soul to soul without any medium. Specialists who have this soul bond are often good at working together. There are also many people like us who use a soul contract to affirm their bond. It's marriage taken many steps further."


Dream nodded, though he was confused. He already had a connection with Luna and Iris that was soul to soul. He even had a sub-skill for it called [Nexus]. While his connection with Alice wasn't as deep, it was more so than normal. But now he was being given this soul contract. He wondered for what reason the so-called 'one above' would give him this. It definitely wasn't for nothing. 

As Dream pondered, Alice took the parchment from him. She looked at it, at Dream, and then back at it before using her finger to sign her name on one of the lines. 

Dream looked at her with confusion. 


"Like you said. We're pledging our lives to each other. I'm willing to do so through my soul."

"It's unnecessary."

"Maybe for you and the other two. But I want to have the same thing you guys have. Plus, it's actually very useful in the inner universe. Don't forget we're going to be heading there, and who knows what might happen."


"Just think about it. I'll be back."

As Dream was silent, Alice turned and disappeared with the contract. Corvatsch had also already left, while Douglass just continued to sit in his seat, unsure of what was going on. 

Dream sat back down into the couch with a sigh. However, it wasn't long before the second unexpected guest showed himself. 

"I hope I haven't missed anything."


Dream perked up after hearing a voice. His head turned and his senses pierced the walls. Above the island was a blindfolded man dressed in white robes and carrying a large golden book. From his back extended a brilliant pair of white wings. He was an angel. 

"It's you."

Dream spoke as he instantly appeared before the angel. This was the angel that had left Earth's development to him. This angel had taken a hands off approach for the last several years, never once bothering Dream. His only eyes and ears were the few angels that still resided on the planet, and even they stayed low key. 

And after all this time, the angel hadn't gotten even a little bit more powerful, while Dream had grown rather significantly. Now, knowing that this angel didn't have a spiritual body, Dream was certain he could kill this angel if he so desired.

But there was no hostility between them. The angel smiled. 

"You've grown since last I saw you. The reputation of the Seekers truly doesn't disappoint. You could have safely entered the inner universe a while ago, let alone now."

"I have my own plans. But rest assured, It won't be much longer before I call upon you to open those gates."

"I could've guessed. You've made many changes since I've been gone. You're turning your planet into a powerhouse. That will indeed be helpful when it is exposed to higher powers."

"I know. So anyway, what brings you here?"

Dream asked as he led the angel down. By now, some people were assembling outside, so they clearly saw Dream walking with this outstanding angel. Many of them were stunned, wondering what sort of connections Dream had to come in contact with an actual angel. Though, they were more so stunned by the fact that they were laying eyes on an angel at all.

The angel maintained his brilliant smile as they walked forward, speaking with a serene voice. 

"A little bird notified me of this big event. A transcendent getting married. It's a significant and planet shaking occurrence. Of course, I don't intend to impose any customs on this occasion. I've only come to give my congratulations."

"Then we must thank you in advance."

Suddenly, Luna's voice sounded as she came walking over. She had also noticed the angel, and although she wasn't sure who he was or how he knew Dream, she still treated him with respect. Though, her doubts didn't last long as Sophia quickly gave her information on Dream's previous encounter with the angel. Her expression didn't change as she was enlightened. 

"Might I get your name?"

Luna asked while holding her hand out. The angel spoke as he shook it. 

"My name is Archangel Giros. You must be Luna. I've heard much about you."

"I'm flattered. Well Giros, if you plan on staying, please enjoy yourself. The ceremony might be dull, but the party will be lively."

"Anyone who believes the ceremony is dull doesn't truly understand the magnitude of today's event."

"Oh? You seem to place great importance on this marriage."

Luna questioned curiously. Since the beginning, the angel had been emphasizing how grand this occasion was. She couldn't help but think there was more behind his words. 

The angel smiled.

"But of course. A marriage is the establishment of an inseparable bond. In the inner universe where the powerful roam like birds, a group of exceptionally powerful beings who are united on all fronts are oftentimes the strongest forces. A spouse brings another perspective to life, and when facing dangers and conquering conflict, they're an essential ally who can make up for your deficiencies and boost your strengths. Perhaps more than that though, a spouse brings a greater purpose. They're one of the greatest motivations for bettering yourself, only second to the children you may have together. They're the greatest hope one can wield in times of darkness. When people such as you, people who have so much potential, come together as you are, it marks the beginning of a legend! What kind of empire will you build? What kind of mark will you leave on the vast universe? I can only fathom the amazing achievements you will garner together."

Archangel Giros spoke with grand fervor, enrapturing the crowd of people who had gathered. Meanwhile, Dream and Luna stood together. Hearing the prophetic words of heroic anticipation, Luna felt a stiring in her heart. She couldn't help but imagine building a glorious empire by Dream's side, the two rising to unfathomable heights, and then having children as overlords. She dreamt not just of having power, but wielding it alongside the one she loved. Unbridled prosperity and fulfillment for her and her loved ones. These things she longed for. 

She inched closer, taking Dream's hand and leaning against him with a perfect smile. She couldn't conceal her happiness in that moment.

At the same time, Alice had been listening from between dimensions. She usually moved in silence, hovering around like a ghost. When she heard the angel's words, she felt the same shake in her heart. She suddenly had the unbearable urge to go and conquer the greatest foes, her and Dream working side by side. The two would plan, conspire, and strike like vipers in perfect unison. They would cut down demon kings like cattle, moving in the darkness from target to target while reaping spoils and cultivating insurmountable power. They would be unnamed legends that garnered fear, respect, and awe from all corners of the universe. 

The expectation and anticipation tore at her. She moved behind Dream, gazing upon his back. He withheld the same explosive power as her. To others, he was a mortal. To her who knew the truth, he was the ultimate foundation of power. Even with her experience from the inner universe, she knew no others who could match the sheer depth of his strength. In fact, she didn't believe he could be described using the word strong or powerful. 

She believed he was a sovereign. A king that ruled over magic itself. Mana bent to his very will, obeying him willfully like a conductor and his ensemble. It made him terrifyingly beautiful. She wanted nothing more than to witness that transcendent might alongside her own. Together, nothing could stop them. 

Dream stood there, his face neutral, but his mind inspired. Feeling Alice behind him, he pondered for a moment before activating his [Arcana] skill. He used aether to create a link to the dimension Alice stood in. She surprisedly lifted her head as his spiritual body formed before her. He put out his hand, and she took it, the two sensing the other's longing. In this moment, Dream wanted to sign that soul contract so he could feel what she did, and vice versa. 

However, in this moment of inspiration, there was one who wasn't there, but that Dream didn't forget about. He could sense Iris still within the men's dressing room. She sat on a bar stool with a jacket over her shoulders, her head down in thought. He could sense her inner conflict. She wasn't feeling the euphoria that Luna and Alice did. If anything, she was feeling disconnected. 

Dream turned his head, his gaze piercing the walls and laying upon her. Then, after momentarily excusing himself, he moved to her.

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